the dial was set to 3 and he was in intence pain. just as he thought he couldn’t take any more the prince set it higher. “Not to 50!”
I dialed my best friend. Well, I suppose dial is the wrong word to use now because it’s more push. But you can’t really say you pushed your best friend. That would be awful. This is just to say that we talked. And it was good. I dialed up my
Know why so many guys use Dial? Spell it backwards.
I always hated the fact that my internet connection was dial-up. It was so slow and whenever you tried to start it up, it woud have that extended dialing sequence that was so ridiculously annoying and yet really catchy. I’m surprised it hasn’t been made into an internet meme song or something.
Then we got broadband, which is nice. But we have to load that up every time we use it to becuse it can’t be opened in multiple users at the same time.
I really should be, but instead I’m doing this, sun is out, I smiling, contemplating, waiting for it to change, thinking of cheap soap, and bubbles.
dialetics. dial 999 if you really want the truth. dial 999 if you can’t see it’s true. he ain’t jack the ripper he’s your ordinary spook… calling maxwell murder for you! aw max, mother fucker~!
dial the phone to call your friend from home.
dial is the way that you type in numbers on a cell or regular phone.
dial – a kind of delicious smelling soap.
dial backwards is laid.
dial rhymes with file aisle smile child vile bile beguile
I dialed the phone to find out who was home. There was no one there, so I called a friend. The old phone-a-friend trick didn’t work either, so I sat in front of the computer and typed this little paragraph. Sad, sad.
I pick up the phone and dial the number. One. Two. Three rings. A pick up. The deep husky voice on the other end of the line mumbles, “hello?”.
“I woke you. I’m sorry. I’ll call back -“
“No. I wanted to talk to you about what happened. Please. Can you meet me?”
He dials the number with quivering fingers, trying very hard not be deamed edible by the eyeless, slimy, tentacled creature that had appeared in reality just a few minutes ago; but to John Browers, it seemed like a lifetime.
Somebody picks up on the other line, a youthful voice whose face was possibly plagued by acne.
“Hello, this is Pizza Pizza Kingdom how may we be of service?”
“…uhm, I-I would like to order a large…”
“…supreme pizza with…
“…an order of hot wings on the side.”
“OH-kay so it’s a large supreme pizza with an order of super caliente spicy hot wings. That would be twenty-seven fifty and would you like a drink with that, sir?”
“N-no thank you, they-that’s all.”
“Alright, your food will be ready in twenty minutes, goodbye.”
turning the dial on the phone i slowly tap in your number. i dont know why we still have one of these old fashioned phones, but to be honest i quite like it.
She dialed the phone and hesitated while the line rang at the other end. “You’ve reached the Dial Soap Company,” a recorded voice answered. “Please listen to the following options…”
She hung up. How would she ever get clean if she had to navigate a myriad of tele-prompted menus that never seemed to get anyone anywhere.
Gillian Carmichael
He dials the number with quivering fingers, trying very hard not be deamed edible by the eyeless, slimy, tentacled creature that had appeared in reality just a few minutes ago; but to John Browers, it seemed like a lifetime.
Somebody picks up on the other line, a youthful voice whose face was possibly plagued by acne.
“Hello, this is Pizza Pizza Kingdom how may we be of service?”
“…uhm, I-I would like to order a large…”
“…supreme pizza with…
“…an order of hot wings on the side.”
“OH-kay so it’s a large supreme pizza with an order of super caliente spicy hot wings. That would be twenty-seven fifty and would you like a drink with that, sir?”
“N-no thank you, they-that’s all.”
“Alright, your food will be ready in twenty minutes, goodbye.”
He turned the dial up, and down again, and then growled to himself as nothing happened. He darted over to the switchboard and toggled everything he could, but to no avail. He pulled at his hair and almost smacked his head against the board. The stupid song just kept on playing.
If ever there was a soap brand whose name was so unrelated to the act of cleansing, this is it.
I was dialing the phone to call her, while the explosion outside my apartment happened, all the windows on my home exploded with the struendous souns, I hurried
. ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚. ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ҉ ҉҉̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑ ͡҉҉ ) ͡҉҉ ) THE Dial is eVil ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ҉ ҉҉̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑ ͡҉҉
My shaking hands grapple for my cell phone and I drunkenly dial your number. Outside, anbulance blares past my apartment. I shaken. I no longer drunk. I realize what I about to do and I don’t hit send. Send and dial are different things these days.
Dial slumped up the shore and trudged out of the ocean- his misshapen form reminiscent of some sort of Lovecraftian shoggoth. A couple in the distance shuddered.
Paul Bethel
She picked up the phone, hesitating for just a moment. Finally, she took a deep breath and began to dial his number.
She hadn’t felt her fingers on those familiar digits for more than 8 years. But now she had something to say to him. She had to reach him, somehow.
As the agent walked Joe through the various features (such as they were) of the new apartment that he was moving himself into, he had began to tune out mentally. After all, he had been in more of these places than he could count, and when you
As the agent walked Joe through the various features (such as they were) of the new apartment that he was moving himself into, he had began to tune out mentally. After all, he had been in more of these places than he could count, and when you
telephone 911 soap insurance company
picked up my handset and began to fidget with the rotary. i’ve never been apt with these new types of doo-hickeys. i prefer writing a letter or going to my friend’s house for a visit. oh well, i must accept the changes and change along with it.
M Polo
you dial someone to cell them numbers
Dial my hotline, I dare you.
Afraid of what it might say? My voice might entice you, my words may seduce you, and you, my dear, may fall prey to my witty ways.
she picks up the phone with a heavy hand, heart beating faster, less time between big deep breaths. calm…she dials, hoping, praying that maybe this time caiti would answer. but she didn’t. she hasn’t all night, and it’s well past the time that she promised.
cell phone
Please dial my number. I sit by the phone every night, waiting for you to call. You never have. Why do I keep waiting when I know you will never change?
Her tears made stream tracks across the murk that covered her face, a mix of dirt, soot and God knows what else. She
dial.remembering phone numbers when cell phones did not exist…dialing by muscle memory…you could do it without even looking at the key pad…does that happen anymore?
julie wingard
Soap. It’s made from fat. They put additives and scents in it, but it’s still animal fat. Dial. Has a pretty nasty feel to it.
Plentho Diridium
monkey trouble? one million monkeys dialing one million random numbers. one of them is bound to reach god
Plentho Diridium
Drunk dial. One in the morning. I was on alcohol and my mind was soaring. I didn’t want to be stuck in a file,
Along with all the other girls.
Dialing 911, can anyone hear me?
I hear the ringtone, can’t anyone tell that my heart is breaking?
This feels like I’m dying. I’m dying, my heart is bleeding through my arms. I’m crying, my life is leaking away.
I’m dead. And the phone dials no more.
Goddam dialup how the hell i supposed to download this porn? If I had known it was going to be this slow I never would have agreed to house sit.
Plentho Diridium
He dialed the number.”Hello?”Thud.The phone hit the floor.Oh.My.God.
Dial a number.
the phone and theres no answer it sux you worry where could he be? is theres something wrong? you hang up and dial again and he picks up You feel folish
the dial was set to 3 and he was in intence pain. just as he thought he couldn’t take any more the prince set it higher. “Not to 50!”
I dialed my best friend. Well, I suppose dial is the wrong word to use now because it’s more push. But you can’t really say you pushed your best friend. That would be awful. This is just to say that we talked. And it was good. I dialed up my
Know why so many guys use Dial? Spell it backwards.
I always hated the fact that my internet connection was dial-up. It was so slow and whenever you tried to start it up, it woud have that extended dialing sequence that was so ridiculously annoying and yet really catchy. I’m surprised it hasn’t been made into an internet meme song or something.
Then we got broadband, which is nice. But we have to load that up every time we use it to becuse it can’t be opened in multiple users at the same time.
I really should be, but instead I’m doing this, sun is out, I smiling, contemplating, waiting for it to change, thinking of cheap soap, and bubbles.
dialetics. dial 999 if you really want the truth. dial 999 if you can’t see it’s true. he ain’t jack the ripper he’s your ordinary spook… calling maxwell murder for you! aw max, mother fucker~!
dial the phone to call your friend from home.
dial is the way that you type in numbers on a cell or regular phone.
dial – a kind of delicious smelling soap.
dial backwards is laid.
dial rhymes with file aisle smile child vile bile beguile
I dialed the phone to find out who was home. There was no one there, so I called a friend. The old phone-a-friend trick didn’t work either, so I sat in front of the computer and typed this little paragraph. Sad, sad.
I pick up the phone and dial the number. One. Two. Three rings. A pick up. The deep husky voice on the other end of the line mumbles, “hello?”.
“I woke you. I’m sorry. I’ll call back -“
“No. I wanted to talk to you about what happened. Please. Can you meet me?”
He dials the number with quivering fingers, trying very hard not be deamed edible by the eyeless, slimy, tentacled creature that had appeared in reality just a few minutes ago; but to John Browers, it seemed like a lifetime.
Somebody picks up on the other line, a youthful voice whose face was possibly plagued by acne.
“Hello, this is Pizza Pizza Kingdom how may we be of service?”
“…uhm, I-I would like to order a large…”
“…supreme pizza with…
“…an order of hot wings on the side.”
“OH-kay so it’s a large supreme pizza with an order of super caliente spicy hot wings. That would be twenty-seven fifty and would you like a drink with that, sir?”
“N-no thank you, they-that’s all.”
“Alright, your food will be ready in twenty minutes, goodbye.”
turning the dial on the phone i slowly tap in your number. i dont know why we still have one of these old fashioned phones, but to be honest i quite like it.
She dialed the phone and hesitated while the line rang at the other end. “You’ve reached the Dial Soap Company,” a recorded voice answered. “Please listen to the following options…”
She hung up. How would she ever get clean if she had to navigate a myriad of tele-prompted menus that never seemed to get anyone anywhere.
He dials the number with quivering fingers, trying very hard not be deamed edible by the eyeless, slimy, tentacled creature that had appeared in reality just a few minutes ago; but to John Browers, it seemed like a lifetime.
Somebody picks up on the other line, a youthful voice whose face was possibly plagued by acne.
“Hello, this is Pizza Pizza Kingdom how may we be of service?”
“…uhm, I-I would like to order a large…”
“…supreme pizza with…
“…an order of hot wings on the side.”
“OH-kay so it’s a large supreme pizza with an order of super caliente spicy hot wings. That would be twenty-seven fifty and would you like a drink with that, sir?”
“N-no thank you, they-that’s all.”
“Alright, your food will be ready in twenty minutes, goodbye.”
He turned the dial up, and down again, and then growled to himself as nothing happened. He darted over to the switchboard and toggled everything he could, but to no avail. He pulled at his hair and almost smacked his head against the board. The stupid song just kept on playing.
If ever there was a soap brand whose name was so unrelated to the act of cleansing, this is it.
I was dialing the phone to call her, while the explosion outside my apartment happened, all the windows on my home exploded with the struendous souns, I hurried
. ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚. ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ҉ ҉҉̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑ ͡҉҉ ) ͡҉҉ ) THE Dial is eVil ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ҉ ҉҉̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑ ͡҉҉
My shaking hands grapple for my cell phone and I drunkenly dial your number. Outside, anbulance blares past my apartment. I shaken. I no longer drunk. I realize what I about to do and I don’t hit send. Send and dial are different things these days.
Dial slumped up the shore and trudged out of the ocean- his misshapen form reminiscent of some sort of Lovecraftian shoggoth. A couple in the distance shuddered.
She picked up the phone, hesitating for just a moment. Finally, she took a deep breath and began to dial his number.
She hadn’t felt her fingers on those familiar digits for more than 8 years. But now she had something to say to him. She had to reach him, somehow.
As the agent walked Joe through the various features (such as they were) of the new apartment that he was moving himself into, he had began to tune out mentally. After all, he had been in more of these places than he could count, and when you
As the agent walked Joe through the various features (such as they were) of the new apartment that he was moving himself into, he had began to tune out mentally. After all, he had been in more of these places than he could count, and when you
telephone 911 soap insurance company
picked up my handset and began to fidget with the rotary. i’ve never been apt with these new types of doo-hickeys. i prefer writing a letter or going to my friend’s house for a visit. oh well, i must accept the changes and change along with it.
you dial someone to cell them numbers
Dial my hotline, I dare you.
Afraid of what it might say? My voice might entice you, my words may seduce you, and you, my dear, may fall prey to my witty ways.
she picks up the phone with a heavy hand, heart beating faster, less time between big deep breaths. calm…she dials, hoping, praying that maybe this time caiti would answer. but she didn’t. she hasn’t all night, and it’s well past the time that she promised.
cell phone
Please dial my number. I sit by the phone every night, waiting for you to call. You never have. Why do I keep waiting when I know you will never change?
Her tears made stream tracks across the murk that covered her face, a mix of dirt, soot and God knows what else. She
dial.remembering phone numbers when cell phones did not exist…dialing by muscle memory…you could do it without even looking at the key pad…does that happen anymore?
Soap. It’s made from fat. They put additives and scents in it, but it’s still animal fat. Dial. Has a pretty nasty feel to it.
monkey trouble? one million monkeys dialing one million random numbers. one of them is bound to reach god
Drunk dial. One in the morning. I was on alcohol and my mind was soaring. I didn’t want to be stuck in a file,
Along with all the other girls.
Dialing 911, can anyone hear me?
I hear the ringtone, can’t anyone tell that my heart is breaking?
This feels like I’m dying. I’m dying, my heart is bleeding through my arms. I’m crying, my life is leaking away.
I’m dead. And the phone dials no more.
Goddam dialup how the hell i supposed to download this porn? If I had known it was going to be this slow I never would have agreed to house sit.
He dialed the number.”Hello?”Thud.The phone hit the floor.Oh.My.God.
Dial a number.
the phone and theres no answer it sux you worry where could he be? is theres something wrong? you hang up and dial again and he picks up You feel folish