
September 8th, 2024 | 12 Entries

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12 Entries for “detective”

  1. On a cold late October morning at 8am the detective left his house with a steaming coffee cup in his hands stepping over burning red leaves pondering about connections from his last case, he was so deep in his thoughts that he did not notice the speeding black car that came racing down the road.

  2. A woman crept down the dark alleyway, her face obscured by the brim of her hat. She looked over her shoulder, keeping her long coat pulled tightly around her. Little did she know that behind her, a detective was tracking the footprints she left on the ground, following her to her destination.

  3. It’s somebody who’s interested in crimes. Often he’s a police officer and he wants to solve theses crimes.

  4. There once was a detective who lived in a small shack. He would exit every single day and head off to work, when one day a mysterious beast stood in front of him. He picked up a treebranch that was next to him, and tried to fight off the beast. The beast roared and beared it’s claws, breaking the treebranch that the detective was holding. Instead of fighting with his hands, he began to ran off to his work to hide.

    Ava Smith
  5. Hazel Grace was a great detective she was behind a great question. “Why everyone that she love was dead by cancer or affect by it”. It was a great question that only people like her could have.

    Daniel Gomez
  6. A detective is someone who finds out differs clue . They can help solve mysteries and they can help with police cases. Usually in movies they are the key person to help solve cases. They can help solve death.

  7. A detective is someone who is trying to solve or figure out an unknown mistery or story. They most commonly are in murder or crime cases as shown in movies or stories. Example is Sherlock homes and they also are commonly in horror movies or crime movies.

    Malcolm Churchill
  8. Detective’s are people who investigate mysteries. In the book, Hazel had to be a detective to find where the epilogue that she thought Augustus wrote for her was.

    Adia Robinson-Wood
  9. Detectives are people that investigate crime, the first detective i think of is Jake peralta from B99 even tho i don’t think he is a detective. I used to want to be a detective when i was younger and I still think its rlly cool i just dont want to do that anymore

  10. They usually are undercover and find out about crimes or some sort of odd case. They work with usually big organizations such as police departments , cia , or FBI . They work to find out the soliuion of a case or who did what

    Malachi W
  11. Inspector morse, brunetti, hercule Poirot. Often disillusioned heavy drinking men altho brunetti isn’t. They all have great minds and are good thinkers. They don’t rush, they don’t cave under pressure from above and they keep us guessing. Brilliant!

  12. The detective stood outside the door. The room inside was filled to capacity with other police and photographers taking photos, others taking measurements of the crime scene and lab techs scraping the blood off the floor. He stepped back onto the landing, and found the most important clue.
