
January 8th, 2009 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “finite”

  1. the universe is infinite. The mind is infinite. Love is infinite. So what then, is finite? What isn’t so abstract or so unknown as to be labeled simply finite? Maybe a box of cheerios, that is finite enough.

    Jess Normadeau
  2. bald little man in the tiniest box on the highest shelf in the most forgotten closet. He’s very happy typing away on his shabby typewriter, there in the dark. He knows what he is writing but if anyone were to look in, they wouldn’t. Only he knows what is written, and no one can see it. Dusty glasses reveal nothing, the darkness within the box comforting.

  3. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

    NOTHING is finite but that.

  4. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

    NOTHING is finite but that.

  5. The end of the beginning of the end. The lid of the cup that holds everything. Nothing beyond that matters because it can’t be reached. The limit that can… crack and splinter. Push… just a little more… spiderwebs growing…

  6. When she sleeps, her face is peaceful and unanimated. The freckles have settled like dust on her skin, to lay sleeping as she dreams. In the morning, when she wakes, they will be animated; jumping back and forth. But now, in the evening glow, the freckles are finite, countable. I can see them and know how many there are, each one a tiny wish.

  7. Nothing in this world is finite but death.
    Even death is not finite as we do not know what the afterlife beholds.

    So until then we must live without fear.

  8. Tomorrow I will no longer be finite. Yesterday I was infinite. Today? Well, today I’m just mortal.

    Haley Kooyman
  9. finite means the opposite of infinite. I had this word in tenth grade as a vocabulary word and I pronounced fin-it…luckily no one ever knew that I didn’t know how to pronounce it. I think a lot of things in the world are finite…like, my time and my resources. I have a finite amount of patience for people, even though I tend to think of myself as a patient person. I also have a finite amount of times that I can see the same movie in a certain amount of time (usually I can’t watch a movie more than 3 or 4 times in one year), or eat the same food in a given week. I have a finite amount of words that I can use to describe finite also…

  10. as my hand writes this I’m not really sure how it will finish but it really doesn’t matter because in the end we are all finite. Like a rubber gypsy in a bottle. We float out to sea with nothing in our hands but a fist full of prozac and our dreams

  11. Finity is nothing more than an artificial limit. Reality is infinite, nothing less. Only man is finite.

    James Colemann
  12. everything. physics. me. world. word. gizem. dontstand in my way. i am coming to you. please keep me in your hand and heart. miss me cause i miss you.

  13. fintie is endless goes on forever doesnt end just keeps on going into abyss of time space and all totallity of matter known to mankind in the univrse

  14. finite means things that end
    hehe all right i want to go home right now cause you know school is well… you know boring to me cause…you know too easy for me like…two times two is four and two plus two is four IT’S SO EASY! you know? i just want no school,stay at home and play my laptop all day you know…life would be much better without school well its time for me to go…maybe…i hope you have a great day! =] or… =)

  15. the ocean is infinite, but life is finite. nothing is definite. finis!

  16. done. over. finite. that’s what we are. we loved each other once. i think. but now all that’s left are awkward hugs and lulls in conversations. maybe it was lust we felt not love. oh well. goodbye.

    kat the great
  17. Why be settled with just finite possibilities when there are infinite ones?

  18. “Finite” he said, with a wave of his wand.

    It was the last step to the recreation of the world. He was just finishing up what would become one of the biggest and best masterpieces in the universe, something that would over shadow all.

    He had finished creating life.

    He was now God. The one with the Doll House to play in.

  19. There is no end… it s all in the mind. The on ly limit is on the tim eI have to type this… with a keyboard layout I don’t know very well… Damn. This could hve been so much better on a qwerty keyboard, but instead I’m stuck with azerty…

    Rhynn Collins
  20. i am stupid mindless. useless. i guess noone love me:/ i am alone. and still have hope
    i dont get how i am feeling:S:SS:S i dont need anyone or i cant live alone thats life boring

  21. reminds me of math because of its connotation, but if i take away the word and keep the meaning it reminds me of life. scary, sometimes, but other times it’s reassuring. i don’t know exactly why.

    grace h
  22. it’s how life is. it’s how everything is. it is the end of things. when i run out of things like thought that remind me of finite. finite is not enough and just enough


  24. Many things are finite. The universe is not. This is because God created it.
    I love my God and he loves me. this is what keeps me going throughout the day. i believe in heaven and hell. and i believe everyone should. i don’t understand why people can’t just leave me to have my faith in peace. hopefully they’ll all die someday.

  25. there were a finite number of ways for the story to end. Mona could die and her fake father could run back to his real family. Mona could kill julia and preten to be her. the boyfriend could get it all.

  26. it’s something small that you can hold in the palm of your hand. it’s something that ends. it’s something that holds you back but that’s okay because you don’t want to go forever anyhow. it’s something you can see and touch and be a part of. it’s real.

  27. Write creates one creative moment in one’s mind. Mind is infinite. Writing creates infinity.

  28. Finite endevors. An amazing boulder problem hidden away on a rough plateu in Rocky Mountain National park. An amazing area that makes you feel as though you are lost in the wilderness.

  29. I always thought that I’d live forever. But now it’s all over. Done. Finished. Finite. No light at the end of the tunnel. No dark and burning hell either. Just the end of it. It came as a surprise though.

  30. Luckily for writers, words are an infinite possibility. They express our ideas and hopes and dreams. Words to be used to inform, reprimand or give comfort to others. They can say “I Love You” in all languages. Don’t you just love words?

  31. the finest finite is fine

  32. the world is a finite. human stupidity is not finite. Depression is finite. Happiness is infinite. The concept of logic evolving around finite processes is the worst mistake psychologists have made till now. Come on, finite logic. Man kind has no limit.

    Archihca Fucka
  33. I think that with the finite amount of time we have in the worl, we have better things to do than worry about things we have no control over. As they say, don’t sweat the small stuff. Little things matter not, it’s all about love and friends and family.

  34. ended.

    over, done with.


    it’s gone. just gone.

    missing people, missing pieces, missing things, missing love, missing them, their missing hearts.

    missing souls, all finished with their lives.

    they’re lost.


  35. n this world there are too many people who perceive things as completely finite. we would benefit from a little ambiguity every now and then. there is truth and beauty in the complex.

  36. finite. Italian, similar to fragile. only smaller. I hope to someday find something so precious and finite among the crystals of sand when I look down as I walk on the beach. I hope. My hope is finite.

  37. my feelings for you. the big bold brassy crazy complicated open expansive ones. they have a shelf life. there is an expiration date. their days are numbered. some time soon, when i have gone through all i need to go through within this experience, the ouch will end and i will simply love you without loving you. i look forward to that.

  38. There are a finite number of resources on this planet and until we discover another planet to take our resources from, we need to protect this one. It is our duty.

  39. definitive and singular. There is no going back. This is it.

  40. be careful of wishes, the halos are spinning on heads of angels, at angles so agile a finite stretch to heaven’s infinite return, pulsing with a love lost and found and embraced
