this is the world where eternal happiness can be found.
b randall willis
all encompassing
true love
what is there to say? I don’t even entirely know what eternal is. There is too much to say in the time given I don’t know why I’m writing anything at all. Thanks for this pointless entry
eternal revenue service. It is one of many departments in the united states government. I don’t know much more than that. eternal body parts: heart, lung, rib, liver, spleen
A word that is impossible to rully grasp the meaning of. I.e infinite, how can something never end?
Eternal flames, what are they anyway? Does anything really last forever. If anything does it would be nothing, only nothingness lasts forever. Nothing can never become something and thus it never changes and never goes away. No matter how hard you wish your eternal nothing into a temporary something it will not budge.
forever and ever. To never have to be with anyone else or ever have to do anything else. Something or someone that will leave and be with you. Fossils. People. Anything. Things can be eternal. The love you have for something. It never leaves you and will always have made an imprint on you. Forever part of your life. Eternal love, eternal life, eternal forever.
grateful. why do things perish? eternal can’t be a word when it, like everything else, will be gone forever.
It means to be with you forever. Not just forever because what kind of existence is that? Without you? I need you, and this is what it means, I need you forever. It means always, it means constant. It means the never-ending summer I long for. It means you. It means us, together.
S. Smile
Eternal. The one word that seems to have any meaning to the untrained eye. Eternal love. Eternal peace. But could it ever really demean the likes of the better times? When you think eternal, you think forever. But could it really be that long. And if it were that long, you wouldnt be there to see it. Eternal is meaningless.
Someone you can’t live without.
Someone who will be with you forever.
Never ceasing.
Always there, never leaving.
Loving you past the end of time.
Never leaving, always loving.
eternal is what I think of when i consider what goes on after life. is life eternal? Do i even want it to be? Honestly right now, I’m not sure. Life is so fucked up anyways, so why would you want it to last forever. I want love, is that eternal? Does it last past death?
This eternal burn for the love you gave to me and then just as quickly threw away will haunt my darkest thoughts. You entered my life and turned me upside down until I followed you. In the blink of an eye, you were gone.
eternal is eternity eternal is what lasts for me i’ll tell you what is eternal it is eternity…eternal eternal its something interesting about life when you think about it because eternal is exactly what it is not…suffering says quick at the top of his lungs at an eternal forest
Our lives, they are not eternal. They have deadlines. They have entities. Our lives, they are not eternal.
Maybe one day we will find an eternal love who will complete our not-so-eternal life.
I am eternally grateful.
I am eternally happy.
I am eternally angry.
I am eternally yours.
I will love you, for eternity.
very long and thick and wide and total and starry in elongated well-lit shapes eyes widening to long strings of egg yolk of stretching of continuing
eternal as the white clouds…
when i was little i dreamt of the clouds, bouncing on them like marshmallow mattresses and boinging up into the ether. jumping out of a plane window and falling safe in the knowledge that soon my body would be cradled by soft white fluffy cloud, dry and happy and safe.
somehow it never changes, even when we fly through them and i feel their moisture through the windows of glass.
fly me to the moon, and let me play among the clouds…
forever. eternal happiness. opposite of external? no that’s internal, silly me. E T E R N A L ! what does that spell? cabbage.
heaven i dont know what to write… lavender, the color of the word is lavender… i like that color, its soft and easy… forever and ever… till death.. after death forever
Eternal glory. Isn’t that what we all supposedly want? To be known for one thing that shows our purpose from one simple event. Personally, I don’t want to have eternal glory. I don’t want to be defined by an event; I want to be defined by multiple events and actions. Is that too much to ask for?
Eternal…eternal leaves me speechless and with nothing to say…maybe its because im getting it confused with eternity…
God bless my man and his eternal love. Nobody can ever replace him. He loves me with a passion i have ever known.
An eternal love that passes oceans and will venture across galaxy’s. I’ve seen it, I’ve felt it, I’ve touched it. But it’s also touched me. It’s changed who I am for the better. It’s made me see the word as a better place. It is the true love you hear in memories and know you will never forget.
His eternal beauty shone through his pale skin as he leaned down and brushed his lips lightly at the base of my neck, causing my breath to hitch.
Jesus’s christ’s love is eternal. His love will go on and on forever, for the creation he has made. He also will live eternally, and once you commit to follow Jesus you will live in heaven eterbnally.
a boundless infinite place where time and space dont exist, its forever, beyond time, always, never ending, going on and on, everything happening in eternity
I don’t think eternal faithfulness exists. Neither does anything eternal, actually, other than eternal change. Change is perhaps the only thing that is perpetual, ironically. So forget about all the forevers and always. They’re just sugarcoated words of narcissism to make yourself look fancier than you really are.
Nathaniel had never wanted to live for eternity. It sounded horrible, to be honest; you lived forever, never changing, while your friends and family grew old and died. You would never see them again, either; they were dead and in the afterlife, after all, while you were stuck, caught somewhere between life and death.
Now he was starting to wonder if death was just some form of eternity.
This is what life is, even if you don’t think so. It continues, with or without you, so you might as well give it your best shot. What do you have to lose?
Susan Lewis
i will always live there is no end. i have a begining deep in the sands of time. i am i will always be now and forever. war peace i’ve seen both and they will ever be intertined for me. life and death hold no fear for me
there’s a band called eternal who sing a song…well, sang, called angel of mine. i like to sing it, it’s very beautiful…very 90s. eternal is like vampire love. it’s annoying in some contexts, bella and edward ‘our love is eternal’. on the other hand my love for dancing is eternal. some things are and should be. some shouldn’t.
Life is eternal for the love of yourself is everlasting. Therefore you are eternal if you love yourself. – The Sociopath’s View On Life
lasting forever. Is anything truly eternal? Hell and Heaven, that leaves no need for eternity in the secular world. Is a lifetime eternal, or simply a fraction of eternity?
Is something that lasts for an eternity, an unimaginable phenonenon. If it could only be understood by homosapiens we might actually undersstand ourselves better. This is only a thought.
this is the world where eternal happiness can be found.
all encompassing
true love
what is there to say? I don’t even entirely know what eternal is. There is too much to say in the time given I don’t know why I’m writing anything at all. Thanks for this pointless entry
eternal revenue service. It is one of many departments in the united states government. I don’t know much more than that. eternal body parts: heart, lung, rib, liver, spleen
A word that is impossible to rully grasp the meaning of. I.e infinite, how can something never end?
Eternal flames, what are they anyway? Does anything really last forever. If anything does it would be nothing, only nothingness lasts forever. Nothing can never become something and thus it never changes and never goes away. No matter how hard you wish your eternal nothing into a temporary something it will not budge.
forever and ever. To never have to be with anyone else or ever have to do anything else. Something or someone that will leave and be with you. Fossils. People. Anything. Things can be eternal. The love you have for something. It never leaves you and will always have made an imprint on you. Forever part of your life. Eternal love, eternal life, eternal forever.
grateful. why do things perish? eternal can’t be a word when it, like everything else, will be gone forever.
It means to be with you forever. Not just forever because what kind of existence is that? Without you? I need you, and this is what it means, I need you forever. It means always, it means constant. It means the never-ending summer I long for. It means you. It means us, together.
Eternal. The one word that seems to have any meaning to the untrained eye. Eternal love. Eternal peace. But could it ever really demean the likes of the better times? When you think eternal, you think forever. But could it really be that long. And if it were that long, you wouldnt be there to see it. Eternal is meaningless.
Someone you can’t live without.
Someone who will be with you forever.
Never ceasing.
Always there, never leaving.
Loving you past the end of time.
Never leaving, always loving.
eternal is what I think of when i consider what goes on after life. is life eternal? Do i even want it to be? Honestly right now, I’m not sure. Life is so fucked up anyways, so why would you want it to last forever. I want love, is that eternal? Does it last past death?
This eternal burn for the love you gave to me and then just as quickly threw away will haunt my darkest thoughts. You entered my life and turned me upside down until I followed you. In the blink of an eye, you were gone.
eternal is eternity eternal is what lasts for me i’ll tell you what is eternal it is eternity…eternal eternal its something interesting about life when you think about it because eternal is exactly what it is not…suffering says quick at the top of his lungs at an eternal forest
Our lives, they are not eternal. They have deadlines. They have entities. Our lives, they are not eternal.
Maybe one day we will find an eternal love who will complete our not-so-eternal life.
I am eternally grateful.
I am eternally happy.
I am eternally angry.
I am eternally yours.
I will love you, for eternity.
very long and thick and wide and total and starry in elongated well-lit shapes eyes widening to long strings of egg yolk of stretching of continuing
eternal as the white clouds…
when i was little i dreamt of the clouds, bouncing on them like marshmallow mattresses and boinging up into the ether. jumping out of a plane window and falling safe in the knowledge that soon my body would be cradled by soft white fluffy cloud, dry and happy and safe.
somehow it never changes, even when we fly through them and i feel their moisture through the windows of glass.
fly me to the moon, and let me play among the clouds…
forever. eternal happiness. opposite of external? no that’s internal, silly me. E T E R N A L ! what does that spell? cabbage.
heaven i dont know what to write… lavender, the color of the word is lavender… i like that color, its soft and easy… forever and ever… till death.. after death forever
Eternal glory. Isn’t that what we all supposedly want? To be known for one thing that shows our purpose from one simple event. Personally, I don’t want to have eternal glory. I don’t want to be defined by an event; I want to be defined by multiple events and actions. Is that too much to ask for?
Eternal…eternal leaves me speechless and with nothing to say…maybe its because im getting it confused with eternity…
God bless my man and his eternal love. Nobody can ever replace him. He loves me with a passion i have ever known.
An eternal love that passes oceans and will venture across galaxy’s. I’ve seen it, I’ve felt it, I’ve touched it. But it’s also touched me. It’s changed who I am for the better. It’s made me see the word as a better place. It is the true love you hear in memories and know you will never forget.
His eternal beauty shone through his pale skin as he leaned down and brushed his lips lightly at the base of my neck, causing my breath to hitch.
Jesus’s christ’s love is eternal. His love will go on and on forever, for the creation he has made. He also will live eternally, and once you commit to follow Jesus you will live in heaven eterbnally.
a boundless infinite place where time and space dont exist, its forever, beyond time, always, never ending, going on and on, everything happening in eternity
I don’t think eternal faithfulness exists. Neither does anything eternal, actually, other than eternal change. Change is perhaps the only thing that is perpetual, ironically. So forget about all the forevers and always. They’re just sugarcoated words of narcissism to make yourself look fancier than you really are.
Nathaniel had never wanted to live for eternity. It sounded horrible, to be honest; you lived forever, never changing, while your friends and family grew old and died. You would never see them again, either; they were dead and in the afterlife, after all, while you were stuck, caught somewhere between life and death.
Now he was starting to wonder if death was just some form of eternity.
This is what life is, even if you don’t think so. It continues, with or without you, so you might as well give it your best shot. What do you have to lose?
i will always live there is no end. i have a begining deep in the sands of time. i am i will always be now and forever. war peace i’ve seen both and they will ever be intertined for me. life and death hold no fear for me
there’s a band called eternal who sing a song…well, sang, called angel of mine. i like to sing it, it’s very beautiful…very 90s. eternal is like vampire love. it’s annoying in some contexts, bella and edward ‘our love is eternal’. on the other hand my love for dancing is eternal. some things are and should be. some shouldn’t.
Life is eternal for the love of yourself is everlasting. Therefore you are eternal if you love yourself. – The Sociopath’s View On Life
lasting forever. Is anything truly eternal? Hell and Heaven, that leaves no need for eternity in the secular world. Is a lifetime eternal, or simply a fraction of eternity?
Is something that lasts for an eternity, an unimaginable phenonenon. If it could only be understood by homosapiens we might actually undersstand ourselves better. This is only a thought.