She kept turning the dial, but there was nothing but static. Unwilling to give up, she started listening for hidden signals in the noise.
Moxie Mezcal
Dial soap is the best soap there is. One time I used my sundial to dial my dad and my dad was like why are you so weird? And I responded I just like to dial my dearest loved ones, duh!
He dialed the phone with ease. This was not his first time calling this number. This was second nature, even to not look at the phone wouldl not stifle this almost instinct action of entering in the few numbers that would each day bring him happiness.
dial my phone number it’s nice to call. i don’t really talk on the phone i prefer to text which is actually like dialing continuously a long message but not vocallys. sorry im not home right now walkin in th spider webs lea
I dial when I call. Your seven digits on the phone. I hear your voice for the first time everytime. You voice is a cool river running through the lines.
Ramona McGowan
the numbers fell from his fingers before he could think. dial tone, dial tone, buzzing away like so many anxcious flies in his ear. slippery fingers only made the damp receiver worse, cold sweat and rain water. the torrent poured on beyond the chill glass walls of the telephone booth. the box stank of electric ozone and the sweet-sharp peppermint schnapps under his tongue.
pick up, pick up, pick up.
ash taylor
a face with numbers, and reflects the sun. Shadows of time fall on the iron circle.
A soap that smalls like cheap perfume.
Ring ring ring
dialing the number had been such a challenge, but now it looked like she wouldn’t answer.
With all these new caller ID’s… Maybe she didn’t remember my name. It had been so long. Maybe she had forgotten me. Maybe she remembered and just didn’t want to talk. Either way, I think this was a mistake- “Hello?” Oh god, her voice.
I still love her.
Dial M for Murder comes to mind.. We don’t dial on phones anymore. Sundial no more either.
Chris G
dial tone on the phone dial to connect dial to phone home dial speed dial… gotta connect on the double… dial tone :( no one home
gotta get me off the phone
CALL ME, just to talk! It might be fun. We’d connect and establish emotional intimacy. I think you want it, and maybe you even want it with me, specifically. We have a connection and it is still unclear why that is. Perhaps a phone call could straighten that out. Some honesty wouldn’t hurt, either. Let’s be brave.
I used to dial you up on the phone and talk to you for hours. We had spend much of the day together, but I still felt the need talk to you, rehash everything with you.
It has been a long time, decades, but I still think of you fondly. And from time to time I dial your number. But this time with buttons ;)
Answerphone. Your phone keeps going to Answerphone, Goddamnit. Are you rejecting my calls on purpose? Damn it, what did I do wrong? This is the seventeenth time I’ve dialled your number, and after six seconds I hear ”hello, this is me, please leave a message and I’ll get right back to ya, babe”. And I don’t like it one bit.
RP 13
dial on the phone. I use my phone to dial to talk, dial to text, dial to pay bills and schedule appointments. Dial – Soap, it smells nasty, I don’t like it.
I dialed the number which came first on the list in my cell phone. I was greeted by a happy, spirited answer on the other side. I couldn’t wait to tell my best friend that I was going to come visit her soon.
he dials into me by direct connection. the pulse travels down the wires and finds its place within me and we connect.
one or two or three, me or four more won’t go won’t go keep doing going gone three is waiting four is baiting me to stop keep going going gone yet? no not done! toasted mosted thriced dicey roasted won’t go four waves goodbye I tried
Cy Margucci
I a fish.
i’m sitting here wondering if the phone will ring. come on, come on…nothing. that’s ok. someone cares, somewhere. certainly. right? maybe. well, i can always pick it up and call.
dial, somethings you used to do with a phone. There was a dial and the numbers. You put your finger in the hole representing the number you wanted and turned the dial all the way around to to the stopper then took your finger out and the dial went back to position. Repeat as many times as necessary to dial the number you wanted. If you were dialing an overseas number it took a long time. If you made a mistake and dialed the wrong number it
Mira D
She dialled the number but broke the connection after one ring. The receiver felt cold next to her cheek as she pressed it against her skin. her hands lingered over the dials again
James Wall
“Go dial you mother’s number on the phone, Alex,” the man tells his son. However, Heather, his daughter, is quicker than her brother. She runs as fast as her four-year-old legs will carry her to the bathroom, careening back into the living room a moment later with an orange object held firmly in her pudgy hand.
“Lemme dial the phone, daddy!” she pleads as she snatches the cellphone up from the coffee table and begins to run the Dial soap over its buttons and screen. “Look! I can do it!”
She reached for the phone and dialed.
One ring. Two. Three.
The phone picked up.
He hung up.
Basturd. He was there, he just wouldn’t talk.
She went to dial again.
The phone vibrated in her hand, screaming to life.erican Dream… his song… his ring tone.
Liana Brooks
“Dial, where are you, boy? Come here, Dial!! Diaaal!! Oh, here you are! Dial, sit! Dial, leave that bone and be a nice doggy. Dial…Dial… please?!? Nice dog!’
Makes me think of soap. I grew up as an Ivory girl. But I remember loving to go into people’s bathroom’s to smell their soaps. My grandmother used Camay.
dial is a kind of hand soap that’s antibacterial. also you can dial a phone and punch in buttons. sometimes dial means the tone that you hear in a phone that’s working but is not in use. i like to dial up on my pump to give myself more insulin. sometimes i dial my friend’s phone number and talk to them. a dial can be a thing you turn sometimes too on a machine.
Zoe Abdel-Moneim
I use dial soap and find it to be the freshest fragarance ever. I also dial in to my favorite shows ever evening and if I can’t watch them right then, I DVR them. How about you? One doesn’t have anything to do with the other but these were the first ideas that came to mind. does this mean I like to be clean when I watch TV? LOL I weird aren’t I? I have so many crazy personalities that I never know who I will be next. No, I don’t mean that I’m schizoid or anything, just weird. I actually, think there are a lot of people like me. Personality depends on mood. And today I feel very silly. Oh Oh, I guess it’s going to be a crazy day. Good thing, because it is gray and rainy outside and I need something to keep my spirits lifted. Wouldn’t you say? Ha Ha Oh my gosh, I would say Oh my God, but I always tell my grandchildren not to use God’s name that way unless they are praying to him. So it wouldn’t be right if I said now, would it? So, I choose to say Oh, my gosh. I need to be a good role model. And they watch everything I do.
I still remember when phones had a dial. Everyone had a touch tone in middle school except for me. I’d try to recreate the beep sounds with my dial phone, but it didn’t work. I don’t really like dials thanks to that. I loved it when we got the first touch tone and then I felt like we’d arrived I was all grown up
Dial and find the story. My new service just opened. There, go ahead, try it. Your life is changing, and you don’t even know it. The smiling faces …
The old-fashioned phone made a funny clicking sound as Jamie turned the dial. It sounded kind of like a typewriter return. Old things have mechanical sounds while newer things have digital sounds. Really old things sound more like nature.
Press, press, press.
Dial the head of office, ask for a raise.
Slams sown phone.
So ends his career.
Dials pizza joint.
Has a job.
Slams head on desk.
wade smit
The phone is not ringing, no one has dialed my number this mornining, not yet. I have time to savor the cold tea from last night and the crisp hot sweet potato fries smothered in blue cheese dressing. The house and the neighborhood are quiet, just starting to come awake to the murmur of traffic in the distance.
She dialled the telephone number, silently. It was hard, considering she knew what he would say in the call. Breaking up was never easy. But she knew it was painful for him as well. She just was not meant for him.
She picked up the phone. As her fingers pressed the hard plastic buttons to call, she could hear the sounds of her lover in the shower. Finally, she had a chance to call her husband.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t dial the number. It was as if I’d forgotten this single group of digits, despite the fact I could dial any other in the world. But this was the only one I needed…
“Dial,” she said to him. He looked at her. She grabbed the phone and dialed 911. Her free hand pressed his wound to stop the blood.
Over the phone a man’s voice said, “What is your emergency?”
She urged, “Get anbulance over here. A man just had an accident with a power tool. I’m at 621 Santa Barbara Ave. I have his fingers here too.”
She applied pressure around his left hand and watched his face go white before he fell out of the kitchen chair.
“Steven,” she whispered as she fell to her knees and wrapped both hands around his bleeding finger stumps, “I’m sorry I asked you to use the skill saw when you didn’t have any training. Sweet Jesus, please let my brother get his fingers sewn back on.”
Deborah Taylor-French
The dial tone wasted his thoughts. He could not pull himself to hang up. He didn’t know what he expected to hear. Only not that. He was resolved to see where this went – even with all the obstacles. Time was not on his side, yes, but persistence was.
This word = fail*
the phone was in her hand. She was wondering if she had enough courage. this was her chance to take the step and leave. Leave the life she knows. If only she touched that dial. She hesitated, not because she wasn’t sure, but because she wanted to savour the moment.
take a phone and just do it…
She kept turning the dial, but there was nothing but static. Unwilling to give up, she started listening for hidden signals in the noise.
Dial soap is the best soap there is. One time I used my sundial to dial my dad and my dad was like why are you so weird? And I responded I just like to dial my dearest loved ones, duh!
He dialed the phone with ease. This was not his first time calling this number. This was second nature, even to not look at the phone wouldl not stifle this almost instinct action of entering in the few numbers that would each day bring him happiness.
dial my phone number it’s nice to call. i don’t really talk on the phone i prefer to text which is actually like dialing continuously a long message but not vocallys. sorry im not home right now walkin in th spider webs lea
I dial when I call. Your seven digits on the phone. I hear your voice for the first time everytime. You voice is a cool river running through the lines.
the numbers fell from his fingers before he could think. dial tone, dial tone, buzzing away like so many anxcious flies in his ear. slippery fingers only made the damp receiver worse, cold sweat and rain water. the torrent poured on beyond the chill glass walls of the telephone booth. the box stank of electric ozone and the sweet-sharp peppermint schnapps under his tongue.
pick up, pick up, pick up.
a face with numbers, and reflects the sun. Shadows of time fall on the iron circle.
A soap that smalls like cheap perfume.
Ring ring ring
dialing the number had been such a challenge, but now it looked like she wouldn’t answer.
With all these new caller ID’s… Maybe she didn’t remember my name. It had been so long. Maybe she had forgotten me. Maybe she remembered and just didn’t want to talk. Either way, I think this was a mistake- “Hello?” Oh god, her voice.
I still love her.
Dial M for Murder comes to mind.. We don’t dial on phones anymore. Sundial no more either.
dial tone on the phone dial to connect dial to phone home dial speed dial… gotta connect on the double… dial tone :( no one home
gotta get me off the phone
CALL ME, just to talk! It might be fun. We’d connect and establish emotional intimacy. I think you want it, and maybe you even want it with me, specifically. We have a connection and it is still unclear why that is. Perhaps a phone call could straighten that out. Some honesty wouldn’t hurt, either. Let’s be brave.
I used to dial you up on the phone and talk to you for hours. We had spend much of the day together, but I still felt the need talk to you, rehash everything with you.
It has been a long time, decades, but I still think of you fondly. And from time to time I dial your number. But this time with buttons ;)
Answerphone. Your phone keeps going to Answerphone, Goddamnit. Are you rejecting my calls on purpose? Damn it, what did I do wrong? This is the seventeenth time I’ve dialled your number, and after six seconds I hear ”hello, this is me, please leave a message and I’ll get right back to ya, babe”. And I don’t like it one bit.
dial on the phone. I use my phone to dial to talk, dial to text, dial to pay bills and schedule appointments. Dial – Soap, it smells nasty, I don’t like it.
I dialed the number which came first on the list in my cell phone. I was greeted by a happy, spirited answer on the other side. I couldn’t wait to tell my best friend that I was going to come visit her soon.
he dials into me by direct connection. the pulse travels down the wires and finds its place within me and we connect.
one or two or three, me or four more won’t go won’t go keep doing going gone three is waiting four is baiting me to stop keep going going gone yet? no not done! toasted mosted thriced dicey roasted won’t go four waves goodbye I tried
I a fish.
i’m sitting here wondering if the phone will ring. come on, come on…nothing. that’s ok. someone cares, somewhere. certainly. right? maybe. well, i can always pick it up and call.
dial, somethings you used to do with a phone. There was a dial and the numbers. You put your finger in the hole representing the number you wanted and turned the dial all the way around to to the stopper then took your finger out and the dial went back to position. Repeat as many times as necessary to dial the number you wanted. If you were dialing an overseas number it took a long time. If you made a mistake and dialed the wrong number it
She dialled the number but broke the connection after one ring. The receiver felt cold next to her cheek as she pressed it against her skin. her hands lingered over the dials again
“Go dial you mother’s number on the phone, Alex,” the man tells his son. However, Heather, his daughter, is quicker than her brother. She runs as fast as her four-year-old legs will carry her to the bathroom, careening back into the living room a moment later with an orange object held firmly in her pudgy hand.
“Lemme dial the phone, daddy!” she pleads as she snatches the cellphone up from the coffee table and begins to run the Dial soap over its buttons and screen. “Look! I can do it!”
She reached for the phone and dialed.
One ring. Two. Three.
The phone picked up.
He hung up.
Basturd. He was there, he just wouldn’t talk.
She went to dial again.
The phone vibrated in her hand, screaming to life.erican Dream… his song… his ring tone.
“Dial, where are you, boy? Come here, Dial!! Diaaal!! Oh, here you are! Dial, sit! Dial, leave that bone and be a nice doggy. Dial…Dial… please?!? Nice dog!’
Makes me think of soap. I grew up as an Ivory girl. But I remember loving to go into people’s bathroom’s to smell their soaps. My grandmother used Camay.
dial is a kind of hand soap that’s antibacterial. also you can dial a phone and punch in buttons. sometimes dial means the tone that you hear in a phone that’s working but is not in use. i like to dial up on my pump to give myself more insulin. sometimes i dial my friend’s phone number and talk to them. a dial can be a thing you turn sometimes too on a machine.
I use dial soap and find it to be the freshest fragarance ever. I also dial in to my favorite shows ever evening and if I can’t watch them right then, I DVR them. How about you? One doesn’t have anything to do with the other but these were the first ideas that came to mind. does this mean I like to be clean when I watch TV? LOL I weird aren’t I? I have so many crazy personalities that I never know who I will be next. No, I don’t mean that I’m schizoid or anything, just weird. I actually, think there are a lot of people like me. Personality depends on mood. And today I feel very silly. Oh Oh, I guess it’s going to be a crazy day. Good thing, because it is gray and rainy outside and I need something to keep my spirits lifted. Wouldn’t you say? Ha Ha Oh my gosh, I would say Oh my God, but I always tell my grandchildren not to use God’s name that way unless they are praying to him. So it wouldn’t be right if I said now, would it? So, I choose to say Oh, my gosh. I need to be a good role model. And they watch everything I do.
I still remember when phones had a dial. Everyone had a touch tone in middle school except for me. I’d try to recreate the beep sounds with my dial phone, but it didn’t work. I don’t really like dials thanks to that. I loved it when we got the first touch tone and then I felt like we’d arrived I was all grown up
Dial and find the story. My new service just opened. There, go ahead, try it. Your life is changing, and you don’t even know it. The smiling faces …
The old-fashioned phone made a funny clicking sound as Jamie turned the dial. It sounded kind of like a typewriter return. Old things have mechanical sounds while newer things have digital sounds. Really old things sound more like nature.
Press, press, press.
Dial the head of office, ask for a raise.
Slams sown phone.
So ends his career.
Dials pizza joint.
Has a job.
Slams head on desk.
The phone is not ringing, no one has dialed my number this mornining, not yet. I have time to savor the cold tea from last night and the crisp hot sweet potato fries smothered in blue cheese dressing. The house and the neighborhood are quiet, just starting to come awake to the murmur of traffic in the distance.
She dialled the telephone number, silently. It was hard, considering she knew what he would say in the call. Breaking up was never easy. But she knew it was painful for him as well. She just was not meant for him.
She picked up the phone. As her fingers pressed the hard plastic buttons to call, she could hear the sounds of her lover in the shower. Finally, she had a chance to call her husband.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t dial the number. It was as if I’d forgotten this single group of digits, despite the fact I could dial any other in the world. But this was the only one I needed…
“Dial,” she said to him. He looked at her. She grabbed the phone and dialed 911. Her free hand pressed his wound to stop the blood.
Over the phone a man’s voice said, “What is your emergency?”
She urged, “Get anbulance over here. A man just had an accident with a power tool. I’m at 621 Santa Barbara Ave. I have his fingers here too.”
She applied pressure around his left hand and watched his face go white before he fell out of the kitchen chair.
“Steven,” she whispered as she fell to her knees and wrapped both hands around his bleeding finger stumps, “I’m sorry I asked you to use the skill saw when you didn’t have any training. Sweet Jesus, please let my brother get his fingers sewn back on.”
The dial tone wasted his thoughts. He could not pull himself to hang up. He didn’t know what he expected to hear. Only not that. He was resolved to see where this went – even with all the obstacles. Time was not on his side, yes, but persistence was.
This word = fail*
the phone was in her hand. She was wondering if she had enough courage. this was her chance to take the step and leave. Leave the life she knows. If only she touched that dial. She hesitated, not because she wasn’t sure, but because she wanted to savour the moment.