Early!Early is peaceful,when everyone is still asleep,when the sun is just coming up,and everthing feels so right for the day to begin.It makes all the days work,and school,and appointments you have to rush to,feel like you can actually get it done without worry.Bless the day you are about to have and bless god for making all the obstacles of the day that started so early possiable.
Danita Mitchell
It was early and bright. Bright and early is probably a better phrase. A stretch, a run, maybe sometime to warm down. The time when we all arrive early is the best.
I can always hear the birds singing when I wake up in the spring.
It’s such a beautiful sound.
It reminds me of you, you know. How when I woke up at 6 am to go to work you’d be there, still sleeping, with that beautiful smile on your face.
But it had always faded by the evening.
I rise way too early each morning. That’s the initial thought. But then, I embrace the early morning and feel blessed to be awake and to have the opportunity to see so much that others will miss.
Sherrie arose too early. The sun was hours away. She didn’t like to wake up early so she went back to sleep.
early early
early in the year everything looks great. As school begins I gain new friends and start new classes and everything is bright and shiny and awesome.
About a month in. Things begin to fall apart. Fall starts. I fall. The people leave.
It was too early for waking, yet awake she was. Luke had cuddled close to her and mumbled something unintelligible in his sleep, and now she couldn’t get back to dreaming.
Early in the morning…no it is actually late at night. The night is too long. Don’t know when it started where it’s going. It’s dark. I live in North Pole. I am a bear. There are no more fish around.
I woke up, the pyjamas sticking to my back due to the drenching sweat. I laughed and put on my jumper. Before flinging on my cap and walking outside.
Yankee Duddle Doo
It was morning, or afternoon, the days blended into each other over and over again. Early, always too early or late to go out. Excuses, as if there was only one time a day that things could be done. Again and again, this is the repetition of my life.
It was early in the day, too early to even think about falling out of bed. I looked at the clock on the bedside table–no bedside table. So what do I do now? Yell for help. HELP! Who can tell me if I should get up or not. Nobody comes to help. I close my eyes as tight as I can and go back to sleep. Too wide awake. What do I do now? Window’s closed, can’t tell what the weather’s like. Rhiannon said she’d be by today if it wasn’t raining. Always rains here. Oh well, I didn’t much want to see her anyways. Well, you know how it is. Sometimes people turn you on, sometimes they don’t. God, I wish I could stop thinking, if you call this thinking….not much goes on of any value in this brain of mine. Knocking at the door. Can’t get up to answer. Too lazy. Perennial problem….this laziness. Time passes so slowly when you are waiting for something to happen. Nothing ever happens here. Damn these covers! I’m so twisted up in them I can’t find my way out even if I wanted to.
it is early in life that things happen. these things can be life-altering depending on the person the things are happening to and the circumstances. i personally experienced too much too early, grew up a little too fast.
its early in the morning and my feet are cold so i get up and put on some coffe. i don’t like it here anymore I think I will leave.
early in the morning. I wake to find someone staring at me. My brother, mother, or father I dont know. I am awakened by this stranger but I fear nothing. I know him or her. Ive been with him or her. They know who I am and yet I will not be afraid. Not today. Early in the morning.
morning, train approach crowl, face to face, perfume with nasty smell (yesterdays
Early is just too much for me. I wake up early everyday unless I have that oh so rare sleep in day. In garrison early meant getting up before six and doing physical training in the freezing rain and just hating life. Early is fine too sometimes like getting breakfast before a mission.
Early today woke up to the sounds of wild dogs down in the creek barking at something hiding in the weeds.
It wasn’t yet time. Everyone stared in shock at the smoking barrel of the third man’s rifle.
“My bad, guys,” he says, looking to the corpse of the revolutionary standing against the corner of the wall, “I mean, he’s still dead, right?”
the time we don’t like for classes must start, yet the damn bird is such a great alarm
Early? Can I leave early? Did I come too early? Is it okay to be late? Not in my world.
the light was almost grey. it early, too early. i still don’t know how she did it. she was always up at the crack of dawn… usually earlier. she was all sharp edges and shadows, but this morning she was soft and light.
Early in the morning, got eat a lot of peaches. Early bird gets the worm.
I woke early once, never since then.
I was early to the dentist and they pulled out an extra tooth for free.
Bob from Boulder
one day I was thinking about a vacation that I once took to the south seas. It lasted two years and lots of people thought I was not coming back.. I did too but I changed my mind
early birds make too much noise
I like to arrive early to work every day.
I hate waking up early on little amounts of sleep. It is torture and I hit the snooze button many times. However, when I have had a good nights sleep and am feeling well rested, I actually like to wake up earlier than necessary. It is nice to be able to take my time and enjoy my morning.
I’m always early. I mean lately I’ve been wwaking up too early. I was half an hour early to my job interveiw the other day. 45 mintures early to my theatre class. It don’t feel like I’m wasting my time. but others do…. but hey I’m not late
vroeg in de morgen is het nooit fijn, wel mooi
earlier this morning, i sat through the wasted places in england… i saw her, in front of me… she was not naked, but not far… she was fighting, with all her stren
morning wood
in the morning is the worst time to try to think. it takes time for my brain to kick start into a fully functioning organ. it is nice from time to time to get up early and feel accomplished or to see the sun rise. that’s especially great when you can share it with someone else after a great night together.
early mmmmmmmmmmmm
Early one morning, while making the rounds, I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my women down. I went back home and I went to bed. I stuck that lovin’ .44 beneath my head.
It’s early in the morning and the sun had just broken out over the horizon. The dew from the grass glistened and whistled quietly in the morning breeze.
Alanna Frank
Early in the morning i sat quietly pondering the notion of reality while i listened to the music of the., selected for me by my internet provider i didnt have to worry about my pre coffee madness that defines sleepy eyed musings alone but still present with the world through a coneection of wires and non entities connecting humanity into itself
It was an early start to an early death in the early morning. But it was too late to be too late anymore. Arina choked.
it was an early afternoon. not the typical lazy day where you wake up at 1:00 p.m. and have an afternoon nap at 4, but where noon is noon and your day begins when it should- with the rest of the world.
he turned on his side. his clock read 4:15. It was the time when nobody but streetwalkers and street cleaners were up. Nobody was awake, and even if they stirred, they weren’t truly conscious. He opened his groggy eyes again. The time was now 4:17. If this kept up, he’d be out of bed by 5.
morning light
the sun shines through
the window crack
onto my eyes unable to open them right
spread across the blanket
inside our cozy shell
it’s still to early
for me
and you.
erly is very erly and it i the time of the day when you eat breakfast or are taking a bath. “i
Early!Early is peaceful,when everyone is still asleep,when the sun is just coming up,and everthing feels so right for the day to begin.It makes all the days work,and school,and appointments you have to rush to,feel like you can actually get it done without worry.Bless the day you are about to have and bless god for making all the obstacles of the day that started so early possiable.
It was early and bright. Bright and early is probably a better phrase. A stretch, a run, maybe sometime to warm down. The time when we all arrive early is the best.
I can always hear the birds singing when I wake up in the spring.
It’s such a beautiful sound.
It reminds me of you, you know. How when I woke up at 6 am to go to work you’d be there, still sleeping, with that beautiful smile on your face.
But it had always faded by the evening.
I rise way too early each morning. That’s the initial thought. But then, I embrace the early morning and feel blessed to be awake and to have the opportunity to see so much that others will miss.
Sherrie arose too early. The sun was hours away. She didn’t like to wake up early so she went back to sleep.
early in the year everything looks great. As school begins I gain new friends and start new classes and everything is bright and shiny and awesome.
About a month in. Things begin to fall apart. Fall starts. I fall. The people leave.
It was too early for waking, yet awake she was. Luke had cuddled close to her and mumbled something unintelligible in his sleep, and now she couldn’t get back to dreaming.
Early in the morning…no it is actually late at night. The night is too long. Don’t know when it started where it’s going. It’s dark. I live in North Pole. I am a bear. There are no more fish around.
I woke up, the pyjamas sticking to my back due to the drenching sweat. I laughed and put on my jumper. Before flinging on my cap and walking outside.
It was morning, or afternoon, the days blended into each other over and over again. Early, always too early or late to go out. Excuses, as if there was only one time a day that things could be done. Again and again, this is the repetition of my life.
It was early in the day, too early to even think about falling out of bed. I looked at the clock on the bedside table–no bedside table. So what do I do now? Yell for help. HELP! Who can tell me if I should get up or not. Nobody comes to help. I close my eyes as tight as I can and go back to sleep. Too wide awake. What do I do now? Window’s closed, can’t tell what the weather’s like. Rhiannon said she’d be by today if it wasn’t raining. Always rains here. Oh well, I didn’t much want to see her anyways. Well, you know how it is. Sometimes people turn you on, sometimes they don’t. God, I wish I could stop thinking, if you call this thinking….not much goes on of any value in this brain of mine. Knocking at the door. Can’t get up to answer. Too lazy. Perennial problem….this laziness. Time passes so slowly when you are waiting for something to happen. Nothing ever happens here. Damn these covers! I’m so twisted up in them I can’t find my way out even if I wanted to.
it is early in life that things happen. these things can be life-altering depending on the person the things are happening to and the circumstances. i personally experienced too much too early, grew up a little too fast.
its early in the morning and my feet are cold so i get up and put on some coffe. i don’t like it here anymore I think I will leave.
early in the morning. I wake to find someone staring at me. My brother, mother, or father I dont know. I am awakened by this stranger but I fear nothing. I know him or her. Ive been with him or her. They know who I am and yet I will not be afraid. Not today. Early in the morning.
morning, train approach crowl, face to face, perfume with nasty smell (yesterdays
Early is just too much for me. I wake up early everyday unless I have that oh so rare sleep in day. In garrison early meant getting up before six and doing physical training in the freezing rain and just hating life. Early is fine too sometimes like getting breakfast before a mission.
Early today woke up to the sounds of wild dogs down in the creek barking at something hiding in the weeds.
It wasn’t yet time. Everyone stared in shock at the smoking barrel of the third man’s rifle.
“My bad, guys,” he says, looking to the corpse of the revolutionary standing against the corner of the wall, “I mean, he’s still dead, right?”
the time we don’t like for classes must start, yet the damn bird is such a great alarm
Early? Can I leave early? Did I come too early? Is it okay to be late? Not in my world.
the light was almost grey. it early, too early. i still don’t know how she did it. she was always up at the crack of dawn… usually earlier. she was all sharp edges and shadows, but this morning she was soft and light.
Early in the morning, got eat a lot of peaches. Early bird gets the worm.
I woke early once, never since then.
I was early to the dentist and they pulled out an extra tooth for free.
one day I was thinking about a vacation that I once took to the south seas. It lasted two years and lots of people thought I was not coming back.. I did too but I changed my mind
early birds make too much noise
I like to arrive early to work every day.
I hate waking up early on little amounts of sleep. It is torture and I hit the snooze button many times. However, when I have had a good nights sleep and am feeling well rested, I actually like to wake up earlier than necessary. It is nice to be able to take my time and enjoy my morning.
I’m always early. I mean lately I’ve been wwaking up too early. I was half an hour early to my job interveiw the other day. 45 mintures early to my theatre class. It don’t feel like I’m wasting my time. but others do…. but hey I’m not late
vroeg in de morgen is het nooit fijn, wel mooi
earlier this morning, i sat through the wasted places in england… i saw her, in front of me… she was not naked, but not far… she was fighting, with all her stren
morning wood
in the morning is the worst time to try to think. it takes time for my brain to kick start into a fully functioning organ. it is nice from time to time to get up early and feel accomplished or to see the sun rise. that’s especially great when you can share it with someone else after a great night together.
early mmmmmmmmmmmm
Early one morning, while making the rounds, I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my women down. I went back home and I went to bed. I stuck that lovin’ .44 beneath my head.
It’s early in the morning and the sun had just broken out over the horizon. The dew from the grass glistened and whistled quietly in the morning breeze.
Early in the morning i sat quietly pondering the notion of reality while i listened to the music of the., selected for me by my internet provider i didnt have to worry about my pre coffee madness that defines sleepy eyed musings alone but still present with the world through a coneection of wires and non entities connecting humanity into itself
It was an early start to an early death in the early morning. But it was too late to be too late anymore. Arina choked.
it was an early afternoon. not the typical lazy day where you wake up at 1:00 p.m. and have an afternoon nap at 4, but where noon is noon and your day begins when it should- with the rest of the world.
he turned on his side. his clock read 4:15. It was the time when nobody but streetwalkers and street cleaners were up. Nobody was awake, and even if they stirred, they weren’t truly conscious. He opened his groggy eyes again. The time was now 4:17. If this kept up, he’d be out of bed by 5.
morning light
the sun shines through
the window crack
onto my eyes unable to open them right
spread across the blanket
inside our cozy shell
it’s still to early
for me
and you.
erly is very erly and it i the time of the day when you eat breakfast or are taking a bath. “i