
September 23rd, 2024 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “dancer”

  1. Open flames moved and twirled to the rythm of the band. A circle of interlocking hands skipping around and around adding a song. The inferno relished on it’s main stage.

  2. Through the beats and melodies, he danced on the floor. He danced until the room slowly faded into dark. He would dance until it was enough. Was it ever enough? Dancing was peace. He found serenity in dancing. Would it ever be enough? He thought. Would this be enough? Yes it would, no it wouldn’t. Dancing was life and life was never enough for him to dance along with.

  3. Through the beats and melodies, he danced on the floor. He danced until the room slowly faded into dark. He would dance until it was enough. Was it ever enough? Dancing was peace. He found peace in dancing.

  4. Dancing is something simple, the movements applied to a song. Simply moving fluidly with emotions. Through dancing she found peace. Peace where she can simply move. Peace where she can simply just dance. It’s just peace.

  5. Dancer stands on toes, feet on point, she would be flashy in the daylight but here, she glimmers in beauty of stillness and motion, every movement flowing

  6. When the night program started, the music was slow and she stood near the wall with a few other women. Then when the music sped up, she stepped out and became a wild woman, a dancer without bounds. Or bonds.

  7. Tall exotic twisting and turning yearning to be free from the tight laced shoes that grip her toes that hold her ankles in a position only a stake should hold her back is straight and tense sweaty droplets of grief for what she may never become and then she will drop twirl fall lay and it will be over like the swan she would portray

    Sarah Bawden