
May 7th, 2009 | 182 Entries

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182 Entries for “drop”

  1. drop all pretensions and just be yourself

    Sandeep G
  2. There’s static. She can’t hear a thing. She wonders if he hung up on her. She wonders if he’s mad. Did he find out she wonders. He stomach churns, it’s filled with cold lead. God, who knew?
    Turns out the call dropped. He walked under an over pass. He laughs to himself. I’ll call her later.

    Paul S. Fowler
  3. one drop is a sign of previous dripping. previous dripping is a sign of constant flow. constant flow is a sign of certainty. one drop is certain

  4. The drop of water from the early morning dew slid silently into the river below. I don’t know how long it will take to travel down the mountain across the valley then to flow into the sea but I know it will happen, unless it turns to vapor and turns into a cloud above us only to fall somewhere in the world as a drop of water again.

  5. Se cayó esa gota de sangre de sus dedos lentamente. Quemaba al caminar por su piel… tratando de encontrar una forma de quedarse entre las llagas más viejas. Sólo para no morir.
    “Aquí llegas”. Dijo aquel.
    Y nunca se habian escuchado tan fuerte ese vacio.

    Sara Medina
  6. , drop, drop, drop. drops kept falling near me, and in af ew seconds there was this huge dark lake. i dipped my finger in it and all at once i reralized i was sipping my own blood…

  7. So many things can drop. The temperature can drop. My hopes can drop. I think that my mood drops with both. The rain and dashed hopes sink my mood.

  8. Dropping his hat on the floor, he came closer to me. But I was ready this time. I had cast the spell that would be his death. I pulled my weapon close to me, waiting for the perfect moment, when he would make me kiss him. He came closer, dropping other clothes as he came near. The time was here…I raised my lips to him and as he kissed me for the last time, I raised the knife over my head and
    stabbed him in the back.

    I twas quite satisfying.

    Dark Starr
  9. Dont drop the ball. I’m really upset they decided to drop by. That put me in an extremely awkward position and has letf me with a horrible feeling. Aalsdfkjjalalksdaj!!!!!

  10. And I saw at that moment a single drop leaking out from my faucet. And as it grew larger and larger, gathering strength I wondered how long it would be until it finally broke free, and if it knew that all it’s efforts would only amount to a long drop and a short stop.

    Andrew Meare
  11. drop that. i wanted to drop ap bio but i didn’t and now i plan to major in it. weird. droppp. drop drop.

  12. Drop the words I’ve said. Drop the hammer. Choice is up to you. If you love me, choose wisely. If you do not, choose now.

  13. Dew drop. rain drop. drop of blood. water. drip drop. water falling. mist. rain. pour. lots of water. drop it down. it dropped . DROP.

  14. Oh shit. The bomb just dropped.

    I’m out of high school!

  15. to fall.
    you dropped off a cliff :)
    and now yourr fallingg, off the palouse falls.

    leslie, dropped an egg off the balcony.

    taylor dropped a weight on her leg

  16. purple black weird disappear half and bye awesome, intellegent, what, label, need, you, baby, craddle, branch,

  17. i want to drop kick you in the face and make you drop your coffee. If I dropped you like you dropped her, maybe you would understand why I need to drop kick you until a tear drop drops from your eyes.

  18. Drop, drop, drop. Puddles splash at my socks and the rain is neanderthal, primitive bliss.

  19. The weight in my stomach dropped like a brick in water. It was the end, the end of something quite unquantifiable but it definitely felt like the end. It was the culmination of a lot of effort and hardship, as well as a lot of fun obviously. I waved to her, and felt that last tear drop. Goodbye.

  20. I dropped straight out. I tell you what. It ruddy hurt. It was emotional more than anything.

    Yeah i was dropped from the team. That sucks.

  21. drop of a pin like a drop. and when you reach the top of the hill there’s nowhere left to go but down and feel the pit of yourstomach enter into the space of yourhead and you feel empty butterflys careening through the hole of your heart and you keep falling.

    did you know that in a bottomless pit you die of starvation?

  22. [geryoiuhguighrewhui 9ogweorehgohregoihgrn 8r9egh9ohergoihreoighoirhegiohgoihroiehgoiearhgpehap98g7uhinerurfuhfuhieruhieruhieruhieuhieuhiefufeuihefuhiefuihefuiheuihuhehuihfuihefuuihefuhiefuhiefuihuhiefiuhefuihefieuhhuieuhi[uher9ihbp9iurhb9uhreuiboh[uiohuoirhb[u9rhbo88ukyefgwofinnnnnnnnnnpewfwe89[fn98wyf89yweyfw89wyef98yne9w8nfyw89n89eryfn98ery89fynereeofjioiue8yewfniojefoiudso9yfunemoplkzjx90wan[d0jl;ks;lzjkcxnbozucx’l;ZIUJIUDlfbh[8foyuionsfdidufp;sipifgpoeiuhbvn’am l;ksmc’opuf9ebejiioeufy9b86erfopusdfbo99yfo8yrfvniidndnpougfn90[8era[fgoiouoenffdoiugo;8yrtg;kjfhbgou;yrgdssksofy fbfo ; ewoify rf0pwyuef w0uouefuwf pu9fpousofyb o8yfoeyufou operyufgoyreg eo’yoreyg;oiryg odrygo9

  23. Take your salvation with you. Don’t drop it because the tough gets going. Don’t drop the new life that has been given to you.

  24. It was a long way down, from the last place she’d ever seen him. They had so far to climb before they could be on equal footing. And somehow, somewhere, they would meet in the middle, dispensing pleasantries, play-acting that they had never held each other’s names on their lips.

    It was an awkward subject, so it never came up, and was dropped from any threat of conversation.

  25. Dropping things left and right
    Drop kick the Handheld device at work
    Dropping to many phone calls because I have no time
    Drop the phone to text

  26. if we just drop everything we had right now, we’l be much happier. our lives will be more carefree, with us doing things we actually enjoy instead of just worrying about the next thing to do on our agenda or worrying about what’s gonna happen tmr. Drop everything you are doing.
    it’s hard though and I still can’t do that

  27. The water fell, drip drop, drip drop, from the tap in the next room. I closed my eyes and tried to forget, I tried to sleep it all away. Nothing would work; the incessant drops from the leaky tap were eating away at me. They knew all my secrets, all the reasons why I couldn’t sleep at night.

  28. He fell for a long time. He had not planned on this trip, it had sort of been dropped on him, as he was dropping now.

    Rich Lessing
  29. falling from the dark sky. each little one coming from the gray colored clouds. its just falls through layers and layers until it hits our face as we kiss good night

  30. dropping him down a deep hole
    leaving the sky blue above
    so he can see what he’s missing,
    missing in the daylight left behind.

    she walks away with contempt
    and love.

    Rachel W.
  31. Computer game called Worms, where wooden boxes are dropping

  32. drop it like its hot. the drop driped off the bud leaf onto the drop of jam that coats the toast. only drop your shit off if im getting laid when you come back to pick it up. now dro down on you knees as a down payment.

    pete s
  33. drop down
    drop foot
    drop lip
    drop lid
    drop over
    drop up

  34. ” This place is quiet until we can hear a pin drop” exclaimed Tom to his best friend, John.

    Shristi Rai
  35. a drop of water
    a drop in a bucket
    drop you like a hotcake
    mouth dropped
    slop drop crop pop!
    tickety tock, don’t drop the pop!

  36. She dropped the eggs, splattering the walls and floor with the sticky whites. Surprisingly, the yolks didn’t burst. She was surprised that she noticed this, considering what caused her to drop the tray in the first place.
    “Well?” He roared, “Are you pregnant or not?!?”

  37. I dropped to the floor. I was in agony. The pain was too great. My heart was breaking like it had never broken before.

    The only thing I could think was, “this cant be happening, this cant be happening, this cant be happening.”

    Nothing else matter now. As I lay on the floor in a heap, sobbing, crying, no longer caring.

  38. While sitting in the van,
    I glanced out the window.
    The sight of a group of girls
    smiling happily to each other
    stabbed me right in the chest.

    They reminded me of what I don’t have
    and my solitary world was
    completely different from them.
    If only I was standing right there,
    if only I wasn’t sitting in the van…

    Blinking back the tears that
    threatened to drop from my eyes,
    I looked to the other side
    of the window for fear that
    someone might see me.

  39. it like it’s hot?

    Oliver Brookeshore
  40. he dropped the pillow to the floor. I couldn’t stop looking at it. it was ממגנט.
    I knew he don’t want to break us, to drop us down in that way.
