Which number do I dial? Yours, or yours? There aren’t many to choose from, but I afraid to call. How I want to spill my guts over the phone without having to worry that I taking up your time. All it takes is one call, but my hands shake while I dial.
Dial the phone: put your fingers in the hole and turn the dial. Hear the satisfying whirr as the dial moves back to where it first baegan. Dial the phone and you will never go back to the push button again. It won’t feel the same. No click, whirr. Click whirr.
Julie Mayhew, www.juliemayhew.co.uk
I want to dial a number and reach out to my loved ones. Especially those that I have lost touch with. Friends and family both. One of them is S.Dey. We have had so much fun in the past six years, I miss her so much. Its cause that she is married now and that her husband dislikes me and so we are not in touch. :(
Wieder und wieder w
She knew it was a mistake as soon as she pressed the buttons.
Inebriated. With his number still in her phone.
She knew he didn’t want to get together.
But it was worth asking wasn’t it?
Nevermind if she wouldn’t remember a single thing in the morning.
Things always get more complicated once the fog clears, but right then and there, it didn’t matter at all.
Can I call you? No? When can I so? Never call me again, she said, except if you have something to say. And that’s how I realised how empty my life was. Because I never called her again.
Dial the phone and call today. Don’t avoid the talk. It will bring insight, it will bring pain, but at least you get to tick it off the to-do list.
Marisa Birns
The rotary phone sat waiting for me to dial her number. I froze. It had seemed so easy to call her before I picked up the phone!
I dial. It rings. I hang up. Try again. Still hang up. Why is it so hard? “Hello, how are you?” “I’m fine” “Miss me?” “No? Yes?” “Why? Why not?”
television repair technology is at an all time low with all the advances in digital technology there is no need for the repairmen anymore. I believe we have put an end to a very nobel proffession by eliminating the need for repair people. Because TVs are cheap now, nobody every fixes one anymore. They just go to the store and buy a new one, and that just adds to our throw away culture. We have thrown away this valiant group of people along with our damn TVs.
John Shinaberry
I dialed on the phone in frantic frustration. It was a stupid rotary phone, which I had no time to mess around with. They were after me.
I messed up the sequence of numbers and had to start over again. I cursed. I was done for.
I think about cell phones and sun dials. I makes me think about calling others people and dialing their number. I have never really seen a sun dial, but i know what they look like. I can see the sun as it passes over the dial.
CJ Morsey
I think about cell phones and sin dials. I makes me think about calling others people and dialing their number. I have never really seen a sun dial, but i know what they look like. I can see the sun as it passes over the dial.
CJ Morsey
Cell phones, telephones, talking, typing and numbers to enter in.
all i can think about is maybe a phone some can call someone and tell them what they feel or something and instead of going to that persons house they can call them, also like a dial you can a a dial sound on the phone saying the phone is in use
jason hair
Can I dial your number? Do I know your number, or are you just one number on the speed dial? Is that how my life is today, just an abbreviated – one number – blip in a hectic, speed dialed world?
We don’t dial anymore, as the rotary has been erased by the button. Soon the button will dissipate into the voice command. Then voice will go silent and the thought will be the muscle, the spark. But then what? Then the body will dissolve and the call will fade like the echo of the first stone tool’s thud.
i dialed the phone to call your house I found no one answered so i hung up and tried your mobile phone. then you answered we talked about the lovely day. i never thought i could talk so long about hte weather but then we did, and that was that — and i thought it would be nice to talk again, i hung up and called you the next day and we talked about life.
I picked up the phone to call my friend and there was a voice that ecoed through instead of dial tone “hello, helllooo, is anyone there – Its me GOD!”. I didnt answer not believing in god. I hung up the phone and walked over to the sofa where my cellphone was and called him on that.
Michelle W
i dont reall yknow what to say about a dial really theyr little things you turn to change something…
sorry i didnt get it at first but i do now! i’l have a nother go in a minute :S
i dialed her number again. it rang. 6 times. she answered. i hung up. one day ill be able to apologize for how much i hurt her. but for now. i dial. i hear her voice. i panic. instead of me owning up to what i did i hide behind this keypad.
wear your shoes wear out wear your shairt wear your clothing wear your knickers wear outright wear your old rags
the dial tone sounded and I felt my heart shatter. Why wouldn’t he talk to me we had been together in this all our live, and suddenly he’s just going to bail? He wont even speak to me. Ive lost everything all of it.
you know what all of us wandering this city has in common?
the same dial tone.
one that people has listened to while waiting to talk to you.
people want to talk to you.
people wait through a crappy dial tone that turns them crabby listening to it,
because they want you on the other end instead.
how do you dial ‘regret’?
how about for ‘clarity’? or ‘happiness’, ‘satisfaction’ or ‘magic’? ‘love’?
how do you hang up on ‘anger’?
we were looking at the face of a master. he has told the time accurately for two millennia may be more. Brian still smashed the sun dial though. hit it hard with a jackhammer until nothing was recognisable.
to place your finger on many different places for example a telephone. You dial a number in To call a friend maybe.
Every thing is starting with one word and one single step. Every thing is after that.
One single word is above all.
telephone numbers are dialable lol lol
telephone numbers are dialable lol lol
dilated pupils and expanding hearts connected ribbons to one another through the veins of existence, i realize how inextricable it all is and dial your number ring, ring, click. dont be confused, don’t be afraid, follow suit.
Dial your number
On a lonely night
Wait for what?
Just pick up the phone
Doesn’t matter if she’s there
Just pick it up
Pick up my emotions with your hands
And smash it
But don’t break it
Rafaella Schumann
i dialed the phone to see what i could hear loololoa ahahah ssskskskskks
She stared out of the window down onto the flurescent green lawn. There were bits of smashed glass and butchered pieces of the old sundial. The burglars hadn’t taken much but they’d destroyed the heart and soul of her late fathers memorial garden.
eine Nummer. Irgeneine, egal wer dran ist. F
a phone. dial a ride.
She dialled for the cab and waited for it to arrive. Drumming her fingers on the table, turned away from the rest of the group. Everyone was looking at her, they were bound to be. Would the taxi never come. A ring at the door and she rushed to open it.
Which number do I dial? Yours, or yours? There aren’t many to choose from, but I afraid to call. How I want to spill my guts over the phone without having to worry that I taking up your time. All it takes is one call, but my hands shake while I dial.
Dial the phone: put your fingers in the hole and turn the dial. Hear the satisfying whirr as the dial moves back to where it first baegan. Dial the phone and you will never go back to the push button again. It won’t feel the same. No click, whirr. Click whirr.
I want to dial a number and reach out to my loved ones. Especially those that I have lost touch with. Friends and family both. One of them is S.Dey. We have had so much fun in the past six years, I miss her so much. Its cause that she is married now and that her husband dislikes me and so we are not in touch. :(
Wieder und wieder w
She knew it was a mistake as soon as she pressed the buttons.
Inebriated. With his number still in her phone.
She knew he didn’t want to get together.
But it was worth asking wasn’t it?
Nevermind if she wouldn’t remember a single thing in the morning.
Things always get more complicated once the fog clears, but right then and there, it didn’t matter at all.
Can I call you? No? When can I so? Never call me again, she said, except if you have something to say. And that’s how I realised how empty my life was. Because I never called her again.
Dial the phone and call today. Don’t avoid the talk. It will bring insight, it will bring pain, but at least you get to tick it off the to-do list.
The rotary phone sat waiting for me to dial her number. I froze. It had seemed so easy to call her before I picked up the phone!
I dial. It rings. I hang up. Try again. Still hang up. Why is it so hard? “Hello, how are you?” “I’m fine” “Miss me?” “No? Yes?” “Why? Why not?”
television repair technology is at an all time low with all the advances in digital technology there is no need for the repairmen anymore. I believe we have put an end to a very nobel proffession by eliminating the need for repair people. Because TVs are cheap now, nobody every fixes one anymore. They just go to the store and buy a new one, and that just adds to our throw away culture. We have thrown away this valiant group of people along with our damn TVs.
I dialed on the phone in frantic frustration. It was a stupid rotary phone, which I had no time to mess around with. They were after me.
I messed up the sequence of numbers and had to start over again. I cursed. I was done for.
I think about cell phones and sun dials. I makes me think about calling others people and dialing their number. I have never really seen a sun dial, but i know what they look like. I can see the sun as it passes over the dial.
I think about cell phones and sin dials. I makes me think about calling others people and dialing their number. I have never really seen a sun dial, but i know what they look like. I can see the sun as it passes over the dial.
Cell phones, telephones, talking, typing and numbers to enter in.
Cell Phone
Phone Ring
360 Degrees
all i can think about is maybe a phone some can call someone and tell them what they feel or something and instead of going to that persons house they can call them, also like a dial you can a a dial sound on the phone saying the phone is in use
Can I dial your number? Do I know your number, or are you just one number on the speed dial? Is that how my life is today, just an abbreviated – one number – blip in a hectic, speed dialed world?
We don’t dial anymore, as the rotary has been erased by the button. Soon the button will dissipate into the voice command. Then voice will go silent and the thought will be the muscle, the spark. But then what? Then the body will dissolve and the call will fade like the echo of the first stone tool’s thud.
i dialed the phone to call your house I found no one answered so i hung up and tried your mobile phone. then you answered we talked about the lovely day. i never thought i could talk so long about hte weather but then we did, and that was that — and i thought it would be nice to talk again, i hung up and called you the next day and we talked about life.
I picked up the phone to call my friend and there was a voice that ecoed through instead of dial tone “hello, helllooo, is anyone there – Its me GOD!”. I didnt answer not believing in god. I hung up the phone and walked over to the sofa where my cellphone was and called him on that.
i dont reall yknow what to say about a dial really theyr little things you turn to change something…
sorry i didnt get it at first but i do now! i’l have a nother go in a minute :S
i dialed her number again. it rang. 6 times. she answered. i hung up. one day ill be able to apologize for how much i hurt her. but for now. i dial. i hear her voice. i panic. instead of me owning up to what i did i hide behind this keypad.
wear your shoes wear out wear your shairt wear your clothing wear your knickers wear outright wear your old rags
the dial tone sounded and I felt my heart shatter. Why wouldn’t he talk to me we had been together in this all our live, and suddenly he’s just going to bail? He wont even speak to me. Ive lost everything all of it.
you know what all of us wandering this city has in common?
the same dial tone.
one that people has listened to while waiting to talk to you.
people want to talk to you.
people wait through a crappy dial tone that turns them crabby listening to it,
because they want you on the other end instead.
how do you dial ‘regret’?
how about for ‘clarity’? or ‘happiness’, ‘satisfaction’ or ‘magic’? ‘love’?
how do you hang up on ‘anger’?
we were looking at the face of a master. he has told the time accurately for two millennia may be more. Brian still smashed the sun dial though. hit it hard with a jackhammer until nothing was recognisable.
to place your finger on many different places for example a telephone. You dial a number in To call a friend maybe.
Every thing is starting with one word and one single step. Every thing is after that.
One single word is above all.
telephone numbers are dialable lol lol
telephone numbers are dialable lol lol
dilated pupils and expanding hearts connected ribbons to one another through the veins of existence, i realize how inextricable it all is and dial your number ring, ring, click. dont be confused, don’t be afraid, follow suit.
Dial your number
On a lonely night
Wait for what?
Just pick up the phone
Doesn’t matter if she’s there
Just pick it up
Pick up my emotions with your hands
And smash it
But don’t break it
i dialed the phone to see what i could hear loololoa ahahah ssskskskskks
She stared out of the window down onto the flurescent green lawn. There were bits of smashed glass and butchered pieces of the old sundial. The burglars hadn’t taken much but they’d destroyed the heart and soul of her late fathers memorial garden.
eine Nummer. Irgeneine, egal wer dran ist. F
a phone. dial a ride.
She dialled for the cab and waited for it to arrive. Drumming her fingers on the table, turned away from the rest of the group. Everyone was looking at her, they were bound to be. Would the taxi never come. A ring at the door and she rushed to open it.