
November 26th, 2008 | 535 Entries

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535 Entries for “deny”

  1. We all get denied. Food, water, independence, video games, skipping class, love, hate, clothes, friends, shoes, money, jobs. Being denied sucks. But, it’s good, too. We get denied drugs, alcohol, etc. Then we live. The end.

  2. I hate the word denial. It seems like it only serves one purpose-failure.

    But denial means more than that.


  3. I can’t stand people who deny the truth. What is is what is… that should stand alone as OK no matter what people think should be… what is is the only thing we can stand on and move forward from. To deny what is is to deny God

    robb davis
  4. deny, the things we deny are the things we are afraid of… afraid that people will know, afraid that people will see

  5. deny yourself the power to live, deny yourself the power to breath, deny everything, deny them, deny the word, deny. deny what cannot be denied and deny paradox. deny the universe and deny survival. deny it all and deny nothing. deny the time limit. deny.

  6. i know you’re lying. don’t deny it. it’s written all over your face, like you passed out drunk at a sharpie convention.

  7. “Do you deny it?”

    “Of course I do.”

    “Objection your honor, relevance?”

    “Witness credibility is always relevant, your honor.”

    “Sit down, counsel. Overruled.”

    Celia turned to look at her father once more. “Do you deny that you killed Sharon Lewis?”

    “Of course I do. I said it before.”

    Celia scooped up a copy of his deposition testimony and thrust it at opposing counsel. “Let the record reflect…”

  8. you can have it. you can have it all. i’m here, i’m ready and willing. more willing than i thought i would be.
    but now you don’t want it.
    a denial? that’s what i was worried about. i’ve been hiding from it for so long. keeping myself safe. my feelings locked away.
    i was showing them to you. and you know what?
    you showed me that it wasn’t so bad after all… rejection.

  9. Am I supposed to try to? Why would one bother? To deny a feeling or a thought or an action or a part of one’s soul is to crush a delicate artifact of life. My life. Your life. Life that is worth everything and nothing all at once.

  10. “Access denied.”

    I began to feel a cold, plummeting feeling as the mechanized voice spit out those two words. Oddly enough, the only thing I could think about was how well they fit my life. I had spent my whole life getting so close to stability, to lasting friendships, only to have the door shut aggressively in my face each time.

    Access denied.

  11. i am sad im not goign to deny that i wihs he loved me just as much as i love him. i cant deny the hurt he casued me by sleeping with her i really wish i wouldnt love him the way i do i only casue myself hurt. fuck her and fuck all the bullshit too.

  12. I always think this word is the misspelled Denny’s Restaurant. I think that is funny, that I think about a restaurant before a major part of what people go through or do of their responsibilities.

    Laura Jane Kenny
  13. deny the way you live.
    the world is wrong.
    deny all that you are made to believe..
    you were told wrong.
    what’s you problem?
    you don’t have any.
    deny them.

    nick strong
  14. There has never been a time in my life where i didnt deny who i was. I’m gay. But so what. Yes. It’s a problem for me. something i’ll never be able to overcome. How can i tell my parents?
    Im still a child, no doubt about that. But i have to be who i am. I’ll tell them one day. But until that day, i live a secret life. My own little life in Rochester, my home, my home sweet home, my own home.

    Tony Valentin
  15. I deny the reality of my life. I refuse to except mediocrity and marginalized life. I fight with every breathe for the world that I believe in. Nothing can stop me.

  16. all truth

  17. I keep denying my feelings for you because I know that we aren’t meant to be. I want so bad to believe that you are the one for me, but i know deep down that we are not. I just don’t want to have to search for the perfect person, I just want to have already found that person. Its a journey to try and find someone to spend the rest of your life with, and what if you never find them? I don’t want to be like that.

  18. I don’t believe that this is even something which can happen. One believes in the existance of such, and as such creates it’s existance. You can be denied, but cannot embody deny. As such, one can overcome denial by not becoming it’s tangeable form. To do so is a skill, but one mastered.

  19. When one denies the truth one is really admitting something to themselves. They are coming to the conclusion in their own minds that they do not have the strength of character to grapple with reality. This admission, however, may be misconstrued as an internal lie because the person does not realize the implications of this admission.

    Justin Shapiro
  20. I could not deny the fact thta San Quentin State Prison, steeped in its lore and 19th century history, showed me love and compassion. this was despite the fact that I entered it wearing orange and a look of sheer terror.

    G writer
  21. what i do with my life
    what i do with what i should do
    what i want
    i deny all of them
    i deny those i could love and sometimes do love the

  22. to not think about to act like you don’t know anything about it or someone to not take responsiblity to not know
    to not confess the truth

  23. deny everything, all the love all the hate all the pain and everything will fade the good and the bad until you’re just a hollow shell drifting with stumble and waiting for your life to chnage, it won’t though or will it I’m not sure yet. Maybe. Maybe Not.

  24. WHat do we deny? WHy do we deny?
    Are we denying ourself or others?

  25. how can we deny them healthcare? how can we deny them LIFE? why do we deserve huge tvs and suvs and more than we will ever need but they don’t even deserve to breath how can we say with a straight face that they don’t deserve healthcare its just wrong to deny them life

  26. i cant deny it.

  27. Deny me, deny me the feelings and the thoughts
    I have for you, for anyone, for life. deny my the pain and the pleasure and just give me the real stuff. Give me what I need and not what I want. Give me what I cannot be denied.

  28. I swear to god it wasnt me. I tried to stop them but i was overpewered. They took it, Not me. You see when they came in i was drinking some nyquil so i must admit my reaction was quite slow. however i did manage to get a piece of their rabbit

  29. deny is one of those words that doesn’t make sense when on its own.

    miss marple
  30. You should not deny the urge to become the best you can. It should be your mantra day after day!

    John Gopaul
  31. deny me of what? Nothing. That’s what. I will get whatever I want OK?

    Missy Martin
  32. I denied for so long that I was indeed broken too, but I’m learning that it’s not as bad as I thought to admit it.

    Molly Harbarger
  33. Reportcards. Once my sister had brought her report card home and she had all A’s and B’s. My parents had asked where mine was and I told them I didn’t get one theat after noon. I denied telling them I had a D on my report card. It was in my back pocket folded tightly. I hoped that it wasn’t sticking out or something. I hid it in the laundry basket. Until laundry day came around and my mohter found it in the basket. She had asked me for the past 2 weeks if I had reseved one yet and yet I still denied her.She found it and the only thing left to say is that my butt could not stoop stinging that night.

  34. citizenship to all illegal peoples and ship them off to the illegal immigrant island with the unicorns and fairies and other illegal things.

    Jenny Poo
  35. I couldn’t deny the fact that I will never see him again. The feeling was absurdly unbearable and I could feeling it cold in my veins. What now? Where will I go? My self questioning was cut short when I heard the sudden shriek of the telephone ringing.

  36. false

  37. I can’t deny myself the opportunity to be in a relationship. But I can’t help myself because it’s just how my brain works. I can’t just hook up with someone because I definitely have to think things through completely and if I try to do anything otherwise or to the contrary then my head may just explode.

  38. deny myself nothing. deny everyone else something. except love when love comes i am often denied. i feel denied when my lover chooses his other lover over me.

  39. “No” He denied. “No, No.”: He repeated it like a mantra. If he kept saying it, then maybe it’d end up to be false. Untrue, that’s what it had to be! how could any of this, all of this, have happened!?

  40. it’s easy to deny something when you don’t know what it really is.
