deny everything always. if they catch you, deny again
Denial realyl really sucks. I mean you getting denyed into many aspects of life really sucks. If you are hoping for something and you get denied then depending on what that thing is your life may close down. On the other hand this also gives us oportunities to think and reflect and we might gain something from getting denied. So that is deny.
Denial is one of the easiets things in life to do. Denying oneself, your lief, reality, love, happiness. We go so far out of our way to just completely lie to ourselves about life in general. Without this in life we would be fulfilled, we would be able to trust, we would be happy.
denial is not just a river in egypt. denial can be the cause of failure, by denying the truth you will never be truly free and you won’t be able to move forward in life. Denial is a nice word for lying to yourself
sometimes things dont go as planned when you are telling someone something. you say something you don’t need the general public to understand or know about you. you take it back. when confronted; the denial sinks in. you deny and you deny. it works or it doesn’t depending on the level of retardation in relation to the person you’re denying your previous truth to. fuck it
hi nice guy
this is when you act like you havent done something. it is almost like lying but you can deny it if you are telling the truth. it starts with a d and ends with a y and the middle letters are e then n. this word is four letters long, you can make it longer by making it denied or denying these are changing the tense though.
Denial is the best thing in the world. It has given drive to so many world ideas and issues and all came from the same fundamental value that we can not put in our heads a very simple fact. Our belief, self-esteem or any of our misconceptions and notions will not let us swallow what has transpired.
I can’t deny what has happened. I wouldn’t even want to try. Why would someone wish to conceal these events is alien to me. So I must endeavor.
Don’t deny yourself. To thine ownself be true then as sure as night follows day you can’t then not be false to any many.
I deny that I will see the truth of this. You say you are me but I know it can’t be true. Darkness floods my mind and I see spots. You sneer and say I can not deny the truth. I look into your eyes and it is there. You are me and I am you. This is my end. My fate…
i am in total denial. everyday is a lie to me. i really hate to deny myself, but sometimes, there’s not much that i could do about it. i regret being in total denial.
Hanif Widyanto
it’s a good restaurant as far as i know i’m dutch so i don’t know the meaning of it any way deny sounds like denie but i won’t deny dat i just filled in this page and all is was doing was typen some bullshit cause i dind’t
mike smit
Love, life, her, me. Tis a shame what happens when you don’t get what you want. She will never know how much I really care about her, and whens he does I will more than likely find out she does not feel the same.
honestly i don’t like this word. it reminds me of denny’s. and i’m drunk and hungry. its a cock tease. like wtf. do not deny my.
i also just dislike words where y is pronounces “eye” it angers me.
“Would you deny me, would you send me away?
“Yes I would if it meant keeping you safe.”
“Even if it meant that I had nothing more to live for? If you are to go; if you were to die, then I would cease to be. You who shape who I am are more important to me than my own life.”
“Go home, I do not want you here.”
Deny me and be doomed.
i wish to think that i can but have no other choice but to play my cards and survive. … what else tdo we humans doo? Your guess is as good as mine… To deny is to … give up!
I won’t deny it. I have had this problem for a very long time. I used to think that I could avoid it, that I could just not talk about it, and it would go away. Clearly it didn’t. I would wake up in the mornings, look out the office window and wonder how I had ended up in such a hopeless place.
Pain. Irritation.
Over and over again, I refuse
But stubbornness.
Recycles the vicious cycle.
over and over again.
I offered her flowers. I offered her a ring. I offered her a home. I offered her warmth and passion. I offered all i could give. I offered her my heart and soul, forever to be hers, but no matter what i had, she wouldn’t come back.
I deny a lot of things. I think this goes for the issue of lying. People lie all the time. I’ve lied about a lot. I don’t mind it so much. I’m a pretty good lyer? lier? lyier? w/e. I lie well. lye?. w/e. I dont tell the truth… not well… wait what? um w/e.
She denied me. I can’t believe it. I sat on my chair and shoved my pencil in my desk. I hate it. Me of all people, rejected? I couldn’t handle it any longer.
With anger and hatred, I yelled and threw myself at nearby classmates.
“God damn you!”
Deny your future, embrasse your past. Think what you’ve got and since it’s been coming slowly and smoothly, love it. We’re meant to do that here. This is our world’s motor engine. Deny is going versus that.
I’m putting all of my desires aside I want to be with you but I can’t and I can’t be selfish because that would hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you, I keep hurting you and keep trying not to, but this would hurt you a lot so I can’t allow myself to tell you. We can only be friends I deserve no more you deserve much more and so that will be how it is forever. Hopefully we can always be friends…
i will not do this ever and i really mean ever because i have never done it in my entire life nor will i do it …..
I’m withholding his happiness.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt. You don’t want to admit. You don’t want to care, and you absolutely want no one to know about it.
something samantha lynn novack did to my love, something that is putting me in a position where i cannot deny my love for ashely, but yet, i still feel the love for sam.
what do i do? who do i deny?
deny it’s like denny and it’s like that nasty place denny’s of breakfast nasty. great
okay so deny is to reject to put down
to not allow or to grant access.
there’s no way dude that we can like being denied, because denial sucks and people don’t really like getting rejected. it’s funny when it happens to other people but not when it happens to us. when it happens to us, then it sucks
never admit to anything, say nothing and you can’t confirm or deny it.
`at the bus station the man simply ignored my question, denying me an answer and swearing the original question was incompetent in the first place. i had the urge to rip his ticket, but decided against it.
I often deny things of importance that are going on in my life simply because they are too difficult to deal with. Sometimes it is because I don’t have the answers, sometimes it is because I can’t deal with the problem.
I wont deny it, its all true, every bit of it. She asked for it. what does that mean. Well I can’t tell you, its just written on my hand. In red ink and a ring tied to a string around my wrist.
I don’t believe you. The way you roll your eyes at me every time I speak. It doesn’t support what you say. You’ve let me down too many times before and now you tell me this? No.
She looked back at me.
jack bosworth
I won’t deny you what you wanted, which was for me to go away. There are so many days where i wonder how you are and what your life is like and how we could have made our friendship work. you couldn’t have things that way, though. You are stuck on your anger and your stubborn ass ways of always being right, no matter what. Somedays, i wish i could have married you. Why did you do what you did? I am still sick, i won’t deny that. You denied me a chance to do right and fix the past.
people deny that they feel certain things because they are afraid of what other people will say if they do so that is just the way it is my mind is wandering and i am wanting to censor myself but i am going to continue to write exactly what i am thinking about even if that is the case. i wish i had something profound to say about denial but it looks like my time is up
I cannot deny the feelings i have anymore. i am writing this letter only so you will know why i have gone. in the end i could do nothing but think of you and what we could have had. I cannot deny that it will never happen and i must go. goodbye.
Brandon Maze
i deny the fact that im alone in the world at times but its hard to come to terms when i feel that noone in my family cares what happens to me on a daily basis i hate it but ill get over it
deny everything always. if they catch you, deny again
Denial realyl really sucks. I mean you getting denyed into many aspects of life really sucks. If you are hoping for something and you get denied then depending on what that thing is your life may close down. On the other hand this also gives us oportunities to think and reflect and we might gain something from getting denied. So that is deny.
Denial is one of the easiets things in life to do. Denying oneself, your lief, reality, love, happiness. We go so far out of our way to just completely lie to ourselves about life in general. Without this in life we would be fulfilled, we would be able to trust, we would be happy.
denial is not just a river in egypt. denial can be the cause of failure, by denying the truth you will never be truly free and you won’t be able to move forward in life. Denial is a nice word for lying to yourself
sometimes things dont go as planned when you are telling someone something. you say something you don’t need the general public to understand or know about you. you take it back. when confronted; the denial sinks in. you deny and you deny. it works or it doesn’t depending on the level of retardation in relation to the person you’re denying your previous truth to. fuck it
hi nice guy
this is when you act like you havent done something. it is almost like lying but you can deny it if you are telling the truth. it starts with a d and ends with a y and the middle letters are e then n. this word is four letters long, you can make it longer by making it denied or denying these are changing the tense though.
Denial is the best thing in the world. It has given drive to so many world ideas and issues and all came from the same fundamental value that we can not put in our heads a very simple fact. Our belief, self-esteem or any of our misconceptions and notions will not let us swallow what has transpired.
I can’t deny what has happened. I wouldn’t even want to try. Why would someone wish to conceal these events is alien to me. So I must endeavor.
Don’t deny yourself. To thine ownself be true then as sure as night follows day you can’t then not be false to any many.
I deny that I will see the truth of this. You say you are me but I know it can’t be true. Darkness floods my mind and I see spots. You sneer and say I can not deny the truth. I look into your eyes and it is there. You are me and I am you. This is my end. My fate…
i am in total denial. everyday is a lie to me. i really hate to deny myself, but sometimes, there’s not much that i could do about it. i regret being in total denial.
it’s a good restaurant as far as i know i’m dutch so i don’t know the meaning of it any way deny sounds like denie but i won’t deny dat i just filled in this page and all is was doing was typen some bullshit cause i dind’t
Love, life, her, me. Tis a shame what happens when you don’t get what you want. She will never know how much I really care about her, and whens he does I will more than likely find out she does not feel the same.
honestly i don’t like this word. it reminds me of denny’s. and i’m drunk and hungry. its a cock tease. like wtf. do not deny my.
i also just dislike words where y is pronounces “eye” it angers me.
“Would you deny me, would you send me away?
“Yes I would if it meant keeping you safe.”
“Even if it meant that I had nothing more to live for? If you are to go; if you were to die, then I would cease to be. You who shape who I am are more important to me than my own life.”
“Go home, I do not want you here.”
Deny me and be doomed.
i wish to think that i can but have no other choice but to play my cards and survive. … what else tdo we humans doo? Your guess is as good as mine… To deny is to … give up!
I won’t deny it. I have had this problem for a very long time. I used to think that I could avoid it, that I could just not talk about it, and it would go away. Clearly it didn’t. I would wake up in the mornings, look out the office window and wonder how I had ended up in such a hopeless place.
Pain. Irritation.
Over and over again, I refuse
But stubbornness.
Recycles the vicious cycle.
over and over again.
I offered her flowers. I offered her a ring. I offered her a home. I offered her warmth and passion. I offered all i could give. I offered her my heart and soul, forever to be hers, but no matter what i had, she wouldn’t come back.
I deny a lot of things. I think this goes for the issue of lying. People lie all the time. I’ve lied about a lot. I don’t mind it so much. I’m a pretty good lyer? lier? lyier? w/e. I lie well. lye?. w/e. I dont tell the truth… not well… wait what? um w/e.
She denied me. I can’t believe it. I sat on my chair and shoved my pencil in my desk. I hate it. Me of all people, rejected? I couldn’t handle it any longer.
With anger and hatred, I yelled and threw myself at nearby classmates.
“God damn you!”
Deny your future, embrasse your past. Think what you’ve got and since it’s been coming slowly and smoothly, love it. We’re meant to do that here. This is our world’s motor engine. Deny is going versus that.
I’m putting all of my desires aside I want to be with you but I can’t and I can’t be selfish because that would hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you, I keep hurting you and keep trying not to, but this would hurt you a lot so I can’t allow myself to tell you. We can only be friends I deserve no more you deserve much more and so that will be how it is forever. Hopefully we can always be friends…
i will not do this ever and i really mean ever because i have never done it in my entire life nor will i do it …..
I’m withholding his happiness.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt. You don’t want to admit. You don’t want to care, and you absolutely want no one to know about it.
something samantha lynn novack did to my love, something that is putting me in a position where i cannot deny my love for ashely, but yet, i still feel the love for sam.
what do i do? who do i deny?
deny it’s like denny and it’s like that nasty place denny’s of breakfast nasty. great
okay so deny is to reject to put down
to not allow or to grant access.
there’s no way dude that we can like being denied, because denial sucks and people don’t really like getting rejected. it’s funny when it happens to other people but not when it happens to us. when it happens to us, then it sucks
never admit to anything, say nothing and you can’t confirm or deny it.
`at the bus station the man simply ignored my question, denying me an answer and swearing the original question was incompetent in the first place. i had the urge to rip his ticket, but decided against it.
I often deny things of importance that are going on in my life simply because they are too difficult to deal with. Sometimes it is because I don’t have the answers, sometimes it is because I can’t deal with the problem.
I wont deny it, its all true, every bit of it. She asked for it. what does that mean. Well I can’t tell you, its just written on my hand. In red ink and a ring tied to a string around my wrist.
I don’t believe you. The way you roll your eyes at me every time I speak. It doesn’t support what you say. You’ve let me down too many times before and now you tell me this? No.
She looked back at me.
I won’t deny you what you wanted, which was for me to go away. There are so many days where i wonder how you are and what your life is like and how we could have made our friendship work. you couldn’t have things that way, though. You are stuck on your anger and your stubborn ass ways of always being right, no matter what. Somedays, i wish i could have married you. Why did you do what you did? I am still sick, i won’t deny that. You denied me a chance to do right and fix the past.
people deny that they feel certain things because they are afraid of what other people will say if they do so that is just the way it is my mind is wandering and i am wanting to censor myself but i am going to continue to write exactly what i am thinking about even if that is the case. i wish i had something profound to say about denial but it looks like my time is up
I cannot deny the feelings i have anymore. i am writing this letter only so you will know why i have gone. in the end i could do nothing but think of you and what we could have had. I cannot deny that it will never happen and i must go. goodbye.
i deny the fact that im alone in the world at times but its hard to come to terms when i feel that noone in my family cares what happens to me on a daily basis i hate it but ill get over it