if i could turn a dial, i would switch off my motherhood channel and spend my time at ease, whining about my own life instead of my kids’.
layla macoran
phones suck, calling is a chore, but the soap is nice sometimes. It gets irritating if you use it for too long a time, dove is generally preferred, but when traveling who has time to complain.
the phone dial turned as he hastened to make the call. It was important, so importatnt that he was forgetting he numbers. What would happen if no one answered? How do you death with that? You’re just alone on one end of the phone. Talking into the dark.
telephone, soap, number, dial up someone’s number is either symbolic or literal, the soap smells bad, that’s all
And I thought you wanted to talk. That’s what you said. So I called. But I got that stupid voice mail recording of your voice. If I look at the dial again and think of calling you – I’ll take a shot of vodka instead.
Dial. Phone numbers… 911? I did that once. When I was 5 I prank called 911 and blamed it on my brother. He was 3…
Telephones used to be dialed. Today dial is a soap. Or something that turns could be a dial like the bright light knob on the auo dashboard. Internet used to be known as dial up with a telephone.
Hesitantly her fingers ghosted over the smooth surface of the phone buttons, feeling the imprints of numbers under her skin like a blind woman reading braill
dial the phone tim the lady wonts you to call her
Dial my number and change your life O’ Love of mine!
maxine paradiso
Oh god cleanse me
Cleanse me of this guilt
this pain
these regrets over things from the past
cleanse me of hatred between my fellow men and women.
Oh commercial America you’ve sold me
Dial can cleanse my sins
Emerson Hatton
I wanted to make a phone call to the neighbour about a cow that landed on his roof. I picked up the phone to dial, but I noticed that the cow had started to climb down the chimney. Now I was getting concerned about my neighbour’s safety.
dialing is a process in which a person, be it you or somebody utterly unknown, contacts another person by phone. in another way, i suppose you could dial without technology as well, i.e. face to face.
i dont know what to write
wtf is the sense in this
dial my number, you know you want to. No one ever gave you the elation that I did. So dial my number. One number after another, you know what they are and you have a phone. Dont you remember how wonderful we were??
She held the phone in her hand, gripping so tightly her knuckles turned white. Pro and con didn’t really apply but even still her mind was going through it. On one hand, he didn’t pick up and she could pretend like she’d never called. On the other, he didn’t pick up and she had to wonder for the rest of her life if he had caller ID and ignored her. Then, on the OTHER hand of this mutated beast, he did pick up… which was just a whole other issue. With a click, she hung up the phone. Who would’ve thought pressing seven little buttons would be so hard?
she picked up the phone and dialed the number. But she just got a dial tone. She tried again and began to panic when the phone didn’t work. SHe had to make the call.
Every time I look at how people go about their day it amazes me. I am amazed at the way people seem to wake up in a bad mood. What are they mad at? They just woke up! If they were only to dial things down and let the day happen, it would bring them much happiness.
Is it all over now? Or should I wait… Or I should pick the phone and dial her number? Given the circumstances it’s hardly possible that it would ever end.
Dial is a part of a watch. It makes one watch look different from other.
Dial is also a verb which means dialing a phone number or such.
I dialld the phone, a mysterious voice answered. the husky, inhumaine voice spoke in a way that drew me in and caged me, I resigned to do as it said.
I wish you’d dial my number.
Dial soap is pretty cool.
Call Jesus. The line is always open.
Dial is “laid” backwards.
I dialed the phone and was recieved by an elderly sounding womenn who, in a disgruntled voice, spat instructions at me
i’m so sick and tired
that i woud make a dial
with God
to take my restless feelng
and give me lots of joy
I dialed the telephone. On the other end, he answered. I smiled.
I got in the shower and picked up the soap. Smelled it. Dial. Where’s my Dove?
I’m waiting to see what happens when 60 seconds are gone. This might be good for all the
Ricky don’t dial that number … I love that song. I guess it’s because my honey’s name is Ricky and it brings back special memories of when we were dating way back in the early 70’s. Dial-up, on the other hand, brings to mind something more negative. LOL
Doris Rodriguez
fun play kids happy beach ski wind in my face ride my bike laugh friends friends singing happy yipee
the phone will never ring
he will never call back
it was over
but i cling to him like kids to candy
the spaces between my fingers are right were yours fit perfectly
dial is a soap that keeps you clean and I can dial your number and stay in contact for years without ever seeing you because I miss you so much but our lives have seperated us so the simple act to be able to dial your number lets me feel like you are still there beside me. The dial on the TV is an old object as everyone now
i pick up the phone and i hear her
buzzing in my ear i can’t speak i’m so nervous
i think of all the words to say
but i can’t i simply can’t talk today
these weighted words weigh heavy
i put the phone down
without a sound.
jee bee
dial a phone number to talk to your loved one. dial is the great facility of the modern world where you can achieve so much by just dialling. in today’s world nobody is untouched by this phenomenan called dial. happy dialling.
ajay agarwal
Time moves on an unseen dial, traversing each mark, never ceasing, never reversing.
You must understand where here not to get through to each other and be heard, so Never ignore anyone as it will hurt the imbalance that is life
ya dial like the soap or then wh en ai I I I D I I I A A A L L L Hi the thrill of riding the express way at twenty miles per hour, , hbut the best part was at high noon when aw yeah dad.
The phone rang and she couldn’t bear to look at the caller ID. She knew it was him. The 14th time today… why couldn’t he leave her alone?! She curled up into a ball on the floor and listened to it ring… and ring… and ring.
i should dial someone but i don`t know who.i wish i had someone sweet to dial to.a simple gesture that would change my day and maybe other`s.i guess it would be nice for anyone
helo hello hello dial 111 191 …
if i could turn a dial, i would switch off my motherhood channel and spend my time at ease, whining about my own life instead of my kids’.
phones suck, calling is a chore, but the soap is nice sometimes. It gets irritating if you use it for too long a time, dove is generally preferred, but when traveling who has time to complain.
the phone dial turned as he hastened to make the call. It was important, so importatnt that he was forgetting he numbers. What would happen if no one answered? How do you death with that? You’re just alone on one end of the phone. Talking into the dark.
telephone, soap, number, dial up someone’s number is either symbolic or literal, the soap smells bad, that’s all
And I thought you wanted to talk. That’s what you said. So I called. But I got that stupid voice mail recording of your voice. If I look at the dial again and think of calling you – I’ll take a shot of vodka instead.
Dial. Phone numbers… 911? I did that once. When I was 5 I prank called 911 and blamed it on my brother. He was 3…
Telephones used to be dialed. Today dial is a soap. Or something that turns could be a dial like the bright light knob on the auo dashboard. Internet used to be known as dial up with a telephone.
Hesitantly her fingers ghosted over the smooth surface of the phone buttons, feeling the imprints of numbers under her skin like a blind woman reading braill
dial the phone tim the lady wonts you to call her
Dial my number and change your life O’ Love of mine!
Oh god cleanse me
Cleanse me of this guilt
this pain
these regrets over things from the past
cleanse me of hatred between my fellow men and women.
Oh commercial America you’ve sold me
Dial can cleanse my sins
I wanted to make a phone call to the neighbour about a cow that landed on his roof. I picked up the phone to dial, but I noticed that the cow had started to climb down the chimney. Now I was getting concerned about my neighbour’s safety.
dialing is a process in which a person, be it you or somebody utterly unknown, contacts another person by phone. in another way, i suppose you could dial without technology as well, i.e. face to face.
i dont know what to write
wtf is the sense in this
dial my number, you know you want to. No one ever gave you the elation that I did. So dial my number. One number after another, you know what they are and you have a phone. Dont you remember how wonderful we were??
She held the phone in her hand, gripping so tightly her knuckles turned white. Pro and con didn’t really apply but even still her mind was going through it. On one hand, he didn’t pick up and she could pretend like she’d never called. On the other, he didn’t pick up and she had to wonder for the rest of her life if he had caller ID and ignored her. Then, on the OTHER hand of this mutated beast, he did pick up… which was just a whole other issue. With a click, she hung up the phone. Who would’ve thought pressing seven little buttons would be so hard?
she picked up the phone and dialed the number. But she just got a dial tone. She tried again and began to panic when the phone didn’t work. SHe had to make the call.
Every time I look at how people go about their day it amazes me. I am amazed at the way people seem to wake up in a bad mood. What are they mad at? They just woke up! If they were only to dial things down and let the day happen, it would bring them much happiness.
Is it all over now? Or should I wait… Or I should pick the phone and dial her number? Given the circumstances it’s hardly possible that it would ever end.
Dial is a part of a watch. It makes one watch look different from other.
Dial is also a verb which means dialing a phone number or such.
I dialld the phone, a mysterious voice answered. the husky, inhumaine voice spoke in a way that drew me in and caged me, I resigned to do as it said.
I wish you’d dial my number.
Dial soap is pretty cool.
Call Jesus. The line is always open.
Dial is “laid” backwards.
I dialed the phone and was recieved by an elderly sounding womenn who, in a disgruntled voice, spat instructions at me
i’m so sick and tired
that i woud make a dial
with God
to take my restless feelng
and give me lots of joy
I dialed the telephone. On the other end, he answered. I smiled.
I got in the shower and picked up the soap. Smelled it. Dial. Where’s my Dove?
I’m waiting to see what happens when 60 seconds are gone. This might be good for all the
Ricky don’t dial that number … I love that song. I guess it’s because my honey’s name is Ricky and it brings back special memories of when we were dating way back in the early 70’s. Dial-up, on the other hand, brings to mind something more negative. LOL
fun play kids happy beach ski wind in my face ride my bike laugh friends friends singing happy yipee
the phone will never ring
he will never call back
it was over
but i cling to him like kids to candy
the spaces between my fingers are right were yours fit perfectly
dial is a soap that keeps you clean and I can dial your number and stay in contact for years without ever seeing you because I miss you so much but our lives have seperated us so the simple act to be able to dial your number lets me feel like you are still there beside me. The dial on the TV is an old object as everyone now
i pick up the phone and i hear her
buzzing in my ear i can’t speak i’m so nervous
i think of all the words to say
but i can’t i simply can’t talk today
these weighted words weigh heavy
i put the phone down
without a sound.
dial a phone number to talk to your loved one. dial is the great facility of the modern world where you can achieve so much by just dialling. in today’s world nobody is untouched by this phenomenan called dial. happy dialling.
Time moves on an unseen dial, traversing each mark, never ceasing, never reversing.
You must understand where here not to get through to each other and be heard, so Never ignore anyone as it will hurt the imbalance that is life
ya dial like the soap or then wh en ai I I I D I I I A A A L L L Hi the thrill of riding the express way at twenty miles per hour, , hbut the best part was at high noon when aw yeah dad.
The phone rang and she couldn’t bear to look at the caller ID. She knew it was him. The 14th time today… why couldn’t he leave her alone?! She curled up into a ball on the floor and listened to it ring… and ring… and ring.
i should dial someone but i don`t know who.i wish i had someone sweet to dial to.a simple gesture that would change my day and maybe other`s.i guess it would be nice for anyone