
July 17th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “fairy”

  1. Indeed it felt like a fairy tale. wandering in the forest, clean air, distant sound of running water, cool breeze, twittering birds, like a old sweet dream. Indeed it was a fairy tale, otherwise is it possible in today’s buring cities to have such peace?

  2. Walking into the kitchen, there was a beautifully carved, wooden shelf which held fragile little teacups all delicately painted. Amongst all the artisianry were little fairies. Some sat on strawberries, others had leaf hats, one slept with a bunny, while another wore a shimmering gown. I miss the magic of Grandma’s kitchen.

  3. Fairy, light-landing, softly creeping under pillows, busy worker, sighs a little as she heaves the tooth up, settling the bone on her shoulders.

  4. The lights flashed within the thicket of flowers. At first she thought there were fireflies in the flowers but as she pushed back the plants and looked more closely, she saw it was a fairy. It landed on a flower stem and looked back at her, “What are you staring at?” it demanded.

  5. One day, you are in the woods and you see a small flying creature. It has wings and is glittery. Once it sees you it flies away and you just stand there in shock.

    Violet Miller
  6. Fairies live in thick trees and their homes are very cozy inside but almost indistinguishable from the outside. They live happy lives in the woods and often try to trick passersby into giving them their souls.
