Perhaps this would be the one thing in Avenley’s life that would be last forever. Perhaps Lucien would be there eternally. She hoped so. If there had ever been something she wished could last forever, it was this. This love that she could never have imagined if she hadn’t experienced it for herself.
Eternal. Ah, eternal. So many things in this life are eternal. Eternal love? Eternal friendship? But what, in reality, does all of this mean. If you have eternal love, could that not change over the span of a month or two? In all truthfulness, eternal anything is a blatant lie, a joke, a sham.
Bob Hillshire
life forever light omg religious love strength G-d
heavenly father is eternal. My family is eternal. Love is eternal. The plan of salvation allows for my family to be together forever. Life is eternal.
“We’re going to be forever,” she said, and he believed her.
Why wouldn’t he? That was how she said it would be, so how could there be any doubt? Things got tough but the tough got going and she was tough and he was tough so what else was there to worry about?
They got going, together, and quick.
eternal life is about the fact that i dont know what im talking about and i really think this is pointless and eternally thinking about it is completely pointless. i know that space is suppost to be eternal but who really cares :P im bored… = my life yay lerjhflkjaernglierhglsnjvlskhrgpoieyrtywroighwerigjhnweornvl
the eternal life of the monkey is one in a million, Many cultures have based there life and social religions around the way of life and symbol of the monkey. The fact that many Species of monkeys are the closest things to humans there are has lead many to believe that monkeys are god like. and sacred.
kyle duinker
I thought I had eternal love but my boyfriend decided he didnt love me anymore. So now I am alone and I hate it. I really do love him. Im not sure why though. I feel stupid.
Oh my goodness, well um, it is a good word. It us used a lot? I think I kniw what it means but I don’t want to seen stupied…
Eternal salvation has never been within my grasp. Maybe it’s my lack of faith, maybe it’s my lack of glory. All I know is that although I may never find my place among God’s angels, I will find eternal slumber hopefully just as peaceful as eternal wakefulness.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. memories are meant to be eternally there, no matter how fuzzy they grow or if they end up at the dusty corner in the back of your mind.
life is not eternal. there’s nothing we can do to make it eternal. we will all die. there is no afterlife, there is no eternal god. we’re all destined to be fucking doomed. nobody will make it out alive. trust me. nothing’s eternal.
my eternal love for you wont ever reach beyond the bounds of my fear of committing my self to you forever. love for you is the only thing comes close to my love for my self.
my eternal heart
my love
your grace
my hate my sorrow
our ramance neevr was
never is
sadness despiar eternal hope faith love
love is eternal. it never ends. it goes in and never comes out. love is life. and life is surrounded by love. and it is eternally yours. and eternally his. and in eternality, love is unconditional. eternal. never stops.
Erin Jeffers
I can’t think. I can’t speak. I don’t know what to do with myself.
The hell?
He’s standing there, kissing her with fervor I’ve never seen in him before. They look beautiful.
And it’s the one thing I’ll never forget, for as long as I live.
there was a moment lost about this and between the sheets you and i slept soundly. covered softly in the breeze of midnight i thought to myself, can this be real? can this moment be engraved as solid as a silver dollar/ and then for just 60 seconds i stopped thinking about what it would be like to have you and differed that with the thought and reassurance that i already have you. and then i pulled in closer than you could fee.
to last forever though it is weird to think about eternity because how do we know it really is eternal? if we, ourselves arent around to see it last?
alex chang
is like forever and ever, nothing comparares to that word in length of action. please doodly noted security pass is on the loose. come and see!!!
i have the eternal life. everything i once was is what i am now. i have the eternal fire within me without me and all around me. i cant imaginge anything less amazing than that.
belle lew
Nothing is eternal. We would like to think that we and everyone we know is eternal, but it simply is not true. Friendships are not eternal. Love is not eternal. Things end. We must learn to accept this, or simply give up on living.
life lasting forever, seems boring though. All the things you would see though might be worth it. Who would want to live for eternity and why would they?
matt (poo)
never ending
eternal love
sappy love stories and unicorns. it makes me think of bananas. what? this is timed? that’s not eternal!!!
Ben, my love for you is eternal, i’ll never forget you no matter how long we have together in this lifetime and you’ll never leave my heart.
I wish I had an eternal life
love sadness debt sunshine myrtle
the eternal darkness is enough
to keep me starving
to keep my wanting
and yet i understand that if i don’t
keep starving
through the dark
i will live
and that is too much for me
because eternal darkness
is all i want
for the rest
of eternity
This love is… eternal! she stepped back and looked at the letters, which was spray painted on the wall. The can was still in her hand and without a word took she the black colour and crossed over the last word. Eternal! like if…
The fire burned on the piece of discarded wood. It looked almost pathetic, shedding little, if any light. To the bystander, it would’ve just been an accidental fire, little did they know that it would burn forever.
We can’t ever comprehend when the ultimate end will be. We’re not wired to get something that big, we’re too focused on the ground, on our lives, on what’s in our hands and on our tongues. We hope for, strive our whole lives to leave something, build something that will last forever.
Well, I know a memory verse from church so just listen up.For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus christ our lord.
“Souls last forever?” asked Scott.
“Yes,” responded the man who sat on the couch with a newspaper in front of him.
“They just do.”
“Do they have peanut butter on them? Is that why they stay?”
Now the man lowered the paper, looking at the child bemused and cocked his eyebrow. “Well, I can’t say for sure, but that sounds good enough for me.”
The 7-year-old giggled, but still felt unanswered from learning about this word(eternity and eternal) in Sunday School. He pursed his lips and stuck his tongue out as he thought.
Gouldin Lion
Jennifer looked at the clock on her car radio and watched the minutes drag by as she sat in the eternal hell of yet another traffic jam. She was overcome with a sudden urge to slam her foot down on the accelerator.
God is eternal. We strive to gain eternal life with him. Eternal is such a long word, even though the word itself is short. I don’t know if I can write eternally about this word but there is much to say about it. I could eat Roti for an
The key to eternal life is quite ismple really, I’ll tell you. I wish I could, maybe later though, I’m running out of time. It is really simple though…
Perhaps this would be the one thing in Avenley’s life that would be last forever. Perhaps Lucien would be there eternally. She hoped so. If there had ever been something she wished could last forever, it was this. This love that she could never have imagined if she hadn’t experienced it for herself.
Eternal. Ah, eternal. So many things in this life are eternal. Eternal love? Eternal friendship? But what, in reality, does all of this mean. If you have eternal love, could that not change over the span of a month or two? In all truthfulness, eternal anything is a blatant lie, a joke, a sham.
life forever light omg religious love strength G-d
heavenly father is eternal. My family is eternal. Love is eternal. The plan of salvation allows for my family to be together forever. Life is eternal.
“We’re going to be forever,” she said, and he believed her.
Why wouldn’t he? That was how she said it would be, so how could there be any doubt? Things got tough but the tough got going and she was tough and he was tough so what else was there to worry about?
They got going, together, and quick.
eternal life is about the fact that i dont know what im talking about and i really think this is pointless and eternally thinking about it is completely pointless. i know that space is suppost to be eternal but who really cares :P im bored… = my life yay lerjhflkjaernglierhglsnjvlskhrgpoieyrtywroighwerigjhnweornvl
the eternal life of the monkey is one in a million, Many cultures have based there life and social religions around the way of life and symbol of the monkey. The fact that many Species of monkeys are the closest things to humans there are has lead many to believe that monkeys are god like. and sacred.
I thought I had eternal love but my boyfriend decided he didnt love me anymore. So now I am alone and I hate it. I really do love him. Im not sure why though. I feel stupid.
Oh my goodness, well um, it is a good word. It us used a lot? I think I kniw what it means but I don’t want to seen stupied…
Eternal salvation has never been within my grasp. Maybe it’s my lack of faith, maybe it’s my lack of glory. All I know is that although I may never find my place among God’s angels, I will find eternal slumber hopefully just as peaceful as eternal wakefulness.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. memories are meant to be eternally there, no matter how fuzzy they grow or if they end up at the dusty corner in the back of your mind.
life is not eternal. there’s nothing we can do to make it eternal. we will all die. there is no afterlife, there is no eternal god. we’re all destined to be fucking doomed. nobody will make it out alive. trust me. nothing’s eternal.
my eternal love for you wont ever reach beyond the bounds of my fear of committing my self to you forever. love for you is the only thing comes close to my love for my self.
my eternal heart
my love
your grace
my hate my sorrow
our ramance neevr was
never is
sadness despiar eternal hope faith love
love is eternal. it never ends. it goes in and never comes out. love is life. and life is surrounded by love. and it is eternally yours. and eternally his. and in eternality, love is unconditional. eternal. never stops.
I can’t think. I can’t speak. I don’t know what to do with myself.
The hell?
He’s standing there, kissing her with fervor I’ve never seen in him before. They look beautiful.
And it’s the one thing I’ll never forget, for as long as I live.
there was a moment lost about this and between the sheets you and i slept soundly. covered softly in the breeze of midnight i thought to myself, can this be real? can this moment be engraved as solid as a silver dollar/ and then for just 60 seconds i stopped thinking about what it would be like to have you and differed that with the thought and reassurance that i already have you. and then i pulled in closer than you could fee.
to last forever though it is weird to think about eternity because how do we know it really is eternal? if we, ourselves arent around to see it last?
is like forever and ever, nothing comparares to that word in length of action. please doodly noted security pass is on the loose. come and see!!!
i have the eternal life. everything i once was is what i am now. i have the eternal fire within me without me and all around me. i cant imaginge anything less amazing than that.
Nothing is eternal. We would like to think that we and everyone we know is eternal, but it simply is not true. Friendships are not eternal. Love is not eternal. Things end. We must learn to accept this, or simply give up on living.
Forever. continual. immortality. vampires. magic. love. real.
life lasting forever, seems boring though. All the things you would see though might be worth it. Who would want to live for eternity and why would they?
never ending
eternal love
sappy love stories and unicorns. it makes me think of bananas. what? this is timed? that’s not eternal!!!
Ben, my love for you is eternal, i’ll never forget you no matter how long we have together in this lifetime and you’ll never leave my heart.
I wish I had an eternal life
love sadness debt sunshine myrtle
the eternal darkness is enough
to keep me starving
to keep my wanting
and yet i understand that if i don’t
keep starving
through the dark
i will live
and that is too much for me
because eternal darkness
is all i want
for the rest
of eternity
This love is… eternal! she stepped back and looked at the letters, which was spray painted on the wall. The can was still in her hand and without a word took she the black colour and crossed over the last word. Eternal! like if…
The fire burned on the piece of discarded wood. It looked almost pathetic, shedding little, if any light. To the bystander, it would’ve just been an accidental fire, little did they know that it would burn forever.
We can’t ever comprehend when the ultimate end will be. We’re not wired to get something that big, we’re too focused on the ground, on our lives, on what’s in our hands and on our tongues. We hope for, strive our whole lives to leave something, build something that will last forever.
Well, I know a memory verse from church so just listen up.For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus christ our lord.
“Souls last forever?” asked Scott.
“Yes,” responded the man who sat on the couch with a newspaper in front of him.
“They just do.”
“Do they have peanut butter on them? Is that why they stay?”
Now the man lowered the paper, looking at the child bemused and cocked his eyebrow. “Well, I can’t say for sure, but that sounds good enough for me.”
The 7-year-old giggled, but still felt unanswered from learning about this word(eternity and eternal) in Sunday School. He pursed his lips and stuck his tongue out as he thought.
Jennifer looked at the clock on her car radio and watched the minutes drag by as she sat in the eternal hell of yet another traffic jam. She was overcome with a sudden urge to slam her foot down on the accelerator.
God is eternal. We strive to gain eternal life with him. Eternal is such a long word, even though the word itself is short. I don’t know if I can write eternally about this word but there is much to say about it. I could eat Roti for an
The key to eternal life is quite ismple really, I’ll tell you. I wish I could, maybe later though, I’m running out of time. It is really simple though…