
September 23rd, 2008 | 787 Entries

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787 Entries for “feathered”

  1. Tarred and feathered. Who came up with that in the first place? Who came up with any of that… a mind sicker than the criminal. Why the feathers, anyway. Need to research that (sick curiosity).

  2. Lightly dusted with a thin layer of feathers. Coating it in a soft, white, calming presense. Simulating peace where none exists, falsly comforting. There is no need, no desire, just pure love and calm pretense.

    Curious George
  3. With the boy feathered, I began to walk away. As I turned towards the edge, the boy ran up to me in terror and whispered, “I don’t think I can do this.” Now, while at any other time I would have taken pity upon the kid, I would have. But when I was stuck on a freaking mountain with the only hope of escape being a boy with wings, I was pretty damn pissed.

    Denver Ripper
  4. His love is
    like feathers
    brushing my skin,,
    caressing my curves,
    softening my soul.

  5. her hair was blonde and beatiful.
    it stuck out funny on the sides, which made it all the more beautiful.
    also, she wore a white dress.
    i am a sucker for girls in white dresses.
    she was my ninth grade teacher.
    and i loved her.

  6. big bird running around tarring ppl and throwing feathers on them with an evil smirk on his face, i always knew that bird was bad news

  7. feathered edges are best when you sand wood..

  8. down oh shit downwards that’s not meant to happe- up above there’s a small explosion, just a small one, where the tailfin meets six passengers who were looknig the wrong way, and down down circling there’s a small piece of sheet metal coming directly towards the center of your spine and it’s going to have to take some route so it might was well just go through you – your last thoughts concerned mostly with what your auntie would say about all this, she probably wouldn’t say much-

  9. Um, this was the word yesterday, and I’m afraid all my feathers have flown.

  10. They fell to the ground in little pieces. I didn’t know what they were at first. They made my eyes water.

  11. Feathered and bloody feet slowly slipped by my window as the dog had its prey in its mouth. My favorite hen! Wow, I was really mad. I grabbed the shotgun as the hound headed for our bridge…..blam….

  12. The feathered brush looked like something out of a dream. I cant help but stare. Remarkable.

  13. feathers lie in our hearts
    slowly molting one by one
    but new ones grow
    in its place
    glimmers of hope
    in an ever darkening world
    nothing can save us
    from loving anew

  14. the duck wished that he had more … and yet when he was young he was very bad and so as punishment, his father would pluck a feather from his rear end. no matter how badly it hurt, the duck would inevitibly fall into some bad behavior.

  15. the down comforter was feathered. we laid in bed together all day, just talking about all the boys that made us laugh. I thought to myself in that moment tha i was sure i’d never want any of them, only her. she never knew. i was fourteen

  16. Upon this feathered breast I lay, something creeping through my thoughts, lasting throughout the nights and days

  17. feathered. The red feathered bird outside the window is a cardinal. Quick but plump in shape it grabs a fat black seed and eats. It sees me approach but is not disturbed. We know each other and he is used to me. Every day I put out that seed and every day he eats it. Anything he has not finished when he leaves will be eaten by the squirrels. But I am not worried. My feathered friend knows the drill.

  18. The shadows from the Douglas Fir feathered the ground where we lay making love as if the world were about to end, as if the shadows themselves could erase us and everything that we had said to each other.

  19. Tar. Black nothingness and an empty abyss. It could be fathoms deep or unfathomable.

    Tarred and feathered? Oh exuberant social pain! I would rather sink in the acrid pit, so some future generations might find my skeleton coiled.

  20. Birds have feathers, i like my pillows to have duck feathers in them. i always thought that clouds, if ever could be touched, they’ed feel like fluffy feathers. In the olden days, people used to write with big gosse feathers dipped in ink.

    Mashell Bokhari
  21. the feathered head appear over my pillow…. am i dreaming i thought to myself…. this man, with feathers I mean i get feathered hair but feathers as hair now that was a little ridiulous I had to be dreaming

  22. her hair was feathered like farrah fawcett’s, exuding glamour last seen in the 1970s. she pressed a cigarette a cigarette between her lips and lightly stroked his leg with her cold toes and it sent a chill up his spine. she exhaled slowly into his face.

  23. Go Go GO!!!
    The racers roared from the the starting line in all their cosmically colored cars. The decibels shook the audience like a hurricane. Nothing was left in their wake but desolation and a single feather head.

  24. i ruffled his feathered hair through my fignertips and marveled the way that it gleamed in the sun. i felt guilty. a pang of it stabbed through me at the thought of knowing that he loved me. and i did not love him back…

  25. Like the Bee Gees’ hair. Damn that’s a fun song. I don’t care that it’s cliche, it’s good. Ah ah ah ah stayin’ alive.

    Nat Yonce
  26. My daughter loves to get her hair feathered. At times I think she doesn’t even know what she wants. I love feathered hats and feathered masks as well as feathered wings to wear as an angel on Halloween.

  27. I am featered. I don’t know why. I am. Who knows what will happen to me. Do you?

  28. “Hope is a thing with feathers.” Plumage – feathered beautiful birds. Does that mean birds are hope? Given to us by our Creator to show us that anyone can take flight. To show us that it’s important to sing everyday. And to take care of our families – food and shelter. And to be creative!

  29. eathered. feathered birds. flying far far away. perched on wires, far off in the distance. why don’t they die? how do they balance? electricy is so dangerous, the birds just don’t know. if they knew, would they still perch there. probably. they don’t care. they’re birds. i hope they do know, and they perch there anyways. because that would be so badass.

  30. she dusted the table, leaning over just enough so he would notice, but he never does, he just sneezes as the feather duster stirs up the filth of their marriage

  31. A flak round struck the left engine, setting it ablaze. I feathered the propeller immediately. It was no use. The feathered blade, mangled, caught fire and my P-38 began a steep dive towards German soil. Thinking quickly, I popped the canopy and I out I went, drifting downards onto a Frankfurt rooftop.

    Dan O'Connell
  32. I just feathered my crusty anus hairs
    while waiting for a new word on “OneWord.”

    PeanutButterInThe ShagCarpet
  33. birds of a feather gather together, Featurev my nest. Feathers on an arrow. Feathure paining to blend. Feathures on an indian head dress.

  34. high as words can describe
    without making a sound
    i’m thin with anticipation
    for a face that won’t show its nose

  35. soft and dusty. gain flight. soar and find your potential. I type too slow. geeze, who needs the pressure. Am I going to get cut off, Typos happen. dust me with the tickly feather my feathered friend. My cats eat things with feathers.

  36. like a fragile child
    like a soft lapping of a wave
    like a cats tongue
    like an accoustic song

    a feather pi rotes in the air

  37. peacock fan feathers

  38. She looked across at his wings, dark and shadowy. She wanted to reach out and touch them but it felt too wrong to even try. She didn’t even know what this meant. Was everything up until now a lie then? These… these wings. It was too much to take in. Just a few moments ago their lives had been so normal. At least, hers had been. It seemed now that his had never been normal.

  39. I took a feathered thingy and had fun with it. Tickling all I saw, I spread joy throughout the world. Sadley, there are those that are allergic, but who cares. They deserve no sympathy, they tell us to stop, but we are just trying to help. Some have died, and some have killed. I do not care about those people though. I have been asked how I can still do it, and I have told them “Because, I am spreading joy.”

    Liam Workman
  40. birds chickin piswed quilt pillow ticklish warm water proof kfc steven fearther

    luke hartley