Time is like a wheel. Turning and turning – never stopping. And the woods are the center; the hub of the wheel. It began the first week of summer, a strange and breathless time when accident, or fate, bring lives together. When people are led to do things, they’ve never done before. On this summersday, not so very long ago, the wheel set lives in motion in mysterious ways. It set Mae Tuck out in her wagon for the village of Tree Gap to meet her two sons as she did once every ten years.
There are many things that are eternal. Love is the best of those things. For although people may fall in and out of it Love always exist. It exist in the way a mother touches her child’s face. It’s in the way a father waits up after his daughters first date…
Such a long time, that it will just go on and on forever. This could be bad, like living in internal pain and being made to thing of everthing bad you have done – like in Dante’s Inferno. But it could also be eternal love, eternal happiness. Amazing. But then again, would being eternally happy be good? In reality it is our bad points whch make us who we are.
Frankie C
eternity is forever, right? so is that all there is? nothing after it? the concept reaches so far beyond me being able to grasp it that there hardly are words to describe it.
Eternal light shown down upon the house that reflected the occupants inside: an elderly couple. But to the average man and women, they were not normal — no, far from it. They sat on the floor, gazing around the room from time to time, and the man let out a chuckle as the spoon in his tea cup stirred itself. His wife got up, rubbing her hands together and a fireplace that was unlit seconds ago burst into flame.
Yes, staying here will be quiet nice, she thought. We’ll just wait until the commander summons us. And when we send our report, he’ll be so happy and pleased.
Gouldin Lion
her name was destiny. she shone over everything and watched the sky. she knew the answers… but she didnt know. there were no answers, there were no thoughts. She simply was present and saw the way things were. she decided to just stay silent. and let us figure it out on our own.
what is eternity? is it a lifetime? is it really forever? i mean how long is forever? the fact we dont know this suggests eternity is a grey area lets say! for eternal life could well be impossible for all we know
mark reilly
fuck dude I dont know I just want to live forever. But if I was the only one, then I would have nothing. I would have nothing and no one by age 205.
I would be alone and old. Well no, the condition would be that I am still young looking. I would stop aging around 35. Hopefully.
Jennifer Soutar
it means forever. there is a song about a flame!
let it shine friends. I’m going to last forever. Like a bottomless pit at an endless buffet. I like ham. Eternal ham, the best of all hams in my opinion.
the band that gave use louise redknapp nee nurding and a hundred teenage wanks
The snow is eternal like morning dew. The light and darkness battle, it’s eternal too. So many things in this world are eternal, but most people just don’t see it. Love is eternal, but only if you find the real thing. Sex, is not eternal. Lust isn’t either. Sin is though. It’s depending on what you’re saying.
i once was a jew who’s name was frank. I was the father of this slut named anne. that whore hid in my basement for ages and laughed while I got eaten by nazi pandas. then she fucked off and went hiding somewhere else and then a few more places after that. the point of this is that she eternally disrespected her father, just because I sexually abused her as an infant. and she is a bitch.
love is eternal,
I am eternal,
I wish you were my love
and my eternal.
Love is forever eternal. NOT! Love wishes it was eternal, but it isn’t. My girlfriend just dumped me, so I know what I’m talking about.
Lonely Soul
Eternal bliss.
Niya A Donnelly
I am eternally yours. Forever. But what is eternal? Does it mean that tomorrow, when your heart turns cold, that I will no longer be yours? Is eternal a momentary feeling, that doesn’t actually exist in space or time…much like the love you feel for me. When you turn yourself off, and you lose emotion, does the eternal love you promise for me become less so?
It doesn’t exist, simple as that.
Julia Perez
Eternal is a confusing word for finite beings like ourselves because it’s something we can never truly experience. At least with nothing lasting forever, there’s an end to all of this. Eternal my ass.
Willy MacJohnsonstein
forever Andy
life. I just think of GOD and how I will have eternal life in him.
Nicole du Maine
everlasting. goes on and on and on… infinite. forever. God. children of God. abundant life. unfathomable…
Long-lived. Physical or by word-of-mouth? The Gods of Olympus. Rechargeable eternal life, per the Norse Gods and the Golden Apples of Idun.
eternal makes me think of eternity. will it take an eternity for you to ask me out? will it take an eternity for you to have the balls to just come to me and say the forbidden words to me and to admit to everything, everything that you’ve said and done and to hold me and hug me and love me and kiss me and whatever else?
The thought of living forever, an eternal monotony of hunger, effort, and glaring light, made her feel queasy. Life was enough of a challenge — immortality would be a curse, in her mind. Especially life eternal in the prison of a zombie body. She shuddered, and pitied the creature that had once been her fiancee.
I never was quite able to grasp eternity. But somehow I understand it with you. Maybe I’m a romantic or a fool, but you are now that little reminder that daily tugs at the coils in my chest that reminds me that some things are forever, even if it is a forever without you, you who I will never be with except in dreams.
I wonder what eternity really means. There isn’t any way to understand it or define it. It’s something we, as humans, seem to sense, and use it describe other indescribable things. Like love, and heaven.
There is a light that shines from within, the spark of life that illuminates all voids without filling them. Do you have this conflagration within you?
forever. eternal happiness, eternal love.
E- T -E -R -N -A -L- ! what does that spell?……..cabbage!
eternal is like forever and forever is like eternal, but they’re different. forever are found in promises that are broken; eternal isn’t found at all. and she muses on this and then she tells him —
“don’t love me forever.”
“really?” he asks, hooking his fingers onto her hair. “but what if I want to be with you forever –“
“don’t say that word.” she runs the syllables over her tongue. “just say eternal.”
Eternal is something that never ends. For example, I am eternal, because I will never die. I hope the person reading this realizes that he/she is obviously dealing with a genius and his intelligence is obviously higher than theirs.
Genius Kid
Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
nothing is eternal
Time is like a wheel. Turning and turning – never stopping. And the woods are the center; the hub of the wheel. It began the first week of summer, a strange and breathless time when accident, or fate, bring lives together. When people are led to do things, they’ve never done before. On this summersday, not so very long ago, the wheel set lives in motion in mysterious ways. It set Mae Tuck out in her wagon for the village of Tree Gap to meet her two sons as she did once every ten years.
There are many things that are eternal. Love is the best of those things. For although people may fall in and out of it Love always exist. It exist in the way a mother touches her child’s face. It’s in the way a father waits up after his daughters first date…
Such a long time, that it will just go on and on forever. This could be bad, like living in internal pain and being made to thing of everthing bad you have done – like in Dante’s Inferno. But it could also be eternal love, eternal happiness. Amazing. But then again, would being eternally happy be good? In reality it is our bad points whch make us who we are.
eternity is forever, right? so is that all there is? nothing after it? the concept reaches so far beyond me being able to grasp it that there hardly are words to describe it.
Eternal light shown down upon the house that reflected the occupants inside: an elderly couple. But to the average man and women, they were not normal — no, far from it. They sat on the floor, gazing around the room from time to time, and the man let out a chuckle as the spoon in his tea cup stirred itself. His wife got up, rubbing her hands together and a fireplace that was unlit seconds ago burst into flame.
Yes, staying here will be quiet nice, she thought. We’ll just wait until the commander summons us. And when we send our report, he’ll be so happy and pleased.
her name was destiny. she shone over everything and watched the sky. she knew the answers… but she didnt know. there were no answers, there were no thoughts. She simply was present and saw the way things were. she decided to just stay silent. and let us figure it out on our own.
what is eternity? is it a lifetime? is it really forever? i mean how long is forever? the fact we dont know this suggests eternity is a grey area lets say! for eternal life could well be impossible for all we know
fuck dude I dont know I just want to live forever. But if I was the only one, then I would have nothing. I would have nothing and no one by age 205.
I would be alone and old. Well no, the condition would be that I am still young looking. I would stop aging around 35. Hopefully.
it means forever. there is a song about a flame!
let it shine friends. I’m going to last forever. Like a bottomless pit at an endless buffet. I like ham. Eternal ham, the best of all hams in my opinion.
the band that gave use louise redknapp nee nurding and a hundred teenage wanks
The snow is eternal like morning dew. The light and darkness battle, it’s eternal too. So many things in this world are eternal, but most people just don’t see it. Love is eternal, but only if you find the real thing. Sex, is not eternal. Lust isn’t either. Sin is though. It’s depending on what you’re saying.
i once was a jew who’s name was frank. I was the father of this slut named anne. that whore hid in my basement for ages and laughed while I got eaten by nazi pandas. then she fucked off and went hiding somewhere else and then a few more places after that. the point of this is that she eternally disrespected her father, just because I sexually abused her as an infant. and she is a bitch.
love is eternal,
I am eternal,
I wish you were my love
and my eternal.
Love is forever eternal. NOT! Love wishes it was eternal, but it isn’t. My girlfriend just dumped me, so I know what I’m talking about.
Eternal bliss.
I am eternally yours. Forever. But what is eternal? Does it mean that tomorrow, when your heart turns cold, that I will no longer be yours? Is eternal a momentary feeling, that doesn’t actually exist in space or time…much like the love you feel for me. When you turn yourself off, and you lose emotion, does the eternal love you promise for me become less so?
It doesn’t exist, simple as that.
Eternal is a confusing word for finite beings like ourselves because it’s something we can never truly experience. At least with nothing lasting forever, there’s an end to all of this. Eternal my ass.
forever Andy
life. I just think of GOD and how I will have eternal life in him.
everlasting. goes on and on and on… infinite. forever. God. children of God. abundant life. unfathomable…
Long-lived. Physical or by word-of-mouth? The Gods of Olympus. Rechargeable eternal life, per the Norse Gods and the Golden Apples of Idun.
an eterity of a’s ^_^
eternal love
eternal life
which comes first?
he said eternal.
I got six months.
god says eternal.
I’ll get a hundred years…
This is the same word from yesterday!
Well, let’s do this again.
eternal makes me think of eternity. will it take an eternity for you to ask me out? will it take an eternity for you to have the balls to just come to me and say the forbidden words to me and to admit to everything, everything that you’ve said and done and to hold me and hug me and love me and kiss me and whatever else?
The thought of living forever, an eternal monotony of hunger, effort, and glaring light, made her feel queasy. Life was enough of a challenge — immortality would be a curse, in her mind. Especially life eternal in the prison of a zombie body. She shuddered, and pitied the creature that had once been her fiancee.
I never was quite able to grasp eternity. But somehow I understand it with you. Maybe I’m a romantic or a fool, but you are now that little reminder that daily tugs at the coils in my chest that reminds me that some things are forever, even if it is a forever without you, you who I will never be with except in dreams.
I wonder what eternity really means. There isn’t any way to understand it or define it. It’s something we, as humans, seem to sense, and use it describe other indescribable things. Like love, and heaven.
There is a light that shines from within, the spark of life that illuminates all voids without filling them. Do you have this conflagration within you?
forever. eternal happiness, eternal love.
E- T -E -R -N -A -L- ! what does that spell?……..cabbage!
eternal is like forever and forever is like eternal, but they’re different. forever are found in promises that are broken; eternal isn’t found at all. and she muses on this and then she tells him —
“don’t love me forever.”
“really?” he asks, hooking his fingers onto her hair. “but what if I want to be with you forever –“
“don’t say that word.” she runs the syllables over her tongue. “just say eternal.”
Eternal is something that never ends. For example, I am eternal, because I will never die. I hope the person reading this realizes that he/she is obviously dealing with a genius and his intelligence is obviously higher than theirs.
Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
Psalm 119:89