Crystal clear, ever sought, and personally over-rated. Wild how so many want to ignore a rainbow of options at their fingertips, giving false value to something glass.
it shone beautifully, despite the weak sunlight. a slight gleam in the soft rays. she picked it up gently, turned it round and round in her hands. this, this was her saving grace. this is what would keep her alive, for just one more day. it was the only thing she could ask for. just one more day.
Cold ice, never melting, deep from the claws of the earth, warmth of gold on her finger, buried in soap bubbles as her baby laughs on the chest of her husband in the old recliner and the dog pitter-pats behind her looking for any piece of lasagna that they dropped. All these warm and soft things promised in the hardest stone.
The stone looked ordinary from the outside, brown and covered with mud, but she noticed a crack in one side which was emitting light. She took her hammer and hit the rock, which opened up revealing a diamond inside.
Crystal clear, ever sought, and personally over-rated. Wild how so many want to ignore a rainbow of options at their fingertips, giving false value to something glass.
it shone beautifully, despite the weak sunlight. a slight gleam in the soft rays. she picked it up gently, turned it round and round in her hands. this, this was her saving grace. this is what would keep her alive, for just one more day. it was the only thing she could ask for. just one more day.
Cold ice, never melting, deep from the claws of the earth, warmth of gold on her finger, buried in soap bubbles as her baby laughs on the chest of her husband in the old recliner and the dog pitter-pats behind her looking for any piece of lasagna that they dropped. All these warm and soft things promised in the hardest stone.
The stone looked ordinary from the outside, brown and covered with mud, but she noticed a crack in one side which was emitting light. She took her hammer and hit the rock, which opened up revealing a diamond inside.