Eternal is something that goes on forever. Keep in mind that this isn’t just the arbitary human view of ‘eternal’ – this is the real deal. Human things like love aren’t eternal. Hope is not eternal. Cynicism, however, is.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind… is a brilliant movie. It stars Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, who play a couple who end up erasing each other’s memories from their minds, only to
Ishan Mahajan
eternal life, love, happiness, future, never, growing old, forever, never ending, not achievable, perfect world, living as one, no fear of dieing
Heaven is eternal. God is eternal. Therefore his love for me, and everything I believe about him, is eternal. It will never change. It has never changed. Since “before time began,” He has been the same and so has his love for me. Before I even existed. It is hard for me to fathom this. And it is wonderful to know that He will ALWAYS love me. When I mess up in this life, when I die in this life, all the way onto the next, when I am with him.
Thanksgiving is an eternal event-existing outside of time in insure that we take time to reconnect with family and friends.
always, lasting forever, i want to live eternally after my life is over and i want to live through eternity with my future husband and family. thinking of eternity helps me realize that all the bad things in life would only last for a little while.
is the wish of people well many tried to have it..but death is good for us..for us all..but there are some feeling that we want them to be eternal…we live them eternally…but this sucks..without thinking but you think at
Sometimes things are simply gone. The things that are eternal and the only real important things, but they are comprised of all the daily, snippet-like nuances that are here, gone, and then in our memories. God is eternal. Nothing else… maybe Love. I don’t know what else to say.
Gayla Pappenfoht
life, people and the world good things and the people in it
the eternal flower, sitting on a stone looking oh so lovely, taking it turn by turn the world you see it’s not what it used to be the sun is dimmed, the fires don’t glow and the winds blows through with an awful stench the flowers sits, eating it’s way through the rock it sits and sits will it ever stop?
eternal awesomeness
El tiempo no me alcanza para escribir nada
The rain hammered down outside the window. I could see it bounce back up off the pavement. “I think I’ll stay in today” This was the fourth day in a row I hadn’t left the
forever always shakespeare love eternity beauty
there are some things that just matter more,
things that are
things that pull at you and you just
there is something more to this
something more than the packaging
the dirt
the clutter
there is Someone more
hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah not really
jimmy Brittain
um. i don’t know… apparently it means forever, according to ms. dolly. so yeah.. it means forever.. thats pretty darn cool man! Idk what
Eternal is only a wish. It is something that an never happen. Nothing is eternal if it was, it would be to easy.
forever. always.
everlasting sunshine.
God is eternal. he reigns supreme. Its hard not to think and just pen something or in this case type. But ummm. Lets see. The earth is eternal. Dont be fooled by the crap you see on movies like 2012
Lyndon Irvine
When i think of eternal i think it means for a long time. Or to live a long time maybe????? I wouldnt know.
eternal – everlasting. Eternal life – it lasts forever. Eternal love – Forever. It’s such a long time, but if you’re with someone you love, would it be a short time? I don’t know – I’ve never lived eternally. An eternal flame – isn’t that a song? The bangles.
An eternal fire, of love? Maybes,,,
Eternal life has been achieved through a sacrifice of one man…
How happy are we all
The fountain of youth! The Holy Grail!
what we all seem to long for about our own lives. eternal means steady “eternal love” and suggests depth. i think the word is today used more nonchalantly or cynically.
i miss chelsea.
Forever, love, life, soul, vampires, infinity, i love you, everlasting, God, heaven, eternity, fun, happiness,
Eternal, eternally giving and never receiving… or something like that. Sometimes people like to think about what is eternal. What it really means to be forever. Not usually though. Usually they just like to not think about it.
you are Eternal.
the sunbeam,
your eye
is the only gaze i
succumb to & my
pores fill w/
the sun will rise forever and nothing will help us determine the natural cycle of things except constant constant nocturnal wandering i am a femme mortal, not eternal, not lasting forever like so many of them say. sometimes i dream, dreams of living and flying but never dying. but i am not eternal. i never will be.
Our viewpoint, as believers, should be eternal, instead of linear. Our perspective of time should be that things already ARE in heaven, and perhaps have not become so on earth yet. But they already ARE.
The eternal perspective is such an important thing to realize.
forever and ever amen threatens to begin again and this time i have to pretend that i am more secure than previously mentioned and what happens if i let all of this in and it falls tragically by the wayside of “friends” and i give up on on this dream of blank space and hidden grace and this magical move to become who i am takes me farther away from where we could have been and now he + she only = me.
Eternal is something that goes on forever. Keep in mind that this isn’t just the arbitary human view of ‘eternal’ – this is the real deal. Human things like love aren’t eternal. Hope is not eternal. Cynicism, however, is.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind… is a brilliant movie. It stars Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, who play a couple who end up erasing each other’s memories from their minds, only to
eternal life, love, happiness, future, never, growing old, forever, never ending, not achievable, perfect world, living as one, no fear of dieing
Heaven is eternal. God is eternal. Therefore his love for me, and everything I believe about him, is eternal. It will never change. It has never changed. Since “before time began,” He has been the same and so has his love for me. Before I even existed. It is hard for me to fathom this. And it is wonderful to know that He will ALWAYS love me. When I mess up in this life, when I die in this life, all the way onto the next, when I am with him.
Thanksgiving is an eternal event-existing outside of time in insure that we take time to reconnect with family and friends.
always, lasting forever, i want to live eternally after my life is over and i want to live through eternity with my future husband and family. thinking of eternity helps me realize that all the bad things in life would only last for a little while.
is the wish of people well many tried to have it..but death is good for us..for us all..but there are some feeling that we want them to be eternal…we live them eternally…but this sucks..without thinking but you think at
Sometimes things are simply gone. The things that are eternal and the only real important things, but they are comprised of all the daily, snippet-like nuances that are here, gone, and then in our memories. God is eternal. Nothing else… maybe Love. I don’t know what else to say.
life, people and the world good things and the people in it
the eternal flower, sitting on a stone looking oh so lovely, taking it turn by turn the world you see it’s not what it used to be the sun is dimmed, the fires don’t glow and the winds blows through with an awful stench the flowers sits, eating it’s way through the rock it sits and sits will it ever stop?
eternal awesomeness
El tiempo no me alcanza para escribir nada
The rain hammered down outside the window. I could see it bounce back up off the pavement. “I think I’ll stay in today” This was the fourth day in a row I hadn’t left the
forever always shakespeare love eternity beauty
there are some things that just matter more,
things that are
things that pull at you and you just
there is something more to this
something more than the packaging
the dirt
the clutter
there is Someone more
IUVIAENVIPUNAEIPBNIPAENBPIAUIUibfdjdnvajn viabidfbjanfdvnbjkdabijadfbiadfbnidfbiafi pufgiavia e iauhgihind aiignaigvaifidfgbjakdfngiagkaenvgihaeobiabpiabpdapfpajpadfbaipdfbipadfbipadfibiadfdfjbidfoabvoafougouaebibiviavbubafduhidfiabdiadbfjadbjbipuabfakf
jfhfjffhjfbfjfndaiubhqabfoygbucdishbfudjianfkdjn vncjjjjjjjdshd vioab voabdfivabdfihbadbfiobdfihbiabdfihvbidhfbvshbjhdfsbhbviabafdbvabvoiabdovbosbdf
aopjgvaunvieunbpiuanbpiunfpaundfubnapdifubnapiudbnv-PNAVIS[Aeb0jsrbusrbiubsgpbnpnbpsjdnfbjsnfbinspibnpisfgnb jgnbpjnboprntbrntptonoifsb;jnagkbnapdjfiogpjgbgbnsungbp
Hope is eternal. Life is not.
hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah not really
um. i don’t know… apparently it means forever, according to ms. dolly. so yeah.. it means forever.. thats pretty darn cool man! Idk what
Eternal is only a wish. It is something that an never happen. Nothing is eternal if it was, it would be to easy.
forever. always.
everlasting sunshine.
God is eternal. he reigns supreme. Its hard not to think and just pen something or in this case type. But ummm. Lets see. The earth is eternal. Dont be fooled by the crap you see on movies like 2012
When i think of eternal i think it means for a long time. Or to live a long time maybe????? I wouldnt know.
eternal – everlasting. Eternal life – it lasts forever. Eternal love – Forever. It’s such a long time, but if you’re with someone you love, would it be a short time? I don’t know – I’ve never lived eternally. An eternal flame – isn’t that a song? The bangles.
An eternal fire, of love? Maybes,,,
Eternal life has been achieved through a sacrifice of one man…
How happy are we all
The fountain of youth! The Holy Grail!
what we all seem to long for about our own lives. eternal means steady “eternal love” and suggests depth. i think the word is today used more nonchalantly or cynically.
i miss chelsea.
Forever, love, life, soul, vampires, infinity, i love you, everlasting, God, heaven, eternity, fun, happiness,
Eternal, eternally giving and never receiving… or something like that. Sometimes people like to think about what is eternal. What it really means to be forever. Not usually though. Usually they just like to not think about it.
you are Eternal.
the sunbeam,
your eye
is the only gaze i
succumb to & my
pores fill w/
the sun will rise forever and nothing will help us determine the natural cycle of things except constant constant nocturnal wandering i am a femme mortal, not eternal, not lasting forever like so many of them say. sometimes i dream, dreams of living and flying but never dying. but i am not eternal. i never will be.
Our viewpoint, as believers, should be eternal, instead of linear. Our perspective of time should be that things already ARE in heaven, and perhaps have not become so on earth yet. But they already ARE.
The eternal perspective is such an important thing to realize.
forever and ever amen threatens to begin again and this time i have to pretend that i am more secure than previously mentioned and what happens if i let all of this in and it falls tragically by the wayside of “friends” and i give up on on this dream of blank space and hidden grace and this magical move to become who i am takes me farther away from where we could have been and now he + she only = me.