
November 18th, 2009 | 672 Entries

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672 Entries for “eternal”

  1. I’ve been living an eternal life of woe and sorrow.
    Everyday seems like there’s no tomorrow,
    and yet, it then becomes clear to me
    that even now, I don’t truly see.

  2. god, truth and faithfulness are eternal. I think truth is more eternal than the other two.

  3. Not a ending

  4. nothingness

  5. people want eternal peace and wish that they could live eternaly. With all the wealth and riches. What are riches. Riches are the beauty and fun that come to me. It isnt gold or diamonds. Its friendship and laughing. Which is eternal for me :)

    Joseph O.
  6. hi

  7. Is a long time, I hope things lasting for an eternity will remember me well and my actions now will impact those yet to come. Is a strong word, one which lasts and spurs me on.

    Not much to say :)
  8. Nothing is eternal. When I think of eternal things, I think of ideals and media. When an image or video is on the internet, circulating pixel by pixel, surely it is eternal. But that’s not true. It can be forgotten. Same for ideals. People change. Generations change. Ideals and opinions will not be the same as they were years ago. Nothing is eternal.

  9. eternal is forever, eg: live for eternal life.

  10. life army death love happiness sadness emptiness passion fire flames power strength

  11. eternal is an odd word. i don’t know why people want to live eternally so badly, it seems like it’d be horrible to live for eternity. How long is eternity anyway? is there truly an eternity where something can survive forever? does time exist if nothing else exists.

  12. eternal sunshie of the spotless mind was freaking rediculous. i had no idea what happend the untire time i think jim carry could have done much better then what he did. ghmmmmm eternal eternalt eternal eternal eternal er

  13. eternal

  14. this is the true length of life
    this is me, existing feeling loving breathing for as long as the god or messiah or whoever is spinning this mad world lives
    this is never having to stop, never having to give up or get out or leave or say goodbye, never having to be ripped from this moment of happiness that just makes me want to stay with you until what? there is no end of days after this and there is no loss of anything, just perpetual love and everything and everything and anything

  15. happiness. that’s what lovers find when they fall and they know they’re good for each other. eternal sunshine in their hearts is what they find. eternal happiness, i hope you find.

    sara jane
  16. The young woman put the key into the door of the flat. For the first time in her life she was living in a place she could call home. She stopped just inside the door and lit a candle. Just like an eternal flame she thought.

  17. eternal life? sweet.

  18. It was the time of eternal happiness. It was great until woody c ame into the picture. It was his Woombat that was to alrming for his neighbores. Ponch and Judy were

  19. Eternal

    It describes something that will not end.

    It’s unlikely anything exists that is truly eternal.

  20. love is a lie nothing lasts forever espiecially not that it never lasts because everyone gets bored after a while

  21. companions. being together for time and all eternity. Have a bond that is so strong even the lowest of low points can’t break you. Eternal love is the purest love. I want that someday.

  22. forever, like god and permanent as death

  23. everlasting

    rachael altoff
  24. forever, that is all i can think about it is something is that is bigger than us, something that last forever. You can also have eternal love with someone that one person that you cant be without, thats eternal. There is nothing better than being with the one yuo love so much. its inspiring

  25. grace

  26. Nothing is eternal, but that’s ok with me, because you can’t really enjoy something that’s going to be there for ever, fleeting moments, a smile, a glimpse of a beautiful bird, woman, cat, that’s what makes life worth living. Carpe diem has never been more accurate.

  27. you can live forever, there is nothing to end. NO ending. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. good movie. eternal… foever. going on… never ending.

  28. love family cheese i love my pc i am awake because of the eternal love for sleepless nights. i dunno!!!!!!!!!!!!!! modem PC Monster energy drink rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cats and dogs are raining in my brain! stumbleupon is thebestest thingy in the worldy

    John Adams
  29. Eternal Love is a phrase given to that relation which has 2 conditions in it. That is unconditional love and everlasting happiness. This love has been found not by all in this world but very few. Those few are extramely lucky to hve found this tresure which is richer than any diamond/gold etc.
    Eternal is their life who find this.

  30. forever, something that lasts forever and is always with you as long as you live even when you die it could live on without you through your friends and family and any legacy you leave behind through your actions or words

  31. I stared at the broken glass. Its shattered pattern represented the very emotions flowing from the pictures. Ten years ago, I lost my father to cancer. My family never was the same.

    It was as if the loss of my father my my mom lose hope in the world. She transformed from the most loving capable mom to a blackhearted witch who tried her best to kick the remnants of my family even after being knocked down.

  32. eternal is all powerful and will be forever nothing is eternal and great things are to come

    Jarrod Birt
  33. something that lasts forever, everlasting, infinity, gods, universe, eternal love, eternal…going on and on and on and on, vampires, uh, thats it…

  34. everlasting
    without an end
    never ending
    eternal flame
    never goes out
    eternal love

  35. Eternal is far too long for anything. Eternal love scares me. I can’t commit to a relationship for more than a week. Eternal pain seems like something I’d get used to. Eternal pleasure would be boring as fuck.

  36. hope. Flame. Love. Everything good about the world is eternal. You live and die, but all the love in that you brought into the world will never die. The effects that you have are always vigilant.
    Be hopeful.
    And Love.

  37. hola mi nombre es enrique y el tuyo cual es?
    vivo en tijuana en mexico
    y tu donde vives?

  38. eternal love. eternal death. eternal beauty. eternal life. eternal happiness. eternal…

  39. The everlasting quest to find something that is truly described by this, is one that can never truly be completed

  40. FAmilies are eternal. Life is eternal. Love. Feelings and memories and all of the decent and happy things that are part of our existence are eternal.

    Deborah Schultz