Eternal. Is anything really? Doesnt everything come to an end? If there is such a thing, then I wish for eternity with my loved ones.
the lake was always thought to be eternal, something that would be there our whole lives. when we returned this summer, we found it to be drained. the government took the water due to all of the water shortages and the lack of rain, as well as the increase in heat. the earth was dying, and our lake was gone forever.
feelings are never eternal, peoplea are never eternal, the sun and the moon? are they eternal? where does that leave us? where do we go from here? do we posses eternity inside our souls and just not know it ? have we forggotten that eternity does exist ? or doesnt exist? in this world of instant gratification,
One day we will be mushrooms. Decomposed. And in our compost heap of immortality, we are eternal, for while we may die, the universe doesn’t. Eternity is a ridiculous concept, full of half-cooked ideas of heaven and hell. No, it is simply a compost heap. Hot and forever and eternal.
eternal love – love that has no ending – the feeling of giving yourself and someone giving themselves to you for what seems like forever… if forever existed…
forever and always, forever, eternity, never ending and always.
We are not the only ones who have been here before; there are many behind us and many in front of us, souls above and below. We all think the same and we’ve always been here. Our hands are clasped and ache from being held for so long.
Megan (again, sorry!)
We will never be taken away from the lives that we have chosen. All is crystal light, I am finally and definitely alive and breathing. Love is written in blood on my back and in tears on my cheeks.
forever. the creativity of humans is eternal in just about every aspect of life. we have eternal means of expressing ourselves or thoughs.
sunshine of the spotless mind
the light eternal. all my friends and family are forever and eternally, they will never be forgotten. forever, cant get rid of it, ever. its stuck with you, never leaving you, or by your side.
Eternity never seemed so empty. Without the love of your beloved everything is void of life, of heartbeats, of the essential. Lifeless, as the heart that lies in my cold bosom. Eternal life you gave, eternal life you took.
forever. always. eternal love. destiny. afterlife. eternal means beyond time.
the eternal light of the world is held within ones own soul. No one can take away your eternity. Any time you think tomorrow is going to suck.. think of eternity. I can’t think of anything else to type .
Eternal, everlasting, unable to be permeated. It lasts. It is. Sky, god, cosmos.
Forever. My soul. The beauty of our love.
nothing is eternal. your life ends, youre love ends, everything ends at some point in time. thats why you have to make the best of what you have when you have it, because nothing will last forever. not even those things you thought could never die. because one day they do, and theyre gone, and you can’t do anything about it. maybe life is eternal, but if it’s not, and that could suck, might as well make the best of what you have.
eternal…one simple word that conveys everything and nothing. it is forever but something we cant phantom. eternal love lasts forever and yet we do not so how is it eternal? we dont know if anything is eternal we only know the here and now
saya minatsuki
sunshine of the spotless mind.
we wish that the happiest of things become eternal and then later become unsatisfied with knowing that a lot of things that make us unhappy, are in fact, eternal.
Reality has no beginning and will have no end. Though our universe as we perceive it may have begun and may indeed end, reality is eternal.
Jason Holmes
foreverlasting, with your loved ones. Staring at the stars, as ever eternal as your memories. Ever eternal as knowledge and wisdom. Eternal, forever and always!
Joe Fox
I am Eternal. My soul and spirit carry on with me through every stage of my existence, past earthly life, past “death”. I am eternal.
Kelli Kristine Norris
when I think of an eternity I think of what goes beyond the limits of human capacity. I think of when I look at the sky and I only see a few bright stars. I see the moon, and it seems like its the only thing out there. I think about how far everything expands.
forever, always, never-ending, infinite
iam eternal i will live for ever and always, but not actually on earth but in a new world where we all continue on to, a life after this one a new world a new life, for eternity
Enternal life or the soul is a figment of the immagination. The soul does not exist neither does eternity becuase all things must come to an end. Nothing is eternal and nothing lasts. This is my dilema and souce of my depression.
forever and ever, love, happiness, sunrises, sunsets
do what i like the most in the world, make alot off money, create a better home. live life to the fullest.
my life, nomatter what, I plan to live forever, and then even come back as a ghost!
molly jay
we all want at least one thing to be eternal in our lives…some of us, more insatiable, want many. love love love love love music music music music life life life life
Forever lasting, undying, unceasing, relentless, unstoppable, invisible, infallable. The goal of anything mortal. The chief end of man. Questionably attainable. Blank. Nothingness. Unceasing void.
darkness going on forever
love that is always with you no matter where you are or where you think you are or who you are with or who you want to be with
love. laughter. hope. peace.
Eternal. Is anything really? Doesnt everything come to an end? If there is such a thing, then I wish for eternity with my loved ones.
the lake was always thought to be eternal, something that would be there our whole lives. when we returned this summer, we found it to be drained. the government took the water due to all of the water shortages and the lack of rain, as well as the increase in heat. the earth was dying, and our lake was gone forever.
feelings are never eternal, peoplea are never eternal, the sun and the moon? are they eternal? where does that leave us? where do we go from here? do we posses eternity inside our souls and just not know it ? have we forggotten that eternity does exist ? or doesnt exist? in this world of instant gratification,
One day we will be mushrooms. Decomposed. And in our compost heap of immortality, we are eternal, for while we may die, the universe doesn’t. Eternity is a ridiculous concept, full of half-cooked ideas of heaven and hell. No, it is simply a compost heap. Hot and forever and eternal.
forever. always. love. Kenn. today, tomorrow, yesterday, never ending. amazing, perfect, beautiful.
eternal love – love that has no ending – the feeling of giving yourself and someone giving themselves to you for what seems like forever… if forever existed…
forever and always, forever, eternity, never ending and always.
We are not the only ones who have been here before; there are many behind us and many in front of us, souls above and below. We all think the same and we’ve always been here. Our hands are clasped and ache from being held for so long.
We will never be taken away from the lives that we have chosen. All is crystal light, I am finally and definitely alive and breathing. Love is written in blood on my back and in tears on my cheeks.
forever. the creativity of humans is eternal in just about every aspect of life. we have eternal means of expressing ourselves or thoughs.
sunshine of the spotless mind
the light eternal. all my friends and family are forever and eternally, they will never be forgotten. forever, cant get rid of it, ever. its stuck with you, never leaving you, or by your side.
Eternity never seemed so empty. Without the love of your beloved everything is void of life, of heartbeats, of the essential. Lifeless, as the heart that lies in my cold bosom. Eternal life you gave, eternal life you took.
forever. always. eternal love. destiny. afterlife. eternal means beyond time.
the eternal light of the world is held within ones own soul. No one can take away your eternity. Any time you think tomorrow is going to suck.. think of eternity. I can’t think of anything else to type .
Eternal, everlasting, unable to be permeated. It lasts. It is. Sky, god, cosmos.
Forever. My soul. The beauty of our love.
nothing is eternal. your life ends, youre love ends, everything ends at some point in time. thats why you have to make the best of what you have when you have it, because nothing will last forever. not even those things you thought could never die. because one day they do, and theyre gone, and you can’t do anything about it. maybe life is eternal, but if it’s not, and that could suck, might as well make the best of what you have.
eternal…one simple word that conveys everything and nothing. it is forever but something we cant phantom. eternal love lasts forever and yet we do not so how is it eternal? we dont know if anything is eternal we only know the here and now
sunshine of the spotless mind.
we wish that the happiest of things become eternal and then later become unsatisfied with knowing that a lot of things that make us unhappy, are in fact, eternal.
Reality has no beginning and will have no end. Though our universe as we perceive it may have begun and may indeed end, reality is eternal.
foreverlasting, with your loved ones. Staring at the stars, as ever eternal as your memories. Ever eternal as knowledge and wisdom. Eternal, forever and always!
I am Eternal. My soul and spirit carry on with me through every stage of my existence, past earthly life, past “death”. I am eternal.
when I think of an eternity I think of what goes beyond the limits of human capacity. I think of when I look at the sky and I only see a few bright stars. I see the moon, and it seems like its the only thing out there. I think about how far everything expands.
forever, always, never-ending, infinite
iam eternal i will live for ever and always, but not actually on earth but in a new world where we all continue on to, a life after this one a new world a new life, for eternity
Enternal life or the soul is a figment of the immagination. The soul does not exist neither does eternity becuase all things must come to an end. Nothing is eternal and nothing lasts. This is my dilema and souce of my depression.
forever and ever, love, happiness, sunrises, sunsets
do what i like the most in the world, make alot off money, create a better home. live life to the fullest.
my life, nomatter what, I plan to live forever, and then even come back as a ghost!
we all want at least one thing to be eternal in our lives…some of us, more insatiable, want many. love love love love love music music music music life life life life
Forever lasting, undying, unceasing, relentless, unstoppable, invisible, infallable. The goal of anything mortal. The chief end of man. Questionably attainable. Blank. Nothingness. Unceasing void.
darkness going on forever
love that is always with you no matter where you are or where you think you are or who you are with or who you want to be with