There was an eternal sense of serenity in the garden, as we lay beneath the peach tree, intoxicated by the scent of summer, we notice that
The eternal of love
eternal beauty is found in every one if you have those eyes to see it. and you can also see the eternal beauty in yourself too if you are kind and helpful but that you will become only if you are mindful all the time.
Life is something that is precious. It’s hard to believe that the life that we take for granted is limited and will inevitably end, whether or not we’re ready and prepared for it. Eternal life is something that people have hungered for since the beginning of time and it’s something we will probably never discover.
forever, endless, that will be all
sunshine of the spotless mind.
my love.
There is absolution in nothing. The only thing that is for ever is change. Thus what we life in is a world of change where nothing, in fact, is eternal!
forever,never stopping. my mind is gonna go on forever. the end of time cant stop me. i am the immortal sin… the death and birth of this world.
Forever is a long time.
There are things that won’t ever die.
I am not one of them. Nor is my memory.
When I’m gone, people will convene around my tombstone and say,
yea that Paul really was some kinda fella.
Then they will will join me.
And no one will remember any of it.
ETERNAL. the unierse? what lies in eternity…everything or nothing? and so we play the game. and we lose, or at least thats all we see matters… when can we finally win? eternity is undefinable. it lies nowhere, and everytwhere.
margo fox
i’m not looking for happy ever after. we won’t have our fairytale ending and there will be now promises of eternity around the bend. there’s just your skin against mine and the way my breath slows when your lips kiss my wrist. i wish i could promise you more but there is nothing beyond these sweaty sheets and the smile upon my lips.
an the life in the place where is all comes from trees grow from the ground the sun the color red the world spinning round trees from the ground growing life, death green plants seeds life the universe animals the world the solarsystems
God is eternal and so is my soul. It’s forever. This life is a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. I’m happy to know this is not all there is. My work here is good but I’m not done yet.
What does that even mean? I don’t have a clue!
i'm not very smart
i was going to blow up because of the pain, the needle containing the yellow liquid would give me the right to last forever …
eternal what can i say thats a bloody long time
for ever, life after death. Life in Christ. My love for Andrew! The feeling I have that I will love him for ever! The love from God, has no start and no end. Just is there. NO MATTER WHAT!
Abby Steeves
Eternal recurrence. Something often thought about but dismissed as..well, depressing. Blissful, nay willful, ignorance. In this, the 21st century, afterall, we ARE allowed to construct our own interpretation of life. That’s the new amerikan dream, right? Forget the dismal…it’s okay.
deadauthor /
life, hope, love? Senior year of college but only when doing homework at 4 a.m. Lennon, the man and what he stood for. Bob Marley, because he seemed so damn happy.
what is eternal? This moment is something that you are always in. We don’t even think about the eternity that is us residing in this moment.
never dying, everlasting. i will never leave you. my love is eternal.
you will forever pump through my veins.
never to parish.
fix it over and over again so it stays the same.
demi Fair
Life would be nice to have – i might go looking with Capt Sparrow
always lasting the whole universe expressed in its ability to produce me endlessly and the parts of me that it has produced are eternal, i am eternal, i will last forever in some form or another, a tree, a flower, a blade of grass.
craigus mcvegas
eternal sunshine glares from the mind lost in its glory. when the lights rests upon the thoughts one is enlightened beyond even his own comprehension
Dan McBride
i dont no about eternal . i have not heard this before , I am weak in english . I felt that i could try next time.
eternal love. eternal marriage. eternal life. day and night, gras is green
Tor Marius
forever neverending always
blaaaaaaaahhhhhhhgfgdtfktkutglujh forever ever ever forever ever ever makingthe rules you and i, me and you, bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
r. brown
eternal star craft was the name of his ship and he would run around the house whirling it through the air and making engine noises. all four feet of him would dribble his feet across the carpet towards me heading straight for fresh baked cookies
becca Loo
fathom that which infathomable
There was an eternal sense of serenity in the garden, as we lay beneath the peach tree, intoxicated by the scent of summer, we notice that
The eternal of love
eternal beauty is found in every one if you have those eyes to see it. and you can also see the eternal beauty in yourself too if you are kind and helpful but that you will become only if you are mindful all the time.
Life is something that is precious. It’s hard to believe that the life that we take for granted is limited and will inevitably end, whether or not we’re ready and prepared for it. Eternal life is something that people have hungered for since the beginning of time and it’s something we will probably never discover.
forever, endless, that will be all
sunshine of the spotless mind.
my love.
There is absolution in nothing. The only thing that is for ever is change. Thus what we life in is a world of change where nothing, in fact, is eternal!
forever,never stopping. my mind is gonna go on forever. the end of time cant stop me. i am the immortal sin… the death and birth of this world.
Forever is a long time.
There are things that won’t ever die.
I am not one of them. Nor is my memory.
When I’m gone, people will convene around my tombstone and say,
yea that Paul really was some kinda fella.
Then they will will join me.
And no one will remember any of it.
ETERNAL. the unierse? what lies in eternity…everything or nothing? and so we play the game. and we lose, or at least thats all we see matters… when can we finally win? eternity is undefinable. it lies nowhere, and everytwhere.
i’m not looking for happy ever after. we won’t have our fairytale ending and there will be now promises of eternity around the bend. there’s just your skin against mine and the way my breath slows when your lips kiss my wrist. i wish i could promise you more but there is nothing beyond these sweaty sheets and the smile upon my lips.
an the life in the place where is all comes from trees grow from the ground the sun the color red the world spinning round trees from the ground growing life, death green plants seeds life the universe animals the world the solarsystems
dos rtres nueve dies
eternity, thought, mind, love, peace, freedom, truth.
God is eternal and so is my soul. It’s forever. This life is a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. I’m happy to know this is not all there is. My work here is good but I’m not done yet.
What does that even mean? I don’t have a clue!
i was going to blow up because of the pain, the needle containing the yellow liquid would give me the right to last forever …
eternal what can i say thats a bloody long time
for ever, life after death. Life in Christ. My love for Andrew! The feeling I have that I will love him for ever! The love from God, has no start and no end. Just is there. NO MATTER WHAT!
Eternal recurrence. Something often thought about but dismissed as..well, depressing. Blissful, nay willful, ignorance. In this, the 21st century, afterall, we ARE allowed to construct our own interpretation of life. That’s the new amerikan dream, right? Forget the dismal…it’s okay.
life, hope, love? Senior year of college but only when doing homework at 4 a.m. Lennon, the man and what he stood for. Bob Marley, because he seemed so damn happy.
what is eternal? This moment is something that you are always in. We don’t even think about the eternity that is us residing in this moment.
never dying, everlasting. i will never leave you. my love is eternal.
you will forever pump through my veins.
never to parish.
fix it over and over again so it stays the same.
Life would be nice to have – i might go looking with Capt Sparrow
always lasting the whole universe expressed in its ability to produce me endlessly and the parts of me that it has produced are eternal, i am eternal, i will last forever in some form or another, a tree, a flower, a blade of grass.
eternal sunshine glares from the mind lost in its glory. when the lights rests upon the thoughts one is enlightened beyond even his own comprehension
i dont no about eternal . i have not heard this before , I am weak in english . I felt that i could try next time.
eternal love. eternal marriage. eternal life. day and night, gras is green
forever neverending always
blaaaaaaaahhhhhhhgfgdtfktkutglujh forever ever ever forever ever ever makingthe rules you and i, me and you, bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
eternal star craft was the name of his ship and he would run around the house whirling it through the air and making engine noises. all four feet of him would dribble his feet across the carpet towards me heading straight for fresh baked cookies
fathom that which infathomable