
January 12th, 2009 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “favorite”

  1. my favourite time of year is autumn – the colours are dazzling and it make me think of my childhood.

  2. My favorite thing at this moment is my new t-shirt. I made it myself, and it features an image of my favorite actor/comic/musician from New Zealand’s fourth most popular folk group. I love Jemaine. He’s my favorite.

  3. my favorite color’s red
    and your hair is bright blond

    my favorite song is “only hope”
    and yours is full of unholy things

    my favorite place is church
    and you reek of cigarettes

    my favorite person is you

    and it should bother me
    but it doesn’t

  4. My favorite color was orange. Shiny and sweet as the same time. She had this very same color spread throught her hair, and I loved to look. Simply look, because I couldn’t do anyhting else.

  5. Favorite is what many people have for many smart things. But sometimes they have such favorites for things that are stupid. Like favorite finger to pick their nose with or favorite toe to put in the hot water to see if the bath is hot. Or favorite side of the mouth to chew gum on. The list goes on and on. Favorite is such an abused word. Feel sorry for it.

  6. my favorite spelling of “favourite” is “favourite”. just like my favourite spelling of “Savior” and “color” are “Saviour” and “colour”. i think it looks more unique that way.

  7. I can remember my favorite thing to do while my dad shopped the local feed stores, my sister and I used to sneak away to the nearest soda machine and dig through our pockets to find ten cents. That ten cents was the best payoff ever when our niceely chiilled nehi grape sodas were delivered and consumed.

  8. Favourites. Good or bad? Times where favourites bring you joy and love. Times where favourites harbour nothing but jealousy and worry; where a favourite would remind you of the certainty of a time in this uncertain life that you will change. Where one day such a favourite will no longer hold meaning to you. Bias love, good or bad?

  9. You are the favorite.
    You hold his attention in your fist,
    And I am only water in a sieve.
    You are his favorite,
    And it is only reasonable
    That I hate you forever.

  10. i dont have favorites its always to hard to choose which one you prefer……

  11. My favorite thing about him is the way he can always make me laugh. I vowed to never be with someone with out a sense of humor, and I know that I haven’t broken that. The way he can totally ruin a romantic moment with a joke, is romantic in it’s own right. I love that his favorite thing about me is my smile.

  12. My favorite things, they used to make me happy. Favorite is a word that has little meaning to me anymore. My favorite pastimes, now make me sad. My favorite people, I dislike. Favorite is a lie.

  13. food toy show topping movie sport team player game gun

  14. when the sun is just about to set over paradise pond, the whole sky turns the color of a brusied plum that is still edible. my favorite time of day.

  15. My best most favorite thing is to see my kids and have a good time together even though I try to deny this. Never thought it would be so improtant. My favorites usually involve people and feel good days that end on a high note. I have favorite artists, foods, recipies and books like everybody else.

  16. My favorite day of the week is Thursday. Thursday is my favorite day because its the end of the week, almost. My favorite food is spaghetti. I dont know why, it just tasts good. my favorite animal is a fish. i would want to be a fish but i cant.

    Michelle Magana
  17. Why does everyone have a favorite? Favorite icecream, brownie, chocolate. Why can’t we just no favorites at all! Wouldn’t the world be more at peace? Wouldn’t we all be friends with eachother? No fights over who should be your best friend?

  18. My favorite person changes consistently, and this is not because I do not know who my favorite person is, or because I am a big fat liar. It is because I want to reflect, secretly, that the word is a fluid place and what my favorite really is the spontaneity of the moment and the perfection in a single brief action.

    Andrew Meare
  19. i don’t really like the word favourite, there’s always too many options to choose from. it takes me ages to decide. instead i just use like and dislike. its much easier.

  20. This parade has strayed
    far enough to cast a shadow
    on me.
    In my favorite place,
    this disgrace,
    waiting to be granted grace.
    This parade has had
    its final day,
    its finality will decay,
    and my favorite place
    will mean nothing anymore.

    Rick Veloz
  21. my favortie things in the wolrd are beer,girls, lampshades, food, blue, purple, benches, stones, sticks, smaller stones, burial grounds for people who died in a stupid m anner throught completely their own fault, salt, sucking windows

  22. My thing to do is to play football at tthe park every day becuse that is my favorite sport and it is realy fun.It is my favorite sport becusce i ben playing it since i was 5 yaers old.

  23. My thing to do is to play football at tthe park every day becuse that is my favorite sport and it is realy fun.It is my favorite sport becusce i ben playing it since i was 5 yaers old.

  24. these are a few of my favorite things..when the dogs bite..when the bee stings..but seriously..my favorite drink of choice is coffee, other favorites- cats, books, music, dance..

  25. One of my favorite foods to eat are cheeseburgers especially the ones a tommy’s. I like the chili they put on the burgers. Its so delicous. I also like their fries like their chili cheese fries Tommy’s is one of my favorite burger joints ever.

    Isaiah Cortez
  26. i walked down the street in my new favorite shirt. that i bought at target. for 15 dollars. i bought it on a saturday when i was spending time with my family. I got a stain on it from feeding my sister her yogurt. This got me a little angry and yet guilty, for blaming it on my sister. So I tried to forget about it and put on another shirt and put my favorite shirt in the washer.

    Johanna Rodriguez
  27. I woke up and I saw my favorite color and it was red so I didn’t know what to do and I just got out of bed and I ate my favorite breakfast pancakes,eggs,bacon, and butter on toast.

  28. In my life i have many favorites. Like my favorite ice cream is chocolate. my favorite rollar coaster place is Six Flags. My favorite parents are my own.

  29. i walked down the street in my new favorite shirt. that i bought at target. for 15 dollars. io bought it on a saturday when i was spending time with my family.

    Johanna Rodriguez
  30. my favorite food is pizza and my favorite sport is softball. i like to eat pizza because you can have anything you want on it. and i like softball because it is fun and it runs in the family

    Naelyse Garcia
  31. Sweet girl. Sweet boy. Come here. You are my girl. You are my boy. You are my favorite. God bless you. Gimme kissy.

  32. Food
    vacation spots

  33. My favorite place in the whole world is the Moon…i usually imagine myself just sitting on the top of some higher ground and watching the light shining the surface of the earth…and im just super relaxed and there are no worries and no good or bad and everything that i remember from Earth is my favorite.

  34. Mommy bounced me on her knee
    Dad washed me in the tub
    Scrappy shared my dreams at naptime
    Nanna called me her cub
    Laura baked me cookies
    George baked me a cake
    But Bobby he got nothing
    Cause he was born too late.

  35. My favorite thing about you is that snort you sometimes make when you laugh too hard. Or maybe it’s the terribly adorable embarrassed face you make after you’ve snorted. Or, better yet, maybe it’s the way you hide behind me, blushing and suddenly I can feel your body against mine and it’s radiating heat and I’m so glad I made that joke just now.

  36. A indicator of what is liked the most, use in context to show approval of something, however may sometimes be used as ridicule (my favorite clown is [x person].

    David Smith
  37. My favorite color is purple. It defines my moods and my personality. Because there are so many shades, the color caputres all of my moods.

  38. My favorite’s, my favorite thing to eat is pizza, my favorite thing to do is play basketball, my favorite thing to see is movie’s.

  39. My favorite color is purple. It defines my moods and my personality. Because there are so many shades, the color caputres all of my moods.

  40. Favorite. Favorite Color. Favorite Number. Favorite Book. Favorite Movie. Favorite Athlete. Favorite Subject. Favorite Sport. Favorite Song. Favorite, Favorite, Favorite.
