
November 7th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “elixir”

  1. time to have a little glug glug. oh no! My hands are now full of glue. I thought this was a different potion, but there’s not much I can do now. Oh well, time to use my sticky fingers to steal a few bits and bobs. Now what? And thus, this was my introduction to crime.

  2. Eternity. Everyone thought it was something they wanted. Now, it is tossed aside like stale bread. People squander their lives forever versus a short century. Should we have created the elixir of life?

  3. The elixir of life was the most envied dream on the planet about 2000 years ago, before we discovered how to synthize it. The scientist who created it has now been compared to Openheimer himself, and she is still alive to live her legacy.

  4. The drink that the waitress brought her was like an elixir of life, elixir of hope. She drank one and then asked for another, and with each sip, she felt braver and stronger. She finally knew what to do, but when she woke the following morning with a hangover, she forgot what she resolved.
