Eternal youth is something we all strive for we seek desperately to stay young, but we all will die. It is inevitable.
external internal infinity love power placement instant dancing dire need infinite crazy play running writing leaving harsh soft last lost math never forever darkness light purple grays and greens and blues blue
The thought of something that is eternal is completely ridiculous. Only the universe itself is eternal. Only creation and destruction is eternal. Not even god is eternal. There may at one point be no one to believe in it.
Eternal, The unsettling winds that mold and shape the ever-changing abyss we are lucky enough to call home. the power that creates the most beautiful creatures and sight our eyes may behold. The woman I see everyday, the sunrise in my mornings, that’s eternal, that’s what matters.
Sea of Cleverness
What is eternal is sometimes only temporary in my thoughts but what shall weigh on the heart of heaven will weave the way I wonder.
long live, ever after, never ending, viva Moz, infinity. forever and ever, hell and or heaven. fa
The end. The beginning. A false sense of time. A circlurlar pattern of wasted moments and repeating mistakes.
Les Gaverluk
They say that love never dies, yet everything else has an end, why is it that love is the exception? where does it gets its power? the very idea of eternal is mindboggling, does that make love itself mindboggling as well? and what about when love does end, is it truly love? or simply a knockoff? TRUE love is eternal.
forever lasting and i dont even know what to say when its all done because what if nothing really lasts forever and then we are all just left with nothing?
Eternal, has no meaning, because it means nothing, because one cannot know forever. Therefore forever can never be known.
she thought that everything had eternal meaning, eternity in its eyes. because the sun was continuous and forever, until the day they told her it would die. and like the life of a star, the death of a love or the death of flowers, everything was imperfect, was mortal. and yet, she couldn’t let go of the love she thought was eternal.
eternal light of passion gleaming in my window. come hither and tell me your knowings. your whereabouts. your life. enlighten me if you with. eternal light of passion gleaming in my window.
eternal. feel the infinity building up indide you. its endless. fearless. eternal. breath in the everlasting life that you can hold in the palm of your hand. Love it. Charish it. Live it eternally
forever and ever. eternity. always. never ending. sun. love. heaven. god. life. music. happiness. yes.
eternal is everything. it is me. it is you. what we have will not die, but live on. everything that is will always be, whether we understand it or not.
the eternal sends messages to you, hoping you will listen to it. when in reality, all that it is asking is that you be free. it says to give give give, think less of yourself. be one with one another. think of yourself as a speck in a sea of endless galaxies. only the eternal is reliable.
jenny goodwine
i wish i could live forever, but then i would see everything else pass… too much pain. i’d rather die and go to heaven: eternal happiness.
I just wrote about the word eternal… what is the deal with the website! GOSH
I just wrote about the word eternal… what is the deal with the website! GOSH
Everlasting. I wish it would never end. Feeling of happiness, as if i’ve found something that will last and last and last. If we could be together for that long I dunno how I’d feel about that, unless it was mutual. You and i shared that emotion…and it lasted till the end of our days. something that would keep between us and grow and grow as a loaf of bread does in the oven.
Michael Fry
eternal life is something everyone wants to posses, but later realizes they don’t actually want it. When faced with the idea of dying many of us would go out of our way to grab at it, until later we realize its not actaully what we want.
Eternal is a difficult concept to grasp. Some desire eternal life, but I wonder if they’d even understand it then. Eternal is infinite and infinite is incompatible with understanding.
There’s nothing like an ending. We go through so much in so short a time as a lifetime, and when we get to the end, looking back and judging what we’ve learned is our only real, tangible reward. What’s the point? Why do we bother? Both for the joy of knowing that, yes, I am better for the having lived this life, and for the hope that, maybe, I can take that “better” with me unto eternity.
love is eternal. when you truly love someone it is eternal and forever. you never stop to even think about it. you love them unconditionally and it is wonderful. people dont understand love until they have experienced it. the immature people dont get it and will have trouble finding it til they grow up.
poopie is forever, life is eternal, life gives poopie, poopie is eternal
Thorns of thor
Sometimes we think that we are going to have to wait for all of the good things promised to us to come to us. We think of ‘eternal’ as a time beyond time. I have come to think of ‘eternal’ in a different way, since I tend to see the world in terms of signs of what is promised to us forever- signs that are given to us in the present. My daughter led me to this site- thank you-
her love was more eternal then then the lasting darkness that vibrates throughout space. The walls of her vagina were tight and loving. She took my cum with great enthusiasm.
Only God is eternal, and God is love. So our love for each other is the only thing of any lasting value we can earn on this world. For our lives to have any meaning, eternally, we must learn to love.
Eternal. Eternal soul, eternal life. Forever. Everlasting. Burning fire. The essense of a person. The feeling hidden deep inside. Loving someone forever.
Sarah Louise
is the place of no return, i don’t wanna be there but i want part of me to be there. someday maybe something will matter.
Forever. always. love that lasts forever. to keep going, flowing along a constant stream and sail down the water forever. wholly.
life longing. constant flame. what we all wish we were. the laughter that lives within my belly. how long we will be friends, and how long it will hurt that you are gone forever. saying i love you. saying i hate you. tears. love. joy. saddness. memories.
In the eternal memory of a space before time and of motion before eyes to see it, there is always a will. Some call this God. Some feel it as the potential in all things, continuing to grow in the era of awareness.
Ann (of Shadows in Mind)
Nothing is eternal.
Even pain.
life death love enjoy life death is eminent
Eternal is forver to me, I couldn’t even dream of loosing him. He is the eternal to me, I can’t sleep if he is mad at me. I can’t eat or even breath, if he is mad at me.
forever. GOd is eternal. its not everlasting but its forever. I dont understand the difference but it’s comprehensible. eternity is forever. It doesnot end. Has no beginning. eternity is not comprehensible to the human mind. Isn’t God cool?
Rebekah Wayne
living and loving forever as if god was to only he can love eternally but i wish i could be with levi eternally i love that kid i wonder where he is tonight eternal rest i bet he is napping the thing is getting red what is this
Eternal youth is something we all strive for we seek desperately to stay young, but we all will die. It is inevitable.
external internal infinity love power placement instant dancing dire need infinite crazy play running writing leaving harsh soft last lost math never forever darkness light purple grays and greens and blues blue
The thought of something that is eternal is completely ridiculous. Only the universe itself is eternal. Only creation and destruction is eternal. Not even god is eternal. There may at one point be no one to believe in it.
Eternal, The unsettling winds that mold and shape the ever-changing abyss we are lucky enough to call home. the power that creates the most beautiful creatures and sight our eyes may behold. The woman I see everyday, the sunrise in my mornings, that’s eternal, that’s what matters.
What is eternal is sometimes only temporary in my thoughts but what shall weigh on the heart of heaven will weave the way I wonder.
long live, ever after, never ending, viva Moz, infinity. forever and ever, hell and or heaven. fa
The end. The beginning. A false sense of time. A circlurlar pattern of wasted moments and repeating mistakes.
They say that love never dies, yet everything else has an end, why is it that love is the exception? where does it gets its power? the very idea of eternal is mindboggling, does that make love itself mindboggling as well? and what about when love does end, is it truly love? or simply a knockoff? TRUE love is eternal.
forever lasting and i dont even know what to say when its all done because what if nothing really lasts forever and then we are all just left with nothing?
Eternal, has no meaning, because it means nothing, because one cannot know forever. Therefore forever can never be known.
she thought that everything had eternal meaning, eternity in its eyes. because the sun was continuous and forever, until the day they told her it would die. and like the life of a star, the death of a love or the death of flowers, everything was imperfect, was mortal. and yet, she couldn’t let go of the love she thought was eternal.
eternal light of passion gleaming in my window. come hither and tell me your knowings. your whereabouts. your life. enlighten me if you with. eternal light of passion gleaming in my window.
eternal. feel the infinity building up indide you. its endless. fearless. eternal. breath in the everlasting life that you can hold in the palm of your hand. Love it. Charish it. Live it eternally
forever and ever. eternity. always. never ending. sun. love. heaven. god. life. music. happiness. yes.
eternal is everything. it is me. it is you. what we have will not die, but live on. everything that is will always be, whether we understand it or not.
the eternal sends messages to you, hoping you will listen to it. when in reality, all that it is asking is that you be free. it says to give give give, think less of yourself. be one with one another. think of yourself as a speck in a sea of endless galaxies. only the eternal is reliable.
i wish i could live forever, but then i would see everything else pass… too much pain. i’d rather die and go to heaven: eternal happiness.
I just wrote about the word eternal… what is the deal with the website! GOSH
I just wrote about the word eternal… what is the deal with the website! GOSH
Everlasting. I wish it would never end. Feeling of happiness, as if i’ve found something that will last and last and last. If we could be together for that long I dunno how I’d feel about that, unless it was mutual. You and i shared that emotion…and it lasted till the end of our days. something that would keep between us and grow and grow as a loaf of bread does in the oven.
eternal life is something everyone wants to posses, but later realizes they don’t actually want it. When faced with the idea of dying many of us would go out of our way to grab at it, until later we realize its not actaully what we want.
Eternal is a difficult concept to grasp. Some desire eternal life, but I wonder if they’d even understand it then. Eternal is infinite and infinite is incompatible with understanding.
There’s nothing like an ending. We go through so much in so short a time as a lifetime, and when we get to the end, looking back and judging what we’ve learned is our only real, tangible reward. What’s the point? Why do we bother? Both for the joy of knowing that, yes, I am better for the having lived this life, and for the hope that, maybe, I can take that “better” with me unto eternity.
love is eternal. when you truly love someone it is eternal and forever. you never stop to even think about it. you love them unconditionally and it is wonderful. people dont understand love until they have experienced it. the immature people dont get it and will have trouble finding it til they grow up.
poopie is forever, life is eternal, life gives poopie, poopie is eternal
Sometimes we think that we are going to have to wait for all of the good things promised to us to come to us. We think of ‘eternal’ as a time beyond time. I have come to think of ‘eternal’ in a different way, since I tend to see the world in terms of signs of what is promised to us forever- signs that are given to us in the present. My daughter led me to this site- thank you-
her love was more eternal then then the lasting darkness that vibrates throughout space. The walls of her vagina were tight and loving. She took my cum with great enthusiasm.
Only God is eternal, and God is love. So our love for each other is the only thing of any lasting value we can earn on this world. For our lives to have any meaning, eternally, we must learn to love.
Eternal. Eternal soul, eternal life. Forever. Everlasting. Burning fire. The essense of a person. The feeling hidden deep inside. Loving someone forever.
is the place of no return, i don’t wanna be there but i want part of me to be there. someday maybe something will matter.
Forever. always. love that lasts forever. to keep going, flowing along a constant stream and sail down the water forever. wholly.
life longing. constant flame. what we all wish we were. the laughter that lives within my belly. how long we will be friends, and how long it will hurt that you are gone forever. saying i love you. saying i hate you. tears. love. joy. saddness. memories.
In the eternal memory of a space before time and of motion before eyes to see it, there is always a will. Some call this God. Some feel it as the potential in all things, continuing to grow in the era of awareness.
Nothing is eternal.
Even pain.
life death love enjoy life death is eminent
Eternal is forver to me, I couldn’t even dream of loosing him. He is the eternal to me, I can’t sleep if he is mad at me. I can’t eat or even breath, if he is mad at me.
forever. GOd is eternal. its not everlasting but its forever. I dont understand the difference but it’s comprehensible. eternity is forever. It doesnot end. Has no beginning. eternity is not comprehensible to the human mind. Isn’t God cool?
living and loving forever as if god was to only he can love eternally but i wish i could be with levi eternally i love that kid i wonder where he is tonight eternal rest i bet he is napping the thing is getting red what is this