
July 15th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “enchant”

  1. They don’t talk about the unworldliness of enchanted places, this is not a place of “bibidy boo”. This is a place where the sun stays still and shadows move. Where you are polite to everyone but never give your name. This is not rainbow soap bubbles, this is frost and ice crystals, silently growing, sparkling but sharp enough to cut. This is a place where you keep your voice low and your eyes wide open.

  2. Stunned into place, he hadn’t realized how many years had passed or how quickly they had flown by. Lost in a sea of new memories that felt other-worldly and completely unlike the life he’d known before. Yet, it wasn’t the magic his lover cast that held him so firmly to their side, there was an entirely different magic that bound the two together.

  3. The rain is a subtle thing. Delicately, slowly, it will enchant your skin. Dropping sprinkling promises of a dream long forgotten. With its pattering chants of joy, it will draw you in, singing songs you once knew so well. And then, you finally give in. And then you watch yourself, this thing in an adult body, pirouetting through bursts of heaven showers, giggling and smiling like you once did when you were a kid. This is what rain does. This is a subtle lover’s love. This is coming back home.

  4. They saw the music box in the shop window and entered the store. The vendor looked at them suspiciously. Obviously, no one wearing their ragged clothing could afford anything in the shop. “Please can we listen to music box?” He pulled it out and wound it up, then it played the music which enchanted them.

  5. Management