People are no longer connected with one another. We are born alone, live alone, and die alone. We gain some solace from companionship, yet we never really feel like we are connected. No one cares about what happens to their neighbor. If we see death in the news, we watch with apathy.
Cassandra Dias
My two year old hung up the phone on me before I could finish my sentence. Now what was I going to do? I didn’t even have the number to ring the lady back? My mind raced, trying to remember which number you were supposed to ring to find the last number dialled. No use…
To disconnect from the world is to be free, to be free of the troublesome worries of our world, to be free of parents and school and all the shit that goes with it. i wish to be free, to be free as the bird, as the wind, but alas, the nature of our world is to never disconnect, to never be free, to never truly understand the rural freedom of the air, we will always be connected, we will always be jacked in.
Alexander Most
i am disconnected from everyone. there is nothing that keeps me together. it is a line without an end point. the disconnection is nothing i can help. i want to be connected to everything but i can’t make it. i will be forever lost in the disconnect. it is not a noun, it’s a verb. it is my life.
i am disconnected with my dreams and disconnected with my emotions. there is no place…
away from everything. to willingly be a part of nothing because all that is needed to be at a distance from everything. because everything is always trying to smother. but maybe it is an ugly choice, to choose to disconnect, to desire to be untouched.
whitney Jones
internet. blackberries. emails. cell phones. It’s all supposed to connect us but I’ve never felt more disconnected in my life. I don’t have hardly any numbers memorized anymore. I rely on these little boxes of plastic, metal and glass to connect me to the world around me. It’s impossible. I crave a more simple life.
jakey spags
five…four… three…two…one… I’m sorry I could never find the words to explain exactly why we found ourselves disconnected from everything we always thought we could be, but I’ve got to hang it up anyway… There is nothing else to say.
“Do it! Do it now!” she screamed, “You must disconnect, before it’s too late!”
There was nothing I could do, I had to do it. I had to.
Separation anxiety, the split of modern life taking us away from eachother. A generation of latchkeys, a life spent with a single parent 2.5 kids 1.5 parents. It’s now the norm.
from the world going in a circle of dashed lines. disconnect puzzle pieces, nothing makes sense when its all scattered and disconnected you gotta put the pieces together to see the big picture. Everythings linked, just gotta connect.
jane austen
goodbye. leave. completely abandon in a way that cannot be forgotten. When ou disconnect, you leave. And you don’t come back, no matter how much I love you.
Alex Murphy
if I could i would unplug your cord from the wall and let your batteries run out. i’d calmly flip trhough the channels, not even looking, and let you tip over onto your side. your gears would still clank and buzz for a few frantic moments, and then your motor would slowly die and your legs would stop kicking. quiet at last.
Disconnect happens when I can’t find your face in my mind’s eye.
When it is the middle of the night and I am screaming and crying
and your voice is nowhere to be heard.
I cannot tell you how I love the way you move your hands
and I how I wish your hands would move on me.
the disconnect between us happened way back when in september. when the trees still held leaves and the sun left the sky a little earlier every day. but now it’s april and those trees are waiting for buds to pop up so their life can regenerate once more. and here i sit, like a tree, waiting for our life to regenerate.
elizabeth ashley
why is it every one of these words comes back to you? back to you and me and the once us. but no more. we accept the love we think we deserve. and we accept no less. I didn’t measure up. I’m sorry. You deserve more.
i disconnected from the internet once. it really irritated me. i hate getting disconnecting from people, let alone the internet. hhah this is lame. i want my 60 seconds to be over with already. im not even halfway done. my mans asking me about what im writing about and i cant answer him since im typing. this is lame.
i’m quite unable to connect to you, youve broken every string that held us together and there is no glue, no cement, no binding of any kind that can re attach what you’ve destroyed. undo, detach, kill, despise.
sometimes our inability to disconnect from others causes us the most grief. A simple good-bye can be the source of a full day’s worth of stress and heartache. Why can’t we allow ourselves, or better yet, try to allow ourselves to be alone sometimes?
J Turner
He disconnected the cord from the wall. Finally, finally, he had found how to make the humming stop. It was gnawing at his brain the incessant noise. And now it was gone. Now it was bliss.
My internet disconnects a lot. It’s really annoying. I suppose I deserve it; I steal it from the neighbour’s house. They don’t know about it, and it causes them no problems, it’s just victimless theft. One of the only examples I can think of.
Toby Brock!
I disconnect the phone in my room. My life is disconnected from the person who I used to think I was. The world is disconnected from its original backgrounds. My mother disconnected my phone. I hate how my mother thinks that life is better now I am without out her poor, useless corpse.
leave. let go. quiet time in a negative or positive way. unplug the monitor. detach. healthy sometimes. seek new situations and experiences.
nikia c
it ended. we weren’t really sure why, it just went away. somehow it seemed right, like this was the time, but at the same time we knew we were disconnected. we felt it in our bones, our flesh, our organs. it just WAS.,
i broke myself from myself,
turing into something i had never imagined –
patience, virtue, strength from weakness.
i burn myself at both ends,
create phoenix from ash.
yes, to come again to this place,
loved beyond measure,
hopeful to a fault.
I disconnect from the world and dream. Dream disconnected thoughts, in far away places. Disconnect and be happy.
oh, boy.
you have left me with these broken wires, these disconnected phone cords. and you
have left me alone to pick up the pieces of myself
i was so willing to give to you
and snap them back together
while helping you
sweep up all the little glass fragments
of yourself.
I was disconnected when I read that word. Disconnected to the world. Disconnected to love. What happened? I don’t know what disconnect I have suffered. I don’t really know how to guess, how to love….disconnect…I hate it.
not happy at all, the feeling of nothing, nothing you have is good enough….you try and try to make things in you life perfect but in the end you still feel like nothings changed.
It’s been so far now; far from everything we’ve known and loved. If I just turned off this damn computer, I would turn off the people I’ve come to care about over this screen. Hah. How can you care about text on a screen? Or if you’re lucky, a voice over a microphone? Disconnect, and you cease you see.
Phaedrus Rue
What I feel about my job, the economy, and the world.
Get well soon
Capn Kirk
disconnect. i want to diconnect myself from people. not in a bad way, just to make it so that i can move forward. disconnect romantically i suppose would be more accurate. yeah, that’sit. the green bar is still going. HMMMMMMMMM. now its orange. i like that color. dicsonnect disconnect
all i want to do is fly away from the monotony of my life and soar and become nothing but air and ash– to disconnect, to be free, to lie in the open, to swim naked and be okay. disconnect– distance, alone, together all at once. just to be able to breathe.
sometimes i think about how distant we all are form each other
when we are all the same
we are all the same
except for the different ones
i don’t like them
Disconnect the phone. Cut any strand that attaches me to that–that person. Immediately I regret it.
Select minds unwind their smile to disconnect. A wild child rejecting lies all told correct.
I got disconnected from my internet today and then I had to sign back on to MSN. It was actually really annoying because it disconnected because my power flickered off, and then all my clocks were wrong. Oy OY OY!
It was there then it wasn’t. The solid. Now gone, I float. Easy, over, through. Much mmore fun.
eric johnson
i walked in to the room. As soon as i did that Natalie disconnected the phone.
“what are you doing?” i asked
youll never know she said laughing
the artist, Tycho plays this wonderful song called Disconnect. It’s a song of release and complete unawareness of the world around you. It is home, it is life, is the disconnect.
People are no longer connected with one another. We are born alone, live alone, and die alone. We gain some solace from companionship, yet we never really feel like we are connected. No one cares about what happens to their neighbor. If we see death in the news, we watch with apathy.
My two year old hung up the phone on me before I could finish my sentence. Now what was I going to do? I didn’t even have the number to ring the lady back? My mind raced, trying to remember which number you were supposed to ring to find the last number dialled. No use…
To disconnect from the world is to be free, to be free of the troublesome worries of our world, to be free of parents and school and all the shit that goes with it. i wish to be free, to be free as the bird, as the wind, but alas, the nature of our world is to never disconnect, to never be free, to never truly understand the rural freedom of the air, we will always be connected, we will always be jacked in.
i am disconnected from everyone. there is nothing that keeps me together. it is a line without an end point. the disconnection is nothing i can help. i want to be connected to everything but i can’t make it. i will be forever lost in the disconnect. it is not a noun, it’s a verb. it is my life.
i am disconnected with my dreams and disconnected with my emotions. there is no place…
away from everything. to willingly be a part of nothing because all that is needed to be at a distance from everything. because everything is always trying to smother. but maybe it is an ugly choice, to choose to disconnect, to desire to be untouched.
internet. blackberries. emails. cell phones. It’s all supposed to connect us but I’ve never felt more disconnected in my life. I don’t have hardly any numbers memorized anymore. I rely on these little boxes of plastic, metal and glass to connect me to the world around me. It’s impossible. I crave a more simple life.
five…four… three…two…one… I’m sorry I could never find the words to explain exactly why we found ourselves disconnected from everything we always thought we could be, but I’ve got to hang it up anyway… There is nothing else to say.
“Do it! Do it now!” she screamed, “You must disconnect, before it’s too late!”
There was nothing I could do, I had to do it. I had to.
Separation anxiety, the split of modern life taking us away from eachother. A generation of latchkeys, a life spent with a single parent 2.5 kids 1.5 parents. It’s now the norm.
from the world going in a circle of dashed lines. disconnect puzzle pieces, nothing makes sense when its all scattered and disconnected you gotta put the pieces together to see the big picture. Everythings linked, just gotta connect.
goodbye. leave. completely abandon in a way that cannot be forgotten. When ou disconnect, you leave. And you don’t come back, no matter how much I love you.
if I could i would unplug your cord from the wall and let your batteries run out. i’d calmly flip trhough the channels, not even looking, and let you tip over onto your side. your gears would still clank and buzz for a few frantic moments, and then your motor would slowly die and your legs would stop kicking. quiet at last.
Disconnect happens when I can’t find your face in my mind’s eye.
When it is the middle of the night and I am screaming and crying
and your voice is nowhere to be heard.
I cannot tell you how I love the way you move your hands
and I how I wish your hands would move on me.
the disconnect between us happened way back when in september. when the trees still held leaves and the sun left the sky a little earlier every day. but now it’s april and those trees are waiting for buds to pop up so their life can regenerate once more. and here i sit, like a tree, waiting for our life to regenerate.
why is it every one of these words comes back to you? back to you and me and the once us. but no more. we accept the love we think we deserve. and we accept no less. I didn’t measure up. I’m sorry. You deserve more.
i disconnected from the internet once. it really irritated me. i hate getting disconnecting from people, let alone the internet. hhah this is lame. i want my 60 seconds to be over with already. im not even halfway done. my mans asking me about what im writing about and i cant answer him since im typing. this is lame.
i’m quite unable to connect to you, youve broken every string that held us together and there is no glue, no cement, no binding of any kind that can re attach what you’ve destroyed. undo, detach, kill, despise.
sometimes our inability to disconnect from others causes us the most grief. A simple good-bye can be the source of a full day’s worth of stress and heartache. Why can’t we allow ourselves, or better yet, try to allow ourselves to be alone sometimes?
He disconnected the cord from the wall. Finally, finally, he had found how to make the humming stop. It was gnawing at his brain the incessant noise. And now it was gone. Now it was bliss.
My internet disconnects a lot. It’s really annoying. I suppose I deserve it; I steal it from the neighbour’s house. They don’t know about it, and it causes them no problems, it’s just victimless theft. One of the only examples I can think of.
I disconnect the phone in my room. My life is disconnected from the person who I used to think I was. The world is disconnected from its original backgrounds. My mother disconnected my phone. I hate how my mother thinks that life is better now I am without out her poor, useless corpse.
leave. let go. quiet time in a negative or positive way. unplug the monitor. detach. healthy sometimes. seek new situations and experiences.
it ended. we weren’t really sure why, it just went away. somehow it seemed right, like this was the time, but at the same time we knew we were disconnected. we felt it in our bones, our flesh, our organs. it just WAS.,
i broke myself from myself,
turing into something i had never imagined –
patience, virtue, strength from weakness.
i burn myself at both ends,
create phoenix from ash.
yes, to come again to this place,
loved beyond measure,
hopeful to a fault.
I disconnect from the world and dream. Dream disconnected thoughts, in far away places. Disconnect and be happy.
oh, boy.
you have left me with these broken wires, these disconnected phone cords. and you
have left me alone to pick up the pieces of myself
i was so willing to give to you
and snap them back together
while helping you
sweep up all the little glass fragments
of yourself.
I was disconnected when I read that word. Disconnected to the world. Disconnected to love. What happened? I don’t know what disconnect I have suffered. I don’t really know how to guess, how to love….disconnect…I hate it.
not happy at all, the feeling of nothing, nothing you have is good enough….you try and try to make things in you life perfect but in the end you still feel like nothings changed.
It’s been so far now; far from everything we’ve known and loved. If I just turned off this damn computer, I would turn off the people I’ve come to care about over this screen. Hah. How can you care about text on a screen? Or if you’re lucky, a voice over a microphone? Disconnect, and you cease you see.
What I feel about my job, the economy, and the world.
Get well soon
disconnect. i want to diconnect myself from people. not in a bad way, just to make it so that i can move forward. disconnect romantically i suppose would be more accurate. yeah, that’sit. the green bar is still going. HMMMMMMMMM. now its orange. i like that color. dicsonnect disconnect
all i want to do is fly away from the monotony of my life and soar and become nothing but air and ash– to disconnect, to be free, to lie in the open, to swim naked and be okay. disconnect– distance, alone, together all at once. just to be able to breathe.
sometimes i think about how distant we all are form each other
when we are all the same
we are all the same
except for the different ones
i don’t like them
Disconnect the phone. Cut any strand that attaches me to that–that person. Immediately I regret it.
Select minds unwind their smile to disconnect. A wild child rejecting lies all told correct.
I got disconnected from my internet today and then I had to sign back on to MSN. It was actually really annoying because it disconnected because my power flickered off, and then all my clocks were wrong. Oy OY OY!
It was there then it wasn’t. The solid. Now gone, I float. Easy, over, through. Much mmore fun.
i walked in to the room. As soon as i did that Natalie disconnected the phone.
“what are you doing?” i asked
youll never know she said laughing
the artist, Tycho plays this wonderful song called Disconnect. It’s a song of release and complete unawareness of the world around you. It is home, it is life, is the disconnect.