
November 26th, 2008 | 535 Entries

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535 Entries for “deny”

  1. i give my all so you wont deny me.

  2. To deny is to not get what you want or what another person wants. I was denied when my credit card reached its limit. I was denied when I tried to get to third base with a girl I knew. I was denied when I tried to get alcohol when I was under 21. Deny, Deny, Deny. But without deny, there can’t be a success.

    kelly lacy
  3. i deny the truth in which has been said. many think all of the above is possible but some may not believe the truth. how do we know existence is possible, through imagination of course. how do we make sense of life, we don’t. thus we know that we do not exist

  4. Deny? Deny what? Deny the existence of God? Satan? The human race? It doesn’t make any sense. That people would want to deny in something that speaks so clearly to the unbridaled soul – unless they are, as we sometimes are, afraid of commitment.

  5. i am in denial that i love rico. i dont know how to tell you all of this becuase i dont know how to explain it to myself. i just feel kinda of that i love him because i feel lonely. and i dont understand why i feel that way because i have a lot of people who love me and i love them.

    Theresa Schallhorn
  6. deny the feeling you feel right now. because if you don’t deny it, everything changes. and when everything changes, everything hurts. and when everything hurts, everything is over. and when everything is over, everyone is done.

    sad girl
  7. everybody everthing i don’t want you or believe in you this site my mind your car the floor or doors that open up to superflous possibilities because i’m still me and your still you and thats not so great…mortality …o what else…what if

  8. “Don’t deny it, you enjoyed it,” he said. “When he grabbed you, I saw you smile, just for a second it was there, I know it”

    jason v
  9. I cannot deny the world. One day I know I will see things as they are. My perfect blanketed shell will be ripped to shreds, and the cold hard light will leak in at last. There is no denying the truth, I cannot hide myself much longer.

  10. Run. Lie. Hide. Cower. Weak. I see through your deception.

  11. I am in denial. I walk this thin line between good and evil. I am afraid I will fall off the cliff soon. I try to deny what is running through my brain. Sometimes I can focus my energies on what my life is openly about. Sometimes I spend the whole night tossing and turning and thinking about the hidden secrets I am in denial about. I know I shouldn’t give in.

  12. I wish to deny my existence. Not that I wish i was never born or anything, I just want the world to know that I don’t really think I exist.

  13. “You will not deny me my birthright!” The prince exclaimed as he was dragged away by the palace guards. He knew that this signaled the beginning of a new era for himself and his kingdom, but he had no idea what troubles lie ahead of him save for one most pressing issue: He must escape this palace with his life.

  14. Deny that you love
    And forgive those that prove you wrong
    Just deny
    Because i know that one day,
    You will clime out of your self-inducee enclave
    and you will whisper
    that way i know you can
    and you will love me.

  15. Having someone deny you of what you want can be a real bummer but being denied something by someone you love to teach you a lesson could be a good thing, I guess. I hate not getting what I want but if I always got what I wanted I would be a spoiled person and I don’t want to be spoiled… do you???

  16. Close up
    clothes off
    open up
    can’t deny
    won’t deny
    what’s to deny?
    Never wrong,
    always perfection.

    Ever love.

  17. one time a boy denied his parents. He got smacked up the head and then he got thrown out of the window. He was sad. lol jk.


  18. Why bother? It’s time to open up to the possibilities that lay in the truth of the moment. I won’t try. And I certainly won’t fail.

  19. Deny me what you will but soon we will see where you’re denial has led you. Being deceiving is funny because its denying someone the truth. And for what purpose would this be done. Deny a child his or her childhood and you’ll have a monster. Deny yourself nourishment and you’ll become a monster.

    Stephen Moon
  20. i deny life, existance, belief,
    i deny denial
    I deny myself
    i deny others
    i deny me
    just plain denial.
    how contradictory.

  21. how can i deny the time
    I spent with you years ago?
    even now they seem more real
    than the time I spend here now;
    and what will happen
    when this disappears into the years
    and the memories stay fresh and strong as ever?

    Don H.
  22. I want tto deny the thoughts that fill my head, all the doubts and the fears…. and no matter how hard I try to deny all of it I still find myself crying alone at night and asking “why?”

  23. deny the action having just taken place, the reminiscent of such hast… such a moment of pleasure, however… I deny the way you came on my face.

  24. He tried to deny his love for me, but I seen it in his eyes. He needed me, he couldn’t handle being apart from me. He was the dangerous thing a human could find, but I still couldn’t give him up. He was mine, I wanted him and he wanted me. The cravings for each other were too unbearable when we were apart. But when he was with me, it was my blood he craved.

  25. one word can be anything. it can be space, time, money, air, anything you want. pretend its a million dollars. would you want it? i would. that would be nice. pretends it your best friend. would you save them? i would. one word is the simplest thing there is. if you let it be. of it can be the scariest.

  26. I can’t help but think that maybe you are afraid of what will happen if I stay. Maybe one day you’ll look back and realize how good I was to you. So fuck it. It’s over, I know you’re not happy but you won’t admit it and either will I.

  27. I deny my depression over and over. Everyone says I need help or something rash will happen, but it won’t. I just need to go to Boston for the week, to see the jelly-fish, or “Sea Jellies”.

  28. Don’t deny what you see in front of you. Denial is just one step to lies. And no one wants to hear lies. What you see in front of you is not always face value, but don’t deny its presence. A boy and girl may be holding hands, but they may not be dating. Don’t deny the fact they are touching each other, but don’t draw conclusions. Ever.

  29. I tried to do it, I think we all do, but it just wasn’t working. I tried so hard to pretend he wasn’t there, to deny his very existance. I thought it would be easier on me and on him if we both thought it never happened. Yet again I was proved wrong… You can’t deny what you feel on the inside, you can’t deny your true self… It just didn’t work, so I gave in and gave up trying to deny the truth.

    Kimberly Anne
  30. Denial is to believe or disbelieve what is proven to be false or true. Denial happens before acceptance. Denial is the D in Drugs, Denial is the human protection mechanism for survival and hope. Denial is absolutly necessary and it kills us every day. I am in Denial. You are in denial so you.

    Matthew Raue
  31. do not want, refuse, do not understand, can’t believe,

  32. DEE-NEYE.
    to reject.
    i have been denied before. by something i wanted for years. it hurt.
    what’s it like to deny? hard.
    deny deny deny.
    ugly ugly ugly, word.

    Abe Lincoln
  33. I cant.
    You cant give it to me.
    I dont want it (yesisdoyesidoyesido)
    Please deny me this (dontineeditiwantitineedit)
    You have to go.
    You cannot stay.

    (yes you can)

  34. i am in denial. i cannot face reality. i don’t know how to cope.

  35. I did not do it, I swear…well ok dammit but it was just once, well maybe twice. Oh you saw me….well then that’s different. Did you see that other person she was worse. Well ok I was.

  36. i hate to not get my way. i loved him. i gave myself to him. it was the most unselfish time of my life. how can i do that again. ever. i loved a man who loved fear, more than he loved me.

  37. everything.

  38. mario doesn’t wanna deny my love for him.
    he’s awesome.
    we kissed.
    but we didn’t have sex.
    he is so beautiful.he’s a genius.
    he loves me.

  39. I am not going to deny the fact that I have been drinking, that is not because I am missing you, it’s because, you took crashed my bike when you left and I loved my bike.

    Manish Gupta
  40. to deny is something that might get ugly but who cares right? i mean you can probably do anything and anything done can be resaid rethought remembered and that means that it doesnt really end and its never been really DONE because your still DOOING IT deny and do whatever you like, hope it ju
