
September 23rd, 2008 | 787 Entries

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787 Entries for “feathered”

  1. The dress was feathered.

    Miss McGurrin
  2. ducks feel they are no way they can be to feathered

  3. When I think of feather, I think of beds. But can one really feather a bed? You can feather, or fluff, a pillow, but it would be rather hard to do so with a bed. The things are huge! And then there’s the whole thing about sleeping on it after you do so.

  4. Feeling protected, there is no chill, all you feel is a nice radiant shell that is light. Feeling the ability to lift yourself up, go higher, nothing out there to get you down.

  5. my hair was feathered once. it was a free haircut from my boss, for my birtday. how nice of him. i miss my old job actaully, but i have a new job now, its really exciting and fun. this isnt about feathers anymore is it? Umm… its like um chopped up init?

  6. The champion of feathered stops, like I can stop people from ever getting hurt in a car by easing the intensity of my stops. Like someday I’ll have some dude dying in my car and it’ll depend on my stopping ability.

    Ben McFarlane
  7. that blows in the wind

  8. I remember the first time I saw the link fossil between afeathered bird/dinosaurs. I was 8 years old and it was the first time I could see the link between this prehistoric past (Which I thought, being 8, was totally awesome and mysterious) and the times I live in now.

    Methinks that was the beginning of the end of childhood.

  9. The birds was so wet it feathered its feathers until they were all gone.

  10. He feathered his enormous shaft before pulling back the taught skin and releasing the arrow towards the prey.

    John Sicko
  11. It sat perched on the edge of the battlement. I ventured out trying to get hold of it — then, in a whirl of air and squawks, it was gone. Never saw it again.

    Peter De Rop
  12. he grabbed his comb and worked his magic on his legendary mustache, feathering it to its fullest fruition.

  13. Tarred and feathered. A fine feathered friend. Feathered and dusted. Feathered and fearful of felines. Birds that are similarly feathered, flock together(ed). Feathered nests.

  14. I have already done this. i just remembered it now and so i have decided not to write anything on the topic but rant on about everything else. I remember at that time when i tried to write about this topic i forgot to give my email and so all the work i did vanished so i am not going to do that again just give my email so they publish this damned thing.

  15. the bird was feathered and i liked the plumage… its wings flew out to the sides.. and i loves the spray of them in every direction… the featehrs in her hat were so feathered that i couldnt stop looking at them.. i love feathers! hahah

  16. havent got a clue what this means, think it’s about birds that have feathers, but it could possibly mean a lot more.

  17. The bed was feathered with regret.

  18. My eyes were teary. A feeling ran through me as if I swam through an ocean. The thing standing before me was not what I expected. It was feathered.

  19. Seventeen feathers hang around your neck. Coagulated, they’re stiff and painted a residual red. Pulling that twine along the notched rachides, tugging it down and around, down and around; a trail of rope burn encircles your throat.

    Ashes and dead leaves blow in the street, and the breeze, it also stirs your feathers.

  20. Your hands are the tiniest feathered knowledge
    of my breathless hours.
    Word is so much crazier than we know it to be.

    Snow falls like feathers from the mountains.
    Scenic rapture from your skin,
    they caress me.

    If we knew what feather felt like
    we would have cried our souls to doom.

  21. his long hair was feathered in that fashionable way. He was a lady killer.
    She looked onward. Half the school was standing there. Laughing. Pointing. She wanted to die of embarrassment, but that wouldn’t make her feel any better.

  22. bangs.
    pink tights with bright green socks.
    long t-shirt.
    no collar.
    falling off my shoulders.
    big plastic earrings.
    probably bright yellow.
    they match the stripes on my sneakers…
    hit the road.

  23. It’s not perfect, but there’s some comfort in that. It’s the playful act of messing up your loved one’s hair. It’s all the rage in Japan.

  24. It’s 1991 and a slutty blonde walks into an even sluttier bar. Her hair is, well, feathered. And soon her mattress will be feathered too.

  25. feathered

    A kids hair can be feathered
    a bird can be feathered
    trees can be feathered with leaves
    a house can be feathered with snow

  26. A feathered wing is soft to the touch as it kisses the clouds of an azure sky.

  27. made light weighted

  28. you always think that things are going well but in the end they always seem to be ruined. Nothing ever turns out the way you thikn it will or should. Hearts of people are black and cold. emotions are absent. Birds know this, which is why they sing.. They sing to proclaim their profain rejection and knowledge of this horrible thing. They know who and what they want in life. they’re true to themselves.

    Matthew Kirk
  29. his hair was lovely. it stood for all that was free and wild. it glowed in the spotlights of the stage and shone in every music video. the ladies loved it. oh jon bon, why did you cut your feathery locks?

  30. The day i layed down, is the day i put my heart on the table. It’s my protection. I’m not feathered… no that’s just an illusion in your eyes.
    You won’t ever be able to see the truth… of whats really right in front of your eyes.

  31. Little feathered birds in a row
    sweet, flighty, bored
    seemingly vacant of thought and yet
    there must be something going on in there.

    Feathered caps, feathered birds

    vacant stares

    Who has time to sit and think?

    Jessie Carter
  32. peacocks grumbling, a wildlife center, peacock feathers lying around, hopping on the pool deck. a turkey almost pushing me into a lake when I was young, feathers fly, the chicken coop at that farm, eggs all around, two door wonder. Too bad penguins can’t fly.

  33. The bird in the park is not feathered, but lacks
    everything I want it to have: cold eyes,
    black feathers, everything I despise about you.
    This is what lovers do. They take what they
    can get, and then throw it away again.

  34. The feathered wings slowly lowered to the ground, a sense of foreboding as the angel descended. It’s face was graven, and Jack knew the news it carried would not be good. Slowly, the Angel shook it’s head, and in that moment Jack’s world collapsed.

  35. Her hair was feathered to the side, and she glanced at him, head tilted. God did he love her. Every part of him longed for her.

    She was every form of sexy, every form of wonderful, every form of everything he has ever wanted.

    And the most incredible part about it all, She is just as crazy about him.

  36. the feathered duster clattered to the ground, the maid screeching as she backed out of the room where the blood was seeping into the shape of the African continent.

  37. the brush was featherd; it looked like it’s print on the canvas would inspire wispy, melodromatic thoughts…trees, clouds, mountain mists – they can all be created with this beautifully textured artist’s instrument

  38. The angel fle lightly on the breeze. Earth seemed so large, so full of sin. Yet, there were also good people there. The angel knew this, had been told this all times. When would humas learn to trust?

  39. The feathered clouds skimmed the top of the mountains, upon whom feathered creatures, often known as birds, squabbled and cawed at one another. They were never fans of feathered clouds, even though they mimicked their bodies. Maybe because it was too similar.

  40. Eagles soar with the wind and catch thermals to glide.
