
November 26th, 2008 | 535 Entries

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535 Entries for “deny”

  1. You can’t deny love. It’s there. It’s part of life. You can ignore it. You can reject it. But you can’t deny it. Love is love. Love is real. Love can’t be faked. And it can’t be denied.

  2. I can’t deny it. I love her. Why should I deny anything? Never apologize for the truth. Life’s way too short for that bullshit. Seriously. I will never deny being gay. It’s like denying who I am. Who I love is who I am.

  3. you can choose to deny the truth but you can never escape the feeling of the lie creeping slowly back into your life.. it’s a choice

  4. Don’t deny it! You know this happens and even more you know this is happening to us. How can we pretend it isn’t? That’s never worked for us before. But maybe this time it could be different.

  5. deny…default…all she wrote
    denial is the first in the five stages of grief
    katelyn thought she went through the five stages of grief when tyler stopped seeing her. i miss being really close with her…it’s too bad being her roommate fucked all that up. i never thought things would get like this between us.

  6. eso que hace la gente cunado l oque ve no le gusta, no quiere aceptarlo, o simplemente no cree qu sea cierto, por uqe las alternativas son tantisimo mejores que no puede ni por el costo de su vida aceptar lo que le dicen, y por eso niega, negar es un mecanismo natural, es inevitable mil veces, pero cuando uno se da cuenta puede recien procesar y llegar a una nueva conclusion, no hay que negar por negar, simplemente hacerlo no lleva a nada

  7. Why must you do this? Your denial is only hurting you. I love you, but I will not stand by you and watch this. If you can over come this, call me.

  8. lie, decieve, loser, no, not, saying, wrong, bad, don’t, not good, idiot, i hate you, do not,

  9. i have to deny everything i see in order for it to work correctly otherwise i will think too much and the whole world will know what is really inside me which is a shame i know but its the truth and half of the truth is denying its existence isn’t it? aren’t we all just denying what we know is right? and if we didn’t then it would be wrong. that is how the world has always been and always will be.

    jillian rose
  10. denying sucks. i was denied before it is the worst. If there was no denying in the world everyone would be accepted. If everyone was acepted we would be overpopulated and crazy. Life would be very hectic imagine that. I think that deny is a bad word because it reminds of of bad things like being denied. If I was denied right now i would be sad because everyone likes being loved and accepted.

  11. deny it if you want, she’s your mother. your flesh and bone, your blood. the face that she knew, when she stepped off that peach tree limb, exactly what she was doing is unforgivable. an accident maybe, would have been kinder, even if it had been deliberate. but no, she was saying– this is my choice and you are my daughter so you will witness it on this saturday in june.

  12. I wished I could deny it to you as well as I have been to myself, but has already gone too far. The bright, sparkling blue drew me in until I was too far gone to escape. I knew it was wrong, I wanted it to stop, but I was already in too deep.

  13. i can’t help but deny myself the right to finish a goddamn sentence on this site without overthinking it.

  14. I couldn’t deny the “fact” that we were in a dire situation. In fact, it wasn’t dire at all, but our perceptions were so twisted by this societal paradigm, that we were fooled to believe in the unreal, and to deny the real.

    Christabella Dawson

  16. He would deny it. She just knew he would, but she was not about to just let him continue to get away with it. It was time for her to put her foot down. She strode into the room where he was sitting comfortably on the couch.

    Jim Mc
  17. don’t deny that you know what I know.

  18. I don’t know what that means… I I don’t wright perfect English, so be mearsy… If you want, I can weight you on ceoatian

  19. i can’t deny that it bothers me how my mom basically destroyed my dinner. i had spent the day cooking up a delicious storm only for her to come in and ignore me when i told her to stop adding water. how am i supposed to react?

  20. what i do with my life or with the desires in my life. why? I often ask myself WHY? would I deny myself pleasures…pleasures of the flesh, knowing that this physical plane is a finite one. Deny…is it something I am meant to do? Deny myself pleasure. That’s often what I associate the word ‘deny’ with….’pleasure’…..why would that be? Is it possible that I can conquer ‘deny’?

  21. denial is a thing that can cause the demise of a friendship, relationship or any self respect. It is leads into a spiral, it is a spiral, a linguistic spiral with dire consequences.

  22. don’t tell me the truth is inevitable. as long as i’m alive i shall choose what i say and how i say it. i don’t live in this bubble alone, we’re all together…floating aimlessly to God knows where and no one seems to be worried about it. so why are you? don’t try to define it. just live it.

  23. i have denied myself the right to be angry at my best friend for kissing my ex boyfriend. me and her live together. i clean and cook.
    and me and my ex boyfriend don’t speak.
    i wish they feel as bad as i do.

  24. deny life deny who you are deny everything and everything is fine. deny who you are but don’t forget

  25. I deny waht I don’t see, I deny waht I don’t fell. I don’t deny there is something that I can’t see or feel. I just find it convenient to pretend. I can’t belive what I don’t see. I can’t believe waht I don’t feel, but I know, I know, it is my reality….and that reality could be a false one. But this is called sanity, otherwise, I would believe in every possibility, everything that could be true that I don’t see or feel. I deny to stay sane.

    Eddie Clay
  26. fuck deny again are you serious this is the second time i got this word. this site is good. very clever.

  27. I deny a lot of things. I deny that what I eat will affect me. I deny that lack of sleep won’t hurt me. I deny that I have work to do or responsibilities to take care of. I deny a lot of things.

  28. To be left out in the cold like a rabid mutt. Im stuck outside and i dont have anywheres else to go. I’m no longer accepted amongst my family, and ive lost most of my friends. I don’t have you any more either. It’s a shame.

    Eric Pitt
  29. Deny is a four letter word – how many times do we do it without knowing? Screw it, people don’t understand. I don’t believe in any of it anymore. Why can’t we always do the same things over and over again?

  30. Denial, that’s how I live, everyday whining and complaining about myself about my status, I just can resist self-loathing. Just because I don’t like to admit i like boys.

  31. I can’t deny why I’m miserable. Everyone knows it. I try to not let him get to me, but he does.. every day. I want to be able to live my life not letting him pass my mind for a single second. Unfortunately, this is not an option. Everything I see and do reminds me of him. TV, places, our friends. I can’t let go of him, ever. And there’s nothing I wish I could do more. Laying in bed at nighti s the worst when I long for him next to me.

  32. dont deny me

  33. The more of the world you deny the less you have to work with. We paint pictures with our eyes. You are the artist of your world. To deny a color is to deny your full potential as an artist.

  34. I deny it. I deny you in my head, the feelings, the representations. I laugh with you, I talk intimately with you but I deny the fact that you exist as anything other than a friend. But really, you’re not, and all I can do is deny myself.

  35. Deny? Wow, i wish i had something to deny. How interesting! ( I completely deny that i’m wallowing in self-pity)

  36. i cannot deny that I have been put on earth for the soul reason of disturbing my mother. I bleive we all have a reason.

    Carolyn Haun
  37. you always deny yourself what you really want. You believe that if you just do what you need to do you will be okay. You worry about what people will think and you try so hard to not fall into negative stereotypes that you tend to stay away from everything and anything that might be fun because you don’t want to be carried away.

  38. deny?


  39. What are you talking about? You can’t deny me of my rights! This is mine for the taking. Stolen fair and square. I had the brains to take it first, why would I let you take it? No, you can’t have it.

  40. i deny that you were there. i saw you but that’s another story. that might have been my imagination. a dream. weer you there in the flesh? i don’t think so. they can’t pin that on you. you died yesterday. in my arms early. so you can’t have been there last night when they are saying they saw you. i flatly deny that.
    and if they did see you, what does that mean? exactly? i thought i buried you amongst the leaves in strezlecki forest. what were you doing in corner inlet five kilometres away? how could you have got there. it’s impossible. of course i deny it. i wasn’t there. and neither were you. oh my god. what have i done?

    gillian clarke