I stared at the phone, wishing he would call me. There was no ring. I sighed and picked it up, dialing his number. I tapped my finger on my thigh as I waited for an answer. It never came, I just got the answering machine.
I once saw a dial on the door. The dial talked to me and started yelling when I went to turn it. Little known fact that dials no not like to be touched.
It was the dial tone that irritated her. How many times has she called him?
Answer. Come on. Please.
It wasn’t even love. This despair. Whatever you will call it. It wasn’t love at all. But she always knew that there is this urgency to call him.
Sandy Ladignon
on the phone with a friend. to another person. to reach your love. to get a hold of someone important. to save a life. dial your mothers number. dialing. a sun dial. sunny. beauty. dialing but messing up because of excitemtn
on the phone with a friend. to another person. to reach your love. to get a hold of someone important. to save a life. dial your mothers number. dialing. a sun dial. sunny. beauty. dialing but messing up because of excitemtn
The sundial showed that it was 4:00 P.M. in Athens, Greece and Saichen rode on his horse towards the olive press in the Western Land. He dismounted, walking up the flag stone stairs and entered the small, cot of his grandmother. Rushing past the sitting room he rounded a corner and found her on the edge of the bed in her room.
“Ma ma!” he exclaimed with a grin on his face. “I’m home, so rejoice. You’re son has not been maimed in war for the mighty Zesus has taken care of him!”
His grandmother, who had raised the sinewy, young man since his parents died to a plague, smiled, showing all her remaining teeth.
She slowly got to her feet, holding her arms out for a hug and said: “Good to hear, young Saichen. So happy to see you once more. Six months you have been gone — the house so empty. I had only the chickens and horses to keep me company.” And he embraced her tightly.
Gouldin Lion
agreement, phone call, friends, love, money, work, date, women
I dialled the phone number I’d been given. Someone picked up, evidently a female. I was hoping the little voice that greeted me from the other end of the line would have some clues for me.
“Hello there,” I said, “I… look, I have no idea who I’m calling here, it’s just that… well it just so happens that when I woke up this morning I had a piece of paper sitting on my bed-side table with this phone number written on it in what looked like sexy handwriting.”
A.J. Moon
dial a heart wash it out with soap for all the meanness that resides there. dial a number and call it with your heart and rinse off the residual resentment that resides there as well. memories of mothers, fathers and all those wishing us on to better things, trapping us within the conflict of duality.
Dial a number, grab a ticket. No dial tone means no one is there. Do you have a dial tone?
I dont like talking on the phone. I never know what to say. I like texting. It gives me time to think about what I want to say.
the soap i used to wash my poor self.
to call my family on the phone my friend had an old fashioned teley. it had the spinning dial and i had a toy when i was a child that i could fake call on.
soap. my boyfriend uses, it makes him smell great. it could also mean… to dial a phone. but no one does that much anymore what with phone books in your cells and all.
dial that number, she said. and tell him you are very willing to accept his invitation!
but mum, he is bold, totally bold and has a moustache, a long rusty mustache!
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. dial is a soap. dial is a phone. dial is a dial. dial dial dial. i dial
She picked up the phone, placed it thoughtfully to her ear. She started to push the buttons. Why, she wondered, was she even bothering? Her pulse rose steadily louder in her ears, and the sound she longed to hear on the other end failed to rise to the occasion. No surprise, she thought. The longing for her lover left a void in her heart she was growing all too accustomed to.
Elizabeth Gray
Dial my number. get into my brain. figure me out. It doeswn’t happen. You will neve3r be happy. Not with me, not with anyone. It is your choice. Ultimately it is your choice to decide when to be happy, when to have fun, and when to enjoy your partner.
i dialed your number again today. you didnt answer. again-i hung up when i heard your voice. i couldnt face all the questions bottled in my brain. i miss you, i just want you to know that. And, im sorry. really sorry.
i want to fly
this is what you do to get in touch with good friends, I ‘m in south africa and my friends are in wales so i dial on my computer and skype not on a real phone, strange taht some kids have never seen a phone with a dial , just buttons to press and speak- how strange is that?
dial up versus cable remember dial phones rotary style what is rotary anyway or sundial time told naturally
i spent the day thinking about him. as i stared at my phone, the numbers taunted me. i started to send a text, but my fingers wouldnt cooperate. I tried to call him, my brain couldnt find the words. But I knew I needed to. So I found the courage and pressed “send”.
its something you do with a telephone. you can also say when you want to get into someone’s thoughts. it rhymes with vile. its also like the soap.
you’ve lost the number more times than my fingers or toes will count and it’s no use putting the call through, operator, the phone’s off at the root. a sticky situation, but that’s the fun of jam, or honey, or any sweetness either of us want to dive into
the phone rang, while in the bathroom but it wasn’t my ring tony it was a scream of a women sounded like next door
mark greenup
Bob Marley’s number, and tell him to come back to life… because, MAN this shit is reeaaallll goood.
the girl dialed the phone number. she poured out all her troubles to the listener. her boyfriend had dumped her and she needed someone to be there for her. but it was the wrong number and they hung up after she asked why they weren’t speaking.
well its hard to write while holding a cigarette but DIAL oh no. dial is such a hard word tonight because of the digits haunting my fingers. because of the pain of being misunderstood by so many. when you feel so alone, and i know for this trial i out of time, but i aiive so its not truly out of time… but when you feel so isolated from your “peers” it makes life tough.. it creates a monster of need and want. but the need also creates the loneliness..where question of changing who we are enter. i love who i, even if it comes in a subconscious package. the uplifting words of others means some but little when you cannot connect to the representation. then comes the insanity…. the gap of who you think you are and what place you are seen as. ive long run out of time here on you, sir dial.. but its a punching gap… the deeper stabs of thinking and being. life.. you are a mystery and im okay with that. but some days of being lost take over, and i want to feel the wholeness that comes with more meditative moments. such is life i say, and it is even if the dial hurts.
i went to dial on the phone today and realized i couldn’t press the button because i spilled coke on it earlier and the buttons were so sticky!
noelle mahleres
I wanted to dial the number, but i deleted it from my phone…too bad
I love to dial people’s numbers. It’s so annoying to get a dial tone. I hate operators and telemarketers. They can just go stuff their shit elsewhere. Dial..sun dial. Weird ancient stuff. Who needs it? We have electricity. Well, most of us. Ummm…I love to talk, and dialing a number sucks on a touch screen phone.
“don’t touch that dial” automatically popped in my head. umm you dial a phone to call someone. i dialed the wrong number once and made quite a fool of myself by blabbering on about something they didn’t even know i was talking about.
one time I dialed the wrong phone number. I picked up the phone and they asked who I was. Of course, they had no idea. I don’t even know who I sometimes so how in the world could I expect a complete stranger to know.
She picked up the phone:
“I can’t dial his number, not tonight.”
Then, as she knew she would, she dialed him anyways.
The familiar beep after his voicemail prompt alerted her to the fact she was dialing the man who had spent years making her life terrible.
I hate when people call me when I’m just about to eat dinner. It’s like they dial my number at the exact moment they know I’m going to sit down and put the food in my mouth
I had a dial once, I wasn’t quite sure what it was for so I turned it and nothing happened. I thought it must be broken until i realised it was three days earlier than when i turned it
I dialed the phone and rang for help. There were no lines going out and I could not get through. I was terrified. I needed to call to find out if anyone else was left, but maybe there was no-one to answer a phone on the other end. It had only been 10 minutes, but it felt like hours.
Samantha Hornery
She loved the smell of Dial soap on a man. Maybe it had something to do with her first boyfriend’s soap choice, maybe not, but any time a male walked by and she caught a wiff–maybe it wasn’t even him–she fell into some type of trance, wanting to follow him. She, of course, didn’t use Dial herself, as that would defeat the purpose of the surprise of the scent.
the numbers on the telephone, they wait for your hesitant finger. why don’t you just do it? what do you have to lose? your cool? his love?
every breath is like a century.
I stared at the phone, wishing he would call me. There was no ring. I sighed and picked it up, dialing his number. I tapped my finger on my thigh as I waited for an answer. It never came, I just got the answering machine.
I once saw a dial on the door. The dial talked to me and started yelling when I went to turn it. Little known fact that dials no not like to be touched.
It was the dial tone that irritated her. How many times has she called him?
Answer. Come on. Please.
It wasn’t even love. This despair. Whatever you will call it. It wasn’t love at all. But she always knew that there is this urgency to call him.
on the phone with a friend. to another person. to reach your love. to get a hold of someone important. to save a life. dial your mothers number. dialing. a sun dial. sunny. beauty. dialing but messing up because of excitemtn
on the phone with a friend. to another person. to reach your love. to get a hold of someone important. to save a life. dial your mothers number. dialing. a sun dial. sunny. beauty. dialing but messing up because of excitemtn
The sundial showed that it was 4:00 P.M. in Athens, Greece and Saichen rode on his horse towards the olive press in the Western Land. He dismounted, walking up the flag stone stairs and entered the small, cot of his grandmother. Rushing past the sitting room he rounded a corner and found her on the edge of the bed in her room.
“Ma ma!” he exclaimed with a grin on his face. “I’m home, so rejoice. You’re son has not been maimed in war for the mighty Zesus has taken care of him!”
His grandmother, who had raised the sinewy, young man since his parents died to a plague, smiled, showing all her remaining teeth.
She slowly got to her feet, holding her arms out for a hug and said: “Good to hear, young Saichen. So happy to see you once more. Six months you have been gone — the house so empty. I had only the chickens and horses to keep me company.” And he embraced her tightly.
agreement, phone call, friends, love, money, work, date, women
I dialled the phone number I’d been given. Someone picked up, evidently a female. I was hoping the little voice that greeted me from the other end of the line would have some clues for me.
“Hello there,” I said, “I… look, I have no idea who I’m calling here, it’s just that… well it just so happens that when I woke up this morning I had a piece of paper sitting on my bed-side table with this phone number written on it in what looked like sexy handwriting.”
dial a heart wash it out with soap for all the meanness that resides there. dial a number and call it with your heart and rinse off the residual resentment that resides there as well. memories of mothers, fathers and all those wishing us on to better things, trapping us within the conflict of duality.
Dial a number, grab a ticket. No dial tone means no one is there. Do you have a dial tone?
I dont like talking on the phone. I never know what to say. I like texting. It gives me time to think about what I want to say.
the soap i used to wash my poor self.
to call my family on the phone my friend had an old fashioned teley. it had the spinning dial and i had a toy when i was a child that i could fake call on.
soap. my boyfriend uses, it makes him smell great. it could also mean… to dial a phone. but no one does that much anymore what with phone books in your cells and all.
dial that number, she said. and tell him you are very willing to accept his invitation!
but mum, he is bold, totally bold and has a moustache, a long rusty mustache!
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. dial is a soap. dial is a phone. dial is a dial. dial dial dial. i dial
She picked up the phone, placed it thoughtfully to her ear. She started to push the buttons. Why, she wondered, was she even bothering? Her pulse rose steadily louder in her ears, and the sound she longed to hear on the other end failed to rise to the occasion. No surprise, she thought. The longing for her lover left a void in her heart she was growing all too accustomed to.
Dial my number. get into my brain. figure me out. It doeswn’t happen. You will neve3r be happy. Not with me, not with anyone. It is your choice. Ultimately it is your choice to decide when to be happy, when to have fun, and when to enjoy your partner.
i dialed your number again today. you didnt answer. again-i hung up when i heard your voice. i couldnt face all the questions bottled in my brain. i miss you, i just want you to know that. And, im sorry. really sorry.
this is what you do to get in touch with good friends, I ‘m in south africa and my friends are in wales so i dial on my computer and skype not on a real phone, strange taht some kids have never seen a phone with a dial , just buttons to press and speak- how strange is that?
dial up versus cable remember dial phones rotary style what is rotary anyway or sundial time told naturally
i spent the day thinking about him. as i stared at my phone, the numbers taunted me. i started to send a text, but my fingers wouldnt cooperate. I tried to call him, my brain couldnt find the words. But I knew I needed to. So I found the courage and pressed “send”.
its something you do with a telephone. you can also say when you want to get into someone’s thoughts. it rhymes with vile. its also like the soap.
you’ve lost the number more times than my fingers or toes will count and it’s no use putting the call through, operator, the phone’s off at the root. a sticky situation, but that’s the fun of jam, or honey, or any sweetness either of us want to dive into
the phone rang, while in the bathroom but it wasn’t my ring tony it was a scream of a women sounded like next door
Bob Marley’s number, and tell him to come back to life… because, MAN this shit is reeaaallll goood.
the girl dialed the phone number. she poured out all her troubles to the listener. her boyfriend had dumped her and she needed someone to be there for her. but it was the wrong number and they hung up after she asked why they weren’t speaking.
well its hard to write while holding a cigarette but DIAL oh no. dial is such a hard word tonight because of the digits haunting my fingers. because of the pain of being misunderstood by so many. when you feel so alone, and i know for this trial i out of time, but i aiive so its not truly out of time… but when you feel so isolated from your “peers” it makes life tough.. it creates a monster of need and want. but the need also creates the loneliness..where question of changing who we are enter. i love who i, even if it comes in a subconscious package. the uplifting words of others means some but little when you cannot connect to the representation. then comes the insanity…. the gap of who you think you are and what place you are seen as. ive long run out of time here on you, sir dial.. but its a punching gap… the deeper stabs of thinking and being. life.. you are a mystery and im okay with that. but some days of being lost take over, and i want to feel the wholeness that comes with more meditative moments. such is life i say, and it is even if the dial hurts.
i went to dial on the phone today and realized i couldn’t press the button because i spilled coke on it earlier and the buttons were so sticky!
I wanted to dial the number, but i deleted it from my phone…too bad
I love to dial people’s numbers. It’s so annoying to get a dial tone. I hate operators and telemarketers. They can just go stuff their shit elsewhere. Dial..sun dial. Weird ancient stuff. Who needs it? We have electricity. Well, most of us. Ummm…I love to talk, and dialing a number sucks on a touch screen phone.
“don’t touch that dial” automatically popped in my head. umm you dial a phone to call someone. i dialed the wrong number once and made quite a fool of myself by blabbering on about something they didn’t even know i was talking about.
one time I dialed the wrong phone number. I picked up the phone and they asked who I was. Of course, they had no idea. I don’t even know who I sometimes so how in the world could I expect a complete stranger to know.
She picked up the phone:
“I can’t dial his number, not tonight.”
Then, as she knew she would, she dialed him anyways.
The familiar beep after his voicemail prompt alerted her to the fact she was dialing the man who had spent years making her life terrible.
I hate when people call me when I’m just about to eat dinner. It’s like they dial my number at the exact moment they know I’m going to sit down and put the food in my mouth
I had a dial once, I wasn’t quite sure what it was for so I turned it and nothing happened. I thought it must be broken until i realised it was three days earlier than when i turned it
I dialed the phone and rang for help. There were no lines going out and I could not get through. I was terrified. I needed to call to find out if anyone else was left, but maybe there was no-one to answer a phone on the other end. It had only been 10 minutes, but it felt like hours.
She loved the smell of Dial soap on a man. Maybe it had something to do with her first boyfriend’s soap choice, maybe not, but any time a male walked by and she caught a wiff–maybe it wasn’t even him–she fell into some type of trance, wanting to follow him. She, of course, didn’t use Dial herself, as that would defeat the purpose of the surprise of the scent.
the numbers on the telephone, they wait for your hesitant finger. why don’t you just do it? what do you have to lose? your cool? his love?
every breath is like a century.