
March 28th, 2011 | 526 Entries

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526 Entries for “digital”

  1. Unreal. I can’t touch you or see you, but somehow you run the world.

  2. Digital is the world in which we live. Digital is our connection to friends and family. Digital has taken over personal (or maybe they are becoming synonymous with one another?). Digital is the way we live our lives: online, inline, exposed and computerized. Let’s make personal the new digital.

  3. Digital….can anything be more confusing? Technology is going WOOOOOOOOOOOO…right over my head. Yeah i’m 16 and I still dont know how to do stuff….I think people should slow down…just a wee little bit because honestly tomorrow is always something different from today and I can’t keep up.

  4. She lived in a digital world with a digital watch, She knew all the state capitals. She was good at spelling. She knew the names of all the Oceans of the world and where they emptied. She was only ten but she knew more than many others.

  5. digital, the way to explain and operate the world by the digit 0, 1. Make our life easier, but we always miss the way of life ‘analog’. the mixture of digital and analog this is the way of our life

  6. d-d-d-d-igitAL@!? all all all! in the mall! in the bathroom stall! we’re alllllll digital!

  7. Hmm…digital. I think of: digimon, computers, digital age, digits, dig it all, phones, tv’s, new technology I guess, digital cameras,

  8. I love digital photography
    Digimon-digital monsters were a rip off of pokemon
    Digital T.V makes me laugh
    Digital is the way of the future
    Digital robots will take over the world

  9. the digital age has cahnged the way our minds think. we no longer have to wait for film to be developed and we are our own critics. We delet the pictures we dont like and praise the ones we do, Its almost like a dance everytime a photo is taken. Everyone runs to the little screen for approval. Some moan and some are like okay! It takes so much to have a perfect picture for everyone.

  10. the digital revolution had taken over the city. The country. The world.

    He wasn’t sure what to do about it, but he knew the human race was seconds from ruining itself.

    Between the wall televisions and the fat fused, deep-fried, cheeseburgers people were bent on ultimate destruction.

  11. everything I have is not real. Those pixels? What the hell is a pixel anyway. I want my polaroids back. I can’t spell well. Digital media, camera, I guess it makes movies better. I don’t have enough time to watch a digital movie or any at all really. But enough time for this.

  12. It was a digital download. It kept popping up. It seemed like if she wanted the program, she already would’ve downloaded it herself. But again, it beeped, signaling its desire to be a part of her everyday routine.

  13. What can I say about the digital landscape that could capture its contours, its pitfalls? Like Bloom in Dublin, the only way to understand the digital world is to spend a day engrained in the flow of thoughts and emotions it brings into existence.

  14. my first camera it made me think of being a photographer. my dream is to become a photographer and travel the world working for National Geographic magazine. i really hope to go to australia where i will meet my husband.

  15. cameras are the main reason of my happiness.
    digital t.v makes me laugh
    digital monsters were something of my child hood
    digital is the way of life for modern people
    digital robots will take over the world

  16. it’s a new age of technology
    it’s digital
    it’s something to get used to
    it’s digital
    it’s new
    it’s digital
    its technology
    it’s digital
    It’s something that will lead you to everything
    it’s just…. digital

  17. It’s a digital world. Where laptops are a must and cellphones are a necessity. In this digital world we communicate with electricity. Without electricity our world is nothing.

  18. Pixels distorting pictures. Faces in blocks of color, barely recognizable. Landscapes blocks invading my mind. Thoughts beginning to digitalize in my brain.

  19. Everything in our world has become digital including the way I met her. The feelings and emotions I have for her are genuine even though they mostly exist as a result of digital media in the form of pictures I have taken with her, movies I have made of her and email and text messages we have sent to each other. Over all though, the greatest thing is having her wake up in my arms. There is no greater pleasure!

    Lincoln T Carson
  20. Phones. Music. Television. Everything is going digital these days. My cable is constantly having issues, because I have yet to buy the new “digital” cable box that is required for most programs now. So FML. Digitally. Digital.

  21. beep click type tyoe type lights flashing bright white, or blue, or green or whatever, a certain sense of fake beauty ridden with typos and emoticons. watercolor blossoms into pixels and blooms fade as technology deepens and broadens and widens like a red wine stain

  22. When I think digital, I think of an imaginary world inside of my computer, where the walls are lined with neon lights and everything is composed of pixels. Where I can run around at cyber speed and fire my lazer at anything, and the only thing stopping me from getting to where I want is the firewalls. And maybe I’d think of my dad’s camera.

  23. i did this already but whatevs. hehe. Digital. Digital camera….. they take beautiful pictures and are amazingly beautiful or ugly as heck! hehe Digital can be on tvs and stuff…. and also computers and

  24. Once upon a time a little girl wanted a digital camera. She claimed to want to be photographer when she grew up. So in the the really stupid world we live in, the 7 year old’s mother went out and bought her the most expensive, amazing camera she could find. And when the child went to the zoo, she dropped the camera in the dolphin tank. The end.

  25. digital. really? wow. ok well idk what digital relally is… is it like computers? so like icaht? cuz i just had the most heartbreaking conversation on ichat. i dont even know what to do anymore. im crying! god help me. this is so sad:( i legit dont even know waht to do. OH MY GOD help mee

  26. I’m not entirely what digital means. I know it pertains to technology, but i’m not sure what it is specifically. Is it this? The internet? I’m trying to think of the first time I heard the word ‘digital’. It makes me think of digital cameras. Cameras are usually digital when you can hook them up to a computer, so I suppose it has something to do with that.

  27. camara pictures Joan Jetson, how do i fit in this digital world? I love that its available but am concerned that our eye contact with other humans is suffering or should i say taking a back seat to a many new ways of communitcating.Fourtunately i work in a pub and frown on people that have their faces in their gagets.
    But I have wandered from the topic I really love the camars and how great the screens look at a movie or on tv .But will people continue to just enjoy one anothers company without all the hardware?

    lisa Flinn
  28. internet phones anything technology wise that has developed over the last few years.. computers amazing stuff!!! the digital era that we live in now with amazing television and stuff.. being able to use technology to our advantage.

  29. era just ended, we are starting to undigitalized, we have just finished a transition were we were supposed to win upon de digital era, we will start a new world based in pure nature.

  30. The world is digital. It is fast, it is loose, the life around me technological with bright flashing lights about and pseudo flying cars. This world is digital and it scares me.

    Leeza Dennis
  31. We have become so tuned into digital things that we hardly know what to do without them. Who picks up a pen and writes a letter today? Who can count back change? These things are being lost and that’s not good. Simplicity is best.

  32. The girl sped though the ravine blindly. Her cyborg counterpart was awating her at the other so they could combine and transform. Soon, she melted into a stream of data and sped to the end, where a nebula exploded from the girls’ clasped hands. Meanwhile, in another dimension, yet another doppleganger of awaited the reception of the nebula’s data stream. She opened her grasped palms as a miniature of the twirling galaxy floated into her waiting hands.

  33. the age of everything digital is remarkable. in one sense, everything is easier. work no longer holds us back as we can do literally anything in a matter of seconds. pictures, information, mail, it’s all right at our finger tips. however, it also hinders us. it stops our minds from becoming what they are truly capable of being. newspapers and books are slowly dying out, becoming a scarcer resource. the age of everything digital is filled with despair.

  34. All is digital. Everything. From my watch to the tv to my time online. We live digital. Almost incapable of living without. Whatever happened to the mechanical? Don’t get me wrong. I like the digital. That makes me think of my digits. My fingers.

  35. These digital waves in this digital age make me fear and crave both excitement and enlightenment. Too much information teck-nology, vast expanses alive and fried, we all become lost and one in the same system of forever. Ignorance is bliss!

  36. This age. This new beginning. We are digital. No longer formed by emotion, feeling, miraculous strength and compassion, but cold, hard realism, factuality, haste. We are digital. We are not soft, we are not real. We are cold-blooded machines with no intent other than to simply survive and conquer.

  37. digital love- daft punk. beauty. happiness. love.

  38. Digital. The word itself explains and sums up our generation. What is digital? What isn’t digital? Digital is our LIVES. Everything we see is digital, and honestly life would be pretty difficult without it.

  39. we live in a digital word. digitalize reality and make it unrecognizable. the digital pixels obscure the true image-digital universe. where are we going? digital heart.

  40. In this digital age, sometimes it’s good to remember:
    How to make change without a cash register or calculator to do it for you.
    How to read a book instead of playing a video game.
    How to write an honest-to-goodness letter instead of a text or email.