there is an eternal struggle right? one within everyone one that usually catches you when you’re least expecting it, when suddenly you realize that you’ve been, wait suddenly and eternal? what was i thinking?
the one time i felt true love, and i remember it as if it were yesterday, it was just her and i and the world just stopped..but now i am forced to fake a true love forever without her…
eternal is the night
cowering over our fear
eternal is the day
bracing us in joy
eternal is the sky
blanketing our every move
eternal is the earth
bracing our every step
eternal is love
comforting us where we go
eternal is hate
this word invokes so much thought in my soul.
I know life is never ending.
The universe is eternal.
Love is eternal.
Will you be with me eternally?
the murder had seemed to go well. Nobody had screamed and the other noises were minimal. The only thing he had to worry about was eternal damnation, and that would be years to come. He didn’t want to think about it anyways. It was a good day. The murder had gone well.
This lasts forever. It’s a mark on the mortal mind, that reminds it constantly of a thing to come. A thing that has been. And a thing that exists currently. It is unending, and not understandable for the finite mind. It is the lounge room of God. The kitchen of angels. All things in eternity are eternal, and all eternal things will last an eternity.
Justin Theng
The angry look he gave me that night permanently left an imprint in my mind. It was eternal.
it wasn’t forever, he thought. but it was true that is was eternal: eternal and forever. no one could decide, and it was as it should have been. with it, the rest of everrything was, and for this it as as it is.
eternal does not have to do with time. it is more anti time. it goes against time. eternal is an unlimited amount of anything
Eternal? Like Life? I don’t think I believe in that. “Eternal Life” I mean. I know that a lot of people do, and I don’t have a problem with that. It just seams like every time I get to a point where a religion seems feasible, something smacks it down in my face.
Still an agnostic, probably always will.
There are so many differnt ways to describe eternal, love, hope, wish. Eternal is forever. Eternal is everlasting. But eternal has such a negative connotation, it can put unreal expectations on so many different concepts. What if things don’t last forever?
Jessica Y
Forever and ever you shall live. It is the eternal faith of life that I live in peace forever and ever becasue that is what eternity is. A very very very very very long time if
There was once a question on facebook where someone asked if I wanted eternal life. I said no. They were shocked that I would even think no to start with.
“Why?” They asked.
The answer is simple : Who wants to live forever?
Who would want to see everyone they love die? Who wants to see the world end and people get hurt… I don’t. But I have hope that once I pass on, the world will get better.
love is forever. Matters will disappear, but love eternally exists.
This had better be something good and not a total load of bollocks. I’m done wasting my life with time vampires like this. But I won’t be able to write anything once I see if I’m right or wrong.
life. what is life? well, as Eminem said, i’m tired of life. thats not to be confused with some desperate cry for help; not at all. but i do with things would go my way. i mean, who doesnt spend their time wondering “what if” and “if only.” well, i do. but…in any case. i hope things change. not that i have a bad set up, i dont. but, i could use a little more :)
forever and ever is eteranaty and i think it will last forever and more than space and time, gfor the ages and beyond, consciousness, and time align to make the world eternal and forever, always and beyond together forever
The thought of something going on forever, the idea of a never ending period of love, life or whatever… The long and short of it is that nothing is eternal
His life ended on a saturday.
Played his hand carefully.
Life eternal, no.
Dirt and Cool and Water
Not forever.
eternal bliss is what i really wanna achieve now. What exactly is eternal anyway? As in, what context is it being referred to. Things that we see eternally are not exactly the way they actually are.
Eternal happiness is hard to find. I don’t think I’ll ever experience it in my lifetime, but I do think it is possible.
eternally lost amid the darkness, without hope or faith. Lies a small glimmer of light, as you get closer you find it’s what’s been there all along. Love.
Life stretches on, eternal, never ending. Even after we die, others live on, and we can’t change anything about it.
Jessica S
Eternal life. Is it living forever or going to heaven? Either way, I don’t know if I want it. Eternal is permanent. Forever is something I can’t promise. All good things must come to an end.
eternal life, fountain of youth, tuck everlasting, some explorer guy whose name i can’t remember who went to find it through florida, eternal life in heaven
eternal life is what she though of. a new tomorrow with a sun so bright she’d feel the blidnness setting in as if her life was just a joke from birth. everything seemed normal until that man with the smell of beer and axe shot her in the neck, paralyzing her for the rest of her sad life.
Eternal. its not really a word you see every day. it’s not a word used in common speech, you say it, and you can’t take it back. maybe that’s why it is not used very often. because it is so permanent. it can not be used more than once though, for if it is, it looses meaning, value, and heart.
The life of god. God amongst men. I am he who has art within. As long as pleasure demands eternity, sorrow will collapse. In depths I see infinity, nothing.
forever. my love. neverending. awesome.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
i live for life. to be free. to kiss the sky. marry the sun. and dance with grace. i live for love. i live for you. simply because you died for me. your soul lives deep within me. and i live inside of you. eternally. i glide atop your everlasting wings. i am eternal because you are. i will remain with you forever. and you with me.
A place forever.Go and seek. Enter and be.
Love is eternal and it’s embrace is eternally sort after. Everyone on this planet at one time or the other hopes for eternal love.
Fuck, what is eternal, what a rediculous word to receive as my first time doing this. Nothing is eternal, at least of the things important in my life. And this is after I watched a video on the next 7.9 billion years of our galaxy. Stumble upon is really fucking with me.
How long will I live?
Eternity will never be enough for me.
alexis johnson
eternal is forever. It reminds me of eternal life, that if we follow God and Jesus, or even if we don’t, we’ll have eternal life in heaven. Only one thing is sure on this planet, and that is that we’re going to die. You can’t deny death, it’s a part of life that everyone is guaranteed to partake in.
life, long never ending…love?
church tree skyscraper
there is an eternal struggle right? one within everyone one that usually catches you when you’re least expecting it, when suddenly you realize that you’ve been, wait suddenly and eternal? what was i thinking?
the one time i felt true love, and i remember it as if it were yesterday, it was just her and i and the world just stopped..but now i am forced to fake a true love forever without her…
eternal is the night
cowering over our fear
eternal is the day
bracing us in joy
eternal is the sky
blanketing our every move
eternal is the earth
bracing our every step
eternal is love
comforting us where we go
eternal is hate
this word invokes so much thought in my soul.
I know life is never ending.
The universe is eternal.
Love is eternal.
Will you be with me eternally?
the murder had seemed to go well. Nobody had screamed and the other noises were minimal. The only thing he had to worry about was eternal damnation, and that would be years to come. He didn’t want to think about it anyways. It was a good day. The murder had gone well.
This lasts forever. It’s a mark on the mortal mind, that reminds it constantly of a thing to come. A thing that has been. And a thing that exists currently. It is unending, and not understandable for the finite mind. It is the lounge room of God. The kitchen of angels. All things in eternity are eternal, and all eternal things will last an eternity.
The angry look he gave me that night permanently left an imprint in my mind. It was eternal.
it wasn’t forever, he thought. but it was true that is was eternal: eternal and forever. no one could decide, and it was as it should have been. with it, the rest of everrything was, and for this it as as it is.
eternal does not have to do with time. it is more anti time. it goes against time. eternal is an unlimited amount of anything
Eternal? Like Life? I don’t think I believe in that. “Eternal Life” I mean. I know that a lot of people do, and I don’t have a problem with that. It just seams like every time I get to a point where a religion seems feasible, something smacks it down in my face.
Still an agnostic, probably always will.
There are so many differnt ways to describe eternal, love, hope, wish. Eternal is forever. Eternal is everlasting. But eternal has such a negative connotation, it can put unreal expectations on so many different concepts. What if things don’t last forever?
Forever and ever you shall live. It is the eternal faith of life that I live in peace forever and ever becasue that is what eternity is. A very very very very very long time if
There was once a question on facebook where someone asked if I wanted eternal life. I said no. They were shocked that I would even think no to start with.
“Why?” They asked.
The answer is simple : Who wants to live forever?
Who would want to see everyone they love die? Who wants to see the world end and people get hurt… I don’t. But I have hope that once I pass on, the world will get better.
love is forever. Matters will disappear, but love eternally exists.
This had better be something good and not a total load of bollocks. I’m done wasting my life with time vampires like this. But I won’t be able to write anything once I see if I’m right or wrong.
life. what is life? well, as Eminem said, i’m tired of life. thats not to be confused with some desperate cry for help; not at all. but i do with things would go my way. i mean, who doesnt spend their time wondering “what if” and “if only.” well, i do. but…in any case. i hope things change. not that i have a bad set up, i dont. but, i could use a little more :)
forever and ever is eteranaty and i think it will last forever and more than space and time, gfor the ages and beyond, consciousness, and time align to make the world eternal and forever, always and beyond together forever
The thought of something going on forever, the idea of a never ending period of love, life or whatever… The long and short of it is that nothing is eternal
His life ended on a saturday.
Played his hand carefully.
Life eternal, no.
Dirt and Cool and Water
Not forever.
eternal bliss is what i really wanna achieve now. What exactly is eternal anyway? As in, what context is it being referred to. Things that we see eternally are not exactly the way they actually are.
Eternal happiness is hard to find. I don’t think I’ll ever experience it in my lifetime, but I do think it is possible.
eternally lost amid the darkness, without hope or faith. Lies a small glimmer of light, as you get closer you find it’s what’s been there all along. Love.
Life stretches on, eternal, never ending. Even after we die, others live on, and we can’t change anything about it.
Eternal life. Is it living forever or going to heaven? Either way, I don’t know if I want it. Eternal is permanent. Forever is something I can’t promise. All good things must come to an end.
eternal life, fountain of youth, tuck everlasting, some explorer guy whose name i can’t remember who went to find it through florida, eternal life in heaven
eternal life is what she though of. a new tomorrow with a sun so bright she’d feel the blidnness setting in as if her life was just a joke from birth. everything seemed normal until that man with the smell of beer and axe shot her in the neck, paralyzing her for the rest of her sad life.
Eternal. its not really a word you see every day. it’s not a word used in common speech, you say it, and you can’t take it back. maybe that’s why it is not used very often. because it is so permanent. it can not be used more than once though, for if it is, it looses meaning, value, and heart.
The life of god. God amongst men. I am he who has art within. As long as pleasure demands eternity, sorrow will collapse. In depths I see infinity, nothing.
forever. my love. neverending. awesome.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
i live for life. to be free. to kiss the sky. marry the sun. and dance with grace. i live for love. i live for you. simply because you died for me. your soul lives deep within me. and i live inside of you. eternally. i glide atop your everlasting wings. i am eternal because you are. i will remain with you forever. and you with me.
A place forever.Go and seek. Enter and be.
Love is eternal and it’s embrace is eternally sort after. Everyone on this planet at one time or the other hopes for eternal love.
Fuck, what is eternal, what a rediculous word to receive as my first time doing this. Nothing is eternal, at least of the things important in my life. And this is after I watched a video on the next 7.9 billion years of our galaxy. Stumble upon is really fucking with me.
How long will I live?
Eternity will never be enough for me.
eternal is forever. It reminds me of eternal life, that if we follow God and Jesus, or even if we don’t, we’ll have eternal life in heaven. Only one thing is sure on this planet, and that is that we’re going to die. You can’t deny death, it’s a part of life that everyone is guaranteed to partake in.