
May 7th, 2009 | 182 Entries

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182 Entries for “drop”

  1. I drop a lot. Whether I’m tripping or whatever, I do it a lot. Being clumsy is never a good thing, especially when it involves tripping and dropping onto the hard ground. So many bruises and scrapes. But surprisingly enough, I’ve never once broken a bone!

  2. drop a bomb.
    be free
    feel the rush
    know you are alive

  3. Drop, like petals
    on a distant shore,
    washed away atop
    waves of watered-down
    Giving in to gravity’s
    ending upward progression,
    drop unto me
    like a cloud in a storm.

    Rick Veloz
  4. listen, you can have a drop on your face, but you can clean it.. and enjoy your life and laugh!
    We can live a funny life with “dropdays”

  5. “I can’t do this,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.” My heart dropped in my chest. My face burned and I tasted the salt of a tear on the corned of my mouth.

  6. whatever you are holding onto be it an old love or a boiled egg if only to see it fall away like wet cake.

    Will Schneider
  7. I fall and I don’t look back. This endless drop will only end when i die of thirst. It’s not an issue of who will rise, but only who will come back. I sink, I fall, I feel. Never will I wake up, never will i sleep.

  8. Drop your pants. Drop of a hat. Eye drops. Raindrops. Droppings. Drip drop you don’t stop biggity bang bang boogie. Droppin’ a line. Drop the subject.

  9. drop the ball. drop acid not bombs. drop the charade, just drop it! drop that donut right now, do you want to be fat?! drop the attitude. don’t drop out of high school.

  10. Drop everything you are doing and write your heart out right now. Write what you are feeling, what you are thinking, no censors, just write. Feels good doesn’t it? You want to do more, your censor wants to start censoring but don’t let it. This is for you, to free the words locked inside, to let them come to the surface. Your voice wants out.

  11. i dropped a vase
    i burst into flames

  12. I drop it
    They drop it
    It falls
    I fall
    It wasnt my fault
    It just happened

    Kayla Kuhlman
  13. I wish I could drop of the face of the earth. My favorite soup is egg drop. My mother made it for me before I stopped being a good daughter and she stopped being benevolent. I wish I were good again. I wish I were in another place. Please, please, please let things change.

  14. I dropped the eggs out of the grocery sack. Ugh! What a mess. Why are eggs so hard to clean up? Slimy and messsy….

    I drop things all of the time… I think I dropped my mind off at the dry cleaners this morning…and it wiped the slate clean…I can’t remember a thing.

    Guess there is always tomorrow…

  15. stop
    and roll

  16. I drop in a great beautiful blank paper, painting all the surface, colouring the world…

    Love Noodle
  17. I have tried to stop thinking about
    one thing.
    it’s a swim in a lake but warmer and gentler and waves don’t thrash and I don’t have to hold my breath.
    so every longer minute or length of time, I catch myself, I stop myself, and
    I think of you in drops.

  18. Teardrops fall like snowflakes, like rain.
    They’re the storm clouds of my heart,
    the rivers of my cheeks
    That flow from my eyes when my heart
    screams ‘I need peace’.

  19. Dropping things is an awful experience. I hate it when people accidentally drop all their books in the middle of the hallway.’

    There are expressions, such as “dropping like flies”, which aren’t positive either. Overall, dropping is usually a bad thing.

  20. Maria dropped the phone and hit the door running. She didnt know where she was running to, but she definately knew what she was running from. Running from the truth. The ugly, violent, and bloody truth had reared its head and striked her in the face, and now she was running.

    Anna Hill
  21. from the top of the highest mountain
    I proclaimed my undying love for you
    in one night it crumbled to the ground

    Josh Miller
  22. He dropped the ball. Destroyed what he had been working for. Interesting as it was, he realized he really had no ambition for this goal. Funny how, his whole life, he had been in pursuit of this idealized, intangible “thing.” If only things could be seen in retrospect.

  23. I would like a drop of something. Not ‘the hard stuff’. Just a drop of something nice. Like sunshine. Or lemonade made with real lemons. Or a drop of good luck.

  24. The fact that we can no longer offer the same kind of service to our constituents as we used to is really a poor display of how our democracy has moved away from what our Founders intended it to be. For a constituent to meet his/her representative that person has to either drop in to that representative’s office or have them drop in at their home while they’re precinct walking and looking for votes.

  25. He dropped the subject immediately as he saw the way she nervously glanced downwards. Clearly, he had plucked the wrong string… She must have had some trauma in her past, a few skeletons in her closet. He looked up.

    “Nice weather we’re having.”

  26. love and so much strange and diffrent stuff. the more i travel the more big does the world seem but small as well, people are the same really and not. happines war and colors

  27. like a raindrop on the roof, my heart just sinks when I hear all of this,

    like another drip upon the floor, the sink only lasts so long before all the water’s gone.

    the water drips in the sewer, you can hear it.

    the water drip drops.

    aww, the sky is crying, little Pon said.

    aww, I feel the wind moving, little Pon said.

    but that’s not all.

    because when the sky cries, I cry with it.

  28. Drop. Drop to your knees. Drop the gun. Drop the ball. Drop down through the layers of sediment your life as piled up like skeins in a weaver’s world. Drop your guard and watch them skitter away with all of your possessions, lik

    Bill Kirby
  29. drop the charges!!! not a fucking crime.
    so will you, sicko? im about to drop all my nstability and gonna fkuk yr ass

  30. A ball drops as an experiment on gravity. As the girl hears him say her name, she turns around and accidentally drops her books. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

  31. drop in. I’d love to visit with you. My wife enjoys buying tickets to concerts and inviting people other than myself. So it’s a pleasure to have someone here to talk with, to visit with, to see the world with. Over coffee? Love to. So drop in. My wife won’t be home.

    Andy Puritz
  32. a crystal drop. i took it from my brother whom i no longer talk to. i pray sometimes at night that there wasn’t tension between us. it’s all my fault. i’m weak and i hold a grudge too well for my own good.

  33. the wet lines
    drawn down by gravity
    leaving their trails
    on my flushed cheeks

    the red dots
    fall on the paper
    as i bit my lip so hard
    it bleeds

    so many types of drops
    so many types of pain.

    inigo montoya
  34. As I drop off the last book on my route, my knees are already screaming at me to get back to my car and drive home. I look at my list, there are still ten more streets I have to do, and at least 100 more books to deliver.

  35. smash
    goes the glass vase
    as it hits the floor

    didn’t even feel it
    slip out of my fingers
    didn’t even see it
    as it fell

    water everywhere
    all over my shoes
    and the husks of
    dead flowers
    on my feet

    inglebert humperdink
  36. there’s many people in the city i live in that drop.
    this may not be the kind of dropping you’re familiar with, but this kind of dropping involves a little pill known as ecstasy. this drug ecstasy is probably the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever heard of too, and the people in my city are heavily influenced by it and make their whole world all about dropping. dropping is lame

  37. Drop like a rock. Hit the ground hard.

    Remember where you are, what your name is.

    And then the tears begin as the pain starts ripping through your body.

  38. Drop me off,
    I’ll walk.
    I need to get away from here
    Away from working mindless machines.
    Drop your things,
    come on, let’s go.
    We’ll catch a bus
    or a plane
    We’ll travel til we drop.

  39. Falling, ever so slowly it seemed. The ground grew closer. Sharp icicles hung from the passing windows leaving no time to hesitate as the cold ground slammed into my body shuddering stopping all life that existed in it. That was the day I died.

    Sarah S.
  40. The drop of water slowly fell off the ceiling of the cavern. The echo reverberated, bouncing back to the rear of the cave, where a million brown bats slept away the day. Where it landed, a stalagmite was forming, reaching up towards the roof, where it would meet it’s true love in a hundred thousand years.
