
November 18th, 2009 | 672 Entries

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672 Entries for “eternal”

  1. what it is when one east something with an awful aftertaste…why is it that when you eat something that tastes really good it doesn’t have an eternal’s only when it’s something like …well i did when i was a kid and think that gravy was a bowl of chocolate pudding…it had an eternal afertaste.

  2. love with you i wish we never say good bye……..i look, and i see you.i hear your heart,your warmth…..come and love.

    mila konstantinovic
  3. Everlasting-the God Head. Jesus was, is, and always will be eternal; existing outside of time, yet becoming a man for us.

  4. i feel as though my love for him will be eternal. although we fight and bicker and sometimes i hate every little thing he does.
    it will be

  5. inside all the time, future, life, love, peace, long, nothign

  6. Eternal is a scary word. Eternal is not even a word that should be defineable. Eternal, once you type it enough starts the look weird. Eternal. Eternal. Eternal. Eternal.Eternal. Where did we decide eternal would be spelled that way?

  7. He was always there, looking at me with his glassy eyes. I would stand there by the bed, trying to look respectful and decent–for I never saw him alone–but inside I just kept thinking: get on with it!

  8. life continues beyond us, for a period of time indeterminate. we can’t do anything to deal with this, but hope that everything we did before “the great beyond” was a sufficient prequel to keep things interesting

  9. Something amazing in our existence is the eternal place our souls represent. No one lives forever, but our souls pass from this existence onto the next. We are given an opportunity to get it right, to try again..

  10. everything has an end

  11. I am eternally grateful to the people of the wasibily tribe. With their pointy hats and blue faces. They always seemed a cheerful bunch. Now I think I shall invite them to have some tea with me, if they even are capable of comprehending what tea even is. Oh well, I suppose I could teach them as they have taught me so many things.

    Brandi Again
  12. The eternal slumber of the peaceful pirates was what the lady of the flora world wanted. She hated those pirates with all of being and now they were sleeping forever. She couldn’t kill them, she wasn’t that brutal! But now they could never steal things from her people ever again. If only they had been more reasonable and pleasant things would have ended up a lot better for them.

  13. Eternal love was what kept Ellie and Mark together. Even after Ellie lost her mind and no longer recognized Mark’s face, he could see the love behind her eyes. Their love would endure. He never left her bedside. He picked her a rose from the bushes outside their house.

  14. Eternal Father, strong to save,
    whose arm has bound the restless wave!
    Please hear us when we call to thee
    for those in peril on the sea.

  15. there was an eternal problem between us, I mean, it’d only been around for two years so far but believe me I know this was going to be there forever. It was just some friction between us, like static electricity, just humming there, an eternal thing, a small thing, a thing that gets under your skin.

  16. docomo

  17. I am eternally grateful for all the experiences I have in life. Even at one time being homeless, it taught me how to survive and being a single mother on top of that. That was many years ago but it has provided me with the essentials of survival.

    things to be eterna

  18. This love that I feel for you is eternal.

  19. lifeonly going to end. there is no such thing as eternal life. there is nothing to do to stop it. You will die. Probably before you acdcomplish anything you want to. Nothing will change, Everything repeats. Over and over again. Learn from the past. Make a mark that will stay.

  20. endless, never ending something special about it, boring also, heaven or hell. boring? probably. 60 seconds feels like it already, so imagine real eternity. pwah!

  21. The eternal light shone through the cracks of the dilapidated ceiling. Shelly lifted her head and looked at the planks that stood 20 feet above her. Long ago had she given up the hope for escaping and instead accepted her fate. A fate of living in a dim lighted room, with an eternal luminescent light shining from above.

  22. I wish happiness was eternal, excitement was eternal, innocence was eternal, beauty was eternal, laughter was eternal, sleep was eternal, curiosity was eternal, love was eternal, and so was childishness. But alas, life would just be so boring then.

  23. When one is born, you think you have all the time in the world. Until the day you realize that the love you believed in all your adult life, in fact is not eternal. They were right all along. All good things must come to an end.

  24. life long thing that means that it last forever. its like doing your girlfriend in the butt. If she lets you penetrate her ass then you know that the love that she has for you is eternal.

  25. I have no idea why anyone would pick eternal life over a non-eternal life. Why would anyone want to live forever? I see absolutely no attraction in that.

    I want to be different people and try different things. That’s the great thing about death. You get to be reborn as someone completely different.

    I think I’m lucky. I was born a pretty cool person. Really couldn’t ask for much else.

  26. Eternal. That’s the word that sprang to mind when she thought about her new life. It would never end by disease or any of the other human elements. Her life was eternal now and she had to figure out what to do with it. What could she do that would last an eternity?

  27. love

  28. You can get eternal life from God. If you believe in Jesus.:)

  29. eternal love is what i think of. You love someone for the rest of your life and you would do anything for that person. eternal is forever.

  30. eternal life, eternal what. How long is an eternity anyway. Do we really even want eternal life? Yes we do. I don’t believe in it. I think when you are dead you are done. I try to have faith but evidence suggests otherwise. So little time. From here to ????

  31. his eterna love for me, i do not undrstand… it thakes my breath away the thought of spending the time of etrnity with him, my kink, my maker… that he lived me enought to di for me… wow

  32. Eternal, It last forever. I think love is eternal. We must put ourselves out there for eternity. Not much in life can last forever, But love will.

  33. Is anything wonderful if it’s eternal? Wouldn’t one grow weary of it after awhile? After all, how can one comprehend eternal happiness without the obligatory sadness?

  34. time to write this is not eter

  35. eternal peace. what is that- how will you know when you have arrived. I think it’s probably bogus. Has anyone admitted to have received it?

    Chris G
  36. What is eternal in these times? Attention spans have gone from hours to minutes to seconds, and are fastly approaching milliseconds. A television show that has run for ten, twelve years is now considered eternal. It’s strange to think that eternity has become so short as our world has begun to move so fast.

    Andrew Seidel
  37. its a bloody long time eternity, a bloody great big long time. With that, never mind all these warnings about the dangers of such activities. not really important in the grand scheme of things is it

    t bone
  38. very best job

  39. it means forever, no matter if it’s a relationship or just a flame, but it lasts and it means you can probably get enough of it, but you never lose it. sometimes it’s not the best thing that happened to you, but if it’s about relationships or sth it really helps to know it’s eternal.

  40. oneword
