
January 19th, 2013 | 229 Entries

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229 Entries for “destroy”

  1. hatered
    bad life style
    bad feelings
    have fun

    Ahmed Geweily
  2. I wanted to destroy that whole past life of misery. That would be the rigth thing to do if I relly desired to star brand new. I wouldn’t have to JUST hide it – oh no! – I had to destroy every memory every moment fom my mind…. So I could be far gone.

  3. Hurricanes, and general weather disasters come to mind. Also human traffickers and people who sell their children. They destroy children’s and women’s lives. But God can fix what we think has been destroyed. God can do what we think is impossible.

  4. to destroy is the only way to make room for new life. destruction has such a bad reputation with such negative connotations but only through destruction can new life be born. new ideas; progress.

    Torie Rufolo
  5. when i destroy mr weever, i will be thanked by the whole school. i have to destroy the zombies that come my way and if i don;t they will all eat me, and destroy me. i have to de

  6. I’m not sure what to do about anxiety. I just know that it has a tendency to destroy the good parts of my life with fears of the bad parts. Maybe that means I should just let it happen. Maybe it means I should fight the destruction. I don’t know. That’s the whole problem.

  7. Destroy, destruction, distraught. So much meaning in one word, to devastate. re-create. Again. Fix. Manipulate. Gone. Done.

  8. Destroy every thing around. The trees are gone. The birds are gone. Everything is no more. The world has been destroyed!!! Humans…… Really invincible??

  9. A necessary part of nature. Unfortunate, at times, yet necessary. Often the first step in creating.

    Tim S
  10. she tears me to shreds
    and i call her a monster

    she grins; her teeth
    an imprint of disaster

    “if i call you tokyo,
    would they make a movie

    of me?”

  11. he destroyed my entire life in three words.

    and my mind went to mush
    and my soul flew right out of my mouth
    and my stomach caved in
    and my fingers went numb
    and my heart froze
    and my eyebrows arched
    and I said, “oh.”

    he destroyed my life in three words.

    “I love you.”
    and I knew it was time to say goodbye.

  12. the childhood memories
    the silver lining
    fragile cloud
    i have here your heart to crush
    you’re prey
    dastardly symphony
    fall fall fall
    chaos sweeps down divine from above
    behold your magic line

  13. they destroyed humans all together the belief system the way we live the way we think he destroyers are no one else but us we destroyed everything!! everything they tried to teach us has been experiments on there own kind nothing has really worked out

    ayan yunus
  14. I destroyed my fears with a single breath
    All that time holding in in
    I blew it down, and right and left
    Tumbled down the wall of sin

  15. What’s wrong with a little destruction. Why can’t we indulge at times. Its clear the human species needs to destroy because despite all those pesky anti war protests and the general consensus that war is bad, we still go to war over the prettiest things. I think if everyone had a small private war with something, like how cat goes to war with a ball of yarn or your couch, people would be much better off.

  16. the old man stared across the room while making tea.
    he could tell that there was an unknown force in the room with him.
    it wanted him. it wanted to kill him. destroy him.
    the old man stared at the ceiling.
    w h y .

  17. I destroyed the world. People screaming back and forth and knowing it was my fault. There’s no better destroying the human race. After all I’m a mouse.

  18. destroy. eliminate. abolish. I don’t really know what to say. I’m watching greys anatomy and this disease is destroying Denny 2.0s body. I really hope he doesn’t die.

  19. to wreck fall apart ruin the shredding of paper and jeans slashes insamity crazinness ranting hammers breaking through glass in decrepid old houses raging smashing battlefield

  20. to wreck fall apart ruin the shredding of paper and jeans slashes insamity crazinness ranting hammers breaking through glass in decrepid old houses

  21. He destroyed my whole world in less than a half hour. How was I supposed to know that asking for just one more round of a game would devastate me for a minimum of a year? I’ll never be the same… and yet, I’d do it all again in a heart beat.

  22. I wish I could destroy the pain and sadness inside my heart. I’d love to watch it melt in twisted heat. I’ve destroyed much, but not this. I’ve melted friendships, love, brain cells, spirit, creativity. I’m hoping that something will always remain. Something pure and indestructible.

  23. Dualism. Opposites attract. With life, comes death. But, if you’re not paying attention, the potential to destroy can slip by unbalanced and unanswered. Though, it seems to be the answer to everything.

  24. avoid this at all costs, this is a military term and not a social term, sometimes necessary to move past significant issues. Physical concept that is extrapolated to social and life issues

    Steve Beerman
  25. Why are we destroying what we have been given? Why are we detroying other poeple’s work? to build something new? is it worth it? Really? Probably not. We have to think about all the consequences.

  26. My pride was destroyed in that final moment; that moment when everything I once had was now lost.

  27. You couldn’t have made a bigger mistake when you decided to destroy what we had. Of course they’d tell you to leave. You never spoke of anything but the bad times. But now, there are no more times. The city we felt was ours is a shambles. You destroyed it.

  28. To destroy something is to ruin it, break something, even if you don’t know how. To destroy is not only to kill something, but it is to render it without power. People talk of destroying others, and it is often not only in the physical sense, but the mental connotations are also broken too.

    Ellis Cuttress
  29. wondering when it will end itself, this feeling within me that doesn’t belong. this passion that shouldn’t exist. this fake desire to need and be with someone that doesn’t want to be with me. destroy from the inside and take care of the outside.
