some people want to enhance everything. movies, their breasts. some people do so with drugs. i used to. i did for a long time. everything i did i wanted to do stoned so that it would somehow be better. ive recently learned that all being stoned does is make it worse. i dont remember most of what happened to me for five years of my life.
To improve, to build up, to make the world better somehow. Unfortunately, this word and concept has been co-opted by commercial entities
I enchance his beauty with his personality. I enchance his heart with my love. The way he smiles, talks, and moves makes those butterflies enchance in the pit of my stomach. He is my love. He enchances my life, my mood, and most of all my heart.
to make better, to take what me and steff have right no and improve it to make it work between us and for once enhance our lives. to be happy and enjoy ourselves to have something work out for each other. and to be able to gain more trust for each other as well. to make everything we have better.
I need to enhance my sex skills
or maybe just enhance being sexy. who really knows? Enhance is a beautifully odd word to be honest. En-Hance? Hmm
To enhance is to improve, to change. Implants, improvements, economics, and other silly things that may or may not make things better. Does enhancement mean improvement? I have my doubts. They look better, but are they really better? Are they
to make something better
another one in the inbox, selling dreams to idiots, who actually replies to these things, if a leprechaun jumped through their window and said “Come, follow me, I’ve got a wee pot of gold for ya”, would they follow.
enhance your life it is not but of the moment but of the way you feel to enhance everything about you, around you, and within you. Don’t wait retaliate to the time rushing by you enhance.
Stuart /
I would like to enhance the scope of my exercise regime by learning how to dance.
Enhancing the importance of life. Making your life better. Wow I shouldn’t be doing this right now…I have so much homeowork tonight. I really don’t want to go to school tomorrow. Now I’m not even writing about the word because I don’t care. This is dumb.
Many woman try to enhance their beauty by trying out different products. They should know that enhcing outward appearances will not make them attrractive. they should work on enhacing their inner selves. Enhancing can be done in many ways.
the motives within your mindset of time space and twinkies.
your life with skills of things
women try to do things that are unnaturl. i’m talking abt make up, collagen injecitons. eyebrow tweezing, leg shavnig. it’s pleasing of course because after time we’re conditioned by society to understand these things to be asthetically pleasing. but why can’t we accept our bodies for what they naturally tend to be?
stephanie keller
everyone should strive to figure out what they can do in their lives to go further, reach, strive for something more. and not just figuring out what’s wrong. it’s about staying positive and open to your surroundings, to figuring who and what is really good for you. it may not take extra thinking. it may just take time and feeling your way to whatever you future freedom is going to be once you know what you like.
stephanie keller
Wanting to do everything better.
All the time.
Love faults.
Learn to live with them.
Accepting faults outside of you make tolerate your own shortcomings
enhance means to beautify. enhance means to make something more vibrant, more intensified, more realistic. enhancing something could produce a good effect but could also produce a negative one. for example, enhancing a picture would be a good idea.
One world is one world. It use to not be possible but is certainly more possible today. Technology and travel has made that true. I can see the other side of the world later today. I can talk to the other side of the world for free right now. It’s one world.
Mason Rutledge
Enhance, enhance, enhance. Everybody always wants to enhance themselves. I can’t deal with this bullshit anymore. Ginsberg was right. Don’t bother you ignorant prick. I’m tired. I’ll get enhanced when I feel like shooting myself in the face.
Enhance your thoughts. Steal them from others and absorb them. reject them. mold them into something incredible and irrevocably yours. This is how wonders are made.
you enhance my beauty. i enhance your potential. we balance each other by enhancing each others qualities.
Enhance; belong, become. Harness the attention, stabilize. Don’t listen to the static, just go. Better, faster and more reliable then the next.
“enhance the main drive” she cried out, “if you dont get more pressure up there the bloody thing will blow”. Megan grabbed the controller and started to make the necessary adjustments.
“Enhance by Chance”
That was the name of the place.
Catchy, won’t you say?
I looked down. time to think, only act.
After all it was just a matter of balls.
Pun unintended.
i cannot be without you in my life i feel that way because it has been so long, it has been the hardest emotional path that i could ever imagine taking again. it enhanced everything that i feel about love and truth and honesty and being with someone, it made me want things so much differently and intensely and i can’t be without that, i can’t be without this emotional roller coaster.
I will try to enhance, next time. I will do my hardest. I must live to win. Enhancing would be best in this situation. Okay. I am enhanced.
Try to make it better; you’ll only make it worse.
When you tore me from my seams, sighed on the back of my neck, pull my concepts from me… yes, a sense of enhancement. An empowerment if you will.
akka b.
to make better, to improve to heighten the positive elements. related to beauty,
enhance your ability to write without reading? Is that what this is about? I mean I am trying to refrain from thought here but in doing so I spew jibberish.
work to enhance, not to perfect.
hello how are you what are you doing to help yourself today try going for a walk or taking a nap or listing to music for a hour or two. read a self help book on how to garden or clean your house. find new ways to drive home in the afternon so you will know where you are going each day
enhanced is nothing to say about i dont enhance i dont enhance how do you enhance something that is already pure and honest nothing can be enhanced justed progressed if you enhance youre changing you can make better but to imply enhance is saying something is wrong not
What little did I know, only enough to plead one last time. Here, within the arena of my mind I stood once more. The cheering crowd hushed into ghostly murmurs as I stood ready, and my gaze stood transfixed upon the bellicose demon.
“I won’t let you get in my way this time…not again, it’s time to move on.”
Mike W
This is a bullshit word that is used to describe what people need to do to make more money. It is a word used to sell crap or to sell oneself. You will find it in the mindless mass media. It is a magazine word.
some people want to enhance everything. movies, their breasts. some people do so with drugs. i used to. i did for a long time. everything i did i wanted to do stoned so that it would somehow be better. ive recently learned that all being stoned does is make it worse. i dont remember most of what happened to me for five years of my life.
To improve, to build up, to make the world better somehow. Unfortunately, this word and concept has been co-opted by commercial entities
enlarge bigger grow increase detract taller not smaller autonomous
enhancing upgrading
my dick
I enchance his beauty with his personality. I enchance his heart with my love. The way he smiles, talks, and moves makes those butterflies enchance in the pit of my stomach. He is my love. He enchances my life, my mood, and most of all my heart.
to make better, to take what me and steff have right no and improve it to make it work between us and for once enhance our lives. to be happy and enjoy ourselves to have something work out for each other. and to be able to gain more trust for each other as well. to make everything we have better.
I need to enhance my sex skills
or maybe just enhance being sexy. who really knows? Enhance is a beautifully odd word to be honest. En-Hance? Hmm
To enhance is to improve, to change. Implants, improvements, economics, and other silly things that may or may not make things better. Does enhancement mean improvement? I have my doubts. They look better, but are they really better? Are they
to make something better
another one in the inbox, selling dreams to idiots, who actually replies to these things, if a leprechaun jumped through their window and said “Come, follow me, I’ve got a wee pot of gold for ya”, would they follow.
enhance your life it is not but of the moment but of the way you feel to enhance everything about you, around you, and within you. Don’t wait retaliate to the time rushing by you enhance.
I would like to enhance the scope of my exercise regime by learning how to dance.
Enhancing the importance of life. Making your life better. Wow I shouldn’t be doing this right now…I have so much homeowork tonight. I really don’t want to go to school tomorrow. Now I’m not even writing about the word because I don’t care. This is dumb.
Many woman try to enhance their beauty by trying out different products. They should know that enhcing outward appearances will not make them attrractive. they should work on enhacing their inner selves. Enhancing can be done in many ways.
the motives within your mindset of time space and twinkies.
your life with skills of things
women try to do things that are unnaturl. i’m talking abt make up, collagen injecitons. eyebrow tweezing, leg shavnig. it’s pleasing of course because after time we’re conditioned by society to understand these things to be asthetically pleasing. but why can’t we accept our bodies for what they naturally tend to be?
everyone should strive to figure out what they can do in their lives to go further, reach, strive for something more. and not just figuring out what’s wrong. it’s about staying positive and open to your surroundings, to figuring who and what is really good for you. it may not take extra thinking. it may just take time and feeling your way to whatever you future freedom is going to be once you know what you like.
Wanting to do everything better.
All the time.
Love faults.
Learn to live with them.
Accepting faults outside of you make tolerate your own shortcomings
enhance means to beautify. enhance means to make something more vibrant, more intensified, more realistic. enhancing something could produce a good effect but could also produce a negative one. for example, enhancing a picture would be a good idea.
One world is one world. It use to not be possible but is certainly more possible today. Technology and travel has made that true. I can see the other side of the world later today. I can talk to the other side of the world for free right now. It’s one world.
Enhance, enhance, enhance. Everybody always wants to enhance themselves. I can’t deal with this bullshit anymore. Ginsberg was right. Don’t bother you ignorant prick. I’m tired. I’ll get enhanced when I feel like shooting myself in the face.
Enhance your thoughts. Steal them from others and absorb them. reject them. mold them into something incredible and irrevocably yours. This is how wonders are made.
you enhance my beauty. i enhance your potential. we balance each other by enhancing each others qualities.
Enhance; belong, become. Harness the attention, stabilize. Don’t listen to the static, just go. Better, faster and more reliable then the next.
“enhance the main drive” she cried out, “if you dont get more pressure up there the bloody thing will blow”. Megan grabbed the controller and started to make the necessary adjustments.
“Enhance by Chance”
That was the name of the place.
Catchy, won’t you say?
I looked down. time to think, only act.
After all it was just a matter of balls.
Pun unintended.
i cannot be without you in my life i feel that way because it has been so long, it has been the hardest emotional path that i could ever imagine taking again. it enhanced everything that i feel about love and truth and honesty and being with someone, it made me want things so much differently and intensely and i can’t be without that, i can’t be without this emotional roller coaster.
I will try to enhance, next time. I will do my hardest. I must live to win. Enhancing would be best in this situation. Okay. I am enhanced.
Try to make it better; you’ll only make it worse.
When you tore me from my seams, sighed on the back of my neck, pull my concepts from me… yes, a sense of enhancement. An empowerment if you will.
to make better, to improve to heighten the positive elements. related to beauty,
enhance your ability to write without reading? Is that what this is about? I mean I am trying to refrain from thought here but in doing so I spew jibberish.
work to enhance, not to perfect.
hello how are you what are you doing to help yourself today try going for a walk or taking a nap or listing to music for a hour or two. read a self help book on how to garden or clean your house. find new ways to drive home in the afternon so you will know where you are going each day
enhanced is nothing to say about i dont enhance i dont enhance how do you enhance something that is already pure and honest nothing can be enhanced justed progressed if you enhance youre changing you can make better but to imply enhance is saying something is wrong not
What little did I know, only enough to plead one last time. Here, within the arena of my mind I stood once more. The cheering crowd hushed into ghostly murmurs as I stood ready, and my gaze stood transfixed upon the bellicose demon.
“I won’t let you get in my way this time…not again, it’s time to move on.”
This is a bullshit word that is used to describe what people need to do to make more money. It is a word used to sell crap or to sell oneself. You will find it in the mindless mass media. It is a magazine word.