I don’t know what deny means but I really need to write about it…and it is not so godd at all
I used to deny. I would deny to their face, deny to myself. I would reassure myself that I was simply correct. The point is that now I am working on being more open. It is quite an odd feeling, as though you have been walking around all your life in a trench coat, telling people you were clothed underneith, and now you finally decided to just walk naked down the street…
I don't know anymore
leave it alone, your all out of friends the only purpose of your being is to find a life where you cant even realise yourself from the imputence and vile descriptions given to you by your peers. so deny. lie. but for god sakes, dont cry.
Mike Brits
You can’t deny me, you never could. Look at you, you’re just sitting on the floor, looking up at me with your stupid little cryin’ eyes. You cant deny the things that you’ve done. This is your life, and this is how you will suffer.
i can’t deny thanksgiving. thanksgiving is so happy. it’s the most peaceful holiday ever. no having to deal with the huge ornaments and family of christmas, though i kind of like that, and just a lot of baking and a nap after dinner and the quiet of the prairie around us as it settles into sleep for winter. the sky is pale blue and everything is orange and brown, the way it should be. i have so much to be thankful for.
Sometimes i try to deny myself the right to live. im not quite sure why i do so, i think its because i feel im not worthy, that i havent truly suffered despite whats happened to me, and i should just give my life to someone more deserving of it. Living it just a waste of breath and breathing is a waste of death… Who knows maybe i deserve to live. Which is worth endless life or dying?
dont deny the truth every thing you work for will be ruined. I dont understand how concealing the truth can help you. If you dont tell her you love her then your denial will lead to your own sadness. be happy and accept the truth
Sarah Warnock
I run into it again and again, this feeling called denial. It’s not so much something done as it is the feeling it inspires. Everything inspires a feeling. I run into it and when I don’t, it looks for me, taps me on the shoulder and makes its way into me like air.
When it comes you you and me, all we seem to do is deny. Deny that we’re friends, deny that we’re lovers, deny that we’re in love. It’s clear to everybody, it seems, but us. And we carry this around like a burden. A load on our backs that seems a little heavier each time our eyes meet.
It’s not that I don’t WANT to write about this word, it’s just that I’m so dreadfully busy and I can’t. I’m also very tired, and my children need to be picked up from school and there’s all sorts of other stuff to do.
i don’t deny the fact that i haven’t done the washing up yet. it’s a pity because the kitchen looks so clean when it is done. deny yourself the pleasure of sitting in the shiny kitchen. deny yourelf the pleasure of sitting at the tidy desk with a computer ready to mesmerise you and block your sleep hormones. deny the right for ethnic australians to live freely.
sometimes i look out the window and wonder why…
why do i let myself be denied to love i disearve, but then i remember why.
It comes rushing back to me, the blood, the hate, the passion…
deny the fact that the world is round … deny the fact that he is not too good ;looking ,… Its not fare you know …. How long will you deny it ? For what ? Why ? Deny the fact that this is not going to work …. Deny the thing that is true … Deny
I can not deny this recent death has shaken me to the core. How ironic that the main lesson he said I taught him was never to let any visit be left unfishished- make sure everything has been said. He is gone, what had I left unsaid?
David denied the glazed and distant look he had as he tore into the latest hand-out. The history teacher was going on about something “at the end of the day”. Everything happened at the end of the day to these people. Bah.
I do not deny that I am not very sad but is that what life is all about – being not bad. Isn’t life about being good and happy. I sometimes wonder why people are ready to settle for so less in life. I have a strong feeling that we need more material things because we are not ready to give of ourselves. can u deny that?
Asha Mathew
deny. what does it matter. if you deny you sound guilty. if you don’t you look guilty. You lose anyway. to deny is then pointless.
I don’t deny that I have trouble saying what I mean.
I don’t deny that sometimes I don’t know whether to hit you or kiss you.
I don’t deny that I hate her.
I would deny more if I could get up the courage to speak.
Stop being so damn perfect.
florrie wheeler
To disallow yourself a pleasure. Or someone else. Or anything. Or to refuse to believe.
I live my life in denial. I know but I shove away all thoughts of what I mean to you and all that you think of me, I’d prefer to live a lie rather than acknowledge that I am nothing, nothing, never gonna be anything that you expect of me. I’m always going to be this.
Misha'ari Weerabangsa
Denial is very bad. You turn away from what’s true and what’s right and what you really need to do. You forsake your own identity for you want others to think of you. Denial is a deviation from the truth of your life and it is what we all need to avoid because one day, the truth will catch up to you.
Chris ong
“deny everything you’ve said about me” she said it with such anger. An anger that cannot be described when the times come to describe it. It can only be felt, explained, experienced, or understood when one is under that level of rage’s influence.
He didn’t know what to say. Nothing came out, she squeexed the trigger and the lights went out.
Tanner Lee
dont deny my love. You are awful. Maybe this is the most passionate thing for me- Look, I am writing about it. It must be. no, you must be. I hate you. How odd is it for such a happy woman to feel…crying, flying, sleepy.
only the thinnest of sheilds between you and I. The worst I have ever feared, my death. But can I hold you with innocence of silver? I did not do this thing, it is impossible, and so you will not breach me. I know what it is like. Before the edge of a ravine we conflict. I will not admit defeat.
“But I WANT IT!” the child screamed, stomping his feet in the shiny tiled floor in Aisle 5.
“We can’t afford it Marcus, put the cookies back!” his mother yelled at him. The shop was silent, expect for their screams, the patrons hinged on the edge of their entire conversation.
Zach Keesey
i will deny you the permission to ask me that question
deny your self, pick up your cross and follow me.
dont deny me the chance todo what i want i just wanna live my life do what i want and gowhere i please i want to go to the fullest extant i can and be all i can do i hav so many ideas but time restaints are always there to take my dreams from me. i have somany thingsi want to accomplish in my lifetime so dont deny my time for my dreams…
I always feel an ache in my chest when I think of an old childhood friend. I denied her a happy, normal childhood. I replaced it with an ugly, grim one, all of my doing. I could never forgive myself for hurting her. She was my best friend.
Deny myself time on computer. Deny my craving for carbs and food that is bad. Can I convince myself to deny my flesh for the sake of my baby?
if you deny me everything
that you ever wanted to give
you’d have a host of trinkets
from countries nobody
has thought to name yet.
so please give me the fractured piano
the old dog’s tail
the bits of bone unfed to cows,
the eyeball stolen from the
or deny me,
and horde more of your own little soul
like a cat holds a claw
Let me go. I deny. I deny you. I deny me. I deny everyone. I deny life. I deny death. I deny happiness. I deny sorrow.
The allegations are completely false, why on earth would I sleep with my wife’s sister?
No, I’m not just in denial…
Alex, you son of a bitch.
Don’t die on me.
I miss him a lot. I’m just another one of those girls who sits in waiting, this I can’t deny. I’m like many others out there.
Theory: There’s someone else.
Further waiting necessary for sufficient information and observations. The theory is more of a hypothesis, but I know it. I know it.
i don’t DENY that there might be something
real, maybe,
but something.
and YOU can’t deny that
your creeping smile dazzles
and your talent shines.
don’t deny
you act different around me
and i do too
Denied supplies of water and rye
many are denied a healthy supply
the sit hungry and they cry and cry
they look to the skies and ask why
why Mr big and blue unforgiving sky
will you not supply? wont you supply?
I would deny you if I could; to be honest I hate who you are, what you are, and everything you stand for. But what you are is who I am too. You are me and I am you. How can I deny what I am? I can’t. I can only wish that I was able to…I suppose that I just have to do what I can, live my life, and pray that one day I will be able to stand up to my greatest fear – you.
Anna Marie Rhdoe
I have denied.
myself, the others
I have denied us both.
and not it eats me from the inside.
I can see the pain in your eyes and pray mine are not as revealing.
I’m sorry.
I never meant to hurt
and I didn’t realize you wanted to be like me. I never realized you wanted me more than I wanted you.
So we all gave it up.
But we want still.
Still I want you.
I like to deny that I’m a mass murderer because I’m not one. Even though my boyfriend thinks I am because he hates being wrong. Yeah, I think that’s all I can say about DENY.
I don’t know what deny means but I really need to write about it…and it is not so godd at all
I used to deny. I would deny to their face, deny to myself. I would reassure myself that I was simply correct. The point is that now I am working on being more open. It is quite an odd feeling, as though you have been walking around all your life in a trench coat, telling people you were clothed underneith, and now you finally decided to just walk naked down the street…
leave it alone, your all out of friends the only purpose of your being is to find a life where you cant even realise yourself from the imputence and vile descriptions given to you by your peers. so deny. lie. but for god sakes, dont cry.
You can’t deny me, you never could. Look at you, you’re just sitting on the floor, looking up at me with your stupid little cryin’ eyes. You cant deny the things that you’ve done. This is your life, and this is how you will suffer.
i can’t deny thanksgiving. thanksgiving is so happy. it’s the most peaceful holiday ever. no having to deal with the huge ornaments and family of christmas, though i kind of like that, and just a lot of baking and a nap after dinner and the quiet of the prairie around us as it settles into sleep for winter. the sky is pale blue and everything is orange and brown, the way it should be. i have so much to be thankful for.
Sometimes i try to deny myself the right to live. im not quite sure why i do so, i think its because i feel im not worthy, that i havent truly suffered despite whats happened to me, and i should just give my life to someone more deserving of it. Living it just a waste of breath and breathing is a waste of death… Who knows maybe i deserve to live. Which is worth endless life or dying?
dont deny the truth every thing you work for will be ruined. I dont understand how concealing the truth can help you. If you dont tell her you love her then your denial will lead to your own sadness. be happy and accept the truth
I run into it again and again, this feeling called denial. It’s not so much something done as it is the feeling it inspires. Everything inspires a feeling. I run into it and when I don’t, it looks for me, taps me on the shoulder and makes its way into me like air.
When it comes you you and me, all we seem to do is deny. Deny that we’re friends, deny that we’re lovers, deny that we’re in love. It’s clear to everybody, it seems, but us. And we carry this around like a burden. A load on our backs that seems a little heavier each time our eyes meet.
It’s not that I don’t WANT to write about this word, it’s just that I’m so dreadfully busy and I can’t. I’m also very tired, and my children need to be picked up from school and there’s all sorts of other stuff to do.
i don’t deny the fact that i haven’t done the washing up yet. it’s a pity because the kitchen looks so clean when it is done. deny yourself the pleasure of sitting in the shiny kitchen. deny yourelf the pleasure of sitting at the tidy desk with a computer ready to mesmerise you and block your sleep hormones. deny the right for ethnic australians to live freely.
sometimes i look out the window and wonder why…
why do i let myself be denied to love i disearve, but then i remember why.
It comes rushing back to me, the blood, the hate, the passion…
deny the fact that the world is round … deny the fact that he is not too good ;looking ,… Its not fare you know …. How long will you deny it ? For what ? Why ? Deny the fact that this is not going to work …. Deny the thing that is true … Deny
I can not deny this recent death has shaken me to the core. How ironic that the main lesson he said I taught him was never to let any visit be left unfishished- make sure everything has been said. He is gone, what had I left unsaid?
David denied the glazed and distant look he had as he tore into the latest hand-out. The history teacher was going on about something “at the end of the day”. Everything happened at the end of the day to these people. Bah.
I do not deny that I am not very sad but is that what life is all about – being not bad. Isn’t life about being good and happy. I sometimes wonder why people are ready to settle for so less in life. I have a strong feeling that we need more material things because we are not ready to give of ourselves. can u deny that?
deny. what does it matter. if you deny you sound guilty. if you don’t you look guilty. You lose anyway. to deny is then pointless.
I don’t deny that I have trouble saying what I mean.
I don’t deny that sometimes I don’t know whether to hit you or kiss you.
I don’t deny that I hate her.
I would deny more if I could get up the courage to speak.
Stop being so damn perfect.
To disallow yourself a pleasure. Or someone else. Or anything. Or to refuse to believe.
I live my life in denial. I know but I shove away all thoughts of what I mean to you and all that you think of me, I’d prefer to live a lie rather than acknowledge that I am nothing, nothing, never gonna be anything that you expect of me. I’m always going to be this.
Denial is very bad. You turn away from what’s true and what’s right and what you really need to do. You forsake your own identity for you want others to think of you. Denial is a deviation from the truth of your life and it is what we all need to avoid because one day, the truth will catch up to you.
“deny everything you’ve said about me” she said it with such anger. An anger that cannot be described when the times come to describe it. It can only be felt, explained, experienced, or understood when one is under that level of rage’s influence.
He didn’t know what to say. Nothing came out, she squeexed the trigger and the lights went out.
dont deny my love. You are awful. Maybe this is the most passionate thing for me- Look, I am writing about it. It must be. no, you must be. I hate you. How odd is it for such a happy woman to feel…crying, flying, sleepy.
only the thinnest of sheilds between you and I. The worst I have ever feared, my death. But can I hold you with innocence of silver? I did not do this thing, it is impossible, and so you will not breach me. I know what it is like. Before the edge of a ravine we conflict. I will not admit defeat.
“But I WANT IT!” the child screamed, stomping his feet in the shiny tiled floor in Aisle 5.
“We can’t afford it Marcus, put the cookies back!” his mother yelled at him. The shop was silent, expect for their screams, the patrons hinged on the edge of their entire conversation.
i will deny you the permission to ask me that question
deny your self, pick up your cross and follow me.
dont deny me the chance todo what i want i just wanna live my life do what i want and gowhere i please i want to go to the fullest extant i can and be all i can do i hav so many ideas but time restaints are always there to take my dreams from me. i have somany thingsi want to accomplish in my lifetime so dont deny my time for my dreams…
I always feel an ache in my chest when I think of an old childhood friend. I denied her a happy, normal childhood. I replaced it with an ugly, grim one, all of my doing. I could never forgive myself for hurting her. She was my best friend.
Deny myself time on computer. Deny my craving for carbs and food that is bad. Can I convince myself to deny my flesh for the sake of my baby?
if you deny me everything
that you ever wanted to give
you’d have a host of trinkets
from countries nobody
has thought to name yet.
so please give me the fractured piano
the old dog’s tail
the bits of bone unfed to cows,
the eyeball stolen from the
or deny me,
and horde more of your own little soul
like a cat holds a claw
Let me go. I deny. I deny you. I deny me. I deny everyone. I deny life. I deny death. I deny happiness. I deny sorrow.
The allegations are completely false, why on earth would I sleep with my wife’s sister?
No, I’m not just in denial…
Alex, you son of a bitch.
Don’t die on me.
I miss him a lot. I’m just another one of those girls who sits in waiting, this I can’t deny. I’m like many others out there.
Theory: There’s someone else.
Further waiting necessary for sufficient information and observations. The theory is more of a hypothesis, but I know it. I know it.
i don’t DENY that there might be something
real, maybe,
but something.
and YOU can’t deny that
your creeping smile dazzles
and your talent shines.
don’t deny
you act different around me
and i do too
Denied supplies of water and rye
many are denied a healthy supply
the sit hungry and they cry and cry
they look to the skies and ask why
why Mr big and blue unforgiving sky
will you not supply? wont you supply?
I would deny you if I could; to be honest I hate who you are, what you are, and everything you stand for. But what you are is who I am too. You are me and I am you. How can I deny what I am? I can’t. I can only wish that I was able to…I suppose that I just have to do what I can, live my life, and pray that one day I will be able to stand up to my greatest fear – you.
I have denied.
myself, the others
I have denied us both.
and not it eats me from the inside.
I can see the pain in your eyes and pray mine are not as revealing.
I’m sorry.
I never meant to hurt
and I didn’t realize you wanted to be like me. I never realized you wanted me more than I wanted you.
So we all gave it up.
But we want still.
Still I want you.
I like to deny that I’m a mass murderer because I’m not one. Even though my boyfriend thinks I am because he hates being wrong. Yeah, I think that’s all I can say about DENY.