eternal slumber is a really great way to get the worst morning wood of your life. in reality, osiris, the ancient egyptian god of the afterlife, will herald you into the necropolis where you will be judged. if you’ve got a boner you’re totally going to hell.
james McCormick
in each moment i die to yesterday, embrace the breath that is now. the expansion of my heart and its immense dimensions astounds and frightens me. i curl into possibilities.
People often talk about eternal love. Just what does that mean? Will you only love one person forever? Will you love that person as long as they are alive? I think it means you love forever that person
as in life? what would you do? as in death? well, you wouldn’t know about it would you? so it wouldn’t bother you.
Eternal sunshine of the spottless mind.
Blameless vessel’s lot, the world forgetting by the world forgot.
Eternal darkness surrounded the boy. He could not see a thing. Then all of a sudden, a light appeared. The boy, scared, followed the flitting light. This way and that; it was like his guide. It led to a bright place. Where he was finally happy again.
eternal, the word is huge, to be respected. But also irrelevant and scary. Life is not eternal.
Eternity. Everlasting. I dunno–maybe we have no legacy, maybe we do. It would be great if we did–just hopefully something more than a headstone or a family name. Real legacy. do something eternal if you can.
something, scary and almost irrellevant, noones life is eternal but the impact the word makes is huge. to be respected.
forever is a very, very long time. longer than i think anyone can imagine. he who wishes for eternal life could not possibly know what he wishes for. there may be great joy in eternity, but there must also be great sorrow in that length of time.
life may not be eternal but the memories we leave behind can be
Jackie C
life short and unneccesary
the longest period of time – the time that lasts forever. love is eternal. love can last forever. God’s love is eternal, his love will last forever. the love of soulmates is eternal. love between soulmates will last forever. eternal is never-ending, it always, forever. it is perpetual. it will never die out.
I think I would like to live an eternal life. I would sleep days and stay up all night like a vampire. i would be very pale because I would never see the sun. I dont know what I would do though if I did live eternally. Would I always have the same friends? Would they live an eternal life like me? It reminds me of a cat living nine lives. But they don’t reallly have nine lives. I really don’t understand that saying. Is it true that there is a heaven? Will I really spend eternity there?
Kristen Fails
forever is eternal and I wish life was eternal but it isn’t. Maybe that is a good thing actually. Now I am thinking of the Bangles song Eternal Flame. Is this burning and eternal flame. I love that song. That was a long time ago
Vanity Scientist
Enernal.. Forever never ending. So many words describe my love for you… Eternal… Forever… Repeating. How long a moment feels yet how short this eternity. Yay… Life is good because I am here and will be forever. I am eternal… as long as I am with you right? Do you feeel the same? I hope so… I hope so…. Because eternity is waiting.
forever love everlasting beautiful heaven
it lasts forever
the opposite of time
it goes on forever, no expectations, no more knowledge, just a feeling. Time is the question. Nothing lives alone.
i thought i would feel it more inside of me, but instead my body began to shake uncontrollably and i had no idea how to stop. i had no idea how to stop or how i even began
Forever and livign with someone taht you wish to love forever and ever. You stay with them forever, and they’ll make you the happiest person alive. The feelings will be “eternal”. It”ll be “forever” and “true”. One day, he will come back with many roses…and one will be fake. He will say: “when all of these roses die. So shall out love.”
The Person.
I got no word, just a green line, now turning red. I wonder if this is another
evelyn Vanessa Beltran
Sunshine of the Spotless MInd. Forever. Home is an eternity away. Gone away. Solid. Eternity is a state of mind. Without limits. Free. Unwavering
Nick Wells
eternal hell
my mind slit open
the sky pours out
and the moon hums
this is how I want to die
This wasn’t the life that he’d signed up for. No one told him that to be eternal was to long for death. If they had maybe he would have signed on for a mortal life and been happy. Oh, well. There was always the blood. That was the good part.
He’d promised. He’d promised everything to me– well, I guess I should have known better. Someone with that kind of smile doesn’t know any kind of forever past dawn, you know?
But it’s okay. It was good while it was good.
God is eternal. Not in the way that most people thing…..or want to think. Too many people think proof is needed and find it impossible in their busy lives to just simply have faith. I’m guilty too. I don’t do what I should, I don’t talk to God. I surely hope He forgives me for that. My many shortcomings. Or maybe they aren’t, maybe they are strengths? I’d like to think so.
life. hopefully life will last forever. its a tough subject to think about. one that i personally like to not think about. how will life be after death. one will never know till they get there. its a tough thought to think about and i personally do not like to think about it. it makes me sad & worried.
living life forever
the end of everything or the beginning of everthing forever and never ending. the thing everyone hopes for in love but maybe not in life. what you want your memory to be when you leave the earth. how long nature has been around. how long it takes for a kettle to boil when you are staring at it. how long this is taking to get to 60 seconds.
inside. something inside of you. how do you describe eternal. long lasting. everlasting. forever.
the best part of eternal is that it is simply forever… not ending. I think time is the only thing that is eternal, yet time is an illusion. Maybe no thing is eternal, maybe…..
its not thinking along a single straightline, but every line possible, in any direction possible. if followed you could reached any possible moment after every possible moment. this is the possibility of any possible universe.
james parker
i’ve always wanted to live forever… people always say how the deaths of family and being able to do everything would ruin it, however i think i would love it. time goes to quickly, and only an eternity will settle my selfishness.
love is eternal it will never end unless you dont really love the person then it will end in about five minutes and you will forget about the person and eternally forget the moment that you met them
tomorow, sucks, great calvinmonkey, lets attack the eternal darkess of cleshe, lol slap cleshea, hell yeah, now what, clesie is gone, life is actually origional and interesting.
The night sky, continues forever. no clouds to be seen. Nothing but darkness flowing on into eterinty
love is eternal, meant to last forever without regret or apologies. live life with love. love hard. and you will reach eternal happiness.
love and honnor. life long, longer than life. forever and ever, till the end of time. never ending. beyond forever.
regret is. . .
eternal slumber is a really great way to get the worst morning wood of your life. in reality, osiris, the ancient egyptian god of the afterlife, will herald you into the necropolis where you will be judged. if you’ve got a boner you’re totally going to hell.
in each moment i die to yesterday, embrace the breath that is now. the expansion of my heart and its immense dimensions astounds and frightens me. i curl into possibilities.
People often talk about eternal love. Just what does that mean? Will you only love one person forever? Will you love that person as long as they are alive? I think it means you love forever that person
as in life? what would you do? as in death? well, you wouldn’t know about it would you? so it wouldn’t bother you.
Eternal sunshine of the spottless mind.
Blameless vessel’s lot, the world forgetting by the world forgot.
Eternal darkness surrounded the boy. He could not see a thing. Then all of a sudden, a light appeared. The boy, scared, followed the flitting light. This way and that; it was like his guide. It led to a bright place. Where he was finally happy again.
eternal, the word is huge, to be respected. But also irrelevant and scary. Life is not eternal.
Eternity. Everlasting. I dunno–maybe we have no legacy, maybe we do. It would be great if we did–just hopefully something more than a headstone or a family name. Real legacy. do something eternal if you can.
something, scary and almost irrellevant, noones life is eternal but the impact the word makes is huge. to be respected.
forever is a very, very long time. longer than i think anyone can imagine. he who wishes for eternal life could not possibly know what he wishes for. there may be great joy in eternity, but there must also be great sorrow in that length of time.
life may not be eternal but the memories we leave behind can be
life short and unneccesary
the longest period of time – the time that lasts forever. love is eternal. love can last forever. God’s love is eternal, his love will last forever. the love of soulmates is eternal. love between soulmates will last forever. eternal is never-ending, it always, forever. it is perpetual. it will never die out.
I think I would like to live an eternal life. I would sleep days and stay up all night like a vampire. i would be very pale because I would never see the sun. I dont know what I would do though if I did live eternally. Would I always have the same friends? Would they live an eternal life like me? It reminds me of a cat living nine lives. But they don’t reallly have nine lives. I really don’t understand that saying. Is it true that there is a heaven? Will I really spend eternity there?
forever is eternal and I wish life was eternal but it isn’t. Maybe that is a good thing actually. Now I am thinking of the Bangles song Eternal Flame. Is this burning and eternal flame. I love that song. That was a long time ago
Enernal.. Forever never ending. So many words describe my love for you… Eternal… Forever… Repeating. How long a moment feels yet how short this eternity. Yay… Life is good because I am here and will be forever. I am eternal… as long as I am with you right? Do you feeel the same? I hope so… I hope so…. Because eternity is waiting.
forever love everlasting beautiful heaven
it lasts forever
the opposite of time
it goes on forever, no expectations, no more knowledge, just a feeling. Time is the question. Nothing lives alone.
i thought i would feel it more inside of me, but instead my body began to shake uncontrollably and i had no idea how to stop. i had no idea how to stop or how i even began
Forever and livign with someone taht you wish to love forever and ever. You stay with them forever, and they’ll make you the happiest person alive. The feelings will be “eternal”. It”ll be “forever” and “true”. One day, he will come back with many roses…and one will be fake. He will say: “when all of these roses die. So shall out love.”
I got no word, just a green line, now turning red. I wonder if this is another
Sunshine of the Spotless MInd. Forever. Home is an eternity away. Gone away. Solid. Eternity is a state of mind. Without limits. Free. Unwavering
eternal hell
my mind slit open
the sky pours out
and the moon hums
this is how I want to die
This wasn’t the life that he’d signed up for. No one told him that to be eternal was to long for death. If they had maybe he would have signed on for a mortal life and been happy. Oh, well. There was always the blood. That was the good part.
He’d promised. He’d promised everything to me– well, I guess I should have known better. Someone with that kind of smile doesn’t know any kind of forever past dawn, you know?
But it’s okay. It was good while it was good.
God is eternal. Not in the way that most people thing…..or want to think. Too many people think proof is needed and find it impossible in their busy lives to just simply have faith. I’m guilty too. I don’t do what I should, I don’t talk to God. I surely hope He forgives me for that. My many shortcomings. Or maybe they aren’t, maybe they are strengths? I’d like to think so.
life. hopefully life will last forever. its a tough subject to think about. one that i personally like to not think about. how will life be after death. one will never know till they get there. its a tough thought to think about and i personally do not like to think about it. it makes me sad & worried.
the end of everything or the beginning of everthing forever and never ending. the thing everyone hopes for in love but maybe not in life. what you want your memory to be when you leave the earth. how long nature has been around. how long it takes for a kettle to boil when you are staring at it. how long this is taking to get to 60 seconds.
inside. something inside of you. how do you describe eternal. long lasting. everlasting. forever.
the best part of eternal is that it is simply forever… not ending. I think time is the only thing that is eternal, yet time is an illusion. Maybe no thing is eternal, maybe…..
its not thinking along a single straightline, but every line possible, in any direction possible. if followed you could reached any possible moment after every possible moment. this is the possibility of any possible universe.
i’ve always wanted to live forever… people always say how the deaths of family and being able to do everything would ruin it, however i think i would love it. time goes to quickly, and only an eternity will settle my selfishness.
love is eternal it will never end unless you dont really love the person then it will end in about five minutes and you will forget about the person and eternally forget the moment that you met them
tomorow, sucks, great calvinmonkey, lets attack the eternal darkess of cleshe, lol slap cleshea, hell yeah, now what, clesie is gone, life is actually origional and interesting.
The night sky, continues forever. no clouds to be seen. Nothing but darkness flowing on into eterinty
love is eternal, meant to last forever without regret or apologies. live life with love. love hard. and you will reach eternal happiness.
love and honnor. life long, longer than life. forever and ever, till the end of time. never ending. beyond forever.