
November 18th, 2009 | 672 Entries

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672 Entries for “eternal”

  1. forever love companion life longlasting god happiness sunlight oxygen belief feeling flower rain breath

  2. mind body heart soul piece of mind feelings non feelings feelings we wish we had. a clock. a mind is a clock

  3. i love you eternally. there is nothing you could do to make me stop loving. that was all she said as she got in her and drove away. i never saw her again. and i wonder deeply if that is truely the case. does she still love me?

  4. eternal is the love i feel for you the way i hold you tight in the night and how i always want to eternally feel you lying next to me. eternal is how sometimes i feel like nothing can last forever, but you prove me wrong by showing me that you’re still standing next to me. i’ve heard the phrase an eternal phrase, it never dies, never burns out. passion never burns now when related to eternal. eternally, i’m yours. forever.

  5. I am eternal. Even after you leave, my body will writhe, grow, and reform. You will be buried in the sand long before I ever meet you again. This will never make you want to stay. Gods were never meant for mortals.

    Katie A.
  6. I live in an eternal world filled with many things such as love , pain , emotion and every thing you can imagine . EVrybody around me is like someone holding their arms around me because as we need to survive we will have each other – eternally forever .

  7. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. this movie just left an impact on me. why completely give up on something just because you know it wont end well? appreciate the little things along the way. the moments when youre truly happy. all of the laughter, the smiles, the hugs, the kisses, all of it. dont throw it away because you know you wont be together forever.

  8. asdfghjkldsdfghjkjhgf

  9. it’s forever and lasting, meaning ful and rich. It is what matters most becaue everything else is fleeting. Fleeting because it cannot be as important as things eternal

  10. forever you live then to only exist in a state after which known to be death.. Death is eternal!

    B random
  11. troy. everything that lasts despite the fact that it can’t materially. the soul. love.

  12. eternal is forever
    eternal beauty is forever the greatest beauty
    eternal youth is something the old look for and the young hate
    eternal lasts too long
    eternal is forever.

  13. i will be there eternally.. my love is enternal

  14. forever

  15. He never thought about death. After all, he was always optimistic. Things associated with sadness never stayed with him long. Unfortunately, drunk drivers don’t care whether you are optimistic or not. Whether you like living or not. He floated towards that eternally glowing light, and began to feel at peace, but he couldn’t help looking behind at the car wreckage with a sense of bitterness.

  16. rock on the earth


    kick it with your foot? ruined

    leave it


    Much longer than you or I will ever last – you should respect something so patient.

    air fire earth water in balance, never one too strong, never one too weak, never one bigger or better than the others

    incomprehensibly delicate

  17. A long time. Something that last forever. A badass name for a boss in a video game. God damn sixty seconds is an eternity when you focus on it intently. Roman architecture. What else?

  18. The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Thats what comes to my mind. I see confusion, love, madness, eternity. Eternal love, eternal madness, eternal hate, eternal laughter, I just see chaos in eternity.

    Jessica Durham
  19. I love having an eternal life through Jesus Christ!

  20. forever.

  21. forever lasting, going on till the end of time. I see the sun even though it will end some day too

  22. nothing is eternal, yet our own fear of loss keeps us chained to the never ending quest for immortality. such endeavors always fail. is it our human condition to seek such an impossible end?

  23. life after death is eternal. that is the only thing i can even begin to fathom that is eternal. even space, when you look up to the stars, and it seems like it goes on forever and ever and ever, isn’t eternal. there’s an end. which is incredibly hard to fathom. just like nothingness. wow!

  24. eternal father, eternal love. It will take eternity to find out who we truly are. So we should have eternal life to find out.

  25. Is there really no other option than eternal? It reeks of strange hippies or those certain types of people who use the word ‘fathom’ far too much.

  26. Her life was eternal. Through the dark ages and the good ones, she watched the world go by. She watched humans make deadly mistakes, kill each other in wars and battles, watching through passive eternal eyes.

  27. her eternal beauty and ivory skin were intensified as she lay dead, surrounded in the pool of crimson blood, just as light is intensified in the darkness.

  28. forever

  29. forever

  30. Possibly the one thing that will never be but will always be dreamed of. Life as such is thought of as a curse; though life eternal is a blessing of those who would be so bold as to dare to create.

  31. forever

  32. eternal means forever. forever is a very long time. i only have one minute to write this, so it’s pretty much impossible to sum up what eternity is. I’m not a very good writer. i want to die

  33. Eternal is a word I often associate with Love and Death. Everlasting love in Jesus Christ…Death is forever….but eternal life and happiness will be found in Heaven for those who follow.

  34. eternal rest has he gone to it i hope so
    eternally hoping eternal spring

  35. mathematics and spirit. mind is a replication of the latter because it could not be adequately replicated by those who desired to understand something they could never taste. so something else replicated it to contain and control its power. we are light emanating from the breath of darkness. both are eternal.

  36. my feelings for you come from deep within my eternal soul.

  37. I don’t know what eternal is or what it truly means but it’s a part of all of us, all of us it seems. Deep down in and in between in places we don’t see, eternal is eternal there, everyone indeed. I don’t know where the river goes or even where it’s from, but life springs eternal all of us, each and every one.

    Jack Beaver
  38. eternal

    i wonder if our love would be eternal…that is, if you ever ask me out. i heard you talking to your friend in the hallway, and i know you know i was behind you. maybe now you could ask me out? please? i like you too. :)

  39. so high in the sky. God are you there? where am i? I fear to live eternally. What will I do with all that free time?

  40. Eternal. Eternal dragon from DragonBall.
