i dislike fish and der. i dislike period’s pain and i dislike this fucking website!!!!
i like chocolate and writing things i dislike.
the things i dislike
the cold
annoying cat meows
people making fun of me straight to my face
the smell/taste of the artroom furnace
fake people
the fact that I am a hypocrite
due dates
i dislike lies and people that lie.
i dislike being distrustful because of the former. i dislike “dislike”
I dislike you. You are exactly like me and I don’t like that. I detest you, actually. Why are you so much my equal, my same? You should go away and find someone else to bother, to be like..Why me? Why me, I say! It’s just not fair, really, that you should be sitting there staring at me and being exactly like me, like looking into a mirror. Does this mean I dislike myself? OR just the fact that you are me.
I dislike rude, and disruptive people. Many teens and preteens today are rude and feel we owe them. They are in for a rude awakening. We owe them nothing and they are going to be responisble.
i dislike frustration, apathy, inaction. these are mental road blocks. what do i dislike in the material world? hmmmm i don’t know. perhaps cold spinach. only hot spinach tastes good. dislike dislike writing about this makes me feel blah
I know that sometimes he is nice to me. Sometimes I even think about staying my whole life with him. But other times I dislike him so profoundly that my body shakes and I feel like crying or screaming or ripping his balls off and shoving them down his throat.
What do I dislike? It’s funny, I dislike that dislike is the word for today. I don’t want to write about something that I dislike. I am taking a study break, I want to focus on something positive. I like the sunrise. I like my view from my window. I’ll miss it when I leave but I am definitely happy to be going home.
I extremely dislike people who don’t have a work ethic. I can’t believe people like them are even allowed to try. That is the only thing i truly dislike!
i dislike candy on a rainy day or when i don’t have it at the movie theater. the last movie i saw was earth. funny how i have to watch amovie about the earth to appreciate it again. yet i walk on it everyday. i hear the birds chirping and the sun beaming down on my face. none of this do i dislike mind you. i truly don’t.
I really dislike him. I’m tired of guys pushing me around and more so not pushing me enough. Is he seriously dating someone new already? I dislike him and i LOVE him at the same time. IS he going to be a father to her child? Is this going to last? Will I ever be with him again?
i dislike lots of thing
i should try and be more positive and give things more of a change
i say the word hate too much
i should really change
one day ill be a nicer person
I dislike the new color on this site. It looks bleached out. I guess it’s really just different and things that are different take getting used to. However, this new color reminds me of grape soda, which I hate. I really prefer root beer, cream soda, or, ideally, not soda at all.
when i absolutely hate someone, i dont actually hate them because hate is a strong word, i dislike them. but i dont dislike many people — but most of the time when i do, i dont have an actual reason behind it, i just dont understand you and dont like xyz about you. this makes me think that there is something beyond just getting to know someone. something else above it. compatability. opposite.
i had always been naive.
in the three seconds of growth,
i look back to the beginning.
and there is always
only human, you told me. we cannot fly cannot
thrive cannot out think our purpose.
and i never truly forgave you for that.
‘dislike’ – the beginning of all hate crimes. you start by disliking something and further ignorance causes you to loathe and eventually yearn for its extermination.
i hate when people dont like me. it makes me feel worthless and i dont understand why someone cant like me esprically when they know nothing about me. sometimes i just want to cry and want everybody to love everbody but i know that cant happen because the world is full of hatred and alot of people are bad even if you dont want them to be.
i dislike crazy drivers. I just can’t stand them. They always run me off the road and cause hate and discontent. Dislike is such a small word for such raw emotion.
mushrooms. mayonnaise. lies. cheaters. most women. drama. most men. smacking of the lips. interruptions. disrespect.
I intensely dislike the way the media has hyped H1N1, it’s scaring people into thinking they have it when in reality they ahve a stiff neck or the sniffles. They have a job to deliver news, not terrify us into thinking the world is going to end in a bit fluey mess.
i dislike all this hating and all the lack of sensibility of people. some dumb and egocentric people make me really mad and annoyed and i get very freaked out sometimes and i dislike this all.
and i love brownies
i dilike it wen pppl r reely meen. i dislike wen the fuy im in luv it ignores me. i dislike many things its very difficult to dislike someone u luv i tried and it didnt turn out so well. but then things got better
I disliked the ice cream.
It tasted like vomit.
I’m never eating there again.
Dislike is just a step up,
a slip down,
a short ride,
to Hate.
Consider yourself warned.
what is dislike? what is odious hate that crawls into my skin and takes firm grasp of my vigor? the meager of a ant is more fulfilling than the unsatisfying life of a man who dislikes others.
hate that strikes at the hearts of men and then there’s dislike, somewhat less, nose upturned perhaps, maybe a bit of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or brussel sprouts not much of a sentiment really sort of like a tepid handshake but going the other way.
I dislike Chinese food. I dislike too many sunny days in a row, but I dislike too many rainy ones. I dislike stupid people. I dislike the fact that I’ve never dated anyone. At all. I dislike lots of things, and I dislike how dislike now looks.
I tend to think people only use this because they feel guilty saying “Hate”. Pussies.
Josh Cooley
dislike. not hate.
teachers would always say “hate is a strong word.”
and I thought it was stupid, like everyone else,
until I read a quote: “to say “I love you” is to say, “I want you to be”.”
that’s when I realized
I don’t hate anyone.
there are things I dislike about people, but for the most part,
I want you to be.
claire steen
I dislike a lot of things, where I work, the people everywhere to name a few. I dislike stupid people. Hate would have to stand in from here on in.
Jason Magrum
a spewing fountain of your blood red lava,
through hatred and the lies,
comes a thick paste of disgust
and a little drop of honey
on that sweet tongue for you,
to curse with misery,
(but i couldn’t do that.
in my mind,
hate is no longer a word.)
I don’t dislike the color purple.. mauve, sorry. Whatever purple is purple is purple is mauve is so, so purple and there’s nothing like a weird word like mauve to poison the well of purple, our well well full of purple purples. I can’t stop thinking of furbits.
April 29th, 2009.
Christine Oania
I don’t know why I dislike him so much. He’s actually a pretty cool dude, has a similar sense of humor, likes the same kind of music and has a similar attitude. Its just the first day i met him, he said something that put me off, and since then he’s been totally clueless to my outright HATRED for him, which only makes me hate him more.
Dislike is tasteful, snob-sponsored hate. It expresses itself through glares and glances, not quite sure what to say for itself.
I was told that I should never use the word “hate.” “Dislike” is what I should use instead. I suppose it’s accurate. I don’t hate myself, I just dislike myself at the moment.
i dislike it greatly when others are inconsiderate and/or prejudiced. why would you want to discriminate against another group of people? i don’t understand. discrimination is taught, not inherent. this is what i firmly believe.
Kat dreadfully disliked the puke green of the walls. What kind of detention room was this? Did the wardens like to punish their “victims” with nausea?
dislike! I don’t want to write about dislike because all I ever hear from D. is about how much she dislikes this or that or what or who or how, and I can’t take any more negativity. sunshine, springtime. the sky is expanding. I hear birds in the morning. my body hurts, too, but my heart is open and wired and ready.
It’s grose. It’s disgusting. I can’t stand It. It repulses me. It’s unpleasent. Idispise It, deplore It, and loath It with every atom of my being. I resent It at all costs. When I see It, I scorn and shun It. So avert your gaze and run away. Because It is coming for you.
Hannah Banana
There’re a lot of things in life I dislike, but I don’t make a big point of it. I’m heavily distracted right now, but it’s amazing how closely the mind can clutch onto what it’s thinking.
i dislike fish and der. i dislike period’s pain and i dislike this fucking website!!!!
i like chocolate and writing things i dislike.
the things i dislike
the cold
annoying cat meows
people making fun of me straight to my face
the smell/taste of the artroom furnace
fake people
the fact that I am a hypocrite
due dates
i dislike lies and people that lie.
i dislike being distrustful because of the former. i dislike “dislike”
I dislike you. You are exactly like me and I don’t like that. I detest you, actually. Why are you so much my equal, my same? You should go away and find someone else to bother, to be like..Why me? Why me, I say! It’s just not fair, really, that you should be sitting there staring at me and being exactly like me, like looking into a mirror. Does this mean I dislike myself? OR just the fact that you are me.
I dislike rude, and disruptive people. Many teens and preteens today are rude and feel we owe them. They are in for a rude awakening. We owe them nothing and they are going to be responisble.
i dislike frustration, apathy, inaction. these are mental road blocks. what do i dislike in the material world? hmmmm i don’t know. perhaps cold spinach. only hot spinach tastes good. dislike dislike writing about this makes me feel blah
I know that sometimes he is nice to me. Sometimes I even think about staying my whole life with him. But other times I dislike him so profoundly that my body shakes and I feel like crying or screaming or ripping his balls off and shoving them down his throat.
What do I dislike? It’s funny, I dislike that dislike is the word for today. I don’t want to write about something that I dislike. I am taking a study break, I want to focus on something positive. I like the sunrise. I like my view from my window. I’ll miss it when I leave but I am definitely happy to be going home.
I extremely dislike people who don’t have a work ethic. I can’t believe people like them are even allowed to try. That is the only thing i truly dislike!
i dislike candy on a rainy day or when i don’t have it at the movie theater. the last movie i saw was earth. funny how i have to watch amovie about the earth to appreciate it again. yet i walk on it everyday. i hear the birds chirping and the sun beaming down on my face. none of this do i dislike mind you. i truly don’t.
I really dislike him. I’m tired of guys pushing me around and more so not pushing me enough. Is he seriously dating someone new already? I dislike him and i LOVE him at the same time. IS he going to be a father to her child? Is this going to last? Will I ever be with him again?
i dislike lots of thing
i should try and be more positive and give things more of a change
i say the word hate too much
i should really change
one day ill be a nicer person
I dislike the new color on this site. It looks bleached out. I guess it’s really just different and things that are different take getting used to. However, this new color reminds me of grape soda, which I hate. I really prefer root beer, cream soda, or, ideally, not soda at all.
when i absolutely hate someone, i dont actually hate them because hate is a strong word, i dislike them. but i dont dislike many people — but most of the time when i do, i dont have an actual reason behind it, i just dont understand you and dont like xyz about you. this makes me think that there is something beyond just getting to know someone. something else above it. compatability. opposite.
i had always been naive.
in the three seconds of growth,
i look back to the beginning.
and there is always
only human, you told me. we cannot fly cannot
thrive cannot out think our purpose.
and i never truly forgave you for that.
‘dislike’ – the beginning of all hate crimes. you start by disliking something and further ignorance causes you to loathe and eventually yearn for its extermination.
i hate when people dont like me. it makes me feel worthless and i dont understand why someone cant like me esprically when they know nothing about me. sometimes i just want to cry and want everybody to love everbody but i know that cant happen because the world is full of hatred and alot of people are bad even if you dont want them to be.
i dislike crazy drivers. I just can’t stand them. They always run me off the road and cause hate and discontent. Dislike is such a small word for such raw emotion.
mushrooms. mayonnaise. lies. cheaters. most women. drama. most men. smacking of the lips. interruptions. disrespect.
I intensely dislike the way the media has hyped H1N1, it’s scaring people into thinking they have it when in reality they ahve a stiff neck or the sniffles. They have a job to deliver news, not terrify us into thinking the world is going to end in a bit fluey mess.
i dislike all this hating and all the lack of sensibility of people. some dumb and egocentric people make me really mad and annoyed and i get very freaked out sometimes and i dislike this all.
and i love brownies
i dilike it wen pppl r reely meen. i dislike wen the fuy im in luv it ignores me. i dislike many things its very difficult to dislike someone u luv i tried and it didnt turn out so well. but then things got better
I disliked the ice cream.
It tasted like vomit.
I’m never eating there again.
Dislike is just a step up,
a slip down,
a short ride,
to Hate.
Consider yourself warned.
what is dislike? what is odious hate that crawls into my skin and takes firm grasp of my vigor? the meager of a ant is more fulfilling than the unsatisfying life of a man who dislikes others.
hate that strikes at the hearts of men and then there’s dislike, somewhat less, nose upturned perhaps, maybe a bit of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or brussel sprouts not much of a sentiment really sort of like a tepid handshake but going the other way.
I dislike Chinese food. I dislike too many sunny days in a row, but I dislike too many rainy ones. I dislike stupid people. I dislike the fact that I’ve never dated anyone. At all. I dislike lots of things, and I dislike how dislike now looks.
I tend to think people only use this because they feel guilty saying “Hate”. Pussies.
dislike. not hate.
teachers would always say “hate is a strong word.”
and I thought it was stupid, like everyone else,
until I read a quote: “to say “I love you” is to say, “I want you to be”.”
that’s when I realized
I don’t hate anyone.
there are things I dislike about people, but for the most part,
I want you to be.
I dislike a lot of things, where I work, the people everywhere to name a few. I dislike stupid people. Hate would have to stand in from here on in.
a spewing fountain of your blood red lava,
through hatred and the lies,
comes a thick paste of disgust
and a little drop of honey
on that sweet tongue for you,
to curse with misery,
(but i couldn’t do that.
in my mind,
hate is no longer a word.)
I don’t dislike the color purple.. mauve, sorry. Whatever purple is purple is purple is mauve is so, so purple and there’s nothing like a weird word like mauve to poison the well of purple, our well well full of purple purples. I can’t stop thinking of furbits.
April 29th, 2009.
I don’t know why I dislike him so much. He’s actually a pretty cool dude, has a similar sense of humor, likes the same kind of music and has a similar attitude. Its just the first day i met him, he said something that put me off, and since then he’s been totally clueless to my outright HATRED for him, which only makes me hate him more.
Dislike is tasteful, snob-sponsored hate. It expresses itself through glares and glances, not quite sure what to say for itself.
I was told that I should never use the word “hate.” “Dislike” is what I should use instead. I suppose it’s accurate. I don’t hate myself, I just dislike myself at the moment.
i dislike it greatly when others are inconsiderate and/or prejudiced. why would you want to discriminate against another group of people? i don’t understand. discrimination is taught, not inherent. this is what i firmly believe.
Kat dreadfully disliked the puke green of the walls. What kind of detention room was this? Did the wardens like to punish their “victims” with nausea?
dislike! I don’t want to write about dislike because all I ever hear from D. is about how much she dislikes this or that or what or who or how, and I can’t take any more negativity. sunshine, springtime. the sky is expanding. I hear birds in the morning. my body hurts, too, but my heart is open and wired and ready.
It’s grose. It’s disgusting. I can’t stand It. It repulses me. It’s unpleasent. Idispise It, deplore It, and loath It with every atom of my being. I resent It at all costs. When I see It, I scorn and shun It. So avert your gaze and run away. Because It is coming for you.
There’re a lot of things in life I dislike, but I don’t make a big point of it. I’m heavily distracted right now, but it’s amazing how closely the mind can clutch onto what it’s thinking.