
September 20th, 2009 | 497 Entries

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497 Entries for “distract”

  1. I was being distracted from my school so I didn’t get to… I’m not going to tell you what I didn’t get to do, that’s my secret.

  2. the distraction was easy to follow. each time my mind regained focus again I wandered into is haze

  3. I am distracted by my friends, distracted by the sunshine, the calling of the winds. All this homework to do, and yet I cannot focus on it. Your absence distracts me. I can’t even think of anything but you not being here. I don’t think I’ll recover from our separation.

  4. There are so many distractions when I try to focus on my work, like that the sky is blue and that the cats need food, that kind they really like and purr a lot when I open the bag. They love that stuff … what was today’s topic again?

  5. I can be easily distracted by things outside myself, but also by things inside myself. For instance, my inner editor is right now saying to me that this is a bunch of hooey and I should just stop and give it up and start all over from the top. No don’t delete, but rework every word. Oh, yes. to distract me is easy.

    Mary K.
  6. He held shape easily in the void. “Don’t run far, friend.” It was enough. He cast even darker shadows to the left and folded out of existence.

    Trey Coe
  7. The whiteness drags me in, but I cannot find in me what is it looking for.

  8. i need a distraction from life sometimes.
    distract me from everything in my life that is bad, but i suppose it is life to simply want that. but we have to feel the bad things before we appreciate all the good in the world that there is and there IS some.
    You just have to look.
    And don’t distract yourself from it. Feel the bad things, enjoy a good cry and then move on and forget the distractions.

  9. there, I’m here, I’m there, I’m here, oh, shiny!
    can’t stop, gotta keep going. ! SQUIRREL.
    ADD, if you please, kinda crazy, yeah, that’s me.

  10. Distractions are always easy to fall for. Like if you’re doing homework and you see a bird outside your window. You always imagine what it would be like to be a bird and be completely free. But then you realize you have homework to do and you are not a bird. So sometimes distractions make you think your life is suckish.

  11. just one word? what a weird topic to write about! well i have no clue what to write about:
    there was a girl she had to write an essay al on one word as her subject.

  12. My word is distract. I am currently being distracted from doing my homework. I was on the website stumbleupon.com and stumbled upon http://www.oneword.com and here I am. Another distraction is pandora radio. I am currently listening to my Radiohead station and it is playing the Beatles.

  13. I can’t think straight these days. I am so distracted, I get nothing done ever. I don’t know how to not be distracted. I can’t even sleep because my mind wanders so excessively, distracting me from one of the most simple human tasks. This distraction will become a problem, I can tell. Too bad I don’t know how to solve it.

  14. perspective

  15. I’m distracted. Trying to watch football, and do homework and this all at the same time. Guess I shouldn’t’ve gotten sick before so my homework would be done and I wouldn’t have this problem College really hates me I think.

  16. of all those moments and times spends, great ideas flows…

    of all the wonders and fantastic voyages, spaces are bridged…

    andy chen
  17. to be distracted….amazing. like the movie they are watching as i am not and as the bug flys accross the room as the teacher talks, which would you rather pay attention to, anyways? i think that we all know the answer. distraction is not reallly about beind distracted, it is more about your subconscious realizing what you would really rather be doing, what is actually important to you.

  18. I just got distracted and ran out of time to even start this, so I had to redo this whole thing. Does this mean I cheated?? If so I’m sorry and I honestly didn’t mean it!! I get distracted wayyy toe easily thats why I love Stumble!!

  19. It is easy to find something to distract when you are unwilling to focus on the task at hand. I find it difficult not to distract those that are focused at times also. It is quite amusing. :o)

  20. Distract the act redirecting your attention from one thing to something else – this exercise is actually distracting me.

    Julie aka Okami
  21. to take attention away from

    Abra Ebner
  22. Beneath her veil of shyness awoke intense curiousity. Unsure of himself for the first time, he paused. There was nothing at hand to distract her. Startled, he realized the power of detached focus. It was not liberating.

  23. i get distracted easily. i like to watch tv and text and maybe go online when in relaity i should be doing hw. i have a lot of hw right now and yet here i am on this website just writing random shit. ha. i am so easily distracted with life. i dont know where i want my life to head towards but yet here i am. here i am. im trying to life life.

  24. I think its funny how distracted I get at work when i am playing around on stumbleupon. i dont really get what I need to get done done. Thats ok though because its Sunday and who really wants to work on a Sunday? Another thing that distracts me is music. When I walk through the laundry room here and the music is on I cant pry myself away from it.

  25. a lot of things are distracting. Especially really, really, REALLY good food. Its a craving you cant wish away and it sucks lol

    B rizzel
  26. distract

  27. distract is a nasty name. It is the enemy of attention. :)

  28. I began writing. I looked up. a bird was sitting there, chirping along to my rhythmic typing. You could say I was a bit distracted. The bird chirping to my keystrokes. I began messing with him, and he began messing with me. all and all a good day of distraction.

  29. ah, why do i always manage to distract myself at the moments i most need to be focused? how easily the mind may wander from one subject to the next, with us unawares we’ve strayed so far from where we started.

  30. distract the audience and even the lamest magic trick seems awesome!

  31. I am distracted right now, she thought. Distracted from life by death. Distracted from reality by the memory of white roses and a small, too small urn being buried, one shovel full of dirt at a time.

  32. She looked away suddenly, distracted by the strange noise coming from behind her.
    “Tara?” asked Jack inquisitively. “What is it?”
    “Nothing, I, um-” she replied as she turned back to face him. “I just thought I heard something, that’s all.”

  33. I was distracted last night. I was distracted from our friendship. And all you mean to me. What is worse is what distracted me was my own personal gain.

  34. evade some ones attention

  35. ive recently begun to think that my life has purpose outside of my family and im afraid

  36. I’m so easily distracted. I hate myself for it, and deem it to be my greatest weakness. If I don’t really enjoy reading a book, I feel compelled to put it down every five minutes. Every moment is a struggle between getting work done or slacking off. I just can’t shake the feeling that some day, my procrastination will catch up to me and I will fail miserably at something.

  37. IT IS DISTRACTING TO HAVe people try and tell you thingscan distr you aknow are not true. sometimes it act you from finding the trut

  38. One day when I was in school there was a bird sitting outdside of my window. I was so intently looking at the bird that I misssed the entire hour lecture. The bird was just a plain black color, but it was so interesting just in the way it was sitting there on the ledge.

  39. I will distract you from the distraction of your wandering eye. Although I am the cause of such a retraction from the norm I will continue to deny that I am the other one and not your number one priority. I would love to be your focus and not your other woman

