her fingerprint was etched on the window pane and he remembered how she was the only person in the world he loved like he did and how he was scared, scared that she was going to break his heart for the third time. He knew he was worth it, he just didn’t want to let go. He needed her touch, her fingerprint.
her fingerprint was etched on the window pane and he remembered how she was the only person in the world he loved like he did and how he was scared, scared that he was going to break his heart for the third time. He knew he was worth it, he just didn’t want to let go. He needed her touch, her fingerprint.
I left one on everything I touched. It became a problem. I started to feel like I was being followed. Everywhere I went, I was identified.
But then, I finally began to realize that my trace was unique. Leaving me to believe that I am indeed some kind of individual.
everyone’s different, and fingerprints show this I guess.
You’re fingerprints, burnt onto my skin, though now your hand is not in mine, I can still feel your fingerprints where we walked through the park, hand in hand.
I was standing there in the police station waiting to get fingerprinted. It was my first offense but it was a horrible one. Want to find out about it? I know you do. So I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you why I’m getting fingerprinted in a police station.
I don’t have part of my fingerprint anymore because I burnt a part of my finger when I was smoking a cigarette one day. Now its all red and funny looking. I wonder what it will look like if the police ever take my fingerprints. I got them taken when I was little, my mom made us all get it done incase anymore stole us.
prints from your fingers. (obviously) They are left on whatever you touch and can be used to identify you. Crime Scene Investigators use prints found in crime scenes to find their killer.
tip of your finger. if you commit a crime and leave on better watch out. Your fingerprint is how they can identify you.
I did a science projct about thm. they are different every person. i tested different families. this reminds me of pushing daisies when they can’t touch, so they put a glass and they touch each other. so cute. anyway, i got 6th place that year in the SF, i mean who gets that place in a science fair? not me, i’m supoosed to be perfect according to everone.
The room was painted institutional green, the clerk dressed in kakhi. the chair and table of metal with formika surface. She took my fingers and carefully presed them into the ink pad. conscientiously rolling each didgit ove the card and proceeding on to the next one.
The fingerprint through the evidence revealed the most shocking news. Her only first and last love did everything she never expected. He was a mastermind at lying, a mastermind with everything you could possibly think of. But most definitely not the mastermind of love. She walked away with the evidence in her hands with tears streaming down her face. She whispered, “You’ll always be in my heart no matter what.” And walked away dropping the evidence and everything they shared to the ground. And the boy? He just let her go knowing he wouldn’t ever get her back, even though he truly loved her. Nancy
It is a defining feature, like a name, only… more personalized. Something all my own. My identity.
The fingerprint through the evidence revealed the most shocking news. Her only first and last love did everything she never expected. He was a mastermind at lying, a mastermind with everything you could possibly think of. But most definitely not the mastermind of love. She walked away with the evidence in her hands with tears streaming down her face. She whispered, “You’ll always be in my heart no matter what.” And walked away dropping the evidence and everything they shared to the ground. And the boy? He just let her go knowing he wouldn’t ever get her back, even though he truly loved her.
point face stupid freak some little find fault hysteria mother help friend momentum foodball sex ear food nose eye print
point face stupid freak some little find fault hysteria mother help friend momentum foodball sex ear food nose eye print
Fingerprint. Just one, that’s all they needed. I don’t believe he did it, I think They planted it. Why wouldn’t They? But if it was a set-up, was this really the justice they wanted? They never liked him, after all. Not after he sent them that porn video, “God’s Love” – starring their cat and dog.
an ID of a person’s body. No one has the same single finger print, and no one ever will. It is the unmistakable identity of a person, no one can take it away.
The detective dusted crime scene for fingerprints, as detectives are wont to do. The criminal lay on the ground in a pool of blood alongside his victim, presumably his pet dog. In an ironic twist of fate, the dog’s owner had presumably been killed by his own pet after the man foolishly shot the dog while in a drunken stupor.
Pressing my thumb against the enlarged image, I left a fingerprint, marring what was to be the cover of my portfolio. This was disappointing. How is an Exceptional Photographer to make it in a harsh world when his fingerprint is set centered in the middle of a very important print?
The thief was clever enough not to leave his fingerprints anywhere at the crime scene. Though finger prints were not available, moder forensics were able to locate the criminal by other means.
my fingerprint on your skin, my fingerprints on your bed, my fingerprints everywhere. I wish I could take all of them back, but it’s too late, it’s all gone forever.
My fingerprint shows on everything I touch, and everywhere I go.
It defines me, I am unique. It binds me, I am recognisable.
I hide myself with a glove, with a mask;
but still my finger print shows.
unique…individual. like snowflakes, each comes around only once…even twins have different fingerprits–so we see no matter how alike we are, there is some minute difference. fingers, whirls, whorls, lines, personality, identity.
my fingerprint shows on everything I touch, and everywhere I go. It defines me, I am unique. It binds me, I am recognisable. I hide myself with a glove, with a mask; but still my finger print shows.
Her fingerprint was on my soul. It was a mark that would never leave, just as she would never leave me. I wish I could rid myself of the filth now on me, but you can’t lose the dirt of love. You can never be free and clean once it touches you.
my fingerprint shows on everything I touch, and everywhere I go. It defines me, I am unique. It binds me, I am recognisable. I hide myself with a glove, with a mask; but still my finger print shows.
my fingerprint is mine. imagine something it’s impossible for anyone else to have. my fingerprint. does it even say anything about me? for something so unique, what will it tell another human about myself? nothing. i am convinced my fingerprint does not display my life’s tale. it does not tell about summer days spent on 35th street.
elizabeth ashley
a pattern on the tip of your finger
i groggily climbed out of bed, and shambled to the kitchen. with a heavy hand, i opened the fridge door and peered inside with squinted eyes.
my glass full of yesterday’s gin i had been saving for myself was empty. and there was a single, dirty fingerprint on it.
my fingerprint is very unique. not unlike everyone else’s and i am unique. i love the beach and to swim, when i’m in the water for too long, my finger shrivels up along with my fingerprint. it always looks funny when it does this, but who cares, it will go back to normal soon
Daniel Arntz
The sample was sent downtown for fingerprint analysis. All the detectives could do now was wait for the results to be returned to them. Still all three of them felt confident they had the right suspect in mind.
would you please
what is with all the onewords about spying? lol there have been so many of them that seem to be about espionage, it’s making me laugh haha. by the way, fingerprints look funny.
the only poiece of evidence left. so many different ways to interpret. onnly as unique as you think it is.
I saw his fingerprints on my car passenger window and I resented the last conversation we’d had. It was as if to say, “well, I’ll be haunting you forever, no matter what” because he knows how often I clean my car.
He brought his hand up to my face and removed the hair from my eyes.
He wiped his fingerprints from me so the police couldn’t tell it was him that killed me.
He then covered me in a blanket. I looked so peaceful.
He smudged his fingerprints along the top of the paper, ruining all the evidence for the police. As they turned their backs, he quickly escaped into freedom.
her fingerprint was etched on the window pane and he remembered how she was the only person in the world he loved like he did and how he was scared, scared that she was going to break his heart for the third time. He knew he was worth it, he just didn’t want to let go. He needed her touch, her fingerprint.
her fingerprint was etched on the window pane and he remembered how she was the only person in the world he loved like he did and how he was scared, scared that he was going to break his heart for the third time. He knew he was worth it, he just didn’t want to let go. He needed her touch, her fingerprint.
I left one on everything I touched. It became a problem. I started to feel like I was being followed. Everywhere I went, I was identified.
But then, I finally began to realize that my trace was unique. Leaving me to believe that I am indeed some kind of individual.
everyone’s different, and fingerprints show this I guess.
You’re fingerprints, burnt onto my skin, though now your hand is not in mine, I can still feel your fingerprints where we walked through the park, hand in hand.
I was standing there in the police station waiting to get fingerprinted. It was my first offense but it was a horrible one. Want to find out about it? I know you do. So I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you why I’m getting fingerprinted in a police station.
I don’t have part of my fingerprint anymore because I burnt a part of my finger when I was smoking a cigarette one day. Now its all red and funny looking. I wonder what it will look like if the police ever take my fingerprints. I got them taken when I was little, my mom made us all get it done incase anymore stole us.
prints from your fingers. (obviously) They are left on whatever you touch and can be used to identify you. Crime Scene Investigators use prints found in crime scenes to find their killer.
tip of your finger. if you commit a crime and leave on better watch out. Your fingerprint is how they can identify you.
I did a science projct about thm. they are different every person. i tested different families. this reminds me of pushing daisies when they can’t touch, so they put a glass and they touch each other. so cute. anyway, i got 6th place that year in the SF, i mean who gets that place in a science fair? not me, i’m supoosed to be perfect according to everone.
The room was painted institutional green, the clerk dressed in kakhi. the chair and table of metal with formika surface. She took my fingers and carefully presed them into the ink pad. conscientiously rolling each didgit ove the card and proceeding on to the next one.
The fingerprint through the evidence revealed the most shocking news. Her only first and last love did everything she never expected. He was a mastermind at lying, a mastermind with everything you could possibly think of. But most definitely not the mastermind of love. She walked away with the evidence in her hands with tears streaming down her face. She whispered, “You’ll always be in my heart no matter what.” And walked away dropping the evidence and everything they shared to the ground. And the boy? He just let her go knowing he wouldn’t ever get her back, even though he truly loved her. Nancy
It is a defining feature, like a name, only… more personalized. Something all my own. My identity.
The fingerprint through the evidence revealed the most shocking news. Her only first and last love did everything she never expected. He was a mastermind at lying, a mastermind with everything you could possibly think of. But most definitely not the mastermind of love. She walked away with the evidence in her hands with tears streaming down her face. She whispered, “You’ll always be in my heart no matter what.” And walked away dropping the evidence and everything they shared to the ground. And the boy? He just let her go knowing he wouldn’t ever get her back, even though he truly loved her.
point face stupid freak some little find fault hysteria mother help friend momentum foodball sex ear food nose eye print
point face stupid freak some little find fault hysteria mother help friend momentum foodball sex ear food nose eye print
Fingerprint. Just one, that’s all they needed. I don’t believe he did it, I think They planted it. Why wouldn’t They? But if it was a set-up, was this really the justice they wanted? They never liked him, after all. Not after he sent them that porn video, “God’s Love” – starring their cat and dog.
an ID of a person’s body. No one has the same single finger print, and no one ever will. It is the unmistakable identity of a person, no one can take it away.
The detective dusted crime scene for fingerprints, as detectives are wont to do. The criminal lay on the ground in a pool of blood alongside his victim, presumably his pet dog. In an ironic twist of fate, the dog’s owner had presumably been killed by his own pet after the man foolishly shot the dog while in a drunken stupor.
Pressing my thumb against the enlarged image, I left a fingerprint, marring what was to be the cover of my portfolio. This was disappointing. How is an Exceptional Photographer to make it in a harsh world when his fingerprint is set centered in the middle of a very important print?
The thief was clever enough not to leave his fingerprints anywhere at the crime scene. Though finger prints were not available, moder forensics were able to locate the criminal by other means.
my fingerprint on your skin, my fingerprints on your bed, my fingerprints everywhere. I wish I could take all of them back, but it’s too late, it’s all gone forever.
samsung. dirty.
identity. split.
lines. broken.
heart broken.
My fingerprint shows on everything I touch, and everywhere I go.
It defines me, I am unique. It binds me, I am recognisable.
I hide myself with a glove, with a mask;
but still my finger print shows.
unique…individual. like snowflakes, each comes around only once…even twins have different fingerprits–so we see no matter how alike we are, there is some minute difference. fingers, whirls, whorls, lines, personality, identity.
my fingerprint shows on everything I touch, and everywhere I go. It defines me, I am unique. It binds me, I am recognisable. I hide myself with a glove, with a mask; but still my finger print shows.
Her fingerprint was on my soul. It was a mark that would never leave, just as she would never leave me. I wish I could rid myself of the filth now on me, but you can’t lose the dirt of love. You can never be free and clean once it touches you.
my fingerprint shows on everything I touch, and everywhere I go. It defines me, I am unique. It binds me, I am recognisable. I hide myself with a glove, with a mask; but still my finger print shows.
my fingerprint is mine. imagine something it’s impossible for anyone else to have. my fingerprint. does it even say anything about me? for something so unique, what will it tell another human about myself? nothing. i am convinced my fingerprint does not display my life’s tale. it does not tell about summer days spent on 35th street.
a pattern on the tip of your finger
i groggily climbed out of bed, and shambled to the kitchen. with a heavy hand, i opened the fridge door and peered inside with squinted eyes.
my glass full of yesterday’s gin i had been saving for myself was empty. and there was a single, dirty fingerprint on it.
my fingerprint is very unique. not unlike everyone else’s and i am unique. i love the beach and to swim, when i’m in the water for too long, my finger shrivels up along with my fingerprint. it always looks funny when it does this, but who cares, it will go back to normal soon
The sample was sent downtown for fingerprint analysis. All the detectives could do now was wait for the results to be returned to them. Still all three of them felt confident they had the right suspect in mind.
would you please
what is with all the onewords about spying? lol there have been so many of them that seem to be about espionage, it’s making me laugh haha. by the way, fingerprints look funny.
csi. unique, criminals, babies, swirls, messy, gloves,
the only poiece of evidence left. so many different ways to interpret. onnly as unique as you think it is.
I saw his fingerprints on my car passenger window and I resented the last conversation we’d had. It was as if to say, “well, I’ll be haunting you forever, no matter what” because he knows how often I clean my car.
He brought his hand up to my face and removed the hair from my eyes.
He wiped his fingerprints from me so the police couldn’t tell it was him that killed me.
He then covered me in a blanket. I looked so peaceful.
He smudged his fingerprints along the top of the paper, ruining all the evidence for the police. As they turned their backs, he quickly escaped into freedom.