
September 23rd, 2008 | 787 Entries

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787 Entries for “feathered”

  1. I remember once when I was little my aunt would baby sit me, and usually take me down to the local park. It was all quite fun for me and I watched the ducks. Their feathers intrigued me and I loved them.. Until I tried to feed one a whole piece of bread and it tried to run off with my hand. It hurt and I cried and I never fed the ducks again.

  2. like a bird? Or like a hair do? Because that will determine what I decide to write about. Or I could write some sort of metaphorical thing about how pretty your hair is cuz it looks like a bird. But then you might get offended because you might be like, “What you think my hair shits on cars for fun!?” And you would be right. It probably is not a very nice compliment.

  3. Of birds in flight to keep them in the sky or on dancers body to keep them flashing and sexy for thier audience or in hats to make them pretty or in the mattresses of beds, old fashioned beds. John Denver sang about feathered bed of his grandmother.

  4. there was a time when calling her that was new. her hair her eyelashes and contours of cheek hairs were textured as such. feathered as the dutch name from which it wrought. together we’d dangle as earrings of black lining of a once bird, dead.

  5. adfadsfds

  6. Mittens the cat was a mutant – she had feathers instead of fur. Providing much confusion, Mittens attacked herself, under the impression she was a bird. RIP.

  7. She had wings.

    While this was quite unusual for most, she found it comforting.

    When she wrapped the white, lithe feathers around her, she felt nothing but warmth. To her, it was like carrying ’round a hug on your back.

    It was bliss.

  8. Birds. Flying through the sky. Light glinting off white wings. soaring, dipping, calling. Sparkling freedom at the edge of the earth. Winter, spring. Cold and warm. Melting snow, dripping from trees. Boughs low, sighing against the wind. Soaring high. So high.

    Scion Traibhse
  9. She tossed the black feather scarf her neck, her pump red lips smirking at the sight of the others around her, observing their pauperish outfits.
    ” So pathetic, I bet they don’t have a dime to their name, unlike me, I have millions,” she whispered, her sassy tone seeming only like a hiss as she tipped her fine fingers across her scarlet hair.

  10. They were white with a golden sheen, feathered, but smooth. When he spread them to their full extent, they were about twice the length of his body and powerful looking. I couldn’t keep from staring as he held out his hand and wrapped me up, stretching his vast carriers and taking flight.

  11. The elegant feather floated down over my head. I looked up, reached for it, grasped it in my hand; felt the tickle of it between my fingers, resting gently on my palm. Is this for real? I thought; Could anything feel this dreamlike and still really exist? I doubt it….

    Dahlia Wilson
  12. feathered friend soft cuddly easy to rest my head

  13. whipering in the wind, watching a leaf dance wif the current of the winds as the breeze brings in the fall and fall comes colours maga colours you cannot help but stare at the beauty of the world around.

  14. i wear a big feather and i like to dance around like a dancer…i am not a whore but i like to flout off what i gots girl. ya know what i mean. i fink of people being stuck up and very considedddd for realz

  15. soft hair flying in the wind,
    a lovely golden colour

  16. Lips feather across my skin. Your love. Our hope. A dream. a wish. It’s ours. so sweet and soft. I wish to stay. always here.
    Always true.
    Feathers on your breath.
    Take me to some place new.
    Drift away.
    I pray of you….

  17. Birds are that way. Wonder why. Is it just the evolution which has made them, or somebody who just thought that such a beautiful thing had to exist. Saw a feather go down, ever? Closely? How it ambles its way around, kissing the wind?

  18. Flights of birds wheel through the sky, careless and unthinking of the drudgery we go through every day, unthankful for their freedom to fly wherever they please, unknowing the blessings of a lack of supervision.

  19. I look down at the feathered cap that my grandfather used to wear. I think about all the times I’ve seen him wear it and my mind takes me to a sad place as I remember that the last time I saw this cap on his head, he had had his first heart attack. I wish I could see a different picture in my head. I have always loved this feathered cap.

  20. lightly airy floatingly wafting bird, tree, hair, horse, cloud

  21. Male cardinals have red feathers.
    They shine bright against the backyard foliage.
    Tan women counterparts fly in search of a mate.
    Feel like the earth just got a little warmer.

  22. The hat of the lady was covered with white feathers, as if she were some strange bird with plumage only on its head. Her giant earrings glistened on her ears; on her fingers were at least half a dozen rings. She faced the group of students with a lipsticked smile.

  23. Her hair was feathered just like Fara Faucet. She took hours and hours to feather her hair. A trick with the blow dryer and hair dryer always worked. Even though her hair is a little dated, she always got all the guys. Something about big sexy hair is so attractive.

  24. birds, wings, and all that sort of stuff. idk, maybe angels are real, maybe theya re myth. perhaps angels do not even have wings even if they do exist at all. but really, who the fuck cares!!?? not be, thats for sure.

  25. feathered like a bird. when something is soft to the touch, makes you want to grasp it. like a comforter. to lie your head against and fall asleep, to feel safe. feathered is something that feels right, feels nice. something you want.

  26. Her hair was feathered in a way that provoked envy in all of the young girls in her high school. She worked on feathering her hair all morning long, to achieve the same look as Farrah Fawcett.

  27. My hopes are feathered and my dreams are on the wing. I ride and soar and take flight again..

  28. the lace boa was feathered elequently. She hadn’t decided to go with it yet. The feathers reminded her of a show she used to watch ontv when she was a little girl. there were birds and peacocks around everywhere displaying their feathered fans.

    amanda salmick
  29. feathered, in a way, but not really, not logically. You see, there’s no way it could be feathered, in the common sense, anyway. Feathered. Light, magic, it’s really all over, and it does seem feathered.

  30. red,free,simply,natural,social,future,past,science,home,travel,happy,sun,smile,love,life,

  31. yeah, feathered. You mean it’s got feathers? But how can it have? Are u sure, because they can’t possibly have feathers can they? What utter nonsense.

  32. oh for the love of god. feathered? really? Couldn’t it have been something profound? Like, I don’t know, uncertainty? That’s what I wanted to write about. Because I’m about to give up an awesome paying sales position because I’m tired of the stress. I just want to go back to cutting down paper again.

    joey golightly
  33. Our feathered friends.Come,let us fly with you.
    You maybe bird brained,but at least you have freedom.Freedom to fly,anywhere you wish to(leaving out a few cousins of yours).

    Udit Roy
  34. the wings of a bird gistened off the sun as she flew overhead, i knew that i should be focusing on the task at hand but she was just too beautiful, so obviously unattainable. so gloriously free.

  35. feathered beings are protected from the elements. they stay dry light and airy. they stay warm when all others are cold. Feathered things look bigger than they really are.

  36. She adjusted her feathered hat and walked out into the sunshine. Her taxi was waiting at the curb, waiting to take her to

  37. i don’t know anything about that word.I don’t know very well english that’s why I don’t know the meaning otherwise i would have writen something interesting.woa ;D .Feathered? feather? red? color i know that.

  38. Feathery hands touched rough and smooth, beating hearts were going faster, they leaned in and in a blink of an eye, a truck came by and splashed them with mud!

  39. something fluffy and light, a feathered bird for example

  40. I watched her closely; those features so exquisite moved in such divine grace. Her dancing skills were extroardinary; I could not help but gaze in awe. Her clothing themeselves moved in such divine grace; feathered clothing that swished as that of a bird.
