Dislike is when you have strong feelings about something ranging from an event or person or thing or belief. Dislike is the opposite of like.
A mild form of hate, used often because people claim hate is such a strong word. In reality, maybe words and their meanings are superficial along with almost everything else in this world… just a thought
I dislike alot of thins. Cept I hate that word because it is so negative. Why can’t people look at the positives instead? If you dislike something..find something that you like. Yes I dislike alot of things, but I like alot more things. I dislike that people gossip and all because it makes me that way too.
there’s a girl i dislike and i don’t know why. she’s very nice from what i can tell. honest, hardworking, confident, humorous, kind. i don’t know why i dislike her! i have no reason to! it upsets me. i’ve been told before that often when you dislike someone, it’s because you’re projecting onto them. so maybe this girl has qualities which i myself want, or envy, or perhaps have and don’t like, and i resent her because i see a reflection of myself.
Eva B J
why must we dislike?
I always hated Ashleys. The first one i encountered was in kindergarten-her name was ashley shelton. The only time i ever liked an ashley was in 8th grade when i shared a locker with 2 other ashleys and the only way we knew whose gym shirt was whose was because of her handwriting. other than them, ive always disliked ashleys
I dislike cows. Cows always think they are better than everyone else but let me tell you something…they aren’t! Has a cow ever flown an airplane? NO! And they never will because they lack the intelligence to do so! Damn those cows!
Nathaniel Reed
I dislike him for the same reason I like him: touch. He touches me. Sometimes, he’ll grab a nipple. Most times, he lays right up on me. Tonight, he put his head under my chin and snuggled. I wish I could know what he was getting from it. I really like him, but I don’t know how to interpret these mysterious moments.
I hate the feeling of defeat. It clings to your clothes. Slowly, it wears on you, building on itself until a mile high wave of dread overtakes your whole life.
i dislike the way that things feel after you meet somebody new. like when you are always thinking about them and you cant get them off of your mind, but you dont know anything about them. i also dislike the way that everyone judges people on the way they look or act.
i didn’t dislike her, per say. I disliked the fact that she disliked me for no reason. That she didn’t wear that bracelet i made her anymore because it “was old and cruddy.” I disliked the fact that we were going to different high schools, but i’d get over it, and i guess i disliked that i’d never see her again.
dislike. theres a lot of things i dislike. thers a lot of people i dislike. hmm maybe i shouldnt dislike a lot of things, you know, look for the good in things or try to anyway. dislike dislike dislike. what i dislike is: lying, cheating, im trying to think of a person
There are so many things I dislike, and I hate that about myself. I’d like to be a really laid back person who accepts everything and I’m not, and it’s always been one of the banes of my existence. Sure I guess you could put it a nice way, like, oh, I’m just *opionated* but really I think I’m just whiny.
I dislike snakes and things that bring me anxiety and people who do not care about the world and I also dislike people who are angry and hate the world. I dilike meat but I try and focus on the good things in life
i dislike when people ask me stupid questions about my intelligence and get surprised that i have a college degree, am hispanic and born in america, know all about american pop culture, have an interracial relaitionship, don’t speak spanish fluently, live in a condo and follow my passions!
I realy dislike it when people go around telling other people how to act. Like, for example, Teachers. You can’t effectively teach someone something and then try to tell them what not to do. What not to experience. WHAT NOT TO DISLIKE EVEN.
Rosalia Velis
is a strong word. or is it? i do dislike things. but i dont like saying that i do. things we dislike are things we tend to stay away from from, yet we have to do so many things we dislike.
Ross McKinstry
hate is such a strong word
couch it in euphemism;
in politeness
but we know what you mean
such words are not in the letter,
but in the tone
say what you will
will what you say
but remember well, friend
kirstyn alexandra
hate, disdain, an ugly word in a decent word’s disguise. i dislike that man, this meal, those classes, your choices. like bartleby’s “prefer”. slightly snotty and very firm, without technically being rude, it’s almost ruder than just being rude to begin with.
I dislike unhappy people. Dislike greasy food. I dislike trashy tattoos like fairies and tribal. I dislike the way he talks to me. I dislike how I feel without him though. I dislike what you think of me. I dislike negativity. Dislike people who think they are great.
what im all about. cant see what makes ppl the way they are. very angry.lol why am i doing this. i dislike this. what is the point…i dont mind it if ppl dislike me.
I absolutely dislike my mother. It’s not good to hate, but dislike is one emotion that I can live with. It’s hard to like everything and everyone, but I think that it’s also healthy to not like everything/one. Sometimes I feel so much dislike in my body I want to puke.
I hate you. I absolutely despise you. You make my life miserable; All the fights, the screaming, the rumors, the drama, the bullshit. It’s not worth my time anymore. Why should so innocent, so loving, so caring of a girl have to contain so much hate?!
I dislike the color of the word dislike. It’s far too happy to suit my mood. But its such a soft color though, it would be pretty any other time than now.
as the smell of the turky and mashed potatoes wafted toward her, mary wrinkled her nose in . turkey had always made her think of her mother, or her sister, or her brothers; the family that once surrounded her this same time just a year ago. how much can change in a year, she thought. how much can change in a day, in a split second. in a split second, you can lose everything or you can gain everything or you can change everything. a moment of time can pass, and life as you know it can disappear, vanish forever, replaced by the new and unfamiliar, and unknown.
dislike is the less harsh version of hate… but there are so many things i hate so i think dislike is much too subtle for me… but i do dislike the word carbon.
it doesnt matter anymore you made you bed now lye in it you hurt me so much and i dont even kno why i still care
i hope your doing well
but why should i care you used me and abused me
but i still love you and that scares me
it doesnt matter anymore you made you bed now lye in it you hurt me so much and i dont even kno why i still care
i hope your doing well
but why should i care you used me and abused me
but i still love you and that scares me
i dislike being with anybody
dislike many movies like batman begins
dislike being an adult
dislike fatty food
dislike writhing
vikas raghav
i hate that my hands get all shaky when i practice or write for too long. i’m right-handed, too, so when I have a lot of both to do, it gets rather painful. i’ve noticed that warmth helps, so whenever i wash my hands or take a shower, i stand there a few extra seconds to run the warm water over my hands and forearms.
dislike is a great euphemism for how much I can’t stand things sometimes. Language is wonderful like that, you can act like a total fake, pretending to be happy or content with something, but in reality, your sarcasm or basket of euphemisms will keep you from looking like an ass.
I dislike most people.
Most people except you.
You don’t help me sort out feelings.
But you make me forget.
And I make you forget.
And together, we forget about what we face.
Who we face.
How we’ll face.
And just live in our own world.
And thats good enough.
Thats what I like.
there are a lot of things i dislike… i wouldn’t say i hate many things… people always tell you that hate is too strong of a word, you don’t hate it, you dislike it. when is it okay to hate something?
i dislike the movie twilight. because i fucking LOVE True Blood. i like my vampires grown up and dirty. stupid 13 year old fantasy – that’s all twilight is.
I really dislike cardboard cutouts of people. everytime I see one it catches me off guard as though it was someone real. I remember this one time I passed an old navy and there was a cardboard cutout inside but I thought it was a real person and I almost called the cops.
People dislike way too much. The world would be a lot better if everyone just got along
Billy Jean
I have a mighty dislike for swine. Inadequate fucking pigs who in order to feel superior must have a license to carry a gun. “No officer there isn’t going to be a problem.” “Obviously i don’t have a problem with going to jail if i’m in court, now back the fuck off before i give you a reason to feel small.”
Eric Pitt
dislike is a word that is much more mild than hate. you don’t have to like everyone. you have the right to ‘dislike’ anyone. it means you don’t cooperate with the object or person. it means something’s off. dislike is found everywhere everyday. it’s not something that can be avoided. you might even dislike what i’m saying. but that’s life – go cry about it why don’t ya?
i strongly dislike people who look like they’re in pain when they walk into class. i know i am one of them, but i don’t like to see my own face on their faces.
Dislike is when you have strong feelings about something ranging from an event or person or thing or belief. Dislike is the opposite of like.
A mild form of hate, used often because people claim hate is such a strong word. In reality, maybe words and their meanings are superficial along with almost everything else in this world… just a thought
I dislike alot of thins. Cept I hate that word because it is so negative. Why can’t people look at the positives instead? If you dislike something..find something that you like. Yes I dislike alot of things, but I like alot more things. I dislike that people gossip and all because it makes me that way too.
there’s a girl i dislike and i don’t know why. she’s very nice from what i can tell. honest, hardworking, confident, humorous, kind. i don’t know why i dislike her! i have no reason to! it upsets me. i’ve been told before that often when you dislike someone, it’s because you’re projecting onto them. so maybe this girl has qualities which i myself want, or envy, or perhaps have and don’t like, and i resent her because i see a reflection of myself.
why must we dislike?
I always hated Ashleys. The first one i encountered was in kindergarten-her name was ashley shelton. The only time i ever liked an ashley was in 8th grade when i shared a locker with 2 other ashleys and the only way we knew whose gym shirt was whose was because of her handwriting. other than them, ive always disliked ashleys
I dislike cows. Cows always think they are better than everyone else but let me tell you something…they aren’t! Has a cow ever flown an airplane? NO! And they never will because they lack the intelligence to do so! Damn those cows!
I dislike him for the same reason I like him: touch. He touches me. Sometimes, he’ll grab a nipple. Most times, he lays right up on me. Tonight, he put his head under my chin and snuggled. I wish I could know what he was getting from it. I really like him, but I don’t know how to interpret these mysterious moments.
I hate the feeling of defeat. It clings to your clothes. Slowly, it wears on you, building on itself until a mile high wave of dread overtakes your whole life.
i dislike the way that things feel after you meet somebody new. like when you are always thinking about them and you cant get them off of your mind, but you dont know anything about them. i also dislike the way that everyone judges people on the way they look or act.
i didn’t dislike her, per say. I disliked the fact that she disliked me for no reason. That she didn’t wear that bracelet i made her anymore because it “was old and cruddy.” I disliked the fact that we were going to different high schools, but i’d get over it, and i guess i disliked that i’d never see her again.
dislike. theres a lot of things i dislike. thers a lot of people i dislike. hmm maybe i shouldnt dislike a lot of things, you know, look for the good in things or try to anyway. dislike dislike dislike. what i dislike is: lying, cheating, im trying to think of a person
There are so many things I dislike, and I hate that about myself. I’d like to be a really laid back person who accepts everything and I’m not, and it’s always been one of the banes of my existence. Sure I guess you could put it a nice way, like, oh, I’m just *opionated* but really I think I’m just whiny.
I dislike snakes and things that bring me anxiety and people who do not care about the world and I also dislike people who are angry and hate the world. I dilike meat but I try and focus on the good things in life
i dislike when people ask me stupid questions about my intelligence and get surprised that i have a college degree, am hispanic and born in america, know all about american pop culture, have an interracial relaitionship, don’t speak spanish fluently, live in a condo and follow my passions!
I realy dislike it when people go around telling other people how to act. Like, for example, Teachers. You can’t effectively teach someone something and then try to tell them what not to do. What not to experience. WHAT NOT TO DISLIKE EVEN.
is a strong word. or is it? i do dislike things. but i dont like saying that i do. things we dislike are things we tend to stay away from from, yet we have to do so many things we dislike.
hate is such a strong word
couch it in euphemism;
in politeness
but we know what you mean
such words are not in the letter,
but in the tone
say what you will
will what you say
but remember well, friend
hate, disdain, an ugly word in a decent word’s disguise. i dislike that man, this meal, those classes, your choices. like bartleby’s “prefer”. slightly snotty and very firm, without technically being rude, it’s almost ruder than just being rude to begin with.
I dislike unhappy people. Dislike greasy food. I dislike trashy tattoos like fairies and tribal. I dislike the way he talks to me. I dislike how I feel without him though. I dislike what you think of me. I dislike negativity. Dislike people who think they are great.
what im all about. cant see what makes ppl the way they are. very angry.lol why am i doing this. i dislike this. what is the point…i dont mind it if ppl dislike me.
I absolutely dislike my mother. It’s not good to hate, but dislike is one emotion that I can live with. It’s hard to like everything and everyone, but I think that it’s also healthy to not like everything/one. Sometimes I feel so much dislike in my body I want to puke.
cream cheese
wet dogs
honey wheat bread
balloon animals
I hate you. I absolutely despise you. You make my life miserable; All the fights, the screaming, the rumors, the drama, the bullshit. It’s not worth my time anymore. Why should so innocent, so loving, so caring of a girl have to contain so much hate?!
I dislike the color of the word dislike. It’s far too happy to suit my mood. But its such a soft color though, it would be pretty any other time than now.
as the smell of the turky and mashed potatoes wafted toward her, mary wrinkled her nose in . turkey had always made her think of her mother, or her sister, or her brothers; the family that once surrounded her this same time just a year ago. how much can change in a year, she thought. how much can change in a day, in a split second. in a split second, you can lose everything or you can gain everything or you can change everything. a moment of time can pass, and life as you know it can disappear, vanish forever, replaced by the new and unfamiliar, and unknown.
dislike is the less harsh version of hate… but there are so many things i hate so i think dislike is much too subtle for me… but i do dislike the word carbon.
it doesnt matter anymore you made you bed now lye in it you hurt me so much and i dont even kno why i still care
i hope your doing well
but why should i care you used me and abused me
but i still love you and that scares me
it doesnt matter anymore you made you bed now lye in it you hurt me so much and i dont even kno why i still care
i hope your doing well
but why should i care you used me and abused me
but i still love you and that scares me
i dislike being with anybody
dislike many movies like batman begins
dislike being an adult
dislike fatty food
dislike writhing
i hate that my hands get all shaky when i practice or write for too long. i’m right-handed, too, so when I have a lot of both to do, it gets rather painful. i’ve noticed that warmth helps, so whenever i wash my hands or take a shower, i stand there a few extra seconds to run the warm water over my hands and forearms.
dislike is a great euphemism for how much I can’t stand things sometimes. Language is wonderful like that, you can act like a total fake, pretending to be happy or content with something, but in reality, your sarcasm or basket of euphemisms will keep you from looking like an ass.
I dislike most people.
Most people except you.
You don’t help me sort out feelings.
But you make me forget.
And I make you forget.
And together, we forget about what we face.
Who we face.
How we’ll face.
And just live in our own world.
And thats good enough.
Thats what I like.
there are a lot of things i dislike… i wouldn’t say i hate many things… people always tell you that hate is too strong of a word, you don’t hate it, you dislike it. when is it okay to hate something?
i dislike the movie twilight. because i fucking LOVE True Blood. i like my vampires grown up and dirty. stupid 13 year old fantasy – that’s all twilight is.
I really dislike cardboard cutouts of people. everytime I see one it catches me off guard as though it was someone real. I remember this one time I passed an old navy and there was a cardboard cutout inside but I thought it was a real person and I almost called the cops.
People dislike way too much. The world would be a lot better if everyone just got along
I have a mighty dislike for swine. Inadequate fucking pigs who in order to feel superior must have a license to carry a gun. “No officer there isn’t going to be a problem.” “Obviously i don’t have a problem with going to jail if i’m in court, now back the fuck off before i give you a reason to feel small.”
dislike is a word that is much more mild than hate. you don’t have to like everyone. you have the right to ‘dislike’ anyone. it means you don’t cooperate with the object or person. it means something’s off. dislike is found everywhere everyday. it’s not something that can be avoided. you might even dislike what i’m saying. but that’s life – go cry about it why don’t ya?
i strongly dislike people who look like they’re in pain when they walk into class. i know i am one of them, but i don’t like to see my own face on their faces.