as i walked past the street i heard a noise, a sweet calming noise. This noise wasnt just regular noise it seemed to be feathered and rich and lugurious all at the same time, as i finished walking i found it to be a small bird calling for his mother.
Feathered is a bird. Feathered. Someone who is smothered.
Tarreed and feathered. Barred from the weather. Whether you will ever be better than you ever thought you could be. Be more than the touch of a feather. Or be plucked
birds, pillows, soft, white, pillow fights with friends and feathers flying everywhere. chickens. cute little ducks on ponds
I think of a feathered pillow made of chicken feathers. Writing about the topic feathered, mmm sounds like the database is on crack. I wish we had feathers so we can fly and be fluffy hahaha. funny now i’m done
Birds are feathered creatures. They can fly because of this. Also, feathers of various birds are collected by collectors because of their beauty. Especially the peacock. It has feathers with bright colors.
they feather out like the claws of an eagle and encomapassed the archers. From a distance the archer’s bows were sharp and stinging but in the close combat to follow they would be uselesss.
Feathered, like the birds before the slaughter. Feathered, like the touch of a practiced lover.
Feathered, splayed, like dandelion casting it’s last to the dark corners, the unlit seams.
Feathered? I think feathered and tared, like a chicken or someone in really hot/bad situation. It reminds me of someone who just tried to argue, but lost in a really humiliating way. I don’t really know if i’m doing this right.
writing on a page with a pen so beautiful and feathered that you feel that the words flow freely.
Birds of a feather, flocking together, flying in the sky. A backdrop of sunset and clouds. Rustling through the morning grass, dew beading on slick backs, dripping down between webbed feet. Sliding through the water like floating sharks, flapping, fluttering, peeping quacking. Squabbling amongst themselves over tossed bread crumbs, fleeing the winter cold, paddling in the pond, sitting under the frail, fall trees.
feathered doves. it would be odd to see unfeathered doves. or maybe it’s the feathered ones that are the ones without feathers. I don’t know. But I won’t worry about it. I won’t worry my life away.
Jodi took her pillow and threw it at her best friend, Sarah. She retaliated. Soon they were entangled in a massive pillow warfare, giggling, throwing, and certainly causing a ruckus. That is, until one of the pillows ripped from the force of their blows. “Uh oh…” Jodi said as feathers burst into the air, fluttering past their faces.
i have feathered myself into thinking of the unusal incidents that have occured to me in the past few days. one day when i was talking a stroll along side the busy streets of New York City pondering upon how the world is so big and thinking of the wonders of God, a big truck rode extremely fast down the rode and splashed the day old cold water left from the rain and inherently decided to give my new BCBG shirt a makeover. Moreso, i could not fathom the idea of going forth any longer
Feathered? The feathered caps flying in the air makes me think of the birds that the feathers must have come from. Are they dead? Are they stark naked? Or are they caged in some large industrial facility that continues to take their feathers off?
sung w lim
there was a feathered bird in the branch above her. It looked down on her every morning as she passed by and wondered where on earth she could be going in such a hurry. Then he shook his head. Silly girl.
Jill Lowell
I saw a feathered bird today. It was little and dead. My cat must have killed it. It could have been my dog but, it was dead. I stared at it, unsure of what to do with it. Should I bury it? Have a funeral?
I feel like an idiot.
I am sitting on my bed, and there are pillows everywhere. No, I didn’t just reenact a passionate love scene, and no, I wasn’t sobbing so hard into my pillows that they committed suicide.
But sometimes- only sometimes- I feel like I can’t feel anything. I am one insignificant speck floating through the world. I am one girl compared to the 6 billion in the world. I am alone in my search for what I want, and I am alone in my mind at all times.
So I ripped up the pillow, screaming obscenities, speaking like I was breathing, and the way it came naturally to me was embarrassing, even with nobody around but me, myself, and I.
Ashley Nicole Brooks Flowers
The birds, so many of them. Away they fly. The sun-drenched clouds drift by, the birds flapping away beneath them, their wings lifted by gentle breezes from the palm trees below. What glorious skies the birds are a part of!
The birds are flying overhead again. So many birds. I wonder where they go at night. Do they sleep? There they go again! Flying away. Lucky birds. Leaving feathers trickling down from the sky in their wake. One lands tenderly on the ground.
The beautiful Crested or Crowned Crane at the zoo was a sight to behold. The huge feathers of the ostrich are smaller than those of the emu.
feathered hair. ha! what a quintessential “80’s” look. I can’t wait until my kids look back on side bangs and layers the way I look at feathered hair
The birds od this kind stick together. TRhis is the most comfortable, but stagnant place to be in live. Get out and stretch; be with and accept most that you come in contact with. But your good friends will probably be of the same feathered as you are today (I have trouble not ending with a preposition). is the 60 seconds up…it must be because I have written more than 35 words (which is dreaming fast speed for me, but my sister types 90 WORDS A MINUTE, but she can’t do calculus like I can :).
Mary Redmond
I see an eighties cheerleader being thrown up into the air, feather light with her feathered hair. She comes back down and land a little too, too solid on the ground. She thought that she could have flown away.
feathered birds fly as the rifle cracked. the feathers scattered all over the pavement as the people tried restraining the birds from flying away
Birds, flocking and swimming in the air, floating around and between each other. Mid-air acrobatics worthy of the finest circus. Sleek, trim bodies worthy of any dinner plate.
Tim Thraeryn
feathered birds floating flying free. feathered masks, hides me from me. feathered dress, proper, obscene. I want to step away, but I am bound by my happy feathered promise. feathers really aren’t that much weight.
I would usually feather someone off if they pissed me off. I would even give them a feather as a present just because birds are cool. Whether I’ve used the word feather correctly, I am assured of, however, I shall be feathered away once this bar stops loading.
Thinh Vu
Feathered is being covered in feathers, but humans are not covered with feathers, but instead with fakeness.
We say one thing to a person, and behind their back we talk bad about them.
Can humans ever stop being fake and show whats under their feathered emotions?
the feathered bum walked down the dirty dusty road pushing a shopping cart full of old bags and a foam mattress. He sat down at the piano and began to play. Deep, melancholy music began to flow from his fingers. It was unlike anything that anyone had ever heard, so thoughtful and emotional.
Feathered plumage that was plumage and yet not quite plumage.
It was fake, not quite hers. Never had been, never would be. For it was a coat composed of the very feathers that had been proudly flaunted by her pet — now dead, thanks to yours truly — bird. And, well, over a dozen others as well.
They didn’t call her cruel without meaning, after all.
Her smile made me to feel as if she is like that feathered bird..Meaning her hand is as soft as those feathers
friends that would be there if you could see them. if they’d stay still for a few minutes you would. i reckon. keep an eye out. ok.
Gliding over celestial terraces with a full heart and clear eyes, between falling blades of sunlight and high above the eyes of man, the angel of the day came to rest at last on top of a bright, high place, and wept for joy at this world.
The blue jay sat atop her nest and looked around. Her husband was flying overhead, letting his protective presence be known. She was heavy, just days from laying her eggs. So today she will spend her time pulling feathers and inserting them into her nest of twigs. She has that look on her face, as so many new mothers do before giving birth. She is proud of herself, peaceful and loving. It is a beautiful spring day for her and I.
what is the form of feathered? well lets see;
I would say that a thing is feathered if its is a form of bird. A sentence would be; ” my parrot is feathered today.” and you could also say that damm it I ran out of time.
the bird lay lifeless
a black lump against the green
a sole feather ruffled up against the grain
sticking into thin air without reason
feather, well tzeenecth, maybe i have been playing too much War this time of the year. school is starting, statred, already o the go again. I have been playing too much perhaps, perhaps is a ord so commonly used by me. Am i too uncertain?
AN idiot that cannot stay focused for long amounts of time. Spazes and blondies fall into this seemingly expanding percent of the human population. of all the people in the us 99% of them are in this category.
Zach Polentini
Feathered? I like down blankets. I like it when you sink in and are comfortable. You can turn the heat way down, so it’s cold outside of your shell of warmth, and you never want to get out of your bed. It’s even better when there is someone there to cuddle with you.
as i walked past the street i heard a noise, a sweet calming noise. This noise wasnt just regular noise it seemed to be feathered and rich and lugurious all at the same time, as i finished walking i found it to be a small bird calling for his mother.
Feathered is a bird. Feathered. Someone who is smothered.
Tarreed and feathered. Barred from the weather. Whether you will ever be better than you ever thought you could be. Be more than the touch of a feather. Or be plucked
birds, pillows, soft, white, pillow fights with friends and feathers flying everywhere. chickens. cute little ducks on ponds
I think of a feathered pillow made of chicken feathers. Writing about the topic feathered, mmm sounds like the database is on crack. I wish we had feathers so we can fly and be fluffy hahaha. funny now i’m done
Birds are feathered creatures. They can fly because of this. Also, feathers of various birds are collected by collectors because of their beauty. Especially the peacock. It has feathers with bright colors.
they feather out like the claws of an eagle and encomapassed the archers. From a distance the archer’s bows were sharp and stinging but in the close combat to follow they would be uselesss.
Feathered, like the birds before the slaughter. Feathered, like the touch of a practiced lover.
Feathered, splayed, like dandelion casting it’s last to the dark corners, the unlit seams.
Feathered? I think feathered and tared, like a chicken or someone in really hot/bad situation. It reminds me of someone who just tried to argue, but lost in a really humiliating way. I don’t really know if i’m doing this right.
writing on a page with a pen so beautiful and feathered that you feel that the words flow freely.
Birds of a feather, flocking together, flying in the sky. A backdrop of sunset and clouds. Rustling through the morning grass, dew beading on slick backs, dripping down between webbed feet. Sliding through the water like floating sharks, flapping, fluttering, peeping quacking. Squabbling amongst themselves over tossed bread crumbs, fleeing the winter cold, paddling in the pond, sitting under the frail, fall trees.
feathered doves. it would be odd to see unfeathered doves. or maybe it’s the feathered ones that are the ones without feathers. I don’t know. But I won’t worry about it. I won’t worry my life away.
Jodi took her pillow and threw it at her best friend, Sarah. She retaliated. Soon they were entangled in a massive pillow warfare, giggling, throwing, and certainly causing a ruckus. That is, until one of the pillows ripped from the force of their blows. “Uh oh…” Jodi said as feathers burst into the air, fluttering past their faces.
i have feathered myself into thinking of the unusal incidents that have occured to me in the past few days. one day when i was talking a stroll along side the busy streets of New York City pondering upon how the world is so big and thinking of the wonders of God, a big truck rode extremely fast down the rode and splashed the day old cold water left from the rain and inherently decided to give my new BCBG shirt a makeover. Moreso, i could not fathom the idea of going forth any longer
Feathered? The feathered caps flying in the air makes me think of the birds that the feathers must have come from. Are they dead? Are they stark naked? Or are they caged in some large industrial facility that continues to take their feathers off?
there was a feathered bird in the branch above her. It looked down on her every morning as she passed by and wondered where on earth she could be going in such a hurry. Then he shook his head. Silly girl.
I saw a feathered bird today. It was little and dead. My cat must have killed it. It could have been my dog but, it was dead. I stared at it, unsure of what to do with it. Should I bury it? Have a funeral?
I feel like an idiot.
I am sitting on my bed, and there are pillows everywhere. No, I didn’t just reenact a passionate love scene, and no, I wasn’t sobbing so hard into my pillows that they committed suicide.
But sometimes- only sometimes- I feel like I can’t feel anything. I am one insignificant speck floating through the world. I am one girl compared to the 6 billion in the world. I am alone in my search for what I want, and I am alone in my mind at all times.
So I ripped up the pillow, screaming obscenities, speaking like I was breathing, and the way it came naturally to me was embarrassing, even with nobody around but me, myself, and I.
The birds, so many of them. Away they fly. The sun-drenched clouds drift by, the birds flapping away beneath them, their wings lifted by gentle breezes from the palm trees below. What glorious skies the birds are a part of!
The birds are flying overhead again. So many birds. I wonder where they go at night. Do they sleep? There they go again! Flying away. Lucky birds. Leaving feathers trickling down from the sky in their wake. One lands tenderly on the ground.
The beautiful Crested or Crowned Crane at the zoo was a sight to behold. The huge feathers of the ostrich are smaller than those of the emu.
feathered hair. ha! what a quintessential “80’s” look. I can’t wait until my kids look back on side bangs and layers the way I look at feathered hair
The birds od this kind stick together. TRhis is the most comfortable, but stagnant place to be in live. Get out and stretch; be with and accept most that you come in contact with. But your good friends will probably be of the same feathered as you are today (I have trouble not ending with a preposition). is the 60 seconds up…it must be because I have written more than 35 words (which is dreaming fast speed for me, but my sister types 90 WORDS A MINUTE, but she can’t do calculus like I can :).
I see an eighties cheerleader being thrown up into the air, feather light with her feathered hair. She comes back down and land a little too, too solid on the ground. She thought that she could have flown away.
feathered birds fly as the rifle cracked. the feathers scattered all over the pavement as the people tried restraining the birds from flying away
Birds, flocking and swimming in the air, floating around and between each other. Mid-air acrobatics worthy of the finest circus. Sleek, trim bodies worthy of any dinner plate.
feathered birds floating flying free. feathered masks, hides me from me. feathered dress, proper, obscene. I want to step away, but I am bound by my happy feathered promise. feathers really aren’t that much weight.
I would usually feather someone off if they pissed me off. I would even give them a feather as a present just because birds are cool. Whether I’ve used the word feather correctly, I am assured of, however, I shall be feathered away once this bar stops loading.
Feathered is being covered in feathers, but humans are not covered with feathers, but instead with fakeness.
We say one thing to a person, and behind their back we talk bad about them.
Can humans ever stop being fake and show whats under their feathered emotions?
the feathered bum walked down the dirty dusty road pushing a shopping cart full of old bags and a foam mattress. He sat down at the piano and began to play. Deep, melancholy music began to flow from his fingers. It was unlike anything that anyone had ever heard, so thoughtful and emotional.
Feathered plumage that was plumage and yet not quite plumage.
It was fake, not quite hers. Never had been, never would be. For it was a coat composed of the very feathers that had been proudly flaunted by her pet — now dead, thanks to yours truly — bird. And, well, over a dozen others as well.
They didn’t call her cruel without meaning, after all.
Her smile made me to feel as if she is like that feathered bird..Meaning her hand is as soft as those feathers
friends that would be there if you could see them. if they’d stay still for a few minutes you would. i reckon. keep an eye out. ok.
Gliding over celestial terraces with a full heart and clear eyes, between falling blades of sunlight and high above the eyes of man, the angel of the day came to rest at last on top of a bright, high place, and wept for joy at this world.
The blue jay sat atop her nest and looked around. Her husband was flying overhead, letting his protective presence be known. She was heavy, just days from laying her eggs. So today she will spend her time pulling feathers and inserting them into her nest of twigs. She has that look on her face, as so many new mothers do before giving birth. She is proud of herself, peaceful and loving. It is a beautiful spring day for her and I.
what is the form of feathered? well lets see;
I would say that a thing is feathered if its is a form of bird. A sentence would be; ” my parrot is feathered today.” and you could also say that damm it I ran out of time.
the bird lay lifeless
a black lump against the green
a sole feather ruffled up against the grain
sticking into thin air without reason
feather, well tzeenecth, maybe i have been playing too much War this time of the year. school is starting, statred, already o the go again. I have been playing too much perhaps, perhaps is a ord so commonly used by me. Am i too uncertain?
AN idiot that cannot stay focused for long amounts of time. Spazes and blondies fall into this seemingly expanding percent of the human population. of all the people in the us 99% of them are in this category.
Feathered? I like down blankets. I like it when you sink in and are comfortable. You can turn the heat way down, so it’s cold outside of your shell of warmth, and you never want to get out of your bed. It’s even better when there is someone there to cuddle with you.