The dial of the watch was so mesmerizing. The glittering numbers not just played the role of the keepers of Time, they also gave the impression that they were the ones who moved Time.
Dial into
Dial, a type of soap. Or a sun dial, out in my grandmother’s garden, soaking up some rays of light, converting them into some sort of temporal meaning. Dialed in, ready to work, not a moment to waste, let’s get going, this is your life, you’re have it, you’ve got a focus. Better dial the…
ok so dial the number of someone you like on the telpephone so you can talk to them……..dial random numbers because you can make more friends and talk to a new person each day and it is fun really it is! ok so dialling numbers is not really the funnest hobby but yah its cool.
he dialled frantically but only managed a panicked disaster. fact is he was insane
dial me up
dial me down
dial me to smell good since that’s the kind of soap I use
dial a phone and see who picks up, have a conversation, be genial, maybe you’ll make a friend. just seven numbers, 1234567. somebody out there’s phone number is exactly the seven numbers you’ll hit. 1234567, all good girlies go to heaven. maybe you’ll reach an old forgotten fling, or your sixth grade school teacher, or that man in the hat who you bumped shoulders with in the train station. who knows? you gotta dial to find out.
I turn the dial and sigh.
sitting upon the stool i pathetically watch the cookies rise and take form, wallowing in my self-pity.
food was always my best friend, it never leaves, betrays or fails you.
i wait in the monotonous kitchen, silently wasting the minutes away.
after a long forever, the timer dings and forces my body into movement.
I wish to dial your number. To tell you I love you, and I’m sorry. I want to tell you that I don’t mean it. But I do mean it. I want a divorce. Despite my love for you. It kills me.
edward dust
phones are really cool
Dial M for Murder
Dial 911 in case of ememgerncy
Don’t touch that dial.
Who dials anymore? It’s all speed-dial.
I dialed the phone. It rang. once twice, three times. I hoped she would pick up. She had to, just had to. I didn’t know what I would do if she didn’t answer. Life or death.
Dial. You dial a phone. You can dial a phone to talk to a friend, relative, or to save someone’s life, maybe even your own. Dial is also a type of soap or something I think. Maybe a body wash. Dial is composed of four letters, two of which are vowels. The first letter of Dial is D, which is coincidently the first letter of Dinosaur.
The phone was in her hand before she realized. One ring, two. She sighed, knowing already that he wouldn’t pick up the phone. Knowing…and yet she still had to try, try even after he was dead. The phone clicked to voicemail and his baritone voice echoed from the speaker into her greedy ear. A tear fell from her cheek. She never should have dialed.
She dialed his number, even though she knew he wouldn’t answer. It was habit. She still couldn’t believe he was gone. The operator’s recorded voice came on and said, the number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again.
Dial dial, I like to dial you in, out and around. Turn you twist you change you around. You rotate slowly, reversing your life.
i love the phone and how we cant text with the dial of a touch. I dont know why i would use the word dial. In fact it prob is only used 5% in the united states, less than most words!!
dialing my cell phone makes me excited…..dialing makes you wanna talk…sometimes dialing is for bad news or good news…dialing can sometimes be stressful if you work in a switchboard department…dialing is dialing…dialing is numbers one through nine including zero….
well i called on the phone and I was wondering what in the world was going to happen with this cheeseburger society we live in. I mean is there going to be enough ketchup left to cover the next lifetime? What will we do with all the tomatoes. Quell them before their prime? Put salt on them and bottle them. Turn the dial up to high just to boil the sweet suculant fruit?
the dial ticked off the time till the exam….Stacy nervously chewed her pencil, trying to anticipate the next question. Tests always made her nervous and today was no exception. She had studied long and hard for the ACT’s but nothing, NOTHING could have prepared her for this……..
dial a number. you reach for the phone and make a call. but why? why not just go next door and talk to your neighbor? why not drive to pick up the pizza? We are becoming more and more unsocial.
phone talk. circle spinning emotions. knob button control manipulate change
Dial up the number, see where he’s at. And maybe he’ll take us away from here, after all we’ve been through. You never know, just give him a ring, afterall, how could he say no?
(Doctor Who fanfiction)
The dial was lit up. The Doctor stared at it, poking cautiously at the TARDIS console. That dial never lit up.
“What’re you doing that for, then?” he wondered aloud.
There was no answer.
He sighed dramatically. “Only one way to find out then, I guess.” A mad grin spread across his face as he twisted the offending item.
Dial. It’s such a funny word isn’t it. I’m so annoyed that my new English teacher keeps pronouncing it wrong. He often say’s “Dayl” or some thing to that extent I t makes me want to scream. But, other than that, I’m doing fine…..My math teacher looks weird but the rest of my classes are okay.
time is ticking, the dial is running
what about those old phones where you turn the dial for each number?
each number becomes significant.
who is your emergency contact?
why is it dial? i don’t know why people say they dialed the phone. its not a dial, it makes no sense. whatever. i never talk on the phone anymore all i do is text. texting sucks but its so convenient. i never use lol and i dont think people should, it pisses me off. what are you gonna do. i feel like people are devolving.
dial up. redial. sundial.
I tried to call you last night. I heard your voice and I realized you were dead. It was only after your mother tried to give me those stupid paintings. I wanted to hear your voice. To tell you how stupid your mother was for doing that to me. Crazy paradox, huh? Damn, I miss you.
i pick up the phone and i pondered for a while whether to dial your number. im unsure. i dont know what to expect, what awaits me.
soap. it is over used in this society. I firmly believe that all should embrase their natural selves and stop using dial soap. Now! Revolt and love your odor for the good of the world.
I want to dial my friend that is call her. but, she has not given her number yet. and she lives so far away. the rates are high, it will cost me a fortune to
i pick up the phone and dial your number but all the while i just sink. i can’t believe i’m still in love with you when you walked away from me faster than i blink. i charge to your heart with all the good in the world and hope that someday you’d feel the same. but then i realize you go chasing after that girl and i also realize…that i’ll be ok.
Sundials, outside the pantheon in ancient Rome. A place when the Gods were always welcome and fortune didn’t come without a price.
i pick up the phone and dial your number but all the while i just sink. i can’t believe i’m still in love with you when you walked away from me faster than i blink. i charge to your heart with all the good in the world and hope that someday you’d feel the same. but then i realize you go chasing after that girl and i also realize…that i’ll be ok.
I dial you on the phone.
I hope you pick up.
I like hearing your voice.
Your pauses, your laugh
the invite over.
I dial into you.
Into me you dial.
We are one soul separated
and dialing away into one.
I have to do it tonight. I pick up the phone to call you, to end it all for real. I listen to the dial tone, trying to figure out what I can say to explain it to you. Even in my mind, you convince me to stay.
Instead of dialing, I put the phone back in its cradle. Best not to start a conversation I don’t know how to end.
The old phone rattled with every turn as if the time it had spent gathering dust was now an unbearable weight. Joe’s finger pulled back reflexively at the odd sensation it made against his dialing finger. [ wow that sucked ].
There once was a watch that had no face which made it so sad because it was not like the rest.
The dial of the watch was so mesmerizing. The glittering numbers not just played the role of the keepers of Time, they also gave the impression that they were the ones who moved Time.
Dial into
Dial, a type of soap. Or a sun dial, out in my grandmother’s garden, soaking up some rays of light, converting them into some sort of temporal meaning. Dialed in, ready to work, not a moment to waste, let’s get going, this is your life, you’re have it, you’ve got a focus. Better dial the…
ok so dial the number of someone you like on the telpephone so you can talk to them……..dial random numbers because you can make more friends and talk to a new person each day and it is fun really it is! ok so dialling numbers is not really the funnest hobby but yah its cool.
he dialled frantically but only managed a panicked disaster. fact is he was insane
dial me up
dial me down
dial me to smell good since that’s the kind of soap I use
phone, time, place, person, date, communication, clock, connection, internet, speed dial, dialysis,
dial a phone and see who picks up, have a conversation, be genial, maybe you’ll make a friend. just seven numbers, 1234567. somebody out there’s phone number is exactly the seven numbers you’ll hit. 1234567, all good girlies go to heaven. maybe you’ll reach an old forgotten fling, or your sixth grade school teacher, or that man in the hat who you bumped shoulders with in the train station. who knows? you gotta dial to find out.
I turn the dial and sigh.
sitting upon the stool i pathetically watch the cookies rise and take form, wallowing in my self-pity.
food was always my best friend, it never leaves, betrays or fails you.
i wait in the monotonous kitchen, silently wasting the minutes away.
after a long forever, the timer dings and forces my body into movement.
I wish to dial your number. To tell you I love you, and I’m sorry. I want to tell you that I don’t mean it. But I do mean it. I want a divorce. Despite my love for you. It kills me.
phones are really cool
Dial M for Murder
Dial 911 in case of ememgerncy
Don’t touch that dial.
Who dials anymore? It’s all speed-dial.
I dialed the phone. It rang. once twice, three times. I hoped she would pick up. She had to, just had to. I didn’t know what I would do if she didn’t answer. Life or death.
Dial. You dial a phone. You can dial a phone to talk to a friend, relative, or to save someone’s life, maybe even your own. Dial is also a type of soap or something I think. Maybe a body wash. Dial is composed of four letters, two of which are vowels. The first letter of Dial is D, which is coincidently the first letter of Dinosaur.
The phone was in her hand before she realized. One ring, two. She sighed, knowing already that he wouldn’t pick up the phone. Knowing…and yet she still had to try, try even after he was dead. The phone clicked to voicemail and his baritone voice echoed from the speaker into her greedy ear. A tear fell from her cheek. She never should have dialed.
She dialed his number, even though she knew he wouldn’t answer. It was habit. She still couldn’t believe he was gone. The operator’s recorded voice came on and said, the number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again.
Dial dial, I like to dial you in, out and around. Turn you twist you change you around. You rotate slowly, reversing your life.
i love the phone and how we cant text with the dial of a touch. I dont know why i would use the word dial. In fact it prob is only used 5% in the united states, less than most words!!
dialing my cell phone makes me excited…..dialing makes you wanna talk…sometimes dialing is for bad news or good news…dialing can sometimes be stressful if you work in a switchboard department…dialing is dialing…dialing is numbers one through nine including zero….
well i called on the phone and I was wondering what in the world was going to happen with this cheeseburger society we live in. I mean is there going to be enough ketchup left to cover the next lifetime? What will we do with all the tomatoes. Quell them before their prime? Put salt on them and bottle them. Turn the dial up to high just to boil the sweet suculant fruit?
the dial ticked off the time till the exam….Stacy nervously chewed her pencil, trying to anticipate the next question. Tests always made her nervous and today was no exception. She had studied long and hard for the ACT’s but nothing, NOTHING could have prepared her for this……..
dial a number. you reach for the phone and make a call. but why? why not just go next door and talk to your neighbor? why not drive to pick up the pizza? We are becoming more and more unsocial.
phone talk. circle spinning emotions. knob button control manipulate change
Dial up the number, see where he’s at. And maybe he’ll take us away from here, after all we’ve been through. You never know, just give him a ring, afterall, how could he say no?
(Doctor Who fanfiction)
The dial was lit up. The Doctor stared at it, poking cautiously at the TARDIS console. That dial never lit up.
“What’re you doing that for, then?” he wondered aloud.
There was no answer.
He sighed dramatically. “Only one way to find out then, I guess.” A mad grin spread across his face as he twisted the offending item.
Dial. It’s such a funny word isn’t it. I’m so annoyed that my new English teacher keeps pronouncing it wrong. He often say’s “Dayl” or some thing to that extent I t makes me want to scream. But, other than that, I’m doing fine…..My math teacher looks weird but the rest of my classes are okay.
time is ticking, the dial is running
what about those old phones where you turn the dial for each number?
each number becomes significant.
who is your emergency contact?
why is it dial? i don’t know why people say they dialed the phone. its not a dial, it makes no sense. whatever. i never talk on the phone anymore all i do is text. texting sucks but its so convenient. i never use lol and i dont think people should, it pisses me off. what are you gonna do. i feel like people are devolving.
dial up. redial. sundial.
I tried to call you last night. I heard your voice and I realized you were dead. It was only after your mother tried to give me those stupid paintings. I wanted to hear your voice. To tell you how stupid your mother was for doing that to me. Crazy paradox, huh? Damn, I miss you.
i pick up the phone and i pondered for a while whether to dial your number. im unsure. i dont know what to expect, what awaits me.
soap. it is over used in this society. I firmly believe that all should embrase their natural selves and stop using dial soap. Now! Revolt and love your odor for the good of the world.
I want to dial my friend that is call her. but, she has not given her number yet. and she lives so far away. the rates are high, it will cost me a fortune to
i pick up the phone and dial your number but all the while i just sink. i can’t believe i’m still in love with you when you walked away from me faster than i blink. i charge to your heart with all the good in the world and hope that someday you’d feel the same. but then i realize you go chasing after that girl and i also realize…that i’ll be ok.
Sundials, outside the pantheon in ancient Rome. A place when the Gods were always welcome and fortune didn’t come without a price.
i pick up the phone and dial your number but all the while i just sink. i can’t believe i’m still in love with you when you walked away from me faster than i blink. i charge to your heart with all the good in the world and hope that someday you’d feel the same. but then i realize you go chasing after that girl and i also realize…that i’ll be ok.
I dial you on the phone.
I hope you pick up.
I like hearing your voice.
Your pauses, your laugh
the invite over.
I dial into you.
Into me you dial.
We are one soul separated
and dialing away into one.
I have to do it tonight. I pick up the phone to call you, to end it all for real. I listen to the dial tone, trying to figure out what I can say to explain it to you. Even in my mind, you convince me to stay.
Instead of dialing, I put the phone back in its cradle. Best not to start a conversation I don’t know how to end.
The old phone rattled with every turn as if the time it had spent gathering dust was now an unbearable weight. Joe’s finger pulled back reflexively at the odd sensation it made against his dialing finger. [ wow that sucked ].
There once was a watch that had no face which made it so sad because it was not like the rest.