nicht verbunden mit einem zweiten Part, der möglicherweise eine Erweitung schaft und sich alleine gar nicht entwickeln kann.
möglicherweise nicht verbunden, nicht dabei, nicht eingebunden, nicht mit jemanden, den man mag, einfach nicht mit dir und unverbunden.
I think that disconnect is a perfect word to describe my life. I have no relationship that is binding on me…not motherhood or child or work or leisure. Everything in my life is tenuous.
disconnected is what i feel at the moment.. disconnected from friend
disconnected from life.
disconnected from love.. everything i could possibly be disconnected from! I’m so disconnected it feels as though I’m not a part of anything but just living a mundane routine with no surprises.. hate to be disconnected! what else… disconnected even from the internet an I’m over.. totally out of sync and completely at loss for any kind of excitement.. one thing to describe it all disconnection.. Disconnection seems to have become the motto to everything that I’m attempting to do as though i am to be disconnected like a hermit or a monk in exile!!! that is the state of disconnect i feel at the very moment.
Disconnect.That a word so frequently used,it becomes one of our daily words.Like:good morning,how are you doing,how much.But of course,it is a really bad thing to happen if you are on the phone,watching television,listening to the radio.
Hallo to the world!
Jakie (S11)
Драконы уничтожат мир
Mr Beat
Disconnect.That a word so frequently used,it becomes one of our daily words.Like:good morning,how are you doing,how much.But of course,it is a really bad thing to happen if you are on the phone,watching television,listening to the radio.
Hallo to the world!
Jakie (S11)
There is a disconnect between me and my family. I’m not even upset by it or hurt, for that matter. I’m a little thankful for it. I no longer have to pretend to care. They’ve no ambition, no dignity, no pride whatsoever. They are perfectly happy being nothing and wallowing in despair. I can’t be around that.
plugged out. detached.
i watched as you wasted away.
the dreams… like sand washed..
sip through my fingers.
you. gone.
why lead me on?
why walk away?
wht the hell is this???
the intrinsant way to describe description is only relevant to those who understand the asinine ways in which one can even know about the lifestyles of the rich and famous whose little ponies don’t know the difference between left and up in the air in a hot air balloon, nothing keeping you up but wicker and gas to drive your car from here to there.
James McArty
I feel that diconect feeling too often when i don’t want to. My days are filled with the same nightmares my night has and it hurts me a lot. I am at disconnect..
You are leaving tonight.
I tried to tell you to stay,
My soul left with you that night
people typing instead of talking. Bills to be paid with no money. Unhooking, unplugging unrelateable,separate, no face to face contact
Disconnect. That’s the word I loathe the most when I’m surfing the Internet and losing track of the time and then— POOF— the server gets disconnected.
don’t talk to me like that. the line’s very bad. I can’t hear you… I only told him that because that’s what Marty told me. Honest… yeah… so what’re we going to do? What? What? Are you still there….
Sitting at the computer I was watching the little bars appear. 10 % 20% 40% 50% 99.99%
and then the internet disconnected. It was all over. I couldn’t believe it. I had to start all over again.
to remove or disjoin from something. Often depressed people disconnect themselves from the world. To be lonely or disjointed. Silence, no conversation. No communication. a disconnected rope can result in injury when climbing mountains.
to remove or disjoin from something. Often depressed people disconnect themselves from the world. To be lobely or disjointed. Silence, no conversation. No communication. a disconnected rope can result in injury when climbing mountains.
disconnected. a dark world, one shining light. that light is you. you make every day. you make air worth breathing.
disconnected, that isnt a 404. unrelated.
the two headed boys lies in the forest far from this world.
With love you can bring the child to your chest, and he can lay as you sleep
love all you have left like this boy used to be
bobby grayson
I am going to disconnect myself from you. I’m sick of your games and your insecurities. And it hurts, hurts so much, but I’m sick of wanting you to change. I believe that distancing myself from you will help me in the long run. I will no longer feel this pain.
I lost my mind again, and yet everything seemed so real and true. Truth is a bit of a conundrum in this state. They never told me it would be this way. A sense of together and apart all in one moment.
technology has succeeded in disconnecting human beings. so few of us still know how to speak, and even fewer know how to listen. we are so disconnected because our ipods, phones, netbook, and handhelds transport us to “anywhere but here” so easily, we no longer really have to deal with people.
Try to remove yourself from the world. When you plug in, when you sign on, you’re kept to reality… but a reality that is far from, well real. You’re plugged into something less than fake. Its just a movie, a game, so disconnect…
And connect to something that is actually going on around you. Go outside…
Matty C
disconnect.. hmm.. I’ve been trying to write something funny for a while.. Have never quite been successful at it though!! Its as if I am disconnected with that face of human life.. Is that really possible? Humour leaving one being out on the wire to dry???
There was a disconnecting sound, a clicking and a fuzzy hum that signaled the break. I let my head drop a little, let it because I felt every molecule of my musculature. I let it drop a centimeter; any more and me entirety would have fallen through the floor.
Brian Slusher
Disconnect yourself from reality. Put yourself into a kaleidoscope, spin around and see what you get. Do you see anything different? Maybe this is something you should be heading for, a change.
the phone line was disconnected and there was nothing at the other end of the line. just d faint beeping in the background. i had no idea whether to call back or not. why was i disconnected to begin with. was there a reason i had called in the first place? i had no idea. i had probably forgotten now
confused….i hate it…
you can be disconnected in many ways.from internet or from the world.lots of us feel like they don’t have common thoughts and feelings with their family or friends,so they keep a distance by not saying how they feel and what are thinking.don’t keep yourself your feelings and laugh out louuddddddddddd
He was running through the alleys, screaming into his mobile. His voice carried over, panicked and breathless with each nearing step. Perspiration was now running freely over his forehead, into his phone, as it suddenly clicked dead.
Benjamin See
“I love you” was the only word I could say to her. As soon as she read it, she pressed disconnect.
it something u don`t think about u just do it so when we as people think of those things we get turned around and end up in the wrong place and no doubt tyme too
Wanda Kelly
when the net gwts disconnected i hate it
cuz that way i cant tok to my loved ones ont he net. wen mom takes my fone i am disconnected from my friends. thats makes me feel lonely and sad. thats so irritating. y duz my life revolve arnd my firends. and i am also forced to disconnect the fone wen nani nana or mom scream something embrassing on the fone. evn that takes me bak to my friends. i need new things to care about.
when I am connected to msn I am not disconnected
writing is therapeutic, jotting down one word also helps
i believe that the world is disconnected from each other and that we can not seem to find the reality of connection simply because the world is stubborn people just float in their own worlds and we find things discouraging in the face of happiness and joy of others between the differences of opinions we relate to nothing but darkness in a void
I often feel a disconnect between what I should do and what I want to do. I am of the opinion that this is a tug that most people feel. They get disconnected every now and then, from what they were taught to do and what their hearts tell them to do. Have you ever been in such a position: your mouth drools when you see that fruit salad and ice cream – until you recall your doctor’s advice? Or, your fingers are tapping to the music and your feet are briskly moving out of those shoes, and you are all set to swing into a dance – when, with a jerk, you realise that you are seated in front of those who have always seen you only in dignified postures? See what I mean? Now, at this very moment, I should be working on a report, instead I feel like scribbling here…is that or isn’t that a disconnect?
Neeraja Raghavan
The beeping stung my ear. So, the last domino had fallen… no there was no one left, no one to call, no one to recieve a kindly-worded letter or postcard from. The kindest words anyone had for me was the electric company asking for their money.
i cannot disconnect from life as I know it. It seemes so long ago that i was once a happier and content person and yet now i have disconnected from that life and cannot disconnect from this new life that i have chosen for my self. almost a self mutalation of some sorts.
nicht verbunden mit einem zweiten Part, der möglicherweise eine Erweitung schaft und sich alleine gar nicht entwickeln kann.
möglicherweise nicht verbunden, nicht dabei, nicht eingebunden, nicht mit jemanden, den man mag, einfach nicht mit dir und unverbunden.
I think that disconnect is a perfect word to describe my life. I have no relationship that is binding on me…not motherhood or child or work or leisure. Everything in my life is tenuous.
disconnected is what i feel at the moment.. disconnected from friend
disconnected from life.
disconnected from love.. everything i could possibly be disconnected from! I’m so disconnected it feels as though I’m not a part of anything but just living a mundane routine with no surprises.. hate to be disconnected! what else… disconnected even from the internet an I’m over.. totally out of sync and completely at loss for any kind of excitement.. one thing to describe it all disconnection.. Disconnection seems to have become the motto to everything that I’m attempting to do as though i am to be disconnected like a hermit or a monk in exile!!! that is the state of disconnect i feel at the very moment.
Disconnect.That a word so frequently used,it becomes one of our daily words.Like:good morning,how are you doing,how much.But of course,it is a really bad thing to happen if you are on the phone,watching television,listening to the radio.
Hallo to the world!
Драконы уничтожат мир
Disconnect.That a word so frequently used,it becomes one of our daily words.Like:good morning,how are you doing,how much.But of course,it is a really bad thing to happen if you are on the phone,watching television,listening to the radio.
Hallo to the world!
There is a disconnect between me and my family. I’m not even upset by it or hurt, for that matter. I’m a little thankful for it. I no longer have to pretend to care. They’ve no ambition, no dignity, no pride whatsoever. They are perfectly happy being nothing and wallowing in despair. I can’t be around that.
plugged out. detached.
i watched as you wasted away.
the dreams… like sand washed..
sip through my fingers.
you. gone.
why lead me on?
why walk away?
wht the hell is this???
the intrinsant way to describe description is only relevant to those who understand the asinine ways in which one can even know about the lifestyles of the rich and famous whose little ponies don’t know the difference between left and up in the air in a hot air balloon, nothing keeping you up but wicker and gas to drive your car from here to there.
I feel that diconect feeling too often when i don’t want to. My days are filled with the same nightmares my night has and it hurts me a lot. I am at disconnect..
You are leaving tonight.
I tried to tell you to stay,
My soul left with you that night
people typing instead of talking. Bills to be paid with no money. Unhooking, unplugging unrelateable,separate, no face to face contact
Disconnect. That’s the word I loathe the most when I’m surfing the Internet and losing track of the time and then— POOF— the server gets disconnected.
don’t talk to me like that. the line’s very bad. I can’t hear you… I only told him that because that’s what Marty told me. Honest… yeah… so what’re we going to do? What? What? Are you still there….
Sitting at the computer I was watching the little bars appear. 10 % 20% 40% 50% 99.99%
and then the internet disconnected. It was all over. I couldn’t believe it. I had to start all over again.
to remove or disjoin from something. Often depressed people disconnect themselves from the world. To be lonely or disjointed. Silence, no conversation. No communication. a disconnected rope can result in injury when climbing mountains.
to remove or disjoin from something. Often depressed people disconnect themselves from the world. To be lobely or disjointed. Silence, no conversation. No communication. a disconnected rope can result in injury when climbing mountains.
disconnected. a dark world, one shining light. that light is you. you make every day. you make air worth breathing.
disconnected, that isnt a 404. unrelated.
the two headed boys lies in the forest far from this world.
With love you can bring the child to your chest, and he can lay as you sleep
love all you have left like this boy used to be
I am going to disconnect myself from you. I’m sick of your games and your insecurities. And it hurts, hurts so much, but I’m sick of wanting you to change. I believe that distancing myself from you will help me in the long run. I will no longer feel this pain.
I lost my mind again, and yet everything seemed so real and true. Truth is a bit of a conundrum in this state. They never told me it would be this way. A sense of together and apart all in one moment.
technology has succeeded in disconnecting human beings. so few of us still know how to speak, and even fewer know how to listen. we are so disconnected because our ipods, phones, netbook, and handhelds transport us to “anywhere but here” so easily, we no longer really have to deal with people.
Try to remove yourself from the world. When you plug in, when you sign on, you’re kept to reality… but a reality that is far from, well real. You’re plugged into something less than fake. Its just a movie, a game, so disconnect…
And connect to something that is actually going on around you. Go outside…
disconnect.. hmm.. I’ve been trying to write something funny for a while.. Have never quite been successful at it though!! Its as if I am disconnected with that face of human life.. Is that really possible? Humour leaving one being out on the wire to dry???
There was a disconnecting sound, a clicking and a fuzzy hum that signaled the break. I let my head drop a little, let it because I felt every molecule of my musculature. I let it drop a centimeter; any more and me entirety would have fallen through the floor.
Disconnect yourself from reality. Put yourself into a kaleidoscope, spin around and see what you get. Do you see anything different? Maybe this is something you should be heading for, a change.
the phone line was disconnected and there was nothing at the other end of the line. just d faint beeping in the background. i had no idea whether to call back or not. why was i disconnected to begin with. was there a reason i had called in the first place? i had no idea. i had probably forgotten now
confused….i hate it…
you can be disconnected in many ways.from internet or from the world.lots of us feel like they don’t have common thoughts and feelings with their family or friends,so they keep a distance by not saying how they feel and what are thinking.don’t keep yourself your feelings and laugh out louuddddddddddd
He was running through the alleys, screaming into his mobile. His voice carried over, panicked and breathless with each nearing step. Perspiration was now running freely over his forehead, into his phone, as it suddenly clicked dead.
“I love you” was the only word I could say to her. As soon as she read it, she pressed disconnect.
it something u don`t think about u just do it so when we as people think of those things we get turned around and end up in the wrong place and no doubt tyme too
when the net gwts disconnected i hate it
cuz that way i cant tok to my loved ones ont he net. wen mom takes my fone i am disconnected from my friends. thats makes me feel lonely and sad. thats so irritating. y duz my life revolve arnd my firends. and i am also forced to disconnect the fone wen nani nana or mom scream something embrassing on the fone. evn that takes me bak to my friends. i need new things to care about.
when I am connected to msn I am not disconnected
writing is therapeutic, jotting down one word also helps
i believe that the world is disconnected from each other and that we can not seem to find the reality of connection simply because the world is stubborn people just float in their own worlds and we find things discouraging in the face of happiness and joy of others between the differences of opinions we relate to nothing but darkness in a void
I often feel a disconnect between what I should do and what I want to do. I am of the opinion that this is a tug that most people feel. They get disconnected every now and then, from what they were taught to do and what their hearts tell them to do. Have you ever been in such a position: your mouth drools when you see that fruit salad and ice cream – until you recall your doctor’s advice? Or, your fingers are tapping to the music and your feet are briskly moving out of those shoes, and you are all set to swing into a dance – when, with a jerk, you realise that you are seated in front of those who have always seen you only in dignified postures? See what I mean? Now, at this very moment, I should be working on a report, instead I feel like scribbling here…is that or isn’t that a disconnect?
The beeping stung my ear. So, the last domino had fallen… no there was no one left, no one to call, no one to recieve a kindly-worded letter or postcard from. The kindest words anyone had for me was the electric company asking for their money.
i cannot disconnect from life as I know it. It seemes so long ago that i was once a happier and content person and yet now i have disconnected from that life and cannot disconnect from this new life that i have chosen for my self. almost a self mutalation of some sorts.