
September 23rd, 2008 | 787 Entries

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787 Entries for “feathered”

  1. You know, I really really like angels. Feathered wings were always a favorite thing of mine. Sometimes, I imagine that I have light grey angel wings and that I’m protecting a great secret. Sometimes, I feel that they’re actually there. They make me feel safe and special, but no one here really understands that. Last year, I tried explaining it to my friends and they always thought that I was just playing pretend like they were.

  2. MY little feathered friends. I love the little guys. Chirp. Chirp. Chirp. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Spread your feathery wings and fly away. Fly, fly away.

  3. Fair-feathered friend. A fair-weather friend. A friend who doesn’t stick around when things are going badly for you, but shows up when things are doing well. Someone who doesn’t care about you, doesn’t like you for who you are or what you are. A fake friend. Real friends are hard to find, I’ve never had a real friend.

  4. the feathered bird sat upon the barked branch, pondering it’s exiastance. what is life? it asked it’s friend, who had, unfortunately, choosen the next moment to jump off and fly off. god damn it, said the bird, i wanted an answer from that prick. but no, he’d have no answer today. just another uncomfortable spot on this ridiculous branch. he was quite upset at the ida.

  5. if i danced with you
    in the springtime,
    would you put flowers
    in your hair?

    if i died with you
    in the winter,
    would mistletoe hang
    from your eyelashes?

    if i floated with you
    from now until noon,
    would they find us all
    aflame in the light of
    ten thousand moons,
    feathers in our hands
    and love
    in our

  6. Feathered is a meaningful word in a sense. It connotes a light-hearted feeling and light-weighted spirit. I love the word, but I fear I use it less often than I should. It makes me feel like I’m lost in a vast sea of vocabulary.

  7. friend birds i love feathers. birds are colorful feathers and indians

  8. The feather young man rode down his street. This was his territory, no one else’s. He would be damned if they came for him here. He would rip them apart, one at a time. No one came here, disrespected him, and lived. No one.

    shane jackson
  9. birds are feathered in many different colors. they help u fly or style your hair. the edges of pages may be feathered too.

  10. by the wings f the angel i want to forgive, forget and know who is there to judge me . i want to live through thick and thin and remember, be remembered like that torch out there blowing fire at me. the tiger of the thoughts are amazing. i want to fire the flames of hell within my heart soul and strength. i love a woman that scares me sometimes. i want to be able to die.

  11. There are tiny little holes in this mattress. Small, but just large enough for the feathers to poke through and cause my skin to itch. The entire room is dingy and dark, and is coated in a thick layer of dust, but I would much prefer sleeping on this mattress of shed feathers than be out in the rain.

  12. They tar and feathered him again! If only he hadn’t been stealing the freshly baked pies from Mrs. Weatherby’s window. He knew better than to do that since those pies were for the Sunday dinners at the church. Mrs. Weatherby won’t stop crying. But he, well, he’s just running around town covered in tar and feathers.

  13. My fine feathered friends in the window peck at me even though they can’t get to me. They want to get my attention. To shake me out of my doldrums or my stressful staring at the screen. I should pay more attention.

  14. Her hair feathered in the wind…blowing softly across her face.

    She watched as he walked away; knowing that this would be the last time she saw him. She smiled softly to herself as she turned around and walked into the sunset.

  15. red chickens flying away from the farm to the blue sky. the fly and they fly, as never a chicken has flew. I just watch them and smile.

  16. i think of birds and angels and demons probably influenced by the many comics i read. there was this boy with beautiful feathered wings. i remember his face, so pure and innocent. i wish had wings once. so i could fly away from here, away from my troubles, away from everything else into the vast expanse of the sky.

  17. I imagine a lovely rooster with gorgeous feathers running down his neck. he struts around the coop ruffling his feathers against the crisp air,waiting for the right time to roodle out the morning’s call. all the other lowly chickens envy his beautiful feathered neck unable to realize he is the first one to go on a platter

  18. Hello there, my fine feathered friend. Are you fine on this fabulous day? Freakishly enough, I am too. Friends are few and far between. Fah! You are my fine feathered foe! Fooled me, Fred. Fooled you, Fiona. Far-fetched? Fine. Fear not! And focus.

  19. there is a bird that has feathers and that is what this word reminds me of. the owl is feathered, but bot the tree. what do you think is feathered? what does this freaking word even mean? does anyone really know? what about Harvey? do i know?

  20. my fine feathered frined thought that he was a duck. Lo, the other ducks did not appreciate his bark and his boa was begginning to thin from too much licking. I gingerly stepped over the duck droppings and came closer to the water’s edge to see the remains in the crab trap. Wet chichken parts never appealed to me but obviously the crabs love them. I thought this was to last 60 seconds which is about all the patience I have to continue this saga of misrelated items and poppycock.

  21. to day I was walkin home and as i was walking home out of nowhere a feathered fall out of the sky…

  22. The hair was feathered in such a way that made him look like he was from 1986. His shirt was white and his sneakers were a light pink. His jeans were stonewashed and he wore sunglasses that were too big. Just one problem. Its 2008.

  23. hair that is feathered is so beautiful. it waves out from the head and softens the face. it was popular in the 80s and seemed to make a little bit of a comeback, but now the style is more natural; to let the hair grow on it’s own, unfettered and uncut. perhaps i shouldn’t have gotten dreads.

  24. I believe it’s on page 312 of “House of Leaves”. At least it says so in the Index. It’s also a hairstyle. Heh….seventies much?

    Sam Humenik
  25. feathered. A state where you have wings and can fly anywhere you wish. Feathered by God and given the gift of flight..so you can leave this wretched world of humans and their sinning nature, to be free from all this war, lust, greed, destruction, and hate..

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    Abeera Ahmad
  27. eu quero é mesmo ir daqui para sul andar a navegar no mondego e deixar-me cair no colo do meu algodão doce a coisa mais linda que alguma vez já vi é o meu moranguinho a minha mais que tudo… tão quida

  28. It seems that i couldn’t cope with how silly he made me sound. I was a bit angry a bit, well I’m not sure what the word I’m thinking of is in particular. He seemed to call me names behind my back, but well of course…of course. ummm he couldn’t … he … just… coul…

  29. The boa around her neck tickled. The plastic tiara was crooked and her tu-tu had a small tear. She flipped the feathered wrap back around her throat and giggled. It didn’t matter. She was a princess.

  30. help me fly away
    these feathers are feathered
    confusing my words
    confusing my sight
    leave me to fly
    leave me here blind

  31. the bird felw the coop to the chartcer as the farmer wacthed his last chikcen disapeear. oy he though, there goes breakfast. and dinnner. he thought about his wife and the red wattle as the bluir dissapeared into the sky. wait, why is the chicken flying?

    Douglas Graebner
  32. tarred and feathered, out in the cold and left to shake myself to oblivion. all around me the wings of all the fowl that have been slaughtered and shredded. fluttering now, in the breeze, their former glory. their coat of feathers.

  33. feathered

  34. fluffy wings on a small fragile bird,
    newly born into this cruel world.

  35. so long,
    my bird bones
    are so tired now.

  36. feathered and tarred our fine feathered friends…thank goodness the word wasn’t proud again. people used to have their hair feathered in the 70s…i kind of liked it..farah faucett with feathered hair who doesn’t know that picture

  37. Birds, big feathered birds. You can seem them in the sky, wactching you, waiting for you to do something, anything. They’re impossible to read, those beady little eyes, begging perhaps, mocking, doing something that you have yet to discern. Mayb ehthey just want fed, maybe they have sinsiter motives, but their just birds in the end.

  38. The creatures that can touch the sky. They can fly high and soar above all consciousness. Freedom from all earthly boundaries. Touching the heavens and bringing back a song of rebirth and awareness and meaning.

    Francisca Herrera
  39. MY birds are many feathered. They fly around my head, diving, seeking my shoulder to sit there and while away the hours. My feathered friends are many, 5 to be sure. They are different colored, different types of feathered friends. They are the children of my companion and me. The feathered creatures God created.

  40. robin in tree…thats a lame first thought.I blame my mother for holding me back from my imaginative aspirations…and fuck you too daddy!

