haven’t found anything eternal, except perhaps truth and grace
you are an eternal sunshine on my spotless mind.
there when you find the eternal sky above your head… will u be able to look into the eyes of a child and say: I love you
Ah the word that underlies all that we are and all that we will become. Do not think of it, just live for the eternal miracle and outdo the time line that is waiting in the wings. run and play and show it up,. there is no fear when one is breathless with fun.
blah blah blah
something that everyone seems to want yet i dont.
eternal love, eternal live, eternal happiness.
nothing should last forever
something that everyone seems to want yet i dont.
eternal love, eternal live, eternal happiness.
nothing should last forever
don’t we wish we all could be eternal?? well God is (lucky lol)
”And we shall be eternal in his grace forever and ever”
Leslie Ross
Eternal love, eternal eternal. I am not sure what to write, but I do know eternal means forever.
forever.heaven, god, foreverlasting,
from evermore to evermore
Eternal sounds great but I don’t want to live eternally. Maybe if it means I go to heaven…that’s one thing. I don’t think I want to get much more than 80 or 85 years old, though. I don’t want to be decrepit and have my children worry about me in my old age. I don’t want to die too young, though, either. I’m sure there’s no perfect age.
I will love you eternally. You are my sunshine and light in my life. I put my trust in you, and seek to be trusted.
The inside of something A child before its born is inside its mother- internal birth.
There was an eternal sigh of grief in his lungs. I could hear it every morning I woke up beside him. Perhpas he was just breathing heavy? No. Wishful thinking. It was always about her. About the one before me. I knew it when I married him, so I can’t complain.
Leslie Cook
is forever. it’s never ending and it’s scary as hell sometimes. you need some things to be eternal because without them you would be nothing.
T Payne
its too hard to describe something as beautiful as this. Two lovers lie, with no pillows, on their bed. They lie there and they think. Think about their lives together and their lives in the future. They think about the love they share and how it shall continue forever and ever. They are wonderful, fantastic, beautiful, lovers.
unending. hope. love. hurt. tears. i. energy. god. everywhere. all the time.
forever life your mine
eternal. time brith life love
there forever neverending. time never runs out maybe for me but not for my future and life itself. my love for you. eternal
Like a vampire? Haha, just kidding. Love is supposed to be eternal, but we see that fail everyday. But does it fail or do people? Matter and energy are eternal, according to the Laws of Conservation of Matter and Energy, respectively :)
life never ending always there never goes away always with you forever living
sandra angel
i look into your eyes, what i see is the eternal and everlasting flames of love burning brightly in your very soul, and as i hold you i can feel the warmth of the fires within. Eternally we shall be together always
jack T
an illusion, something that we have been made to believe exists but in reality does not. The world is perpetually changing and nothing is eternal.
something that last forever. it never ends. this can be good. it can be bad. it can be both, with something that last forever, there is always the chance it will change. nothing can stay the same for long.
forever, written on the pavements of the city, like you could just keep walking forever and the pavement would still be there for the rest of your life. its a new millenium
I had a dream last night that my best friend in Boston (I love in Arizona) died.
I take comfort int he fact that I know if she were to pass, I would dutifully finish writing all the stories we started together.
Because I love her and all. And I always will.
a nice idea. A niceness of no ideas. Now. Forever. Neither one nor the other but both.
They say that love is eternal, but to me it seems more of a transiental place where we stay until that love fulfills whatever duty it’s supposed to perform. This would explain why some love eventually becomes painful, or fades away where once it had blazed with a passionate fire.
I think we all want something eternal. I want something eternal. Umm…
Like for example.
I don’t want to live FOREVER
I just
want to experience something that’s close to something eternal…
I don’t know how!
Funny word, isn’t it?
I’m running out of time.
Makes me want to have eternity to write about eternal.
energy is eternal delight, William Blake, I dream William Blake, Blake and energy, drugs and energy, sex is energy, fun and sex. And blake
Eternal rest AKA as death. Eternal is forever which is infinity which is a crazy concept for the human mind to comprehend.
The Eternal City has a long and bloody history. From the Caesers to Mussolini, Romans have endured much in their subservience to imperial power; whimsical and abstract, a legal fiction backed by political deviance and an unforgiving military power.
i think about the love i have for rachel. i think of different concepts of god. i think that there is some eternity to me, or in me, some things that just are. i think that maybe we invented the big idea of it but there is something in the universe like that. something that has been around forever and barely changes.
diogo segovia
I can’t sleep. I wish I could watch that movie, “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”
I too wish my mind was rid of the experiences and love sagas that keep me awake…
Forever, long lasting. Love.
Too long. Too long for us to stand and wait. But if we leave we’re unable to return. We’re only chasing safety. But leaving it behind.
haven’t found anything eternal, except perhaps truth and grace
you are an eternal sunshine on my spotless mind.
there when you find the eternal sky above your head… will u be able to look into the eyes of a child and say: I love you
Ah the word that underlies all that we are and all that we will become. Do not think of it, just live for the eternal miracle and outdo the time line that is waiting in the wings. run and play and show it up,. there is no fear when one is breathless with fun.
blah blah blah
something that everyone seems to want yet i dont.
eternal love, eternal live, eternal happiness.
nothing should last forever
something that everyone seems to want yet i dont.
eternal love, eternal live, eternal happiness.
nothing should last forever
don’t we wish we all could be eternal?? well God is (lucky lol)
”And we shall be eternal in his grace forever and ever”
Eternal love, eternal eternal. I am not sure what to write, but I do know eternal means forever.
forever.heaven, god, foreverlasting,
from evermore to evermore
Eternal sounds great but I don’t want to live eternally. Maybe if it means I go to heaven…that’s one thing. I don’t think I want to get much more than 80 or 85 years old, though. I don’t want to be decrepit and have my children worry about me in my old age. I don’t want to die too young, though, either. I’m sure there’s no perfect age.
I will love you eternally. You are my sunshine and light in my life. I put my trust in you, and seek to be trusted.
The inside of something A child before its born is inside its mother- internal birth.
There was an eternal sigh of grief in his lungs. I could hear it every morning I woke up beside him. Perhpas he was just breathing heavy? No. Wishful thinking. It was always about her. About the one before me. I knew it when I married him, so I can’t complain.
is forever. it’s never ending and it’s scary as hell sometimes. you need some things to be eternal because without them you would be nothing.
its too hard to describe something as beautiful as this. Two lovers lie, with no pillows, on their bed. They lie there and they think. Think about their lives together and their lives in the future. They think about the love they share and how it shall continue forever and ever. They are wonderful, fantastic, beautiful, lovers.
unending. hope. love. hurt. tears. i. energy. god. everywhere. all the time.
forever life your mine
eternal. time brith life love
there forever neverending. time never runs out maybe for me but not for my future and life itself. my love for you. eternal
Like a vampire? Haha, just kidding. Love is supposed to be eternal, but we see that fail everyday. But does it fail or do people? Matter and energy are eternal, according to the Laws of Conservation of Matter and Energy, respectively :)
life never ending always there never goes away always with you forever living
i look into your eyes, what i see is the eternal and everlasting flames of love burning brightly in your very soul, and as i hold you i can feel the warmth of the fires within. Eternally we shall be together always
an illusion, something that we have been made to believe exists but in reality does not. The world is perpetually changing and nothing is eternal.
something that last forever. it never ends. this can be good. it can be bad. it can be both, with something that last forever, there is always the chance it will change. nothing can stay the same for long.
forever, written on the pavements of the city, like you could just keep walking forever and the pavement would still be there for the rest of your life. its a new millenium
I had a dream last night that my best friend in Boston (I love in Arizona) died.
I take comfort int he fact that I know if she were to pass, I would dutifully finish writing all the stories we started together.
Because I love her and all. And I always will.
a nice idea. A niceness of no ideas. Now. Forever. Neither one nor the other but both.
They say that love is eternal, but to me it seems more of a transiental place where we stay until that love fulfills whatever duty it’s supposed to perform. This would explain why some love eventually becomes painful, or fades away where once it had blazed with a passionate fire.
I think we all want something eternal. I want something eternal. Umm…
Like for example.
I don’t want to live FOREVER
I just
want to experience something that’s close to something eternal…
I don’t know how!
Funny word, isn’t it?
I’m running out of time.
Makes me want to have eternity to write about eternal.
energy is eternal delight, William Blake, I dream William Blake, Blake and energy, drugs and energy, sex is energy, fun and sex. And blake
Eternal rest AKA as death. Eternal is forever which is infinity which is a crazy concept for the human mind to comprehend.
The Eternal City has a long and bloody history. From the Caesers to Mussolini, Romans have endured much in their subservience to imperial power; whimsical and abstract, a legal fiction backed by political deviance and an unforgiving military power.
i think about the love i have for rachel. i think of different concepts of god. i think that there is some eternity to me, or in me, some things that just are. i think that maybe we invented the big idea of it but there is something in the universe like that. something that has been around forever and barely changes.
I can’t sleep. I wish I could watch that movie, “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”
I too wish my mind was rid of the experiences and love sagas that keep me awake…
Forever, long lasting. Love.
Too long. Too long for us to stand and wait. But if we leave we’re unable to return. We’re only chasing safety. But leaving it behind.