
July 23rd, 2024 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “dance”

  1. Excitement flashed in his eyes, he knew this tune and recognized how the townsfolk were dancing. He pulled at the hand of his companion, urging them to join – much to his companion’s dismay. Though, in the back of his head, he remembered the last time he turned down such a dance.

  2. Dance, round and round the telephone I go, swung and tossed back and forth, “talk to…” “I’m sorry, ma’am, but you need to talk to….” “I just did…” “Well, I am sorry but I can’t do anything, call…” I’m worn out, I don’t care whose problem it is, I have no interest in justice here, I just want it solved.

  3. When she heard the drumming, she walked out of the hotel to find its source. In the main square of the town, she saw the women engaged in a trance-like slow dance in a circle. She watched them but started to feel the tug of the drumming. Then she joined them.
